2 User Reviews
I had hplyori which turned into chronic gastritis and candidias, where the stomach lining has been eaten up. I tried all kinds of herbs ( from mastic gum to oregano oil) to heal the burning but it seem like something is still hanging on and doesn't want to let go.
Everything I eat burns and is uncomfortable. My symptoms vary each day; from constipation, weak bones and legs, ear ringing/aches, heart palpations, bloated stomach, gerds and a host of other GI issues. I'm not sure where to start to solve these problems. I been to several doctors and was given PPI medicines but with no success. It's been 4 years now without any relief.
How do I get the acid down and what protocol to follow to put my body back on the right track. I looked at other people's method but each person's body chemistry is different. How do I build my ph level and stomach lining I order to sooth the pain. I have high blood pressure and clorestrol, afraid to try baking soda. I find that my body is sensitive to milk and other foods and that's why I know that bacterial is still in my body and it's hard to get rid of. Can someone guide me. Where do I start and what protocol should I follow in ridding my body of this bacterial and healing the stomach. Is there a certain herb that can kill any bacterial and heal the leaky gut that's plaguing my body.
if there is a method to use. How much should be taken and for how long?
Thank you
Deb: This looks exactly like insufficient bile flow from a constipated gallbladder/gallstones.
Read post of gall problems and find a cleanse (mild or 3 day clean all) and this should fix you up; and afterwards need to also do a colon cleanse.
Multiple Remedies
from the state of Texas where over 25% of it population is not insured.