The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
IV Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
Posted by Terry (Hcm City, Na ) on 06/30/2013
H202 IV injections: What is the correct ratio of 3% FGHP to saline solution (100ml, 500ml) for injection?
Broad Benefits
Posted by Annie (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 06/08/2013
I am so grateful to have found this 3% food grade H202. I prayed and prayed for healing and suddenly I came across this valuable piece of info. Before going on H202, my pee stunk like it had garlic or iron in it. The toilet was so smelly even I could not stand the smell. Now after a few days taking the H202, there is no smell at al. I used to suffer from horridly painful cramps in my thigh and calf, now they are a thing to the past. I sleep better and have a bit more pain to clear in my legs, hopefully that too will be gone as the days go by. I heard that so long as the Hydrogen Peroxide has no stabilisers, you can pour it into a food grade plastic bottle and freeze it. Then when the water in it is frozen, pour the pure liquid, which is 35%, into a smaller containers and keep it frozen. Just take out enough and put that amount into a smaller bottle with a dropper in the fridge. Replenishing it as you use it up. Hope that helps. Careful, this pure form will and can burn your skin on contact. Annie Low
Broad Benefits
Posted by Leizel (Bacolor, Pampanga Philippines) on 06/08/2013
Hi! I'm so gratefull that I've found this site. H2O2 really a big help for me and my kids. My kids always on medicines for coughs and cold, antibiotics and non stop nebulization for their asthma before. I thank God that He let me discover H2O2. Every time my kids have symptoms I just put 3 drops in each ear and drain. It really works now and no more meds. More power to your site and God bless!
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Dosage
Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas) on 06/04/2013
Where and what site can we buy the fg h2o2? Thanks in advance!
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Dosage
Posted by Dcgirl (Topsham, Me Usa) on 06/03/2013
I bought the cure off of a site and the method of administration; use ONLY food grade 35% H202 diluted for all steps to only 8 oz (1 cup) of Distilled water, DO NOT use tap water (the metals in tap water do not mix well! ) First day: 3 drops, 3 times a day
second day: 4 drops, 3 times a day
Third day: 5 drops, 3 times a day
Fourth day: 6 drops, 3 times a day
Fifth day: 7 drops, 3 times a day
Sixth day: 8 drops, 3 times a day
Seventh day: 9 drops, 3 times a day
Eighth day: 10 drops, 3 times a day
Ninth day: 12 drops, 3 times a day
Tenth day: 14 drops, 3 times a day
Eleventh day: 16 drops, 3 times a day
Twelfth day: 18 drops, 3 times a day
Thirteenth day: 20 drops, 3 times a day
Fourteenth day: 22 drops, 3 times a day
Fifteenth day: 24 drops, 3 times a day
Sixteenth day: 25 drops, 3 times a day
After day sisteen you need to begin slowly decreasing your dosage by 1 drop a day, 3 times a day (for example count down from 25 drops a day all the way too 3 drops a day 3 times a day) Keep the water amount the same (1 cup for all dosages) stay at the maintenance level of 3 drops, 3 times a day for 30 more days. ALSO eliminate everything that contains white flour from your diet. And Yes, I have tried it and I have had no more herpes outbreaks and I was just diagnosed with it!!!!
Heart Issues
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/03/2013
Jo, have you read up on Cayenne for the heart?
Heart Issues
Posted by Jo (Bourg, La 70343) on 06/03/2013
Hi, my name is Jo. I have 6 stints. I have been taking the food grade hydrogen peroxide in water 1x a day for almost 2 years. Is there any information you can give me about the benefits of this treatment for heart patients? Should I increase the treatments, 2x daily? Thanks
Posted by Jimu (Concord, Ca., USA) on 06/02/2013
Hi, In the ebook "Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide - One Minute" it states this:
If you find the taste unpleasant, try diluting the hydrogen peroxide with six to eight ounces of milk, aloe vera, or watermelon juice instead of water. If you are still bothered by a bleachy aftertaste, cut down on the number of drops you put into each glass and increase the number of glasses you drink each day, or simply drink some water after you drink the oxygen water.
I've been through this therapy twice before using only 5 ounces of distilled water per dose as the other book I read recommended. And I will definitely follow my intuition and body signals foremost. But I would like to discover if it is quite more benefitial to consume the stronger water mixture 3 times daily over the same amount of drops per day divided into 4 doses of water.
Thank you very much.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Braveheart (Vancouver, Bc) on 05/28/2013
I used regular store hydrogen peroxide as a douche for a couple of nights when I had an infection and it was fine. Got rid of my infection. The only other think was to also put up vit. C 500mg not the chewable flavoured kind to restore the acidity and then a tablet of acidophilis to restore good bacteria. Gets rid of many vaginosis/yeast/stinky issues. I only did it about 3 times over a 2 year period but way better than taking antibiotics. Never tested for stabalizers or anything. I was fine. If you're bleeding and it is not your period time then you may have other issues, in my opinion, and you should go see your Dr. or try some nice soothing natural oils like conconut oil or olive oil up there to sooth the tissues.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Gypsy (Golden, Co) on 05/28/2013
This is true. My family has used H202 this way since I was a child. It was recommended by our family docter. It works like a charm, definately one of the first remedies I run to if my ears are popping and my tonsils are swelling. It is handy to have a fluffy handtowel that you can lay on then after the bubbeling subsides. It will itch and tickle like crazy. You can dump it out by placing your towel on the ear then tilting your head towards your shoulder. This is the best part. Then I clean the ear gently with a q tip or a soft cloth. Repeat the process on the other side. Also this is 3% regular H202 I am talking about, right off the shelf.
Long live Earth Clinic. This is the best site ever! Thank you to all the people who make it so.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Susan (Vermont) on 05/22/2013
I am 49 yrs old and had painful periods, along with heavy flow and migraines.. All at the same time. Plus, I have asthma. UNTIL NOW. I no longer have ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS since I started using 35% food grade H202 diluted with distilled water. I use the recommended drop dosages and now I'm up to 20 drops 2x daily and have been using it now for about 3 months. I have never felt better in my life. My asthma is almost completely gone and I have no symptoms related to my periods. I went to the OB/GYN today and she told me I may have a uterine cyst.. Then she asked if I had heavy periods, etc... So I told her 'no' since I no longer have them! I wonder if my cyst shrunk or what, but since I'll never know, I wanted to share my story.. It really changed my life completely. I'm even more awake in the morning and can exercise now without breathing problems. If anyone would like to talk to me personally, please feel free to email me.. I'm very happy to help anyone out there that can benefit from my experience.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Paul (Port Charlotte, Florida) on 05/07/2013
I take 35% food grade HP every day, 1 drop per 5 0z of pure water. I have 16oz glass bottles and add 3 drops per bottle. I take 3 to 6 bottles a day and have been doing so for last 2 years. I use this as a prevention from disease. I am very healthy, take no medicines at all and walk min 6 miles to max 9 miles a day. Will be 71 in June. Never get colds, head aches, flu nothing. I suggest you take bottles of pure water with 1 drop per 5oz of water to work if you have a fridge... needs to be kept cold. Drink any time and as much as you want. This dose is very safe. Energy galore too. Hope this helps.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Emelia (Wifi Town , , Usa ) on 04/24/2013
I have a question about using H202 as a cold/flu relief. Recently I used 3% grade in my ears as instructed. No problems at all, until I emptied out my right ear after the bubbling subsided. I noticed that the cartilige on the outside of my ear around the opening for the ear canal was red, was that just an irritation from the bubbling or does it usually do that with an infected ear? Thanks.
Posted by Lynne (Texas, USA) on 04/11/2013
Hi TED/Bill, For seboheric dematitis, I am using TED remedy ACV H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide 1%) + Water = 1:1:10 on my scalp. But, I can see hairs coming out when I wash my scalp with this mixture but my scalp itching and scaling is healing to some extent. Does prolonged use of this solution cause permanent damage to scalp follicles, hair loss etc?
I found an article that suggested 1% Hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to scalp follicles and baldness, and I am worried with the above solution.
Tongue Ulcers
Posted by Rich (Teaneck, New Jersey, Unites States) on 04/07/2013
I don't know what they are called, but I've gotten like these puffy marks in my mouth like on my tounge that hurt like hell and I found that if you pour a little hydrogen peroxide in your hand and stick your tongue in it and wait like thirty seconds until bubles form around the mark and rinse it off and do it a couple times the mark disappears in like a third of the time it normally would to just tough it out.
H2O2 and Antibiotics
Posted by Danielle (Abbotsford , B.C. Canada) on 03/19/2013
Looking for an answer to the hydrogen peroxide and antibiotics question... My boyfriend and I recently started taking H2O2 six days ago... His doctor prescribed him antibiotics for the symptoms he has (Chronic fatigue, cracking joints, arthritis, weak muscles). They haven't diagnosed him with anything yet (he's gone to several doctors, none have known what is wrong). Anyways, just want to know if it is safe to take both at the same time. Not for three hours before or one hour after taking h202 of course. Thanks so much!
Broad Benefits
Posted by Justin (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 03/06/2013
Hi everyone, Few years back, I was diagnosed with Asthma, Sinus and chronic fatigue, so I was sent to hospital specialists for treatments and was given a lots of medications and pills, but the conditions only improved a little after few months of treatments.
Quite desperate and with God's help, I found Earth Clinic about 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. After going thru the forums/testimonies, I took a bold step to start with 1 drop together with a glass of filtered water (about 250 ml), taken 2 times per day due to work constrains, gradually increased 1 drop per day. At any time when I feel terrible bad on that particular day, I will maintain my dosage for few days, then continue to increase it when I felt a bit better. After reaching 25 drops, I taper off by taking 25 drops once every other day for 4 days, then 25 drops once every 3rd day for 2 weeks. Then I taper off gradually by 1 drop off per day, until I reached 7 drops as a maintenance level until now. Sometimes I do forget to take it for 1-2 days, but that did not affect as I already walked off the illnesses I mentioned earlier. What I can tell you is that I feel great. Since then I always feel energetic and in excellence health every day, as if I am going to live forever (just a joke). Since then on I never visit any doctors, no do I have any flu/cold or any sickness at all.
I always believe that good things must be shared, so I tried to share with my friends and relatives. You know what! At first they all are skeptical about it and even make a joke on me, saying that I'm trying to be a doctor without a license.
After few weeks, few of my friends tried and are astonished with the results they have had, so words spread, now many of them did tried and most have tremendous results. The sicknesses that they have tried on are : asthma, acne, sinus, chronic fatigue, arthritis, bad breath, teeth-whitening, as a fountain of youth (we call it "young water") etc..
Now, one of my friends are trying it on cancer, once I have the reports from him, I'll write to you.
Thank you and all the best to everyone.
Posted by Steve (Waterlooville, Hants, England) on 02/27/2013
I'm taking 35% FGHP in milk, as per instructions, and was wondering if I could use deionized water rather than distilled water due to the cost?
Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 02/26/2013
Just a word of caution: Humidifiers are known to be extremely bad for health, whereas de-humidifiers are safe. The best ways to humidify a home are as such: 1) Place as many plants as you can fit onto your window ledges. The plants will release moisture into the air through transpiration. 2) Once you've finished in the bath, leave the water overnight to cool and some will evaporate into the air and humidify your home. 3) Place bowls of water in rooms of your home, these will evaporate eventually, then just refill. 4) Try and do as much cooking on a stove top rather than in the oven. The stove top cooking allows moisture to be released - the oven will dry your home out.
p.s. not to mention you'll save heaps on electricity!!
Posted by Teresa (Spruce Pine, Nc ) on 02/26/2013
I have been doing alot of research on Hydrogen Peroxide and from all that I am finding, when mixed with water it breaks down VERY quickly. Is this not so if it is mixed with distilled water? If not, how long will it last after mixed?
General Feedback
Posted by Ibeta (Skovlunde, Denmark) on 02/23/2013
I have used Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (FGHP) PROPERLY - distilled water, strict adherence to the protocol -for years, without any health problems - just lots of benefits. Note that not all FGHP's are equal. Some can also be contaminated - the smell test is good, but always make sure to buy from a reputable company.
I am not medically trained, and have sometimes wondered about the oxidation->cancer argument. Well fast running streams have quite a high peroxide level, and mankind has drunk from these since the beginning.
Also human breast milk contains H2o2 - especially the first 'batch'.
The unfortunate fact is, that 1 in 2 Americans will contract cancer during their lifetime - 1 in 3 have it already without knowing. It is my guess that H202 might make the cancer symptoms more obvious - but that doesn't mean it 'caused' it.
General Feedback
Posted by Ibeta (Skovlunde, Denmark) on 02/23/2013
No. Only distilled water should be used.
Posted by Johnna (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/10/2013
My Reply to: 01/28/2013: Branda from Detroit, Mi:
"I need help with the H2O2 protocol.... Anyone have suggestions on the best procedure when taking H2O2. Also, can I take vitamins? And do I need enzymes?
I have taken 35% H202 for 20 years, in addition to IV every month for 17 years. I have Systemic Candidiasis and would be dead without it! Also, I have been unable to digest my food for 17 years, because I no longer make hydrochloric acid or digestive enzymes. I tried everything on the market and have found what products really work. Malnutrition has perminantly damaged my body, so my research and study of nutrition has also caused me to investigate vitamin supplements. I have wasted thousands of dollars on products that made me worse, so I would be happy to share with you what I have learned and help you avoid unnecessary expense and delay. You may email me at ihsai [at]hughes [dot] net. I look forward to meeting you.
Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
Posted by Roula (Arlington, Virginia, Usa) on 02/10/2013
I'm reading all this wealth of information on about HP and respiratory issues. I want to try what I learned on my 3.5 year-old-son who has pnueumonia. Then I got to thinking, would putting HP in the air humidifier be an effective way to transport the it into the breathing ways leading into the lungs?
I couldn't find any discussion on this topic, and hoping to start one with this inquiry. Thanks!
Posted by Branda (Detroit, Mi) on 01/28/2013
I need help with the H2O2 protocol. I believe I'm OK with the doseage but am not sure about taking my thyroid medication and the type of food to eat and not to get. Anyone have suggestions on the best procedure when taking H2O2. Also, can I take vitamins? And do I need enzymes? Thanks.
H2O2 and Medications
Posted by Marie Rough (Johannesburg, Rep Of South Africa) on 01/27/2013
I am on the following medication: Warfarin, Vasomil (Heart Arithmia) Prexim (blood pressure-High)water tablets and the Oxygen Machine (Emphasemia) will I be able to use the oxygen cure?