During the onset of another gout attack, I started doing some research on gout on the internet and came across an article on the use of lime juice. I went to the store and purchased 15 oz bottle of lime juice and in a week my gout was gone and within two weeks I could actually bend my big toe again.
I've been drinking the lime juice ever since and am now 56 years old and I have had only one minor attack which wasn't nearly like the attacks before. I take the lime juice two to three times a day in a 16 oz glass of water each time. I only squirt enough of the lime juice to make the water cloudy and the bottle lasts me a week. So for a couple of bucks a week it's worth including in my diet. I always drink water any way and now my water is flavored.
1. Lemon Juice
Gout is a build up of too much acid in the body. Therefore the body's pH level must be neutralized by adding alkaline to the body. This is best achieved by drinking the juice of a fresh lemon. Lemons are 20% acid, 80% alkaline. I just take the juice of a whole lemon, mix it with warm water in a tumbler and down it through a straw. Doing this first thing in the morning on a empty stomach also helps cleanse the kidneys which is linked to other gout related problems.
2. Cherries
Prior to taking lemon juice every day, if I felt a gout attack coming on, I would go and buy a kilo of cherries and gradually munch on them for a few hours. Cherries are a natural anti-inflammatory.
3. Diet and Exercise
While the first two points are excellent treatments, a healthy balanced diet and exercising 3 times a week for 45 minutes is core to preventing gout from occurring in the first place.
Fad diets are rubbish. Dieting is pretty simple. It's pretty obvious what's healthy and not:
Things that grow out the ground and that are natural = good. Things in colourful packets with loads of e-numbers and weird looking animations promoting them = bad.
Moderation is the key.