You are right about a raw food diet; it does work! I did this for a week many years ago and I looked incredibly younger, seeing a difference after only 4 days. People thought I was my husband's daughter. But, it was soooo hard to maintain alone and with my low iron problems. My body craves a little protein and feels great when it gets it without grains or milk, my nemeses.
Interestingly, I once did a 30 day fresh carrot and veggie juice fast before a birthday; it was enlightening. I had to take an enema every other day as the bowel system functions less during this time. After the 3rd day I was not hungry and became committed to the full 30 days. BUT, around the 21st day - OH MY GOODNESS - I had an overwhelming desire to hit the toilet and the black tar that came out of ME for 20 straight minutes was astounding. I had NO idea how clogged and rimmed my colon had become with years of viscous, putrid, tarry offal. It wasn't pretty and it smell to high heaven; my husband opened all the windows. Afterwards, I had this overwhelming sense of spiritual lightness and a desire to finally eat. Elated, I goofed and ate pizza! Go Figure an Idiot! That cleansing experience was a wake up call that I ignored. So now, with diabetes dogging me I am committed to getting this body to a place it has always wanted to be. I totally get it that on this planet it is the ONLY thing that is truly MINE. It is the temple that houses ME and I've kept it very unclean and I reflect this. Well, enough is enough. As a friend once said, "Cat, we're not 16 anymore and our bodies are telling us this every day. We gotta listen." Sooooo, I'm listing now and I've made my body a LIFE PROMISE and I'm getting it together. THANKS BODY for waiting on me. :)
Raw Food Diet
Raw Food Diet