Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Nanyunja (Kampala, Uganda) on 04/20/2011

Hello I was wondering if sliced garlic when swallowed work! Thanks

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 04/21/2011

Absolutely! In fact, taking it that way yields the most benefits. Chop up a clove (but be sure to let it sit for about 10 min's after chopping), put it on a spoon and swallow/wash down with plenty of water.

Posted by Heidi (Saint Louis, Missouri, Usa) on 02/25/2011

I have been cutting up a clove of garlic and adding it to hot water, drinking it before bed. This is the first year (knock on wood) that I have not gotten sinus, cold, or flu. Not sure if it is the garlic, but I'm not going to stop drinking it. I do this a few times a week.

Sore Throats
Posted by Jrod (Boston, Ma - Massachusetts) on 11/19/2012

I get strep every year. heres what works for me. Mix this well:

1 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp cayene pepper
4 crushed or microplaned cloves of garlic.
take 1/2 tsp for every waking hour.

Don't wash down with water, tea, etc. Honey helps to suspend garlic in affected area. Cayene helps to bring blood to area to get immune system going. cured in 2 days- true story

Garlic Side Effects
Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Md, Usa) on 12/15/2010

Garlic side effects
The same thing that happened to Lin from QLD, Australia happened to me. I got horrific blisters on my toes from eating 3 raw cloves of garlic. It took a long time to cure. But, the most important thing is that I realized that the blisters were a manifestation of my candida, as the garlic is a fungicide that attacks the yeast inside the body. The problem is not the garlic, but starting with garlic at such a high dose that the body cannot handle the toxins that emanate when the garlic kills the yeast. Start slow and increase gradually.

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Izzy (St. Louis, Mo, United States) on 10/08/2010

What is the best way to take it? I tried chewing it but dear gawd it burn like hell, so I was thinking about just chopping it up and letting it sit so that the good stuff has time to form then just mixing it with either honey or olive oil and swallowing it like a pill! Any suggestions?

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by Drugfree (Trenton, Nj, USA) on 12/21/2009

just 2 days ago i was in pain all day long. it was keeping me up all night. even advil wasn't working. had 4 fillings done at the dentist and even a month later i couldn't drink cold drinks because it would hurt right away and i couldn't drink juice without brushing right away because it would hurt really bad 30 minutes later. noticed a bubble on my gums. found out it was an abscess. started researching tooth abscesses. while searching the web found earthclinic which helped me before with hypothyroidism, for that i used coconut oil. noticed that garlic really works for infected teeth and abscesses. at first i just rubbed half a clove of raw garlic sliced in half on the abscess. didn't really help. so i chewed 1/4 clove of garlic and let the garlic juice sit on the infected area for at least 10 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes. by the 3rd night all the pain was gone. now i can drink cold juice without the pain like before although if i do drink cold juice and don't brush its still a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 for pain. thanks to everyone who posted their testimonials. can get back to my life now. earthclinic is a real lifesaver.

Garlic Side Effects
Posted by Lin (Qld, Australia) on 08/18/2009

Reading the benefits of garlic and with winter ailments around I bought a bag of garlic and added crushed 1/2 a garlic in our family meals, (in our meat or potato etc)
After 4 days of garlic in our meals my stomach continued to worsen with bloating, gurgling and upset stomach until a dose of diarreah. I felt very ill and am not game to touch it again. Within two days I was back to normal but wonder if I'm allergic to it. None of my family reacted at all. Perhaps this is a cleansing thing but I have my doubts as previously after taking high potency garlic capsules for a week or two my hands break out in red itchy blisters, especially between the fingers and eventually clears up after I stop using them. Should I keep clear of Garlic?? I tried the hydrogen peroxide therapy and it had no side effects.

Garlic Tea
Posted by Ermila (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 06/16/2009


I was suffering from fever and flu, the Company Doctor prescribe medecine and anti biotic. All the medecine had been finished and yet my fever haven't gone, and worst of all i also suffer from tonsilitis.

I've been a regular reader of Earth Clinic and try this garlic soup 'walla' the fever is gone and so with the tonsil ache. Whenever my kids suffer from sorethroat, this is the best remedY.

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Charlynne (Fresno, CA) on 06/05/2009

I've read that when you eat raw garlic you should mince it up and swallow with 1 tblsp of olive oil. Reason being the olive oil has benefits also and when you swallow the garlic by itself some kind of acid in the saliva that kills the allicin in the garlic which is the sole benefit for eating it. And it also fights of yeast infection.

Fresh Garlic vs. Garlic Supplements
Posted by Bonnie (Ulysses, Kansas) on 05/16/2009

Just wanted to advise everyone that garlic should be sliced quickly and into your system within 30 seconds if possible. When garlic is sliced, it releases the healing properties and if not taken soon, it gradually loses its healing power. I have found it to relieve a toothache!

I first learned about garlic when I found that I had blood-poisoning one evening as I was getting ready for bed. I had to be at work early the next morning (on a Saturday) and going to the emergency room was out of the question as I worked as a rural mail carrier. I had recently bought a book on alternative healing, so looked for a solution to blood poisoning. It advised to take one clove of garlic and stated that one clove of garlic will cleanse the body's blood supply in a matter of hours! This herb is truly a gift from God!

Fresh Garlic vs. Garlic Supplements
Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 05/17/2009

Actually, letting garlic sit for 10 minutes after slicing or mincing will maximize the beneficial compounds. You can find numerous references to this via Google (try "let garlic sit" as the search string).

Fresh Garlic vs. Garlic Supplements
Posted by Karen (Randolph, Nj) on 03/28/2010

Response to Sami:

I am a former certified food safety manager - we were always warned about garlic kept in this way, especially at room temperature. This is a dangerous practice - garlic kept in this way be liable to botulism and clostridium. Old fashioned restaurant and pizzerias sometimes keep a pot near the stove or steam table this way - food stores sell it this way now, too, but don't be complacent. It's easily contaminated.

Posted by Merchant Ship (San Antonio, Texas) on 05/02/2009

Several years ago I was suffering from sarcoidosis, which is an auto immune disease that attacks soft tissue organs, usually lungs or skin. After a year of suffering from a dry cough that left me with bloodshot eyes and sore ribs on a consistant basis, I was finally diagnosed at Mayo. A year and half on prednisone rendered it inactive, but I was given a couple of inhalers that I was suppose to be on indefinitely. A friend had just heard about MSM and gave me a cassette tape explaining the research and treatment that had been done with racehorses. I tried it in pill form, but only noticed a slight change. It was when I found the powdered pharmaceutical grade that changed my lung health forever. It came in a 4 oz. bottle for $24.00, yikes! I took 1/2 a tsp. mixed in OJ morning and night. It needs vitamin C to absorb into the cells so make sure to take it with carrot or citris juice. It is very bitter and if you don't stir it well you will get a MSM sludge at the end. Within 2 weeks my lung capacity improved and I quit the inhalers. I continued consistant use for about a year. I have used food grade and animal grade (for horses from the feed store) and as long as it is 100% pure MSM it works for me. Now I just throw it in smoothies or take it when I start to wease. It's great for arthritis, bursitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia too. Hope this helps:)

Sore Throats
Posted by Susan (London) on 07/05/2012

I'm drinking garlic tea, tonight I have a bit of running nose n a cough, annoying cough. Anyway I made garlic tea with 4 cloves of garlic chopped with boiling water except I dont know if I have to swallow the garlic too. Help.

Hints and Tips
Posted by David Aames (New York, New York) on 03/24/2009

I was just wondering if there was a time of the day that you should take the garlic cloves. Does it matter if you take it after a meal or should you take it before a meal. Does it have any less effect if you don't take it on an empty stomach?

Or is it the case that as long as you take it that's all that matters...that one shouldn't be concerned about the placement/time of taking it.

I just started taking the garlic...after I peel 1-3(depending on the size of the clove) garlic cloves I squash them with a garlic press and then scoop it out and drink it with water.


Posted by Vee (Oklahoma) on 01/15/2016

I hesitate using the fresh garlic since the odor is so prominent but after a Strep B urinary tract infection I said to heck with it!!! I am going to take this daily for the rest of my life...they can just get over it!!!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Craig (Birmingham, England) on 01/27/2009

I did a Juice fast and very quickly sent my Thyroid from Hypo to Hyper in the blink of an eye. I've had a very dangerous high hyper. Anyhow I've had very bad breathing attacks and tightness in chest. Numbing in front and back of chest, Dizzy and fatigue. Didn't feel great from the chest to the head. RAW GARLIC has been truely AMAZING. This and LICOURICE ROOT in high strength are so powerful at giving Vitality. Honestly unless your real ill you just won't appreciate how great Garlic really is. I've been in a right mess at times and Garlic was a king. Also for Coughs get this licourice it's wonderful. I've had a cough ever since but it's easing. I'm taking many organic medicinal tinctures and wheatgerm oil. Now finally putting weight back on which is a relief. Any illness reach for the Water, Garlic, Licourice, Blackstrap Molasses and Cayenne Peppers. No joke this stuff is AMAZING and cheap as chips. Don't be put off by any idiots who attack Garlic. Their paid off most of them or have not a single clue about true illness and healing. Dr John Ray Christopher highly praised Garlic and he was the greatest modern Vitalist healer in the World.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Wendy (Ontario, Canada) on 03/21/2011

Craig... Your symptoms sound alot like mine. Mine seemed to step from a magnesium deficiency and electrolyte imbalance as well as depleted minerals. I had these 2 years ago and they chalked it up to anxiety. In all fairness I was stressed and had gone back to consuming tea to help cope after years of being off it HOWEVER I would think I am made of stronger stuff!!! So I set out to find out WHY this was happening!!! For me it had to be what was missing or what was I toxic with?

I was helped by a man I met online who lives in nova scotia by the name of terry chamberlain who studies alkalinity/ph balalncing as per Dr.Carey reams teachings. He had me take my urine and saliva ph readings morning and night, then added coral calcium in, a good green powder supplement, concentrace mineral drops starting at 1 drop 2x a day, then 2 drops 2 x a day, upping by 1 drop morning and night each day. I made it to like 30 drops twice a day before bowel tolerance which is pretty bad- I was so severely depleted in minerals and my ph was so out of whack! I also started taking 2 drops of Lugol's twice a day and using MSM to help detoxify (with lots of water). I tracked my urine and saliva on a chart at the same time each morning and night (roughly). Do not use first morning urine unless you've been up in the night to go, otherwise it is too strong. Do not eat or drink anything before you take the saliva/urine reading in the morning and wait at least an hour or more afterwards at night time. Within weeks I felt better then I had in 20 years... It was so incredibly amazing. The anxiety/chest tightness, breathing issues, racing heart, fatigue etc. All stopped within a couple weeks. After a couple months I was flying and felt so good in fact I accidentally got pregnant with my 3rd LMAO... I didn't feel comfortable with those large doses being pregnant so I dialed it down alot... It was one heck of a ride- the mental clarity, the energy, pain free, the mojo- phew LOL

Now I'm breastfeeding and looking forward to getting back on that regimen real soon- sleep deprivation is killing me LOL One thing I did google back then was allergic reactions and I really felt like that could be part of it as well. We eat a really good diet free of dairy and wheat and corn (because I get crazy headaches from wheat and corn, eczema and stuffy nose from dairy, excruciating back-neck and shoulder pain from wheat) but the odd treat I would have was a buttertart or a sweet treat if I went out with the girls every couple months. Even if it was gluten free it would give me the chest tightness like you describe but it would also make my heart race too and make breathing more labored (also gluten does that for me too). So I don't even eat those anymore - while it might seem daunting at first to switch over to ancient grains and lots of leafy greens, raw foods and the like (not saying you don't already do that but for some who might be contemplating it) it really can be done, just give yourself time. Not sure if any of this helps you but it might helps someone else.


High Cholesterol
Posted by Julian (Moscow, Russia) on 01/22/2009

I was involved in the building of the Lipitor factory for the then Warner Lambert in Ringaskiddy, Cork Ireland. The Irish have never been good at keeping secrets. Lipitor comes from garlic.

Eat garlic, it doesn't have the side effects of Lipitor.

When you think about it, your body is the result of a million years of development. It has been 'built' to run on natural products not the chemicals that pharmacuticals have designed in the last 20 years.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Kin (Auckland, New Zealand) on 12/02/2008

Hi Gerald:

12/01/2008: Gerald from Midland, MI writes: "I like your comments...a lot of us are extreme conservatives, so you're not alone! I used garlic for packing on 40lbs of muscle in 6 months...It even kills botulism... a tough nut to crack animals that were treated with garlic lived (and it arrested paralysis) the others died quickly, even with medication."

Most interesting to hear that you "used garlic for packing on 40lbs of muscle in 6 months".....could you please provide more information, i am always interested seeking natural way of building muscle, how do you take the garlic, raw or cook, and how much do you take, also why are you so sure it was garlic that help building muscle in your case. Thanks in advance.

Posted by D.G Douglas (Long Beach, California, USA) on 11/07/2008

For years I've had Xanthelasmas (fatty deposits) around the orbit of my eye. I've had them surgically removed several years ago but they soon returned. After reading of the many healing uses for garlic, I decided to give it a try. I cut medium sized cloves in half and applied the juice to the deposit. I would hold the clove on the affected area for 10-15 minutes using slight pressure. After about 5 minutes, I could feel a slight burn. I continued this regiment for 3 days. After each treatment the size of the deposit was reduced and finally dried up after 3 treatments. It appeared to draw the fat to the surface which I removed with tweezers on the 3rd day. Presently I'm continuing this process on the other deposits. I've found fresh oily garlic when cut works best. I'm quite happy with the results. It also provided relief from the pain and swelling. Thank you for clinic and my oppurtunity to contribute.

Posted by Jon (Southampton, Hants, Uk) on 03/21/2012


I have low cholestrol and low blood pressure. I have had some rather unsightly xanthelasma appear close to one eye. The doctor wasn't interested as I am healthy. I tried the garlic cure, cutting a clove in half and holding on the affected area. It made the area swell and the skin became red, and eventually there was some damage to the skin surface though vaseline helped. This was all a bit unpleasant and I was considering audition for a Dr Who monster. However, the swelling has come down and the xanthelasma has more or less completely gone. I'd say go easy on the garlic but it does work for me, very impressed and thanks to whoever put it up first.

Posted by Z (Jersey City, Nj) on 09/12/2012

Garlic treatment is working. Day 1 applied garlic. I cut a small piece of garlic and applied the juicier looking side to the Xanthelasma above my eye, kept it there till the burn subsided. Day 2 I woke up discouraged as it was slightly red and inflamed. At night applied garlic again and tried to remove with tweezers. Skin was too thick still, and accidentally pierced the skin, only a little. However, at the end of night 2/tonight I noticed my xanthelasma above my eyelid is slightly smaller, maybe 20%. I am going to step up the garlic use twice daily, morning and evening.... I shall update tomorrow evening if I can find this site again.

Posted by Jill (Twin Falls, ID ) on 10/30/2008

For years and with my children growing up I have used soft gel garlic capsules. The first onset of a cold I take or give my children 2-5 of the soft gel capsules. By the next morning you are expelling green guck. Garlic really does help and cure colds. I am a believer! I have had strep throat many many times in my life and I still have my tonsils after 50 years and I say it is due to the garlic that I have taken. When I get sick my throat area is the weak point of my body and that is what I usually get is a cold other wise I am a well individual.