It is also recommended to use a high strength, multi-strain probiotic (as high as 14 strains) at the rate stated on the bottle. Also hydrogen peroxide apparently reacts with iron in the blood and so reduces its oxygen carrying ability. So long term users of H2O2 would do well to eat foods higher in iron, such as spinach, swiss chard, dark raisons, black currents, etc. , to avoid becoming anemic.
Persons who want to stay healthy longer in life should learn proper FOOD COMBINING. AND, eat smaller meals. Here are some approximate food digestion times:
Sugars, fruit and melons......... 2 to 3 hours
Green vegetables & starchy foods... 4. 5 to 5 hours
Beans, peas, soy products, milk, cream, meats, fish eggs, fats and oils............. Up to 12 hours!
Clearly it would be better while treating one's self with hydrogen peroxide to go on a vegetarian diet. Most people could not wait 12 hours between meals plus another hour following the 8oz glass of water with H2O2 drops in it. I hope this helps those people who have been getting sick following the taking of peroxide drops. And it may also hold true for the other methods of infusing the body with peroxide.
I am almost totally vegetarian and I'm up to 17 drops in 8oz of water 3 times a day. I have not thus far become nauseous. And, I had stomach/gut issues before I started. I believe I was/am carbohydrate and gluten intolerant.
My groin/bladder-area pain and irritation is feeling smooth. Fibromyalgia is reduced enough so I can sleep thru the night. I have more restful sleep with more pleasant dreams. When I wake up I am ready to get with it. I am 76 years old. I plan to keep hydrogen peroxide in my health arsenal for the rest of my days.
I believe that everyone who uses hydrogen peroxide intelligently, carefully and precisely can benefit from using it. But do your research first. Follow only sound, carefully written, trusted advice. Increase dosages slowly and hold at a level or go back a bit for a few days before increasing again if you experience nausea. Always play it safe. Don't trust to luck or magic. Get it right the first time; avoid mistakes and disappointment.
I like to remember what some naturopath wrote many years ago: "disease cannot live in a well oxygenated body"! Caring doctors are still saying the same thing today.
The best of health to you, Michael
Cancer Cancer
Artificial Joints
Dental Care
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
Now, almost a month later, my body quivers and anxiety has stricken my mind. There are times when my brain lapses momentarily. I suspect this is a result of the overdose and could use some clarification or confirmation and certainly some guidance. It was my mistake and no one's fault but my own (I was never good with details). Granted, there were extenuating circumstances which I can attribute to my recent anxiety (Hurricane Sandy's aftermath), however, I have not read anywhere what the consequences of taking too much FGHP are. I appreciate your help.
ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)
** They also went on to explain that supplements may be needed to counteract any affects this method could have, being taken internally. It suggests Vitamin C - I would research what others should be taken, as I read it breaks down the iron in your body. Also, it states that they purchased their 35% Food Safe HP at their local natural grocer. Check your health food, whole food, and vitamin retailers and they may also sell it in your area.
General Feedback
1) How can you eat anything when pumping HP 5-6 times per day?
2) What kinds of foods don't make you feel sick if you eat them near to taking or having taken HP?
I firmly believe in this but cannot eat within 2 hours either side of taking it.
For stomach infection, you can take Bael Fruit Powder. Take 1 tsp Bael Fruit Powder in a Glass of water mix it thoroughly and set aside for half hour. And drink it. Fruit is a very potent anti-viral and anti-parasitic natural medicine.In thailand it is available as Bael Fruit Jam too. If you can't get Bael Fruit Powder, along with ted's recomendation take lots of probiotic foods like
Milk Kefir, Saurkraut, Miso, Yoghurt, Natto, Kimchi, Butter milk. Or at the least, take probiotic supplements. thanks
Breathing Issues
At the moment I'm using most of your remedies and so far I have seen amazing results with ACV curing my dizziness and stomach issues. I recently also started out with ozone therapy which I trust will help me on in getting better. Although, yesterday I bought myself colloidial silver and 35% foodgrade HP and have been taking 3drops with every glass of water 3 times a day and have been taking the collodial silver every now and then. I just want to know if its safe to use ACV, CS and HP all together? Last night I 've had bouts of diarrhea and this morning woke up with a sore throat and burning stomach. I still have upset stomach as i'm sitting here the next day. Is it a relapse of the virus or am I overdoing it? I really want to get better!
( I believe in small breaks and remaining aware of my intuitive sense as to when and how often)
Its wonderful and I've experienced only positive results. My only desire is to find a more enjoyable way to consume this stuff? Some don't mind the taste/sensation at all, but I really cant stand it!! I recall reading years ago something about grapefruit juice?? I would love to learn of alternatives.
One other question is on the scheduling. As I understand it, one should should avoid food and drink 3 hours before and 1 hour after. I have an extremely fast metabolism and really cannot handle a 4 hour break. The morning is easy as 3 hours is done while sleeping, but the rest of the day is without such a large window and I would really like to up the number of intakes per day on occasion. Is all that time necessary? Does my fast metabolic rate mean I don't have to wait as long? Do certain foods mix with the process better?
My gratitude to anyone with answers and to all who make this clinic possible.
Towards the bottom there is a link to a YouTube video of a senior who has back pain and what Dr. Robert Rowen did for him.... fascinating stuff.
Broad Benefits
I have used HP for several medical problems (A very bad back problem; irregular heart beat.. "atrial fibulation; and precancerous prostate.. High Grade Pin.
I used 35% food grade diluted to 3% ( 11 ounces of DISTILLED water with 1 oz. of 35% food grade); get this right. The back problem is COMPLETELY GONE; MY GIRL FRIEND ALSO. I am 69 years old she is 59. I drink about 90 0z of water per day with a 1/4 tsp full of CELTIC SEA SALT for each quart of water, eat lots of green veggies (juicer) and now spray about 50 sprays a day (one inhale while pumping 5 times). I worked up slowly, starting 2 pumps twice a day, same with my girlfriend. I can't tell you the relief we have received.... No back pain at all.
I also had an irregular heart beat ( it is now completely gone); I used food based magnesium as well ( no synthetic supplements). Also had a precnaceerous prostate (high grade pin) my PSA went down from 7.8n to 3.8 4 points in 9 months. The Urologist couldn't believe it.
Lastly, My girl friend has a Bernice Mountain dog who got cancer. He is about 8 yrs old. The vet said he will be dead in 3 months due to the tumor on his leg. 98% percent of these dogs die of cancer. It is now 3 1/2 months later the dog is VERY much alive...... Lots of energy. We sprayed HP 5-6 times a day directly on the tumor( it shrunk and and looks dead). Also we gave him green veggies ( partially cooked) and add it to his food/water (worked up to 8 cap fulls each day; 4 in the morning , 4 in the afternoon with meals and water). I hope this helps many of you. I owe so very much to Bill Munro; he has changed my life. Talked to him on th ephone over a year ago.... Wonderful man.
High Blood Pressure
One of the problems regarding treating the back, is that it is naturally difficult to reach much of it. I decided I'd try spraying 3% pharmacy H2O2 on my back after showering. I've been using food grade for internal use, but as this is an external application, there's no problem using the more commonly available kind.
I found that the spray nozzle for a liquid wrinkle remover fit the fairly small opening to a regular bottle of H2O2, and that it sprayed a very fine mist, which is perfect for this application. I noticed an improvement almost immediately... It didn't take very long to clear up most of the back. However, it took about 3 months to finally clear up a persistent area located in the middle of my upper back. The treatment can be drying, which didn't bother me, but if it is bothersome to you, I'd expect that you could apply the spray every other day instead.
Anyway, it's a real relief to have cleared up my back for the first time in over 30 years, and I feel quite certain that it will continue to be successful. I hope this will help someone as much as it has helped me.
General Feedback
Colds, Plantar's Wart
Never knew I had any issues with hearing until I used H2O2 when I felt a cold coming on. Boy, was the TV loud!
My son is a convert and loves H2O2 as fizz shows peroxide soldiers are battling nasty bugs! He has been a fan since the soldiers fought and vanquished his large and painful plantar's wart. The cure was 3% - easily applied with sport cap from drinking bottle isolating verruca and 'soldiers poured from above. No pain, no worry with spills ....easy!!
Broad Benefits
If you do not know the protocol, check it out on page 1 of this section. It is repeated many times throughout the section, but it's amazing how many people don't read it all through and keep asking the same questions!
Breathing Issues
Your skin is the organ by which you have a window into the general state of other organs in your body (wrinkling, liver spots, dryness). H2O2 is an oxidant, and WILL work to dry out organic matter/tissue, alive or dead. If you are in doubt of this, take a piece of leather or meat and apply H2O2 to it, in one spot, in the amount that you are consuming every day, and see what happens to it over time. The only thing that prevents this from happening to your argans as fast as it does the leather or meat is your limited repair and anti-oxidant response, both of which have their limits and decrease in effectiveness with age.
In my opinion, you should be using H2O2 for one or both of two reasons:
1. As a temporary "emergency" antibiotic effort to aid your immune system in ridding itself of foreign organisms that will do more damage to your body over-time than will brief diluted H202 usage.
2. To put an adaptive pressure on the body to improve it's natural anti-oxidant output. In this case, I wholly disagree with multiple-time per day H202 dosing, as that will prevent the adaptive response (in preventing the recovery/rest period from the oxidant assault) and will instead lead to a state of constant increased oxidants, in your bloodstream, over baseline. It's analglolous to lifting weights multiple times per day, every day, and never giving your body the rest it needs to actually build muscle. Instead, your constantly tearing it (your muscle or your anti-oxidant defense) down.
I recommend moving to a once per day very low dosage regimen until your skin improves, after taking at least a-week-or-two off from your undoubtedly too-high, too-often dosing. You may see a great improvement starting with a very low, very infrequent dose (no more than once per day - even skip days on occassion and see how that works out - test, test, test.)
If you get good results, you can slowly move up the drop number in your once per day regimen. However, unless you are trying to rid yourself of an accute bacterial, vural, or fungal infection quickly, I cannnot think of a single reason to ever take more than one dose per day. Furthermore, if your infection doesn't wane after a relatively short period of time with more frequent or concentrated dosing (no more than one week, imo), than I would cut back to a low infrequent dose ASAP.
Colds and Flu
H2O2 Side Effects
I also don't understand why the H202 needs to be so radically increased. H202 in 'living' water is only in very minute amounts yet is beneficial. More is not necessarily better. Surely regular ingestion of minute amounts (1 - 3 drops 35% HP in 8oz water) is better in the long run than large unnatural quantities that cannot be tolerated very well. Healing spa water often contains in the region of 0. 25% concentration. If that is healing at that level wouldn't that be enough?
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
It is best not to stop the H202, but maybe reduce it for a while just to let your body continue to detox. Having been reading through the whole area on HP, time after time people post that the HP made them sick.
We have been brainwashed into believing that anything that makes us feel rotten is an 'illness'. No, it's just the body's way of off-loading what it doesn't want. The body will use any outlet it can to detox - coughs (lungs), colds (sinus/throat/nose), rashes, sores, boils, spots, zits, eczema, psoriasis (skin), diarrhea (bowels), cystitis (bladder) conjunctivitis (eyes), and will often send the toxins out through the nearest or best available outlet.
Because our lifestyles often prevent our bodies from being able to detox properly - the first sniffle gets us running to the Doc for a 'suppression' tablet - the toxins are often driven deep into the body rather than out of it.
HP gets the cells working far better - and far more able to detox. If people were to read far more information before jumping in to this, they would then understand what to expect.
It will pass, and keeping on with the HP, even a lower dose, will help it to detox faster. Stopping the HP can often just prolong the detox.
H2O2 and Medications
It seems that HP can help regulate blood sugar levels, so for those on oral medication it may help to make the medication more effective, reduce the level of the dose or even remove the need for it completely.
Just keep monitoring the blood sugar levels, eat generally low-carb for good health anyway, and you might over time just find that you are no longer classed as diabetic!
General Feedback
It's very common to get detox reactions when starting HP protocol. If you keep the dose where it is or even lower it slightly without stopping it, it should clear up. You may find it better to use it more diluted anyway.
The HP molecules are no less effective, diluting with extra water just means there are less molecules in the water. Someone pointed out on an earlier post to demonstrate that if you put 25ml of vodka into a 4oz glass of water and 25ml into an 8ox glass, you still have 25ml of vodka, but with more water. It would still affect you the same....
General Feedback
HP is very good for getting unwanted toxins out of the body. Your body was obviously using the opportunity to off-load lots of crud.
We have been 'brainwashed' by The Establishment into assuming that any kind of detoxing response is an 'illness', when most of the time it is purely the body off-loading. It gets an awful lot of crap thrown at it over the years and what it can't deal with at the time just gets stored somewhere. What goes in has to come out sooner or later or we would be in far bigger trouble.
The HP was almost certainly actually doing you a favor regardless of whether you appreciated it at the time or not! It is possible that had you kept going with the HP the detox episode would not have lasted as long as it did.
If you had read through the whole HP section, in the area on HP & Cancer one woman related the experience of her son with lung cancer. She said that shortly after starting the HP protocol, he started coughing up lumps of brown stuff. His body was off-loading the tumors in his lungs. I bet he was glad to get that out, despite the horrible cough!
General Feedback
If you have had any issues before that spring up during the initial stages of taking HP, that can be due to the body going through proper healing and detox of those areas. When we are sick, although the body will heal, it cannot always do it properly so makes a patch-up job until it gets the resources to do it properly.
It is very common to feel poorly initially - that is why it is far better to go slowly with the HP and gradually increase it. You can always drop back a dose or stop it for a day or two until the reactions subside.
We have been 'programmed' to believe that any kind of pain or discomfort has to be an 'illness', but the body only has a few ways it can heal, and one of them is through inflammation - getting blood - and oxygen - to damaged areas in order to put them right. But whilst the healing process will always eventually stop, the damage process doesn't.
General Feedback
Whilst H202 is naturally generated in the body by bodily processes, enzymes and Lactobacillic bacteria in the gut and consumed in raw food and rainwater, cigarette smoke isn't.
Whatever the argument is, it isn't making sense...
Breathing Issues
As the body detoxes, toxins and unwanted matter are drawn out of the body via the detox pathways. That is why people will often eject lots of mucous from the nasal passages and the lungs, have boils, spots, rashes and zits etc. flare up, feel rough for a while, get (detox) colds and coughs, have diarrhea or loose stools, poor sleep (the body does a lot of healing and detoxing at night when we are resting and not using the energy for other things).
People don't get Cancer overnight. It is due to a cumulative build up of toxins from food that the body can't process properly like processed nutritionally dead sugar and other processed 'food', chemicals, prescription and non-prescription drugs, polluted water and any of the host of toxic chemical toiletries and cleaning substances people use over the years.
Bad Breath
As 3% HP bought from the drugstore also has added 'stabilizers', potentially that could cause problems.
It is unlikely this problem would be triggered by well-diluted Food Grade HP used on its own.
Earth Clinic Report
obviously everyone on here has been talking about FOOD GRADE PEROXIDE, not 3% pharmaceutical stuff.. so why you are sitting here responding to someone that said show us the studies to do with debunking the FACT that cancer and AIDS thrive in low oxygen bodies more so than high oxygen bodies..
To boost O levels orally I am currently in the habit of 5 drops Sodium Chlorite (NaCl) 2x daily; or rotate to 5 drops H2O2 (35%) 2x day. Also I begin my day w/ a warm footbath dosed w/ 1/2 scoop of Sodium Perborate (otc OxyfreeTM), 10 min w/ noticeable results. In an attempt to boost O levels even more, tonight I repeated the footbath as normal but dropped the little hose of my O3 generator into the water and felt immediate energy boost (beyond the normal f-bath). I have tried the O3 bubble before without the sodium perborate w/ less results; so I am, at least for now, convinced that this combination approach is working; Suffering from both Parasite Infestation AND Black Mold infection any progress w/ this combo therapy will certainly be noticeable. Will continue this combo on a daily basis and post results on E.C.
General Feedback
I now have a Ozone Generator to which I feed Pure O2 and meter for proper flow to produce O3(OZONE) to bubble through olive oil and have finally found (Oxygen therapy) which has improved my condition more than all other allopathic medical pharma solutions. You have to educate yourself. Google all of the above you will find UVB(ultra-violet blood irradiation) administrated by MD's as well H2O2 IV's done by local Dr's. All of which are Oxygen Therapy's!!!!!!!!