Fountain of Youth Remedies
Health Benefits

Fountain of Youth and Anti-Aging Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Flaxseed Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Marilyn (Snellville, GA) on 07/11/2007

At 52 my skin looks great - very few wrinkles - and I am reluctant to admit it - I'm a sun worshipper. I have taken 2 tbs of flaxseed oil a day for years and I also use it with any cheap face lotion. I rub in (currently) Suave lotion with a small amount (dime size) of flaxseed oil. Could be genetics - but what the heck - flaxseed is still good for you.

Foot and Calf Massage

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Posted by Shirley (Mid, MO) on 07/31/2007

re: Fountain of Youth Fomula feet massage. I've been taking cold showers for about 4 months now and I have always applied virgin coconut oil all over, after blotting myself dry. I love the softness of my skin using this oil.

I also had the dry flaky feet. The first thing I used for that condition was a product called Feet Relief. It cleared it up after the first application and that was great, but it's so expensive to keep buying, so I decided to try the coconut oil to see if it would keep my feet soft as it does on my body and it's been great. I have been using it the same as you all are saying here. I first massage it on, wait a few minutes for my skin to absorb the oil and put on clean white socks. Your remedy is right on. No more dry flaky feet on me. I love this oil! Since I read this post, I'm going to try the foot massage with the tennis ball. I can't wait to see how that feels. It does sound great. Thanks to everyone that posts for all the great ideas for a healthy life.

Foot and Calf Massage
Posted by Nicole (Newcastle, Australia) on 06/07/2007

I came across the comment about massaging your feet at night with coconut oil and decided to give it a try, while also using the coconut oil nightly on my face. I noticed straight away on the first morning after doing this that the coconut oil had dried and shrunk the few blemishes I had on my face. It had also left my skin feeling lovely and smooth. The dark circles under my eyes hadn't disappeared but I felt that they were a bit lighter. After the second night of this routine the circles seemed lighter again. On the third evening I was too tired to bother with massaging the oil into my feet, so I just used it on my face- the next morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror those dark circles had almost completely disappeared! Thank you so much for this wonderful site. It's already been more helpful than years worth of expensive creams,lotions and potions filled with nasty chemicals :-)

EC: Yep, we got lazy on the third night too.

Foot and Calf Massage
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta, GA) on 06/03/2007

Massaging the Feet and Calves with Coconut Oil:

One night last week we started massaging coconut oil onto our feet at night to treat severely cracked heals. We ended up using the extra coconut oil on the calves as well. The next morning we awoke feeling very refreshed ... looked in the mirror and noticed improved skin tone, tighter pores and no dark circles under the eyes! Several more nights of massaging coconut oil... yep, same results. We also did the technique in the middle of the day and found that concentration improved markedly. This technique is obviously fantastic for improving circulation to every part of the body, including the face and brain!

You'll Need:
Coconut Oil (organic if you can find it)
Clean Cotton Socks

The technique: Sit on the floor with a towel spread out in front of you. Stretch one leg out onto the towel and start applying and then massaging the bottom of the feet with coconut oil... Reapply the coconut oil several times. Make sure to apply firm pressure to each part of the foot. Also massage your calves as vigorously as you can using one or both hands. Position your hand so that your thumb wraps around the calf. You are trying to improve the circulation in both the feet and calves, so try to apply as much pressure as possible without causing pain. We suggest you massage each foot and calf muscle for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Once finished with the massage, use the towel to dab any excess oil off and then put your cotton socks on immediately. The oil can get onto fabric, carpeting and wood floors!

Note 1: Get a reflexology book if you want to learn exactly what points of the body you are stimulating by massaging the bottom of the feet.

Note 2: If your feet are severely cracked, try adding 100% shea butter after an application of coconut oil.

Note 3: Be careful not to drip the coconut oil on your floor or carpeting as you apply it.

Fruit and Vegetable Juicing

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Ray (South London)

Fruit or veg juice every morning helps to keep skin looking fresh. To exfoliate, honey and fine cornmeal mixed together remove the ashy layers -use all over the body, the honey soothes and heals skin. Eating proteins and carbs separately ( each with veg). The body is able to digest the food better making proper use of the nutrients - this is shown in the skin for more info look up the word Trophology

Fruits and Veggies

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Posted by Shala (Ashburn,VA) on 01/11/2006

I am 30 years old, but most of my friends ask me if I am still in High school. I have 2 kids, one is 6 years old and the other is 4 years, but I still look like a girl. I was not like this before, but after I started adding lot fruits and vegg to my lunch and dinner and eating in a timely manner, I lost almost 20 pounds in 6 months, and that didn't affect my glow, I usually see people loosing weight lose their natural glow in skin, But not me, as a matter of fact it improved my glow drastically....I even stopped eating non-veg and fatty foods. Trust me, it works like miracle...u too try... I never ever use any any cream or anything to my face, except for a regular daily moisturizer any brand with no grease in it.

Replied by B
(Celebration, FL)

re: Fruits and Veggies for Beautiful Skin. I agree! I have been veg for most of my life. I am 38 and looked 29. When I eliminated dairy from my diet too, I started to look even younger (say 25). Now I get carded all the time!


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Hector Villanueva (Lancaster, Ca) on 10/17/2008

I was told by a friend that his father was and has been taking Garlic though diffrent methods,. Chewing, leaving garlic in Honey then after months of fermenting would give it to his kids instead of cough medicine, He also leaves the Garlic in Tequila for months and each night before bed he takes a shot. He's 81 years old, rides a bicyle and has a girlfriend who is 34 years old and is now pregnant.. I have personally along with my friends and family have been taking Raw Garlic for over 5 years and I havent gotten sick.

Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

Garlic slows down cell production and enhances the immune system.. Thins the blood and is full of antioxidents.. In a male it can slow the production of sperm, making breeding difficult. If you are going to have surgery knock it off a couple of weeks before, or you might need tranfusions... Apart from those minor concerns, I've been taking it on and off for years and at 64 havent a line on my face... If anyone can get hold of the first edition of Omni magazine.. It has a raft of anti ageing tips.. One of the best was fractionated dna.. Left behind at the bottom of the brewing vessel and usually discarded.. This is about the only source of fractionated dna for stiching breaks in the dna sequence. It can apparently be made into biscuits. Basically it's broken and dead yeast cells. Well worth a bit of research!

Replied by T.J.
(Jacksonville, Florida)

Posted by Douglas (Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A.) on 03/03/2008

I'm 41 and people think I'm in my mid twenties, really.

I started using natural health remedies when I was about 12, probably younger. I learned about them from my grandmother who seems to have a kitchen antidote for all my summer ailments of fever, cold, nerve tonic; she even burned her own natural repellents.

I consider myself self- taught, and garlic is something I think no one should be without.

My studies over the years has lead me back to garlic everytime I treat an ailment for myself or recommend to someone else. From the common cold to prostate problems to longevity.

What makes garlic uniques is that it increases the potency of whatever you combine it with. For example if you take a multivitamin that has 500mg of vitamin B1, taken with garlic the potency of B1 will increase 5 to 10 times 500mg. It is the case with other essentials.

Currently, I'm taking garlic (including my multi) for a concussion after a nasty winter ice fall. Of course, I went to the hospital for treatment, nothing broken or torn, yet the pain and damage at the cellular level which doesn't show up on an X-ray, I know is there because of the dizzy spells and aches and pains I'm experiencing.

I know I need rest, water and garlic, for now.

Replied by Xara
(London, UK)

An absolutely delicious remedy, that revs up the immune system, cancer fighting, higly protective of the cardiovascular system and is antiaging and incredibly nutricious and will impress at the dinner table:

Middle Eastern avocado dip:

take two/three garlic cloves, crush them to a pulp and allow to sit for 15 mins.
Mash up 2 large ripe avocados
add the minced garlic, two table spoons EV Olive Oil, tablespoon Tahini (optional) and two table spoons ACV and himalayan crystal salt to taste.

this can accompany a meal, or just dip into with toasted wholemeal pitta bread and raw sliced onions.

try it, IT TASTES DIVINE!!!!!!

Replied by Mark
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Garlic is not for everyone. It's also an irritant and can be toxic. It kills brain cells according to the late Bob Beck that invented the Silver Pulse and Beck Protocol.

He said that many, many years ago the airforce would not let pilots fly after eating it because it killed brain cells.

I know personally I can't stand the stuff. It will inhibit my digestion, and make me burp all night long and give me horrible breath. I have to use it very sparingly and be careful. I'm not allergic to my knowledge.

I never have thought it was as great as people say it is. So many better things for fighing viruses and infections without the negative effects of Garlic.

Like Collodial Silver, Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil, ACV, Olive Leaf Extract and the list goes on and one. It would be my last choice.

Replied by Emi

This was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Garlic does not kill brain cells, however, it does lower blood pressure and can make you doze off which is why pilots don't use it just before the flight.Geez

Replied by Mia
(Lyngby, Denmark)

Garlic is an absolute life saver for prostate cancer!

My father who is in his eighties, takes it ( crushed ) mixed with one spoonful of yoghurt every single night. He also goes for a daily walk and has plenty of rest. His memory is phenomenal. His mother died after suffering for nearly two decades from Alzheimer's.

God, Cod Liver Oil, Garlic

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5 star (1) 

Posted by CA (PD) on 02/25/2007

This is not my personal remedy, but from a lady that is over 100 years old. She says she has lived so long because of her faith in God, 1 tsp of cod liver oil a day, and a clove of garlic swallowed whole a day. She said it must be swallowed whole so that you don't get the garlic smell in your mouth or skin. I haven't tried that part yet, but the cod liver oil makes me feel better.

Goji Juice

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Posted by Marie (Cold Springs, NV) on 02/15/2008

I take a number of different natural products to stay healthy.

I'm a grandma in my mid 40s and have the energy to keep up with my 2 year old grandson. People always mistake him as my own.
They also mistake my son for my brother.

My husband and I both drink Goji juice. We've been taking 2-4 ounces 2-3 times a day.

It has helped in several ways. My blood pressure was a little high, at the borderline level. It is now down well within normal.

I've discovered that the flexibility in my neck and legs has improved.

I sleep more soundly (and my dreams are much more colorful and strange, heh).

The best results I've seen however have been in my complexion. It has cleared up a lot of my adult acne and my skin is healthier. I LOOK YOUNGER!

My husband and I often meet couples younger than us ... who believe we are younger than they are.

I have actually been called "Miss" lately!!

Good Attitude

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Vina (Calgary, Canada) on 02/27/2007

Fountain of Youth I'm always being told I look younger than I am or I haven't changed over the years. I just met an old male friend at the funeral of his sister. He looked at me all dreamy eyed and said you haven't changed at all and shook his head. My daughter looked at this guy after he turned around and said, hmmm I can see he cares for you. He heard her and said yes, I still do. I don't think I stopped smiling that day. I know my friend would have to a chuckle out of that one. I moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and keep a very positive attitude. I'm serious if I meet negative people and can't lift them up, baby I'm gone, I don't have any time for negativity. I don't like these two words (I can't) Keep them out of your vocabulary and move on and do the things you want to do. I'm blessed with very good skin, but you can look young even with wrinkles as long as your attitude is vibrant and young. No one will notice the wrinkles, they notice the life in you. Give God all the glory and you will certainly have a wonderful story.

Replied by Sandy
(Abilene, Tx)

AMEN... I have always thought that no matter what if you surround yourself with positive people life is so much richer.. I may not have lots of money but I find the pretty things in people and life when asked why I am so shipper in the morning I tell them I woke up and it's going to be sunny in my world no matter what. Oh, yeah and always smile, wrinkles or not. My kids can attest to the leave I can't outside the door I have no room for that.

Good Oils Diet, Choline and Inositol Supplements

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Posted by Tom (Park Ridge) on 10/14/2006

I eat foods high in good oils. Also I have very low stress. Additionally, I take choline/inositol supplements. 43 years old but people think I'm in my mid thirties, even though I'm 30 lbs overweight!

H2O2, ACV, Vitamin E

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Posted by Eric (Chicago, IL) on 01/24/2006

After trying expensive french creams and bio engineered products I've just discovered home remedies on this website and I am grateful for the money savings and the new vitality!

What I use:

3% hydrogen peroxide - this is a great toner, but be careful not to get on your hair/eyebrows as it can lighten your hair color. Otherwise, works wonders on mild acne.

Apple Cider Vinegar - drunk twice a day has helped my energy and complexion. It has also helps me keep lean and slim.

Vitamin E oil - applied to soften rough patches of skin and on hands. Adds a youthful glow and lightens dark spots. Works great.

Last and not least: drink as much water as you can take. Not all at once...throughout the day and with meals.

I am 26 and often get carded when people don't believe I'm over 21. This could work for you too!

Replied by Charlotte

No offense, but 26 means NOTHING. I'm 30 and I wasted most of my 20's as a heavy smoker and drinker, and I still get carded. Plain old genetics can keep people looking young for quite a while! My great-great-grandmother is still alive.

Sure, I'd like to undo the damage I've done, that's why I'm here, but I wouldn't dream of being so naive as to assume I have the key for "how to stay young"! As far as I can tell, it's "drink far too much and smoke a pack a day while attending metal shows all night"...and I strongly suspect that this is not correct!

Hemp Milk

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Posted by Michelle (Stamford, CT) on 08/30/2007

Another alternative to using soy or milk in the Fountain of Youth recipe is hemp milk. I tried this a couple of nights ago and enjoyed it so much that I'd like to share it here. Hemp is high in protein and the EFAs Omega 3 and 6.

In a small pot combine and heat to warm (do not boil):
3 ounces hemp milk
3 ounces water
1 tbl molasses

Stir till molasses melts, and once mixture gets thoroughly heated, sprinkle cinnamon to taste. No extra sweetener is needed.

Hyaluronic Acid

Posted by Alfred (Ransit, Thailand) on 10/26/2009

i am reading a book title"How to Live 100yrs Without Growing Old" hyaluronic Acid.. good for the joints that are damaged.. fills them in like a putty.. reverses the ageing process.. the joints become functional.. Its also good for our skin.. I was told that a man had to walk with a stroller.. one leg one inch higher than the other.. within 5 stroller necessary.. man could walk 7 run...were can i buy?

thanks for your time

Alfred Baron
only 82 yrs young

EC: It's easily found in health food stores here in the USA. Not sure about Thailand, will forward to Ted.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Hyaluronic Acid I usually purchase over the internet. The common ones is from puritan's pride that I am aware of.

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