To quote from the article: "The idea behind ingesting hydrogen peroxide stems from a now-discredited theory that cancer and AIDS thrive on a lack of oxygen in the body."
Ummmm, discredited by what studies? Show us!
According to the FDA, when taken orally H202 might cause gastrointestinal irritation or ulcers. Hey, so does ibuprofen, which also causes acid reflux in people. We seriously doubt there are many people foolish enough to swallow large quantities of peroxide and suffer these purported side effects. (The standard dosage for food grade peroxide is 3-4 drops per 8 oz of distilled water.) If there are indeed people suffering side effects from these minute dosages, we'd like to see the reports.
4/1/2007: Below is one case sent to us today by Anonymous from New York City, NY. Here is the link to this abstract.
1: J Emerg Med. 2006 May;30(4):403-6. Hemorrhagic gastritis and gas emboli after ingesting 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Moon JM, Chun BJ, Min YI.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital and Chonnam Medical School, Gwangju, South Korea.
It is well known that ingestion of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide is usually nontoxic; this does not produce gas embolism and is only a mild irritant to the gastrointestinal tract. We report the case of a 25-year-old woman who ingested one mouthful of 3% hydrogen peroxide and presented to the Emergency Department with persistent vomiting and epigastric pain. The radiographic evaluation found portal venous gas emboli. In addition, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed 2 h after ingestion revealed diffuse hemorrhagic gastritis. She showed a decrease of hemoglobin concentration and a positive test result for occult blood in stool. She was observed for 14 days and discharged. Follow-up endoscopy showed erythematous gastritis. This case illustrates that a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide can cause portal venous gas embolism and severe gastrointestinal injuries even if only a small amount is ingested."
4/2/2007: Ted from Bangkok writes, "No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
Tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase. Ted
Metal Reaction
I've been reading the EC site and I'm confused. I've read that some people use the FGHP in their coffee. Starbucks? 7-11? Home brewed? I take my H202 in 8oz of distilled water and then I drink a couple of cups of coffee. Is this OK? Or, am I negating the effects of the H202?
Some people say they mix the H202 in "juice. " That's pretty nebulous as there's tons of "juices". Is apple juice (frozen mixed with distilled water) OK, or is there one you'd recommend?
I've been at 25 drops twice a day (I can't do the third dose because of my schedule and meds) for 14 days now and I find that my stomach gets really queazy with the afternoon dose. Will adding 14 teaspoon of Baking Soda help? Or will it negate the effects of H202?
Thank you, Ted
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There are many interesting texts of investigative studies and experiments by actual experts like doctors. The extra oxygen indeed help circulation and the heart as well as killing germs and tumors.
Please do read it.
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This website has excellent info regarding using peroxide for detoxing: http://healingtools.tripod.com/H2O2.html
Per Dr. Jonathan V. Wright's site at http://www.meditationexpert.com/health-relaxation/h_prevent_sars_and_respiratory_ills.htm
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The only one found is Wellmex Hydrogen Peroxide Solution B. P. 60ml, made in Thailand, distributed by Wellmex Sdn Bhd from Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia.
It is in a small brown bottle with a yellow label sticker, containing 6% w/v of Hydrogen Peroxide equivalent to 20 volumes of available oxygen. It says for first aid, dressing wounds, gargle and something called catarrh.
I don't dare to use it. I don't know how to use it. I am not sure if it is safe to put in water to drink too. Anyone has use this product before? Do you know how to use it for detox? Is it safe? Ted, what do you have to say? It is made in Thailand.
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I had an angioplasty done about 2 years ago. Can I consume H2O2 and if can what dosage do you think is safe?
Thanks, Jeffng
Colds, Sinus Infections
That is very dangerous. Water from a dehumidifier is condensate which is different than distillate. Water from a dehumidifier has been condensed out of the air and with it any airborne particles, bacteria, molds, and or viruses. Distilled water has been boiled in a closed system (no dust or air born particles) and then cooled to be condensed. So while the physics is the same, the outcome is quite different.
Never drink water from a dehumidifier.
Just my 2 cents -
Ciao! Cosmo
Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
" If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, there bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. " - Thomas Jefferson -
Took this from the link above, AND I love it! Sort of describes our motives! =]
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Good luck!
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Thanks for the reply. Does it mean that if you start off with high dosage of H2O2, it could damage the enzymes and be counter productive? 2 drops of 35% three times a day and increase by a drop everyday, correct?
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Plus go to the remedy section on this page and read up on it too!
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