Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Blood Thinner
Posted by Michael (Vancouver, Wa.) on 04/05/2018

Warfarin...Blood Thinner

Using 35% H2O2 at 10 drops in 12 oz of distilled water before eating, first thing in morning has reduced my Warfarin amount for the last 5 weeks. INR levels tested weekly.

Started out 1 drop and increased to 10 over several weeks time.

No nausea or other discomfort, aside from some loose stools, I feel great.

Have held steady at 10 drops for 2 weeks now and thinking about increasing H2O2 until some decrease in effectiveness or discomfort is observed.

Tested at Portland VA hospital and Anti-Coag Nutritionists are aware and said no known contraindications.

First started out with 1 drop and increased every 4-5 days.

Have held steady at 10 drops for a couple of weeks.

H2O2 and Medications
Posted by Henry (Florida) on 03/26/2018

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally. Also taking blood thinners. Wonder if that is O.K.

Posted by Tracie (Mi) on 03/01/2018

I am so thrilled to hear your son's success with h2o2 therapy. He can also use it in a bath. It absorbs through the skin at a fast rate. js. Thought he may like to try this.

Immune Support, Multiple Symptoms
Posted by Tracie (Mi) on 03/01/2018


Ingesting the h2o2 breaks down some of the radicals in it. Try 1% in vaporizing at night and keep inhaling it with a fine mist nebulizer. This may have a better effect for you than ingesting it. Detox in a bath with h2o2 in it. It will absorb through your skin.

You can also do a regimen of drops a couple of times a day in your ears.

Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Tracie (Mi) on 03/01/2018

Chlorination of drinking water removes oxygen. When exposed to other compounds hydrogen peroxide dismutates readily. The extra oxygen atom is released leaving H20 (water). In nature oxygen (02) consists of two atoms--a very stable combination. A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical.

Posted by Tracie (Mi) on 03/01/2018

Hi. I did extensive research before starting this therapy and wanted to answer your questions.

Here is a website that give clear instructions for ingesting 35% FGHP. This site should help you. Take it on empty stomach or you could get sick and throw up-because of the oxygen reacting to the food in your stomach. So, at least an hour before you eat or at least 3 hours after you eat.


If you have lung problems, like my aunt did, you can also add a 1% solution to a vaporizer and use it at night next to your bed.

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Mahatma Muhjesbude (Wisconsin) on 02/18/2018

Straight 35% food grade h202 that you can only get delivered by UPS because it's considered a hazardous oxidizer as in 'rocket fuel' so the post office won't handle it... could kill you if you tried to drink a glass full of it. And would certainly put you in the hospital for a while with a burned throat and who knows what else internal organs?

If you buy a bottle of 35% food grade (the least tainted with other chemical additives made for different industrial uses) if you take a drop right out of the bottle and drop it on the top of your skin on your hand, it will turn white and begin to 'burn' the skin into a blister and then a wound, which will heal cleanly at least.

I believe there are some topical applications, for some kinds of warts or skin diseases/cancers where full 35% concentration is used... but NOT for ingestion.

You take a couple drops of the 35% right out of the bottle and into your glass of purified drinking water, stir it up and that should be a daily o2 bloodstream oxygen maintainer if you use the finger oxygen/pulse meter. Then for sicknesses, you work it up adding a drop a day until you reach about 25 drops which you stay on for a few days and then reverse the sequence cutting back slowly.

By then you should be feeling (they have a clinical name for this) a little tired and maybe flu-like for a few days which will be the dead illness bacteria cells/virus toxins being eliminated and flushed from your system.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Warning
Posted by Sharon Anita (Las Vegas, Nv) on 02/11/2018

Are you still doing your study on H202 and seizures. We just started using is Dec. 27, 2017 on a daily basis. We, is my son, husband and myself. Please let me know. thanks, Sharon

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cynthia (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 02/05/2018

I am just amazed at what I am reading and wished I knew about this before. How does the peroxide work for fat loss and weight loss?

Posted by Vicki (Missouri) on 01/20/2018

Laetrile Is actually vitamin B17 And the apricot pit Is what laetrile is B-17 is extremely good for cheers. My ex-husband had cancer, was given 6 months to live Laetrile which is B-17 Is what he got from Mexico. It was not available here. He took that Nutrients 8 healthy foods Vitamins Many prayers

Went back to the doctor they tested his blood They said whatever you're doing keep doing it because there is no cancer in your blood The doctors were amazed when he told them what he did It's been 45 years and he's still alive and healthy.

Posted by Darcy (Az) on 01/06/2018

I do not know the protocol for emphysema but when taking 35% food grade H2O2, it should be taken on an empty stomach. Take it and then set timer for 1 hour and then one can eat. After eating, set timer for 3 hour and then one can take a dose of H2O2. Basic protocol says to start with 3 drops in 8 oz of distilled water, 3 times a day. Add one drop every day and work you way up to 25 drops per dose. If it becomes too much to handle (I don't know what they mean by that but I think upset stomach) then take the highest dosage you can handle. Be sure to supplement with pre or pro bitoics to replenish what the H2O2 destroys. I drink homemade kefir. I don't like kefir so I use frozen strawberries with it to make a smoothie to make it more palatable.

Best of luck to you.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Marie (Sc) on 12/27/2017

I think you are confused about the definition of carcinogenic. Carcinogenic means cancer causing. Hydrogen peroxide oxygenates the body, thereby killing cancer cells which cannot live in the presence of oxygen. I'm sorry about what happened to you, but it was not caused by food grade hydrogen peroxide.

Posted by Richard (Florida) on 12/06/2017

Distilled water is not poisonous. If that was the only water you consumed, it could leach minerals from you body but drinking a few glasses of distilled water everyday is not going to harm anybody. Lets get serious here. Let's not promote rumors created by those who are clueless.

Posted by Richard (Florida) on 12/06/2017

You have got to be joking. Why would you even risk using 3% off the shelf HP? One quart of 35% HP is One quart contains about 19,000 drops, enough to last the average person several years.

Is there a problem paying from $10 to $20 for a quart of HP that will last you for several years? I guess it all depends how low of a price you put on your life. If you used 12 drops a day, a quart would last 4 years and 4 months. At $20 a quart that works out to $4.60 per year. At $10 a quart it would be $2.30 per year. Certainly not worth the risk to use the cheap stuff because even the best HP is still cheap, less than 10 cents per week. I certainly hope that wouldn't break your bank!

Posted by Carol A (Michigan) on 11/04/2017


It would REALLY help if you listed the percentage of h2o2 you use. 3%? 35%? The percentages are of utmost importance when using hydrogen peroxide.


Posted by Alan (Hebden Bridge ) on 10/25/2017

H2O2 safety :

It has to be food grade H2O2. The bottle I bought is 12%, this has to be diluted down to a maximum of 3% . I am starting with 6 drops of the 12%, 3 times daily in half a pint of water, this is way under 3%, 3% is for mouthwash and external use .. I hope no one ever puts 12% H2O2 in their ear undiluted.

Posted by Nicole (Dc) on 10/10/2017

I had to do a research on this as well. Since I am doing a case study on a test subject of mine. It's about 4 drops of 35% food graded H2O2. Do this every day.

Posted by Carl Mon (Uk) on 10/02/2017

Can I use fruit juice to as I'm waiting for delivery of distilled water.

Probiotics Produce Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 09/29/2017


Some probiotic strains releases hydrogen peroxide to kill the bad bacteria in the digestive system. To kill probiotic bacteria, it needs to release about 4 times more hydrogen peroxide. This will not happen. That is why they can kill selectively the bad bacteria but not other probiotic bacteria.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Sarah (Ma) on 09/25/2017

Wow! That finger tap method really works! Thanks!

Probiotics Produce Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/23/2017

Rocket science ;) It appears certain strains of probiotics produce hydrogen peroxide. Rather than drinking hydrogen peroxide, consider eating yogurt or drinking kefir, and/or other fermented probiotics foods.

Posted by Mary (Oudtshoorn, SA) on 09/20/2017


HP does get diluted. We started with 3 drops and gradually increased to 25 drops in a glass of water. My brother (65) who is one of the healthiest people that I know, has been taking HP for years. He takes a teaspoon full in a beer mug of water every morning. He has no side-effects and is of the opinion that 25 drops is too little. 1 teaspoon is equal to 99 drops.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/19/2017

Mary, sounds like too much to me.

I read somewhere that h2o2 does not get diluted. So a lesser amount will still have the same potency. Maybe on a lesser area, I don't know. But I do know that side effects warrant a smaller dosage.

Posted by Mary (Oudtshoorn, Sa) on 09/18/2017

My husband has prostate cancer and is using HP Foodgrade. He is currently taking 25 drops and feels a bit nauseous after taking it but he is determined to continue. I will post the results when he has his next PSA test.

Posted by Shelby (Strongsville, Oh) on 09/17/2017

I do not have cancer that I know of, but I have started the 35% FGHP, just two drops in a glass of water once a day. I'm hearing of the people that are having a hard time with 10-15 drops, I would say just start with one or two. It's powerful stuff.

Posted by Rosabell (Malaysia) on 09/07/2017

i have been taking the h202 35% food grade. I have lost weight and among other things happen to me for the positive. I am very happy about using the 35% g2o2 food grade. may be you used something that wasn't that pure.

Bad Breath
Posted by Amie (Reston, Va) on 09/03/2017

Regarding the oral mouth rinse use of drug/general store hydrogen peroxide (with additives 3% & 35%). I couldn't take it anymore and needed to comment after reading about the evils of cheap store bought peroxide and ultimately, the black tongue thing.

I have been using non food grade, store bought, less than 1 US dollar hydrogen peroxide as part of my dental care routine for over 20 years with no ill effects or black tongue. As I am always in a rush and have become more complacent over the years, I just take a swig (full strength) to rinse my mouth after flossing and before brushing. I've accidentally swallowed it before. I don't use it daily, just a couple times per week. I also put it on my toothbrush before putting baking soda on it (my tooth whitening paste used before regular brushing). An acquaintance asked me just a couple days ago how I kept my teeth so white. My dentist even comments on how good my teeth look.

I was well aware when I began to experiment with it for dental care, that peroxide can bleach fabrics and skin, could burn, eat holes through some fabric, etc. I was very careful and slowly reached the point of testing it as a mouth rinse, used very briefly (20 seconds or less) and often followed by a quick rinse with water. So, I did not start off by putting a quantity of regular peroxide straight into my mouth. Well, I may have dabbed a q-tip in it and tested it on a canker sore or applied it directly to a stubborn spot on a tooth.

I had a lot better luck with the store bought hydrogen peroxide when used for oral care, than when I previously attempted to lighten my hair with it as a teenager. :) I also use the non food grade on certain laundry stains or for specific cleaning applications.

Anyhow, never experienced any problems or issues with using it as I have and continue to do.

Black tongue - I do not know about the black tongue medical condition or its link to peroxide, just know that from my experience, it didn't affect my tongue. On some trip I took a pink pepto bismal like chewable tablet for a stomach complaint and wound up with a black tongue. As my friend had give me a small sleeve of these pink tablets, I kept them in my travel bag and on rare occasion while travelling have taken them. Get a black tongue every time.

Tongue discoloration - #2 - a Chinese medicine practitioner I saw years ago always noted the condition and color of the tongue before beginning treatment. Apparently, a lot could be determined, but I recall having the heavily coated or white, yellow or other colored tongue wasn't really good. I think my thick white coated tongue cleared up through dietary changes (basically nixing sodas and fast food).

Anyhow, caution is always a good thing. Paying attention to warnings and labels is always good too. Critical thinking is key, in my opinion, as is common sense. Know that what works for one person, may not work for you or in the same way, and there are so many factors contributing to the unique environment in ones body that it is worth doing your own research on natural remedies like hydrogen peroxide.

Now, that I am finally buying my first bottle of food grade peroxide, I am excited to try it internally. I don't expect to see the great pain relief or immune system results right away, as I might have to endure a period of toxin removal or some die off of something, but am optimistic I will see some benefit.

A vendor I've been working with swears by the food grade h2o2 in bottled water to keep the viruses at bay and stay healthy, especially when travelling by air every week.

Able to Stop All Meds
Posted by Mary Lee (Coaldale, Colorado) on 08/31/2017

I used 35% food grade peroxide for about 7 months. You start out with a few drops with your distilled water ( a must ) and you build up to a certain amount over weeks. I am going to be 70 in September and I came off of all my "precriptions" and I feel better than I have felt in 30 years.

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 08/02/2017

HI U GOOD FOLKS,,,,,, suggest you read this referenced site as it is the start of a war on the use of Hydrogen Peroxide. Dilute.... is a cup of tea, but not the 50% we used as a bleach in the paper industry. I had to handle it and always wore protective goggles and clothes. One drop in your eye and you are blind. The 35% is also dangerous if not handled properly. That said, people on EC use it all the time and yep, we have some nerds that flub up, but not many.

This article is about some nerds flubbing up, but the medical field and media are making big deal and will try to control it as they now do in England. They do not want the public knowledgeable about self medicating. Reading the comments will inform you better than the article itself.


Life gets more interesting every day. ======ORH=====

Posted by Alexandra (Uk) on 07/27/2017

To add to the knowledge, Lactic bacteria can live and reproduce healthily with or without oxygen - and they are the main ones in our guts - therefore the Hydrogen peroxide should not harm them.

If you want to know more about fermentation and the bacteria, have a read at this, about sourkrout-making - as some schools say they should be sealed and others say they don't need to be.


Because of that, I would definitely trust that taking 3 drops of 12% food-grade HP in an 8 ounce glass of water to be totally safe to my gut flora. We will see, it is coming in a few days... Very interesting conversation though.

Bad Breath
Posted by Charlie (Texas) on 07/27/2017

I had stinky breath that nothing would help, I did work in a steel mill and AC work and the smell was coming from my lungs, mold or fungus was what I thought it was. What I did that helped a lot more than just the breath, 3% Hydrogen peroxide diluted by 3:1 by distilled water in a house hold atomizing hand sprayer. I put the sprayer on the finest mist setting and breathed the mist, I didn't swallow any, spitting out what was left in my mouth, I breathed the aspirated diluted peroxide. within a day, no more smell and I breathed better. I'm 68.

Posted by Katherine (On) on 07/25/2017

is it safe to ingest the 3% brand or is there a 3% foodgrade hydrogen peroxide

Is it safe to buy the 3% hydrogen from a pharmacy to ingest?

Dechlorinating Water
Posted by Vince (Tacoma Wa) on 07/08/2017

One drop did not dechlorinate a gallon after 24 hours. I used a electronic sensor

Posted by Best (Tunbridge Wells, England) on 06/06/2017

Hi Elizabeth, I was wondering if you or anyone knows, if I can take 1% HP in distilled water in my hand held, cold mist nebulizer. It is one of these travel nebulizers from Phillips (model called Innospire Go). My consideration is that when I look into the snout of the little machine - where the mist exits - I can see a metal membrane (looks like a little round metal plate). I love my nebulizer, but have only used colloidal silver in saline solution so far. Would like to step up to HP though. I have done ear rinses with 3% HP and like this stuff very much.

Please could you advise me on this matter? Do I need another nebulizer?

Posted by Scott H (Riverside Ca) on 05/20/2017

While distilled water is not poisonous, it is unstable compared to water that has a broad spectrum of minerals in solution. In the absence of any minerals water tends to be much more aggressive, especially to satisfy its need for hardness (primarily calcium and magnesium). If you are on a steady diet of distilled water, you increase your chances of developing a calcium deficiency because water will keep seeking calcium until it reaches 100 - 250 ppm. If you are taking calcium supplements along with distilled water, plan on absorbing none of that calcium until the water you are drinking has been stabilized at that level of calcium.

Posted by Glen (Stettler, Alberta, Canada) on 05/17/2017

Specialist said I had c, p, o, d, could not stop coughing or get any sleep / lungs were full of dust / was on a puffer and pills. I went on h202, 1 drop in water or juice in morning, 1 more in afternoon and added one drop each day up to 25 drops twice a day / I'm 85 yrs old do not have c, p.o, d. any more.

I mix I ounce of h 202 / food grade 35 % hyd, peroxide with 11 ounces of water /distilled/. Also use q tip put some in each ear some up each nostril. I have not had flu or even a cold in 5 years.

EC: Thank you, Glen! We are cross-posting this to our COPD remedies page under Hydrogen Peroxide.

General Feedback
Posted by Max L. (Spokane) on 05/16/2017 6 posts

Hi. HP at 17% if doubled is 34% so to get a similar dose to what would be if you had 35%, take two times the drops. Anyone feel free to check my work.

12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Max L. (Spokane) on 05/15/2017 6 posts

I agree about the empty stomach, it seems as though it has more potency when I'm fasting and take a dose.

Artificial Joints
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 05/01/2017

HI U SHARON,,,,,,,,, I suggest that you research how an ozone shot can help even an artificial knee. It should be against the law and it is. I do both H2O2 and ozone and ozone is a winner by far. As Limbaugh says...... trust me.


Artificial Joints
Posted by Sharon (Usa) on 04/30/2017

I would like to know if you ever got a response about the knee replacement will loosen if oral intake of the HP 3% Food grade formula? I have had both my knees replaced and this is a concern.Thanks

Posted by Jovitas Liberis (Us) on 03/22/2017

I would like to hear, how it going on you with h202 remedy,? I have candida too I am so desperate so I tried to starve C.bacteria, I am on diet for now at over at least 2years yes I feel way more better but I still have problems with digestion, skin problems. I started to to drink 3 drops/day 35% H2O2 food grade with glass of water. I feel a bit energy but also some strange pain in my abdomal so according you, H2o2 helps to kill Candida? Should I comtinue my H2o2 therapy? That's my dilema

Posted by Bev (Ontario) on 03/09/2017

According to a book I have on hydrogen peroxide, food grade hydrogen peroxide is indeed just oxygen. it should be diluted with distilled water, I have seen first hand the benefits.

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Ltsally (Australia) on 02/27/2017

Did they drink 35% undiluted?

Chikungunya Virus
Posted by Harry (Los Angeles) on 02/26/2017

I know it's been a long time since your post, and I hope you've already eliminated your PCOS, but it sounds like an iodine deficiency to me. Here's what I would recommend to a loved one with the symptoms you describe:

(1) Watch the Dr. Flechas video on YouTube:


(2) Study the subject -- including people's experiences on EarthClinic.com and reviews for Lugol's iodine on Amazon. It's a complex topic, but one that merits however much time it takes to become knowledgeable about it.

(3) If and when you're ready to try it, study the iodine protocol so you get the important accompanying nutrients -- especially organic selenium, magnesium, zinc, and niacin.

(4) Work up to a dose of at least 50 mg. of iodine per day (5 days a week) subject to how severe your healing reaction is. (You can take more days off if you need to do so.)

(5) Be ready for the healing reaction symptoms and don't be scared off by them.

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by KT (Usa) on 02/09/2017

Dear MtM,

Thank you for the informative links...great information!! <3 :-)

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/08/2017

Dear Kt,

Here is my 2 cents on the hydrogen peroxide issue.

The article in the Washington Post has this title, “A swig of hydrogen peroxide – promoted by alternative health devotees – can kill you." From there, the article references a study by Benjamin Hatten. Here is the study for anyone interested:


The problem is that the article seems to imply that taking hydrogen peroxide for health reasons has caused deaths.

The data for the study, obtained from the National Poison Data System, appears to only be studying the effects of ingesting concentrations of hydrogen peroxide of 10% or greater. (“After elimination of low peroxide concentration ingestions, 294 cases of symptomatic high concentration peroxide ingestion were available for analysis.")

I am not aware of anyone in the alternative health field that has ever recommended taking a solution of 10% concentration of hydrogen peroxide internally for a health benefit. As far as I have heard or read, any alternative health suggestion for hydrogen peroxide ingestion is in very, very diluted, less than 1%.

From the data, it appears that all of the ingestions of larger concentrations of hydrogen peroxide were accidental. I think anyone who intentionally ingested a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide would be intending to cause self-harm.

Perhaps in the alternative health world, people who use 35% hydrogen peroxide internally need to clarify that it is ALWAYS diluted very much.

I had some 35% hydrogen peroxide in my house for a while, but I eventually got rid of it (gave it to a scientist friend) because I didn't think it was safe since I have children in my house. And, even adults have accidents with 35% peroxide, in the diluting process or by forgetting to dilute it. I use the 3% hydrogen peroxide for my needs, though I have not used it internally.

According to the National Capital Poison Control Center, http://www.poison.org/articles/2012-jun/hydrogen-peroxide

“Swallowing small amounts of household (3%) hydrogen peroxide usually is not dangerous."

Anyway, the article goes back and forth between talking about the dangers of ingesting hydrogen peroxide and talking about people who use it internally for health benefits. But they seem to be comparing apples to oranges each time. The article does not seem to have a single example of a person who took a very diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide for health and dying or having serious complications from it.

Regarding the foam in the stool – I do not know what would cause that.

And, my hat is off to Mmsg, who managed to say all of this much more succinctly. J

~Mama to Many~

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by KT (Usa) on 02/08/2017

Oh my, Magnolia 16,

I would like to hear MtM's opinion about this! Instead of taking so many drops, three times a day of peroxide, as I swish a cap full diluted with a cap full of water sometimes I swallow a small amount. I didn't think it would be any worse than swallowing the bubbles in Perrier.

The peroxide I get is 3%. I noticed yesterday my stool was a bit foamy. I had also increased my cancer killing cocktail. I would hope it's "bubbling" any cancer cells out of my GI tract if any are there!

Please advise...


Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/08/2017

GASP MAGNOLIA!! Whoever would swallow 35% h2o2??? OF COURSE it has to be suitably diluted!!!

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Magnolia16 (Virginia) on 02/05/2017

There is a report from the Washington Post of the danger of swallowing the 35% hydrogen peroxide. They say it quickly releases a bubble of oxygen that can find its way into the blood vessels and block blood flow to the heart, brain, and lungs. It has been responsible for 294 emergencies from 2001-2011 including 5 deaths, 15 people being permanently disabled and 41 people suffering blockages from the gas bubble released in their systems. When an embolism does occur, the only treatment is to put the person in a hyperbaric chamber (like they do for divers) but that does not always work. It was published just a couple of days ago and is in the Virginian-Pilot today (2/5/17).

Posted by Christine (British Columbia) on 02/05/2017

Hi Kate...when you take it 3 times a day, is it on an empty stomach? I am going to put a few drops into the water bowl for my dog, Zeus. He has lumps throughout his body. I've been treating him with Stem Cell supplements with some success, but want to try the food grade H2O2 in his water (well water). I am going to start taking it as well as my body hurts from arthritis. Any suggestions from you or anyone please?


Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Baynurse (Sausalito) on 01/27/2017

Maybe she used chlorinated water instead of distilled. Chloride and peroxide are no Bueno! it causes a bad reaction, like bleach n ammonia!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michelle (Cleveland) on 12/31/2016

I hope you are diluting the food grade H2O2 with distilled water only! If you mentioned this, my apologies

Breathing Issues
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 10/28/2016

The fact that it happens in your car is a clue. Maybe your car is leaking fumes into cab and you can't smell them. Could be mold spores in air system. Could be many things...but you have symptom while in your car.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Natalie (Dallas) on 10/28/2016

Babesia, a nasty co-infection of Lyme, could also be a cause of excessive yawning. It loves to live in the brain.

Posted by Elizabeth (Baton Rouge) on 10/15/2016

I have stage four cancer started in colon then the liver. They say I have months to live but chemo would prolong my life. I'm just trying to get through colon surgery and an abyss that's infection. I want the proper instructions to take h2o2 Hydrogen peroxide good grade to get rid of cancer! Plz help!

Hepatitis C
Posted by Hills (Nigeria ) on 10/13/2016

Hi, I have hard about the use of hydrogen peroxide food grade 35%, it is said that it should be diluted with water. No one seems to give the the quantity of water to be used as against the number of drop per day as u go progressively. What I mean is, if u are to us one drop of H2O2, what is the quantity of water to be used. And when increase the H2O2 what will be the quantity of water. Can H2O2 cure herpes permenently? What is the protocol for taken it and the method of usage. Thanks

Posted by Rosina Lock (East End Of London) on 10/02/2016

Yes, I totally agree with Beatrice, I think she is correct. I have been researching cancer for many years, also severe breathing problems. It is Cannabis Oil which is the one to look out for, not Hemp Oil, which I agree with Beatrice, doesn't cure cancer. Rosina x

Posted by Rosina (East End Of London, United Kingdom) on 10/02/2016

Lou, I am so pleased everything has worked out well for you. I have often come on Earth Clinic, and twice, I felt it saved my life with what I thought at the time was the most ridiculous of "therapies" but twice I felt Earth Clinic saved my life! I was desperate and was trying things I had read, and then I remembered Earth Clinic came online at 6am one Friday morning, and I couldn't believe what I tried actually worked. My son, Paul was sick with worry because he thought I was having a heart attack? It was actually an acute attack of possibly Acid Reflux/Hernia? Whatever it was, I rushed to my fridge and swigged a load of pickle juice! It worked! It took the chronic burning out of my chest, admittedly I was very ill for a couple of days, and then I went completely normal, so I am very grateful that people come from all over the world trying to help each other, and I have found no site better than Earth Clinic. I direct everyone to this site, and I will have to join it! So well done babe, I am so glad you are feeling better! Rosina from the East End of London United Kingdom. x

Stomach Ailments
Posted by Anne (Leicestershire) on 09/22/2016

Regarding the 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. I have read that it's more for cleaning commercial counters. I definitely would never use it internally.

What you need to buy is Hydrogen Peroxide 3% which is readily available in the US.

Here in the UK I found a 6% product so I simply use half the recommended number of drops. Add them to a glass of spring water or mineral water and drink. You need a medicine dropper to accurately measure the amount you're taking.

Posted by Sanjay (London Uk) on 09/14/2016 5 posts

Hi Andrew,

I have diluted 12% HP down to 3% using distilled water and am about to start the program for my dad who is 86yrs old and has Pulmonary Fibrosis. Can you please let me know how the takes these drops, straight in the mouth or with water/ juice and how much of it.

Many thanks, Sanjay

General Feedback
Posted by Coregon (Tennessee) on 09/05/2016

I have used 3% peroxide in cool mist humidifiers many times for colds, allergies, upper respiratory issues. I put one bottle 16 oz I think in humidifier, then fill the rest with preferably distilled water..but tap is ok if that's all you have. I put a towel under humidifier and cover nearby carpet with sheet or towel..just by table where humidifier is..just in case --peroxide can sometimes cause light bleaching effects on carpet. I realize your post is 5 years old but thought this might help someone else.

Posted by Coregon (Tennessee) on 09/05/2016

Try adding a bottle of 3% peroxide in cool mist humidifier then fill with water. Clears congestion, many times over night.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Yamil (El Paso, Texas) on 09/05/2016

On the suggested use as a foliar feed, are you referring to using the 3% or 35% solution?

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Warning
Posted by Sharon K (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 08/31/2016

My son has epilepsy. Would be interested in updates about your research.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Posted by Natalie (London) on 08/24/2016

Hi, I had the same symptoms after eating (i.e. heart pounding, needing to sleep) due to CF. For me D-ribose helped a lot as it gave my body more energy for digestion. It helped my energy levels generally too. (PQQ which stimulates the body to produce more mitochondria also seems to help but it's a more gradual improvement over time.)

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Warning
Posted by Mark Garner (Currently Davao City, Philippines) on 08/05/2016

Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide is 100% safe, if used correctly. A person may have "healing crises." This certainly is not the peroxide's fault. It may be that we did not administer is correctly or had a healing crisis.

I am currently doing research to see if H2O2 will help youths who suffer from Epilepsy. So if anyone has information that it has helped them, please inform me. Thanks

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/30/2016 2043 posts

It is very important to be properly alkalized prior to H2O2 remedies.

To heal stomach ulcers, you may also consider acid reducing otc meds like Zantac, Tagamet, among others, in combination with 1-2 grms of Chlorella.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/30/2016

D Tob, STOP!!! If it hurts, it's not for you, or at least not at these dosages!! If in the future you might want to try it again, stay at ONE drop a few days, if no pain, go to two drops for a few days etc. NOT EVERYONE can do the "protocol" as is. We are all different.

Also, after a few days of rest from any treatment, you might want to try any other Ulcers treatment. But start SLOW AND LOW!

Posted by D Tob (Riverside, Ca) on 07/29/2016

I didn't receive the same results taking peroxide for ulcers. I started the food grade hydrogen peroxide oxygenation protocol 5 days ago and am today up to 7 drops in distilled water 3 times a day and my stomach is killing me!!! The ulcers weren't bothering me very much before beginning the peroxide. I will continue on to 8 drops tomorrow but will probably have to stop after that as my stomach is getting worse by the day.

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Claudea (Washington) on 07/20/2016

Rich, I had a fast growing, beginning to choke lump in my throat that scared me into searching fro non-invasive ways to reverse it. That led me to HP, which I then soaked my mouth with 90 days several times a day, at 3% with the stabilizers. The lump disappeared in that 3 months and never returned.

The oxygen entered my blood through my thin mouth skin and that extra oxygen attacked the lump cells destroying them.

I found Medline sells HP through Amazon - 4 gallons at about $33 and shipping is cheap. I take it as a diluted drink in water.

Get Flood your body with oxygen by ed McCabe to see how to take internally for whole body health.

Immune Support, Multiple Symptoms
Posted by Jim (Frostburg) on 07/09/2016

Not to disagree in any way with Linda's posting about her own rare diagnosis, I'll just mention that, for so many others out there with swollen lymph nodes, this is a common effect of having a food allergy. As possible remedy, try dropping wheat from your diet for a week. If no change, the next week try dropping dairy.

Immune Support, Multiple Symptoms
Posted by Linda (Crescent City, Ca) on 07/08/2016

My lymph nodes had been swollen, even causing blurred vision, runny nose, rashes. 22 years into it with misdiagnosis, biopsies, meds with no results I finally was diagnosed with extremely rare Hyper-IgG4 disease lymphadenopathy. Cancer cells clone. My cells don't clone; all individuals, I just make too many. It's new disease so doctors don't know to test for it. Google it. Ask your doctor to test for it. They think more people have it, just doctors don't know about it.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Johnny (Canby) on 06/13/2016

I'm claustrophobic and I've been yawning a lot when I drive my car let's say 30 minutes and distance. And someone told me that if you yawn a lot you are lacking oxygen in your body. So I was thinking I want to give this a try.

Broad Benefits
Posted by G (Sydney, Au) on 06/10/2016

Editor's Choice

I love food grade hyrdogen peroxide. Kids and cats can = ringworm, so as soon as a spot appeared, several times a day we applied undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide directly to the affected area and the ringworm was dead within a day. Continued to apply to the spot once daily after that. A week later, there's no sign ringworm ever existed - not a mark, scar or even discoloration, nothing. It's brilliant.

As for inner ear infections/colds/bugs/flu - we bought a big box of disposable 3ml pipettes. We fill one with food grade, undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide, squirt it all into the ear, lay on our sides and let it fizz, bubble and tickle away until it stops (20 mins or so) and feel incredibly normal after that while people around us are dropping like flies with whatever's going around.

We also add 2 capfuls of food grade hydrogen peroxide to a humidifier if one of us is feeling a bit congested or wheezy and leave it on while we sleep - sleep like babies and are able to breathe freely.

Hydrogen Peroxide is amazing stuff.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/08/2016 2043 posts

In my history and case-in-point, I experienced profound relief from acidosis by taking an Epsom Salt Footbath, which led to eventually buying a 20lb bag of Micronised Major & Trace Minerals for livestock at the farm supply store so to build up my mineral levels.

12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Suan (Ca) on 06/07/2016

Don't you mean lower the pH of your stomach? The body secretes stomach acids to digest the food and this would lower the pH.

General Feedback
Posted by KT (Usa) on 06/07/2016

Thank you Mama,

That is good to know.

General Feedback
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/06/2016

Dear Kt,

I think that is a logical question.

I have used DMSO from the farm store on myself. Robert Henry had a good point that it if it is good enough for million dollar horses (or something akin to that) it is good enough for people.

I knew a veterinarian many years ago with chronic Lyme disease. She ended up treating herself successfully with vet grade anti-biotics. She was comfortable with the quality.

I know I have seen on this site certain things to buy from an aquarium shop for medicinal use.

I am sure there are plenty of things I would not use from a pet or farm store on myself, but there are some things I have been comfortable with, particularly on the advice of people whose opinions I trust.

~Mama to Many~

General Feedback
Posted by KT (Usa) on 06/06/2016

Dear Timh, I didn't think pet supplements (or food) were prepared under conditions fit for human consumption. Wouldn't that be risky?

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/06/2016 2043 posts

S: Unfortunately the political financial overloards have the power to make minerals "illegal" in many countries of the world. Of course there are ways of skirting around, like purchasing mineral supplements from farmers supply or pet supply stores. Dr. Joel Wallach spent most of his life proving that nutrition prevents and cures many diseases in pets, livestock, and people.

First in order is disease prevention by taking the Multivitamin/Mineral supplement daily, so as to not need therapeutic doses of individual minerals later on when disease kicks in. There are also many Major & Trace Mineral "Ionic" or "Colloidal" products for maximum benefit.

As for Copper, you can revert back to using Copper Cookware with some benefit.

General Feedback
Posted by KT (Usa) on 06/06/2016

Dear S,

Wondered if BSM (Blackstrap Molasses) is available in Australia. I think one or two TBSP a day would provide a good balance of minerals.

I try to listen to news a lot. I don't recall hearing about so many in Australia being so ill. It's truly sad.

Just a thought...

General Feedback
Posted by S (Australia) on 06/04/2016

@Timh: Suddenly I understand why Copper supplements are illegal in Australia (where politicians and lawmakers aren't too bright), yet zinc supplements can be bought off the shelf.

The soil is so depleted of nutritional value, that people are dropping like flies with all sorts of long term illnesses as they age (which means more profits for drug companies).

This is all big pharma's doing - and I see a day approaching where they will be held accountable, with no way for them to wriggle out of it.

Posted by Raquel (Id) on 05/27/2016

I have struggled with candida for years that had become immune. I finally found a solution which a liquid treatment soaked into sugar. It has worked wonders for me. Why is this significant for you? It is because that the H2O2 soaked into sugar no longer causes me any nausea. I may be suffering a peroxide hangover and will use food grade turpentine, or GSE for a few weeks and take a break from the peroxide.

Artificial Joints
Posted by Tonny Worstell (Nebraska ) on 05/22/2016

Where did you get your information that h202 therapy would cause knee replacements to loosen up? I would like to read the articles for myself, because I have look all over the Internet to find information about it and only found this site so if you could help me out I would appreciate it.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/18/2016 2043 posts

From a natural perspective, I view Zinc as the big brother and Copper as little sister. Zinc & Copper in sufficient amounts like 50-100 mg Zinc taken with 3 mg Copper (what I take daily) is no danger of displacement. Do note that one of the body's indigenous enzymes Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is produced mainly from Zinc/Copper or Manganese.

For most folks, a daily amount would be like 25-50 mg Zinc w/ 1.5 mg Copper, and do not take with fiber foods and do add 100 mg Vit-B-6 aka Pyridoxine for best utilization.

But yes, Copper is important in the elasticity of Arteries.

General Feedback
Posted by Chad H (Georgia ) on 05/17/2016

Zinc supplements have there place no doubt but people need to understand zinc displaces copper. Copper is needed to keep organs and veins flexible. i.e. Zinc could cause heart attacks if not balanced in use. Had to share!

Be informed, Be Healthy, Be One with Nature.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Sp (Wb, Nj) on 05/08/2016

Hi Angelika, It sounds to me like the antibiotics messed up your gut microbiome. Look into repairing that with probiotics. Also look into a low histamine diet as part of your healing process. I found that foods high in benzoates in particular and foods high in oxylates were causing me to have vestibular migraines which manifested as severe vertigo spells. Everyone is different, but I hope this info helps you find what you need to do for the dizziness. Good luck.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Angelika (Qld , Australia ) on 05/06/2016

Hi, I recently had a laryngitis and treated it with antibiotics, the result of it, have an issue with vertigo ( dizziness), I'm taking 3% HP, from the drug store, started with one drop in a little bit of water and increasing the intake by on drop, until ten drops ( twice in a day ), could you please let me know what I'm doing is safe for the stomach lining, and is any thing else I can do specifically for the dizziness? Thank you so much, Angelika

Posted by Beatrice (Mississauga) on 04/24/2016

Hello, I would just like to correct this constant wrong information about hemp oil treating cancer because it confuses people and makes them waste their money. What treats cancer in CANNABIS oil, not hemp oil. These two plants are related, but the active compound in hemp is MUCH lower than in cannabis oil and does not reach therapeutic dosage for cancer treatment.

I want to clarify this because I notice many people going to health food stores spending hundreds of dollars buying hemp oil, thinking it the one you use to treat cancer. It is not, you need cannabis oil.

Hemp oil is a healthy source of omega 3 and 6 in the correct ratio for humans but does not cure cancer.

Sinus Issues
Posted by Lisa Mowrey (Sarsota, Fl) on 04/22/2016

Using three to five drops 35% food grade from Richards Whole foods in my morning water during my cleanse, Hydrogen peroxide seems to be clearing up my 2 month long sinus infection. Feeling less fatigue. Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2 are my new best friends. NO Negative side effects at all. Using it in my bath next.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Krazykaren (Texas) on 04/20/2016

I have been using MMS since 2008. It does amazing things. Just like Hydrogen Peroxide, MMS is created in your immune system in minute amounts. I think the Hydrogen Peroxide was beginning to work for you. That is not what caused the cancer, but can very well cure it.

Posted by John (California) on 04/11/2016

How much should/can I drink? Do I dilute it? Should I use 3% grade?

How much should I use in a bath? Which is more effective bath or drinking?

Posted by Grace (Pdx) on 03/10/2016

My ND told me it is fine for me take food grade 3%hydrogen peroxide, and I can work my way to more drops. Start with one. For those of you who are concerned with safety, or are uncertain if it has stabilizers, then seriously consider other oxygen like cell food, liquid oxygen, or oxy blast, do your research. I would go with similar product that is specifically made for humans.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Mary (Maine) on 03/04/2016

It is not the peroxide that caused your cancer. I am thinking it was already there and if you continued to use the treatment of food grade peroxide it would have cured the cancer. A dear friend of mine had anal cancer and did treatments of food grade P. for one month and a butt rinse of baking soda and the cancer is gone. I hope you have found a cure. Bloodroot is good too.

Posted by Edmund (Perth, Wa) on 02/28/2016

Editor's Choice

I did some research in 2008 because I lived with pain on my T5 after suffering from a bout of shingles. The doc got rid of the rash but said I had to learn to live with the pain, it killed my golf. I went from a single figure to a 20+ hcp.

I started ingesting food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, the correct dosage, and it got rid of all my problems within a year.

Have been doing same for eight years now and have not had a cold or sore throat all this time which I suffer at least once every year. Only reaction was the normal reaction in the early stages in the first month and at 76, I am doing fine.

For those that do not know, HP was the antiseptic of the 40's just after I was born.

I still take 10 drops of 3% food grade every day and will continue till my sun sets. If you suffer any reactions I think you are over dosing, so watch it.

Posted by Matthew (Big Rapids) on 02/26/2016

Start Turmeric...........It is fantastic...also use a lot of pepper with it to increase absorption up to 20 times....

Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 02/14/2016

I started to feel a little bit of pain and had some swelling around one of my bottom teeth. After reading on this wonderful site about HP for cavities, I decided to give it a try. I simply gargle with the HP one time for about one minute - and the cavity was stopped in its tracks! Unbelievable to me is the fact that cavities can be stopped like that. I grew up believing that cavities had to be drilled and filled, but thanks to this site and its posters, I now know that is just not true. As a beautiful side benefit, my bad breath is gone now, too. Thanks to EC for that!

Posted by Lucie Lou (Alexandria, Virginia) on 02/13/2016

To get the 3% FG HP, I mix 1 part of 34% FG HP with 11 parts of distilled water. So 1 drop 34% HP and 11 drops distilled water provides 12 drops (or 0.5ml) of 3% FG HP.

I use a nebulizer for inhaling. This is a gentle, conservative approach for me. The following mix is enough for two 3-minute inhaling sessions:

0.5 ml (12 drops) of the 3% FG HP plus
5 ml (120 drops) of distilled water
Inhaling time: 3 minutes max

Over time, the HP dose may be increased to

2 ml (48 drops) of the 3% FG HP
5 ml (120 drops) of distilled water
Inhaling time: 10 minutes max

I close my eyes while inhaling with the nebulizer to avoid the vapors to get into my eyes.

Posted by Richard (California) on 02/03/2016

Always use 35% food grade hp which can be bought at a health food store, dilute with 8 oz. of distilled water. start with 3 drops of hp in 8oz. water three times daily. I had copd, emphyzema, and other lung problems, they are all gone my dr says he can't believe it.

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Carolyn (Cape Cod) on 02/03/2016

Take the dose one hour before eating and 3 to 4 hours after eating.

Posted by Andrew (Santa Clara, Ca) on 02/02/2016

H2O2 Doesn't "kill of bad bacteria". It creats an inhospitable environment. This is an important distinction because you aren't killing off the bacteria in the stomach. Supplementing with probiotics (sporogenes) will add good bacteria into the stomach. Wanted to make that distinction clear, as it was confusing to me at first.

Broad Benefits
Posted by California (Orlando, Fl) on 02/02/2016

Thank you. I've done my homework, and continued reading. Have answers to all my questions. Sorry to trouble you. Your site is 'THE' best site I've come across as yet, Will share. California

Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 01/06/2016

Food grade hydrogen peroxide is available at 3% concentration; it is certainly much safer to handle than the 35% version. Some health food stores carry it, including Whole Foods - DS

Posted by Marie (South Carolina) on 01/06/2016

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide kills harmful bacteria in your gut, not healthy bacteria. It's great that you're taking probiotics. Please do your research more thoroughly before posting. I would also advise taking conventional medicine studies with a grain of salt as they are tweaked to fit their agenda.

Posted by Carol K. (Indianapolis) on 12/21/2015

How much water with H2O2?

General Feedback
Posted by Booji (Michigan ) on 12/18/2015

I am new to the h202 drops. I have purchased 17% h202 and have been adding the between 7-10 drops to my glass of distilled water, 2-3 times daily. Yet, I don't hear anyone using 17% on here. Can someone help me figure out how many drops is sufficient, Using the 17%? I do feel more alert and energized but no idea what else to expect. Thank you much.

Chikungunya Virus
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/14/2015

Ellora, as I usually suggest: try taking less.

Chikungunya Virus
Posted by Ellora (Bangalore) on 12/13/2015


I have been taking about 1 ml of 20% food grade hydrogen peroxide since 38 days. It has been a miracle for my post chikungunya aches and pains. It also cleared up the mental fog which I didn't even know I had. I feel fantastic since taking H2O2.

I am 39 years old. No children. I have had polycystic ovarian syndrome since I was 25. With diet and exercise, I have been able to keep the symptoms down to a dull roar.

My last period started on Nov 25th. And it is still going on. Heavy with gushing. This kind of period hasn't happened in years. I have taken blackstrap molasses without any change.

Is this because of the H2O2? The One Minute Miracle book says H2O2 is required for sex hormone synthesis. Is that what is happening in my body? Excessive estrogen production?

What should I do? I would love to continue the H2O2, but not if this kind of period is going to be a regular issue.

Any advice welcome. And thanks in advance.

Molecular Hydrogen
Posted by Bachcole (Colorado Springs, Colorado) on 12/06/2015

I wish that you had a thread about molecular hydrogen.

EC: Here it is!

Once the thread gets more information on it, we can start a new page... For now it's a topic on our Hydrogen Peroxide page.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Angela (Charlotte, Nc) on 11/06/2015

I'm having a terrible time with sinus and ears. Do you really use 12 drops in each ear, 3x a day, just checking

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Karrie (Wi) on 11/01/2015

All was resolved with my ear, and I'm assuming the clogging was from the terrible cold I had. I did the tapping around my ear and it seemed to help get the draining going. I also did gentle heat from a heating pad. Dang, that was a really bad situation, I had no voice for weeks and also gargled diluted hydrogen peroxide which helped for that (3% strength generic from the grocery store), as did oil pulling. I also used the hydrogen peroxide in the humidifier in my bedroom....seemed to help with symptoms. I think that was the worst illness I've had since the '90s. I can not experience one like that for at least a decade or so! Be well everyone :)

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 11/01/2015

Hi Karrie,

Would you give us an update on your ear issue so it can help others? Did you try Mama of Many's suggestion, and if so, did it work for you? Thanks

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/25/2015 2043 posts

C: YAW. Depending on factors like age, exposure, dental fillings, etc. one would fall into a category of mild-moderate-severe. To be exact, a Hair Mineral Analysis should be performed.

Much more info here https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/detox-heavy-metals-side-effects.html

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Cameron (Jacksonville, Florida) on 10/23/2015

Thanks Timh! So HP cannot be used without first doing heavy metal cleanse and if one has acidic body? Is there a natural way of doing the heavy metal cleanse?

Artificial Joints
Posted by Lola (Richmond, Indiana) on 10/20/2015

I am getting ready to have back surgery on the 10th of Nov. Now they are putting cement in a small place just to hold the screws in place. How long will I have to stop my H2O2 therapy.? I don't want to quit.. I feel so good. Since I have been taking this. When can I start if I do have to stop taking my therapy.

General Feedback
Posted by Monica (Palmdale, California) on 09/26/2015

Do you know that your supposed to drink it on a empty stomach? Absolutely Nothing to eat or drink 3 hours prior to drinking it & You must wait 1 hour after drinking it until you can eat. I drink mine with milk I found that combination works best with the stomach.

Posted by Lorik (Martinsville, In) on 08/11/2015

I love using FGHP for various reasons but absolutely cannot tolerate the taste. Throwing it back up happens frequently. So, I have started putting the FGHP in empty veggie caps!

Problem solved. Anyone else tried this?

12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Salud Casera (Dr) on 08/03/2015

You should do it on an empty stomach. Your body works hard to raise the pH of the stomach to promote food digestions and consuming the h2o2 while having food on your stomach would be counterproductive.

I am sorry I can't give you anymore details right now but I drank 35% grade on a very small amount of water for quite a long time and there is no doubt in my mind that you need to do it on an empty stomach, plus it is clearly described that way on the book I read about it.

Posted by Brandie (Oceanside Ca) on 07/27/2015

So 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide in 8 ounces water a day and that's it... my son's father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver. Do you know if this will help it? he was diagnosed by the doctor at stage 4 then did two months of chemo the pill and was discontinued his last labs he did were not good and the doctor basically said that it spread to his lungs and there was nothing more he could do and let him go with no pain meds. So is it safe to treat him with all of this involved.

Posted by Mark (Walden, Ny) on 07/19/2015

Sir, very happy for you. What strength H2O2 did you use? Food grade or standard drug store type? Thanx and continued good health!

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/16/2015 2043 posts

C: This is a good protocol your using as noted with positive results, except one thing needs fine tuning. Methylation is very important and simply taking folate isn't near good enough. For best methylation take 1000mcg B-12 w/ 500 mcg Folic Acid or Folate + 500mg TMG, or 200-400mg Sam-e.

Posted by Courtney (Oregon, USA) on 07/15/2015

If you buy FG H2o2 online there is usually information posted about how to dose it. But I am mainly writing a reply because at the current age of 27, I have tested up to grade 2 in cervical cancerous lesions. I have been back and forth, had biopsies and numerous paps. I know that when I am diligent about my supplements, I always test healthy. Specifically, the supplements that make the most difference are:

DIM, folate(not folic acid), iodine, topical progesterone and some sort of liver support supplement (I take NOW's version)

Have your hormones tested, if they are out of whack you need to balance them.

I hear that when it comes to female issues the cause is often hormones. It was for me.. I had my blood tested back in Jan and my estrogen levels were 597(wayyy to high for a 28 yearold with out children) and my progesterone was waaay too low.

After several months of supplementation I retested and had another pap. Pap is normal and all my hormones are balancing.

Posted by Lisa (Dixon, Il) on 07/12/2015

We have been reading the testimonials about the peroxide and healing cancer, I have cervical cancer and would like to know if anyone knows where to find the 0% peroxide and how much they used mixed with how much water and how long they did it. Anyone with information would be greatly appreciated. I keep hearing stories about someone who knows someone who did it but can't find anyone to talk to that did it themselves to find out how much, when, where, etc.... Thanks for any answers I can get, Lisa

Lung Issues
Posted by Sherryl (Littleton, Colorado) on 06/16/2015

My chiropractor has recommended hydrogen peroxide inhalation for treatment of COPD/emphysema and totally believes this can work. Would like some input as to others who have tried this and how they are doing.

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/26/2015 2043 posts

C: Yes, there are some conditions that can be aggravated by H2O2 therapy.

First up on beginning H2O2 is making sure the body is properly alkalized. Acidic conditions cause hypoxia and visa-versa, so always be sure to properly alkalize.

Here a list come-to-mind of conditions that have the potential for bad reaction (hydroxyl radicals etc): Heavy Metals are not removed or detoxed by Hydrogen Peroxide and can produce toxic free radicals if coming into contact, so always do proper H.M. cleanses prior to Oxygen therapy.

Another condition would be a fairly common one of Aldehyde poisoning as a byproduct of candida or fungal infections. I don't have a degree in biochemistry but this combination looks not good. Another but somewhat rare condition is Mallonic Acid poisoning as a byproduct of tapeworm disease, could be reactive to H2O2.

It seems plausible that H2O2 therapy could be used in small amounts long-term, otherwise it would be indicated in increasing amounts (up to 25 drops 3% 2x per day) in acute cases like infections or cancer.

There are also other products that provide additional oxygen delivery like MMS and CellFood. Ozone is superior to H2O2 in many respects but has several shortcomings like instability and difficult administration. Also, adding alkaline rich Sodium Chlorite drops to a beverage naturally increases oxygen within the body.

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Cameron (Jacksonville, Florida) on 05/24/2015

Reading the posts here makes me think that hydrogen peroxide has lots of healthful benefits but should be taken with extra caution. Can you list down the conditions that will make hydrogen peroxide ineffective in treating ailments or cause side effects? I'm worried about the burns, the stomach pains, vomiting, etc. if hydrogen peroxide is not taken properly.

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Rich (Carmel, In) on 05/20/2015

In reply to how to take the HP, l have been taking the 35% food grade HP for 28 days now, started with 3 drops 3 times a day, increasing 1 drop per day thru the 25th day now l am at 25 drops for the last 3 days. I get up anywhere early in the morning to use the bathroom, from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m don't know if you have that problem, but, l already have my 3 bottles prepared for the next day, so, l take my first one anywhere between the hrs l showed. l am semi-retired and don't have to get up early any more unless l want too. l am taking HP for diabetes ll trying to get my blood levels down. the book l have is the one minute c--e, which only takes a minute to take the product, is why it is named that way and a cent and a half per bottle of 6 to 8 oz of distilled water, l only use Zero water myself. Not sure why you are taking the HP but when l first started l was using 6 oz of zero water, but when l got to the 18 drops l started using milk because the taste is not pleasant milk seems to help.

Lung Issues
Posted by Rebecca (Collinsville, Illinois) on 05/12/2015

I have been reading all the comments about the peroxide treatments for the lungs. I would really like to learn more about it. Could I get a website with more information? My husband has COPD, and his medication is so expensive, we just can't afford it even with his insurance. Thank you

Lung Issues
Posted by George (Ks) on 05/11/2015

I am on a cpap and use a dropper full ( 10 to 15 drops) of 35 % food grade h2o2, in a quart of distilled water constantly. This keeps my cpap and hose cleaner. I believe it helps when I have a cold or sinus to get rid of it. Sometimes I also add a few drops of colloidal silver to the mix. In 7 years I have never had a problem with this.

Immune Support, Multiple Symptoms
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/11/2015 2043 posts

Lisa: Thanks for posting your saga and hurray on what recovery you have experienced.

A few thoughts. This is a good example of how both severe & complex disease can be. In this event one must try to reduce all the manifested symptoms back to the root causes or disease itself. Whenever folks like yourself have all these debilitating factors and a myriad of diagnostic test and fruitless treatment from healthcare professionals from the modern medical standard, it is almost always some type of environmental illness. A lack of oxygen, acidosis, infections, are common in toxicity issues.

The H2O2 therapy is keeping you alive for now but you desperately need to do detox remedies as posted here on E.C. This would include heavy metal cleanses, parasite cleanses, boosting antioxidant nutrition. Stop the H2O2 for a few weeks and first alkalize your body (also detox) w/ hot Epsom Salts (1/4) cup and Borax (1/4 cup) baths. Take the herbal "Red Clover Combination" prior to these baths (3 per wk for now). Detox Foot Spas and Detox Foot Pads are also very effective at removing toxins from the body. Supplementing Potassium Iodine/Iodide will be necessary during the detox. Zapping will greatly help infections and give energy. Steam Room or Sauna sweating is also very effective detox, although you will do a good bit of sweating during the baths. Vit-C & MSM is a great detox combo (better than H2O2). You may continue w/ a minimal H2O2 but it is these variety of remedies that will get you back to health again.

Please post back w/ any questions as there are folks here that can and willing to assist as we all helping each other in recovery.

Immune Support, Multiple Symptoms
Posted by Lisa (Fl) on 05/11/2015

I started the 35% FGHP 2.5 months ago. I was desperate as for 2 years I have been begging my docs to find out what was wrong with me. I spent a year and a half at my primary docs having one symptom after another. Mainly my glands were swollen in my neck and would not go down. Lymphs in my chest and neck the same. She just kept putting me on antibiotics. Persistent, knowing there was something wrong with my body, I asked to be referred to the mayo clinic. 6 months if specialists, blood tests, ultrasounds, CT's, Mri's etc. Nothing that would be causing my symptoms. Getting worse all throughout, I had spent so much money and I quit going.

Long story short, I ended up in the ER as I collapsed to the floor. My blood pressure had dropped so low that my kidneys shut down. Was diagnosed in Hosp with acidosis, nuetropenia, parvo virus B-19, pneumonia, and my body was so full of bacterial infections, it almost killed me. 9days on strong antibiotics that it took several weeks to get my strength back. (A couple of things ..found microadenoma with brain MRI although non secreting and have watched it..along with very tiny nodules in neck and chest...were too small to biopsy.)

Since being released I changed primary docs. A year and 2 months after, my symptoms returned. Begged my primary to not let this get to where it did before. But here my glands in my neck have been swollen now for months and have had ultrasound of carotid artery, several chest CT'S..blood work etc and just antibiotics again.

So 2 months ago I was told about this therapy. I started it and informed my doc about it and he said he had no problem with me trying it. The first day 3, drops (of 35% FGHP), second 4, third 5 and 4th 6 etc. On the 5th day I threw up just yellow bile. Felt fine after I threw it up. Kept in increasing drops (btw I had more energy than I'd had in a long time), and when I reached 14 drops, I threw up again, only this time I couldn't shake the nausea. Took myself down to 13 drops...still nauseated pretty bad...then 12. Couldn't seem to stop the nausea so I actually backed off to 1 time per day at 10 drops. That seemed to be OK.

Then I read about the inhalation method so I started doing that 2 x a day along with the one time a day drinking it. Breathing seemed easier as I am a smoker , (trying to quit), and no more nausea. Stayed there for awhile (maybe 4-5 days), but now noticed the areas that were swollen glands and lymphs again, seemed like they were almost tingling and seemed to be opening up of some sort. Feeling like this was an positive sign, I now am going back to drinking 8 drops 2 x a day and 1-2 inhalations. Since I started feeling like these areas were opening up (from feeling clogged or stopped up with constant sinusitis), I am now feeling my neck and throat swell it feel like it is swelling and has raises my concern now that possibly all song this problem was in my neck or throat and is definately alarming me. I am not giving up in this therapy...whatsoever as I believe in it and up until I started using it I was on my way to another hospital stay like before. (They say I have a challenged immune system), put me on plaquinel for the last 5 years but the mayo took me off it and 5 months later is when I was in Hosp).

I am awaiting CT scan results of my chest from last week, and now I am certainly going to call my doc today and ask for ultrasound of my neck again. Been a year and a half since last one...or some test that reveals what might be going on in my neck and throat. This therapy has been my only feeling of saving grace. I had nothing to lose as the docs were not finding anything . I have been reading all the stories and this site has given me hope that I will soon find out or be rid of, what has come back to make me I'll again. I'm going to try to get back up to 3 x a day drinking this...but my question is...what if I can't get passed the 14 drips again, will staying on a lessor amount still do what 25 drops can do for you, or am I hindering the treatment by...like the h202 book said...you don't want to stop it cause u have stirred up all the bacteria in your body and by stopping it could cause other problems because now it has no where to go. Any feedback would be helpful and very comforting.

Thank you, this site and all of you are my daily dose of hope. Lisa

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paulene ( Jamaica) on 04/22/2015

Your article on how you stop your painful periods was very interesting. I would like to know how you do it.

Hydrogen Peroxide Tips
Posted by Barb (Canada) on 04/05/2015

Hydrogen Peroxide must be taken on an empty stomach. Take 1 hour before you eat..

Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Alvaro (Usa) on 04/03/2015

The use of food grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide with tap water is contraproductive. You are actually mixing chemicals in a bad way. The fact that you don't see any problems, doesn't mean it is safe. Distilled or spring water with no additives is not that expensive. Better be safe than sorry.

Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Trev (NZ) on 04/03/2015

I too have been using 3% hp with tap water that has fluoride in it and have been having no issues at all with it.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Trev (NZ) on 04/03/2015

I am really glad you put the percentage of HP to use as I have noticed too much on these sites that people do not put exactly was % they are using, which is bloody dangerous not too.

H202 Warnings
Posted by Mike (La., US) on 04/02/2015


This article is inhumanly stupid. Does NO ONE here understand that oxidation doesn't refer to oxygen? It refers to an atom's / molecule's tendency to donate electrons to make bonds.

When it says that peroxide is oxidative, that means that it is reactive, aka it goes into your body and reacts with whatever is near it. It doesn't specifically target cancer or parasites or germs or anything else that is implied in this article. It works like free radicals and participates in reactions that shouldn't happen in a biological system.

in short, don't ingest hydrogen peroxide since it causes cancer

Posted by Dave (Arlington, Va) on 03/26/2015

Okay ... I am getting closer to trying H2O2 after reading everyone's comments. But I am still uncertain on how one "takes it." I have read many websites and I am just not sure. Lets say one has lung issues. Should you drop it in water and drink it? I hear it can be dangerous. Also, everyone cautions that you must use the "good stuff." Please recommend a nationwide grocery store chain and specific product hat you have used safely and successfully. Thank and I am happy you have all had success.

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Terry (New Zealand) on 03/15/2015

I cannot get past 5 drops per day twice a day any more and I feel violently ill. How long can I keep taking h2o2 this way and will 5 drops twice a day kill the mold in my lungs?

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Brandey (Panama City, Florida) on 03/14/2015

How close can the three a day doses be? Due to eating, I can take the 2nd and 3rd dose within 2 or 3 hours of each other in order to eat and sleep for my work schedule; Anyone?

General Feedback
Posted by Lopside (San Diego, CA) on 02/26/2015

It is important to use distilled water as HP can react unfavourably with elements in regular tap water.

Posted by Lopside (San Diego, CA) on 02/24/2015

HI Chris

Be careful of regular HP, many of which have additives/stabilizers which are not good for internal consumption. Stick to food grade HP. If you have 35%, dilute it to 3%. I think your original dilution of 1 ounce of HP to 11 ounces water was good.

Sometimes nausea is caused by taking HP too close to meals. Take it one and a half hour before meals or 3 hours after a meal.

Please stick to food grade where you can and dilute properly before use. There is a wealth of information on this thread to guide you, if you take the time to read it.

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Tiffany (Georgia) on 02/11/2015

To the person that says 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide has to be ordered online, you can shop your local health food stores for it....I manage an Herb Shop and we sell it!

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Joy (Kathu) on 02/09/2015

Hi karrie, have you tried tapping the area below your ear? This method does work well for sinus and ear probs, basically you just keep your head upright and use only light gentle taps with your middle finger all around the ear but especially under the lobe of the ear and this encourages drainage into your throat, there are many methods shown for this on utube. By the way it works for me. Good luck.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/10/2015

Editor's Choice

Dear Karri,

Hydrogen is so widely used in the ears...I would tend to think the problem with your ears is a complication of your cold and not the peroxide.

Either way, a clove of garlic may do the trick.

You can peel a clove of garlic, being careful not to prick it. Just get off the papery part. Find a clove that is big enough to put at the opening of your ear but that is not small enough to go into your ear. Use a bandana or something to keep it at the opening to your ear for an hour or two. Garlic (and onions) tend to draw out fluid. They also help inflammation and infection.

A warm rice sock would be an alternative to the above. Or your could alternate.

I hope it feels better soon!

~Mama to Many~

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