The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Feedback
Posted by Cody (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) on 07/23/2012
How many parts per million of H202 is there in breast milk from humans? And how many parts per million in the colostrum from humans?
General Feedback
Posted by Susan (Los Angeles, Ca/usa) on 07/19/2012
Hi, Ted and thank you for the all the informative help. I have been using 35% HP in the way of ingestion. Started 3 drops per 8 oz of distilled water three times a day. The dosage adds 1 drop a day for 23 days. So far I am up to 10 drops 3 times a day. The taste has not bothered me yet.
Want to know if it is safe to keep up with this as long as I can handle the taste?
I am a smoker and suffering from Arthritis in my wrists and knees. I also have gum disease & been a candidate for gum surgery and have a severe case of varicose vein too. I heard that use of HP and the regimen I mentioned above would take care of these problems. I would like to know if the program I am following would help me with these conditions or if there is a better way of different dosage that would work better with these conditions. Also been reading on the posts about usage of regular filtered water would be a better alternative to distilled water and adding of baking soda or salt?
I cleaned my teeth and gums with the 3% solution and that caused flu like symptoms for the past 3 days with a bad cough of mucus.
I would like to know how to get rid of all the residue in my lungs due to years of smoking. Also been using 16 oz of 35% in bath tub full of water, would this help with arthritis?
Also if using HP would help psoriasis? And if so what would be the dosage? Thank you so much for all the help.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Ustabearepug (Tulsa, Ok) on 07/16/2012
First thing you want to do is buy you some PH strips which measure the acidity in your body, you want it drk blue which is alkaline, the more yellow means you are acidic, not good, ACV is acidic so I wonder why it is said to be good for us as we want our body alkaline, soda is highly alkaline, english walnuts are most alkaline, beer is acidic so I like no more than two Miller lights in the evening which is acidic. I add 1/2 teaspooon of baking soda to my can of beer hoping to neutralize the beer's acidity. When I drink a glass of water I add 1/2 teaspoon of soda and also add 4 drops of 35% food grade h202. Have been advised by the maker of my h202 to use 1 drop of h202 to every oz of distilled water or can use filtered water.
I'm 83, I bike, walk, play golf twice weekly, mow and weed eat two acres, have a garden but global warming is taking its toll on the garden, 102 and no rain in sight, I have never had a problem with what I do, even with this heat I have energy and if anyone that is reading this is concerned with my dosage I would like some feedback, oh and I never have a tummy ache as some have experienced, I have a testimony you must read, will do later.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Kabee (Elyria, Oh) on 07/14/2012
In response to the woman who is now bleeding from using H2O2 as a douche... Perhaps she has vaginal polyps and the instrument used to administer the douche broke open the polyp and she is experiencing the bleeding from the disturbed polyp. In any case, she should see her GYN immediately!
Posted by Bernie (Chicago, Il) on 07/13/2012
I have used Apple Cider Vinegar on my acne and it drys it right up. It is also very good for cold sores on the lips. If it stinks when you put it on use a little water in it.
I then follow it up by using neem soap and lotion. I only use the neem soap and lotion during the day. The neem lotion does have a slight smell but it evaporates in about half hour and works very well.
Posted by Dumas (Louisville, Ky, Usa ) on 07/12/2012
Hi. Just a quick note to recommend lysine for acne. I'm 50 years old and when I was a teenager with acne, a friend recommended lysine to me (found in any vitamin section) and it worked wonders for me. 2 or 3 500mg tablets a day during flare ups is usually all it takes. Good luck!
Lung Issues
Posted by Ken (Ayrshire) on 07/11/2012
Hi Devon from chautauqua, how are you? has your health continued to improve? I hope so, please keep us updated.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 07/09/2012
Did you dilute the HP? I have used it as a douche but diluted it 1part HP to 3 parts water. I did not have a problem.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Brettina (Irvine, Ca.) on 07/09/2012
Hi readers, I just need let you know that I was looking for a homemade douche solution online and found one that said to use HP. My first thought was, "How could that be when it says right on the bottle to only use externally?" My first thought was quickly replaced by the intrigue of what I was reading. I tried it immediately and before I was done pumping it inside, I began to cramp and then bleed. I have been bleeding, not heavily, for a day now. I feel so stupid, but fooled at the same time. Please help.
Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas) on 07/09/2012
Your 29% Hydrogen Peroxide - 1 oz. To 10 oz. distilled water. Mix 1 oz HP to 10 oz distilled water. Good luck!
Posted by Freda (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) on 07/08/2012
Can some tell me how to mix 29% hydrogen peroxide with distilled water so that I can drink it. I have COPD and hopes that it can help me!!! Thanks
Posted by Psilas (London, Uk) on 07/03/2012
For acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis etc what you REALLY want is Dead Sea Salt. This stuff is for the skin what hydrogen peroxide is for the blood.
Make sure its 'real' dead sea salt though. There are tons of fake sellers around, especially on ebay.
Ask for a free small sample from the company you are going to purchase from before buying large amounts. Dead sea salt is 'NOT' like normal sea salt and does not taste like it either. It tastes slightly chemical and you wouldn't want it on your food that's for sure. Its kinda like speed or amphetamines to the taste but definitely not salt like.
Use it regularly and dead sea salt can work wonders for the skin.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Kylie (Whitianga, New Zealand) on 07/01/2012
I read about putting 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ears to stop colds & flu on Dr Mercolas's website and thought it was quite interesting. They claimed it was successful in 80% of cases if administered within 12-16 hours of the first symptoms appearing.
It's midwinter here and everyone in the office came down with a cold, and shortly after I woke with a headache and a sore throat.
I checked on earthclinic that others had tried this first, which they had, so that night after work I syringed warmed hydrogen peroxide into my ear canal, (probably more than 3 drops as a pretty much filled the ear canal) lay down with a timer for 10 mins on each side, drank down a large dose of vitamin c, and the next day no symptoms of a cold what-so-ever. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself. It's a fantastic remedy and over 3 weeks later I still haven't had a cold. I've tried putting the drops in since but they didn't bubble like the first time which I assume means no infection was present.
I would recommend trying this if you're in the first stages of cold symptoms as you have nothing to lose.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 07/01/2012 2043 posts
Everett, One would use H2O2 drops as a treatment phase but not long-term. Ideally you would want to slowly graduate from the H2O2 drops and begin using "antioxidants" (of which are many kinds) to insure protection for cells. Lots of good nutrition plus antioxidants would suffice any somewhat healthy person. Any of the many forms of detoxing are recommended on a routine basis to keep "clean" on the inside. Hope this helps.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Everett (Orlando, Fl Usa) on 06/30/2012
I started taking h2o2 4 mos ago. Started with 3 drops in 8 oz distilled water, and built up to 25 drops 2 x daily. I continue to take the 25 drops 2xdaily. I am 74 years old, 5' 10", 155 lbs, non smoker, work out every day, eat healthy, and on no prescription medication. I have fought cancer since '01 with diet, exercise, and rife machines, also had tuberculosis in '62 with moderate advanced case, hospitalized 4 months, was completely cured and no relapses.
Since taking HP for approx 4 months total, I have had painful boils, and cold and flu like symptoms, but the symptoms have escalated in the last 9 days. I have developed a deep cough, sore throat, very low energy almost like I have a virus or flu bug and can do very little work which I'm normally pretty high energy.
I do not throw up or have any intestinal discomfort. I have no fever, no sinus irritation. But a terrible nagging cough for 9 days. I purchased a Vicks Warm Mist humidifier yesterday to see if it will make me feel better, and stop the coughing, return my energy level.
Do I have a toxic build up? What would you suggest to get my energy back??
General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/29/2012 2043 posts
Maggie, I have made only one purchase of the MMS 28% 4oz bottle @ and am satisfied w/ the entire process. A quick search shows many co.'s want to also sell the citric acid activator thus boosting the price. I use ovc lemon juice concentrate from the grocer as an activator, or add a few drops MMS to Lemonade w/ good results. If you smell or taste chlorine then you know you've created the Chlorine Dioxide, which, according to Jim Humble, is a superior oxygen donor compared to sodium chlorite or hydrogen peroxide.
Another oxygen supplement worthy of interest is "Cellfood" and "Cellpower" both of which contain active oxygen plus vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. "Revive Organics" sells the same product in generic form for use as a supplement to revive the health of your pets and plants. My purchase from them was completely satisfactory. "ATG Products from All Things Good" looks like a high quality product and upstanding wholesale/direct seller, but I have no personal knowledge w/ ATG.
Sorry I don't have any more knowledge of vendors. Let us know of your personal progress and the accessibility of MMS inCanada; and thanks for your encouragement as I am in a semi-crises mode of recovery from 20 yrs bad health.
General Feedback
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta,canada) on 06/28/2012
Thanks Timh. I've been researching sellers in Canada. Finding out about the ban in Canada because of it originally being named miracle mineral supplement. I am trying to understand why it is sometimes sold with an activator. Is it advisable to get the activator as well or will the water purification drops work on their own? Also, do you know if all sellers are legitimate if they mention sodium chlorite or if I should beware of anyone selling it under a false pretense. Hope you are well. Thanks for the suggestion. I greatly appreciate it.
Posted by Oxygenman (Jackson, Mi) on 06/28/2012
3yrs ago I had a bleeding problem that I had for over 2yrs and than I finally told my wife. I didnt have health insurance so I did my research found 11 protocols to assist or cure a disease or cancer and decided on 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and me and my wife did the drip therapy and I have not had a flare up since :) and I have done dmso and msm also along with other therapies using oxygen therapy:)
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Ken (Ardrossan, Uk) on 06/27/2012
Hi Briana from dublin, did you have any success with h2o2 with your emphysema? Ken
General Feedback
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 06/26/2012
Hi Maggie - If you are looking for 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in Calgary, try Community Health Foods (you may want to phone first to see if it's in stock). They keep it in the back so you will have to ask for it. I'm sure other health food stores have it too. Just add 1 ounce of 35% HP to 11 ounces of distilled water for 3% solution. NatureClean is best used for laundry purposes. Here is the Material Data Safety Sheet from their Web site: Liq.pdf
Since it's formulated for cleaning, the grade of hydrogen peroxide probably isn't the purest. I wouldn't ingest it. Hope this helps!
General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/25/2012 2043 posts
M, The greatest possible danger is added industrial grade scent/fragrance to make cloths smell good, but are indeed highly toxic to biological organisms. From what you state there appears to be no added fragrance but this is questionable. Smell the product for scent, and then dissolve in water and smell for scent or fragrance. Otherwise the product should be safe for human consumption, it's simply a matter of potency; so if you decide to try use this formula "start low and go slow".
As for alternative to FG H2O2 I would recommend "Stabilized Oxygen" / Sodium Chlorite drops in daily water as recommended on label.
General Feedback
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta, canada) on 06/24/2012
Hi Timh, I was looking for a product that would be okay to ingest in water like food grade hydrogen peroxide. The product is called "Oxygen Bleach" and has a caution: irritant warning on it. It states "our oxygen bleach is created from hydrogen peroxide which biogrades fully into oxygen and water. It removes tough stains, deodorizes, whitens whites and brightens colours. It also states it is 100% naturally derived ingredients. Ingredients: deionized water, hydrogen peroxide.
General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 06/24/2012 2043 posts
Maggie, it would help if you state exactly what you are using it for, I. E. Oral administration? Does the label say "not for human consumption"? What is the product marketed for?
I begin my day w/ a warm water footbath plus 2 spoons of OxyFree (which is a course powdered, stabilized form of Hydrogen Peroxide marketed for use as a laundry detergent as a safe alternative to chlorine bleach). Sometimes I take a whole body hot bath w/ added Sodium Perborate to boost oxygen levels and help kill pathogens w/ good results.
General Feedback
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta,canada) on 06/23/2012
Hi. I found a product in the organics section of the grocery store. It is called Oxygen Bleach by NatureClean and it states it is 100% natural. The list of ingredients is deionized water and hydrogen peroxide. Just wondering if this is safe to use instead of food grade hydrogen peroxide. It does not list the percentage of hydrogen peroxide.
General Feedback
Posted by Billieboy (Chilliwack, British Columbia, Candna) on 06/22/2012
Lots of info at
The Author is James Paul Roguski
He has a book on his site entitled The Truth about Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
It is a 56 page book, giving complete instuctions, and lots of other info. You can download this book at no charge. He also has a phone number you can call for more info, and any concern you have.
Well worth checking out.
General Feedback
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/21/2012
You are right to be curious about that. Actually its worse. When used with chlorinated water, h2o2 gives off dangerous chlorine gas.
Posted by Boubou (Coral Gables, Florida) on 06/20/2012
As a wind instrument musician, I had frequent damge to the lips and mouth resulting in sores etc.. It is a common problem. Rinsing mouthpieces, reeds etc in H2O2 completely eliminated the problem for me and I have had zero occurences for years.
In the tropics minor wounds when working or hiking, for example have a tendency to persist and not heal. H2O2 solved this problem for me and my hands and legs are free from wound sites. From my experience I cannot confirm these warnings.
Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Boubou (Southwest Harbor, Maine) on 06/18/2012
I am a reed instrument musician and keep a glass of regular drug store around to keep mouthpieces and reeds healthy. I have found the habit completely avoids mouth ulceration and cold sores which wind players often suffer from and which used to be the bain of my life.
My wife drank a glass of this by mistake. - she doesn't waste drinking water. There were no detectable effects whatsoever.
Bad Breath
Posted by Kate (Raleigh, Nc) on 06/17/2012 6 posts
Your boyfriend's bad breath symptoms sound suspiciously like tonsil stones. If he has white matter lodged in the crevices of his tonsils, the smell will kill an elephant.
Posted by Kate (Raleigh, Nc) on 06/17/2012 6 posts
Yannick: Were you using 35% Food Grade H2O2 in your water? I'm 5' 2 1/2" and weigh 113 pounds. I'm taking 35% Food Grade H2O2 in an 8oz glass of water three times a day. Today, I reached 18 drops of 35% Food Grade H2O2 in a glass of water. I got pretty queasy for about 45 minutes after my first glass this morning. It was really uncomfortable, but after 45 minutes, I felt perfectly fine. The second glass I had today didn't make me feel quite so queasy although it was still uncomfortable. Again, though, I felt perfectly fine after 45 minutes. So, I wonder what kind of H2O2 you're using. Please let us know.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, USA) on 06/17/2012
Follow up - I called that number for Roy's market to see what I got. It is now a Vitamin Cottage grocer store, and they DO have 3% "food grade" HP, they checked for me and read it off the bottle. 16 oz is $8-something. I saw a Vit. Cottage grocer at Forest and Preston, same company, don't know if it is also at the Royal lane address. It pays to be proactive!
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, USA) on 06/17/2012
Sad :( According to Yahoo Local, Roy's in Dallas is permanently closed. It was open for 40 years, seemed to have a good thing going. Makes you wonder why... This is a quick request for shop info to anyone in Dallas or DFW that has found FGHP at a local store.
Dental Care
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, USA) on 06/17/2012
I use HP in my water flooser (Water pik). I fill it almost up to the top with water, and put a splash of HP in the water pik cistern - that is the receptacle wtih the water in it. I do this about 2-3 times a week. Also keep the pressure setting at 50% or below. Don't focus too much on one tooth, move around quickly, and don't do this much more often, because eventually it will erode your gums if you use it to excess. I use my orthodontic tip to splay the pressure out more so the stream is less pointed. Doing this a few times a week keeps my teeth in great shape. Great before upcoming interviews, big social events etc. It is like the water jet in the dentist except better! You can add your own stuff to it, and change the pressure. I use non-alcoholic mouthwash in my W. P. On the off days. This is also brilliant if you have braces or other orthodontics and can't floss normally.
General Feedback
Posted by Carmen (Grand Junction, Colorado) on 06/16/2012
Hello, I was wondering if it would be safe to use a digestible gel cap to place the drops of hp in once I get closer to the 20 to 25 drops? I could swallow the capsule and then drink the normal water? A friend said if that capsule dissolved in your throat before hitting the stomach I would be burning for sure.... What are your thoughts? Carmen in Colorado
General Feedback
Posted by Cameron (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 06/13/2012
Can you both post more details. There should be no reason you cannot take H2O2, you really should be looking at Vitamin C, L-Lysine though for your Heart Disease.
General Feedback
Posted by Michael (Ennis Town, Ireland) on 06/12/2012
Can I take diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide if I have medical stents in my artries? thank you
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Ja-nell (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/10/2012
You can also purchase some off of amazon. Com, which is where I get mine. I used it to cure my athletes foot. And to the person above me, I went to Denison University, so yay for Granville, OH lol. Best of luck everyone, this is great stuff.
Posted by Mr_obvious (Charlotte, Nc) on 06/04/2012
H2O2 offers an extra molecule of oxygen to fight off bad bacteria that grows best in low oxygen environments. The good bacteria tends to do well in higher oxygen environments so, used in proper dosage, I would think the H2O2 would be beneficial to the digestive tract. Regarding the previously discussed nausea: defective cells being killed off by H2O2 and removed from the body can cause a feeling of nausea.
Posted by Swhit (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/04/2012
To Yannick, This site has very good info about H202 and will explain what is going on.
General Feedback
Posted by Jen (Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Fr) on 05/24/2012
I'm about to start H2O2 therapy but I have one concern. I am a transgender girl, with that being said, I'm currently on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and I really need to know if there are any known adverse reactions or problems with H2O2 and HRT.
Any information will be much appreciated.
Posted by Bugginout (Akron, Oh) on 05/24/2012
Hi all, I was going through the many posts regarding food grade hydrogen peroxide H2O2. I found a site called "Educate - Yourself" at
There is additional useful information there some written by a Dr. David G. Williams. It gives the exact instructions, warnings, and dosages, etc. for taking the food grade hydrogen peroxide. Best of luck to everyone and good health!
Posted by Ernestine (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 05/17/2012
Re: h202 for Candida...I would like to clarify the math for using h202 (Food grade 35%) for everyday use.
I realize that we can't use h202 food grade at the 35% because of its toxicity; however, I am curious to know how we arrive at the percentage for everyday use? and is the percentage 2, 3 percent?
Would someone please clarify the math for me?
What an inspiring site you have! Thank you for being! Buffy
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Sheena (Granville, Ohio) on 05/15/2012
Hi Wendy and others: Food grade (35% H2O2) most definitely can be bought in health food stores--that is where I get mine. Call around.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Wendy (Silsbee, Tx) on 05/10/2012
When buying the Food Grade H202 it has to be bought online. It cannot be bought in stores, the food grade H202 is 35%, yes it may be more costly, but it's better to be safe than sorry using regular peroxide. Mixing the H202 with a 8oz. glass of distilled water and drinking it daily has proven to help someone with cancer, to this day he is still free of cancer.
Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Sarah Grace (Leonia, NJ) on 05/06/2012
And who, drinks a whole mouthful of the stuff??
Posted by Cindy (Sudbury, On Canada) on 04/26/2012
Hello Sandy, I hope you and your son are doing wonderfully. 2 days ago I started oral HP therapy to rid my body of Rheumatoid Arthritis (14 yrs and counting).
this note is to share info about taking HP with juices. I thought of your son, as you mentioned he's taking the HP with juice. There are certain juices that should be avoided, pls read:
"add the specified number of drops to 8 ounces of purified water (not chlorinated water! ), milk, aloe vera juice or watermelon juice. Avoid mixing with other juices as they may contain compounds, such as beta carotene, which will cause the hydrogen peroxide to release the oxygen before it has a chance to get into your system."
i found the above info here:
you have to scroll down the page to find the paragraph.
much light to you both, Cindy
Posted by Maria (London, Uk) on 04/24/2012
I would recommend to take enormous amounts of a wide spectrum of probiotics daily when taking something that kills off bacteria in the gut.
A low gut flora, or an imbalanced gut flora can cause pretty much any health problem you can imagine. I just finished reading a book about it, written by a professor in Immunology at University of Michigan Department of Immunology (top 10). It's called The Probiotic Revolution. Author Dr. Huggnagel. It makes you never want to take antibiotics ever again, unless it's a matter of life and death.
Since hydrogen peroxide kills off your gut flora, it could cause horrific problems, especially if you had a vulnerable gut flora to begin with.
Always take probiotics 2 hours after taking something that kills your intestinal good bacteria.
Posted by Dave (Syracuse, NY) on 04/22/2012
Thanks for all the info. I have started the therapy ingesting h2o2. I am on day 6 and no real side effects. I did get a slight headache when I started but that has gone and even my wife says I just look better. I am using the 35 percent and will keep a log of the progress. I am taking this to slow the frequentcy of cold sores and a preventative to all other virus/ cancers. The only thing I had issues with was burping even on an empty stomach. I am conscious of that and now it has been better. I definitely have a ton of energy. I used to drink two monsters a day just to get through work. I feel cleansed and have not had caffeine for a month now ( gave it up for lent and continued on).
Posted by Lou (Aransas Pass, Tx) on 04/20/2012
Im sorry, didnt know I had messages.. But Yes, I started on 17 percent because it will come faster in the mail, we are now on the 35 percent which is what you should use. Ordered from The Garden of Eden. We will stay on 25 drops in 5 ounces of distilled water for a couple of months then go to a maintanence dose of the same amount once a day. With high cholestrol, it the same dosage, it could take up to 3 months if it is serious , , like mine is, but I will be having an exam to test the cholestrol in a few weeks, now that I have the 35 0/0.
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by D Smith (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/19/2012
Hi Tricia, If all those didn't work, it could be the acv. ACV and other acids can cause irritation of the throat passages when taken at too high of a dose (Especially when using other products that clear mucous since the mucous helps protect these membranes from this damage.)
For the moment, I would suggest to possibly stop taking ACV and any other acidic products (lemon/grapefruit may be ok at low concentrations if necessary) and replace it with a spoonful of natural raw honey daily when you wakeup to help sooth and repair the throat. You may also want to cut down on your dosage of some of the products that you are taking to reduce mucous unless you are still having cold or flu type symptoms. Because of the possible damage, a little mucous is more helpful than hurtful at this point.
That said, ACV is not bad in itself as this can happen even from drinking a high concentration of lemon juice. Sometimes we just need to take baby steps when we start something new and in your case it may have been the combination of acidic products with a significant reduction in mucous.
Posted by James (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/12/2012
An effective way to get rid of Acne is to use plain white vinegar!
My daughter had had some problems with Acne for some years until I found a little advertised secret on the net about the uses for vinegar.
I thought it seemed harmless enough and recommended that she try it.
You have to be careful not to get it in your eyes but otherwise it works like wonders! You use it as it is not diluted! Remember this is Vinegar not H202. I have also used H202 food grade for years but for different applications and I have found it to be very useful for the majoity of the applications recomended. To get rid of any burns on your hands you can use vitamin C in the powdered form and mix with water just enough water to disolve and give coverage to the burned area! What you will see is the burning feeling will stop within a few short minutes and the white color will disappear! As we all know H202 is an Oxidizer. And Vitamin C is a powerful Anti-oxident the one will quickly neutralize the other! Try it it works!
Posted by Andrew (Ch'town, Pei) on 04/06/2012
Hi Lou So the H2o2 that u took at maximum dosage for three weeks was not the 35% food grade but 17% was it? Thks
Broad Benefits
Posted by William (San Jose, Ca, USA) on 03/30/2012
I am 33 years old, 150 pounds, caucasian, male, healthy, and active.
In January 2012 while researching oxygen and its use within the body for another project, I stumbled upon hydrogen peroxide therapy. I was instantly fascinated and drawn to claim of use of hydrogen peroxide within the body. I found enough evidence through various testimonies and information to support that this therapy was valid and safe. Although I didn't have any real serious medical complaints, the detoxification effect claim was reason enough for me. I began the ingestion treatment protocol outlined by an article by Dr. David G. Williams and the book "The One Minute C--e".
I experience the positive effects such as: more energy, mental clarity, better moods, and the feeling of better health. I also experience what they called "healing crisis" or medically known as Herxheimer Reaction. My symptoms were mild, but definitely noticeable and initially concerning. After a day or two of feeling ill, I began to experience a positive wellbeing and confirmation that hydrogen peroxide therapy was real and valid.
I experimented with going off the treatment and back onto the treatment, while doing so… I remembered (became stricken) seasonal allergies.
I moved to California in 2008 from the Midwest and discovered the joy of seasonal allergies. The past few years without fail have given me symptoms of runny nose, sinus pressure, and a stuffy head. The usual treatment route was over the counter drugs such as Zertec and Claritin-D.
It may have been a coincidence that I stopped the treatment and allergy causing agents had just started (probably). When I got back onto the treatment, allergy symptoms faded to none within a few days.
This effective treatment was a bonus to me as I normally forget about the allergies until they hit me each year (Not used to them). I also use the inhalation method using a spray pump (nasal spray bottle with tolerable solution of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and distilled water) and discovered that it is very effective as well. With about 4-6 pumps and inhale, my symptoms go away in about 20 minutes, and a repeat every 3-4 hours to keep them gone.
Additionaly, I have found (as many others have) that using a 1.5%-3% solution is a great mouthwash. I believe that it has increased my oral health and makes my mouth feel much cleaner and refreshing (better than scope/listerine).
I have created a blog of my experiences.
Posted by Mississippi Girl (Brookhaven, Mississippi) on 03/30/2012
How about Hydrogen Peroxide for high cholesterol..... How many drops and most of all is it safe?
General Feedback
Posted by Joann (Columbia, South Carolina) on 03/29/2012
I am mighty glad I found out about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. My body is healthy but I still use it to prevent any disease from attaching to my body. Several people I know personally have avoided open heart surgery through the use of 35% fghp. If your body is not healthy, you should never use 1 oz of fghp to 11 oz of water! That is entirely too strong! Please use a droplet! Five droplets in an 8 oz glass of water three times a day is a great place to start. Please also beware of damaging information being put out by the ones that will be most harmed by the good knowledge of 35% fghp, and that would be the medical industry. Oxygen, when used properly will destroy any disease! We have a loving Creator don't we!!! His name is Yahweh!!!
Posted by Lou (Aransas Pass, Tx) on 03/27/2012
Hi. I started with the max dose for the first 3 weeks, remember that I was told I had very little time left so I do not advise this for most people as it can make you very sick. But right after that, I took 5 drops in 6 ounces of distilled water 3 times a day. Every day add one more drop. Do not eat anything for 2 hours before you take it or one hour after, it can cause nausea. After 2 months you can cut it down if you want to 1 or 2 times a week, depends on how you feel. I could not find it in my area so I order it from ebay, I ordered the 17 percent, it can be sent it regular mail. Hope I answered your questions, if not email again. I'm feeling better, even my sinus is not as bad as it has been in the last 8 years. Good luck! Lou
Posted by Dan (Carvel, Alberta, Canada) on 03/25/2012
Sandy, earlier I had submitted a response to your post. I am new to posting responses to these type of discussions and I noticed that a lot of additional information that I had submitted was removed due to the guideline rules. I have included my personal e-mail address within this post so that if you should wish further information regrading the Budwig Protocol or other information I can supply it to you.
Posted by Dan (Carvel, Alberta, Canada) on 03/24/2012
This reply is directed to Sandy regarding alternative options for cancer. Sandy! ..... Over the course of a few months I have been researching alternative cancer treatments. One of the treatments that I have read about was developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig. She specialized in oil's. She was a doctor in Germany and unfortunately she passed away at the age of 91. She developed what today is known as the Budwig Protocol. This protocol involves two food sources that are mixed together using an electric hand blender. The two food sources blended together are; Organic Flax Oil and organic cottage cheese (low fat or 1%) cottage cheese or some other similar food store can be used. Blend together 3 table spoons of the flax oil along with 6 table spoons of the cottage cheese. Blend this for about 1 minute so that ALL of the oil is well blended with the cottage cheese. The mixture will appear like creamy whipped cream. If you find that this is too thick to blend you can add a bit of milk to it. This protocol has been TESTED and RESEARCHED by many medical professionals and even though it sounds quite unbelieveable it works. Apparently this mixture creates a new molecule that is delivered to the cancerous cells surrounding them with lots of oxygen. If I was diagnosed with cancer myself I would take this protocol as well as the H202 as they both increase the oxygen level in the blood stream and cancerous cells can not survive in an aerobic (oxygen rich) environment. Read the complete protocol online as there are things that you can add to the mixture that will improve the taste. Make sure that you strive to use organic ingredients. I take this mixture for preventative measures and I add 2 tablespoons of ground up organic brown flax seeds (use a coffee bean grinder) along with a teaspoon of Organic Raw Honey (due to the live enzymes in the honey). You can also add berries of your preference to sort of make a smoothie out of this mixture. My research into alternative cancer treatments has ofter lead me to this protocol. Do not worry about the dairy aspect of the cottage cheese as this gets neutralized by the blending of the flaxseed oil.
Posted by Tom (Auckland, New Zealand) on 03/21/2012
That's awesome Sean! I love it when people can cure themselves with such simple measures. I am struggling a little bit with arthritis at the moment and am getting a lot of muscle spasms. From what I've read so far I'm thinking it is a lack of magnesium that causes the spasms. Although I'm not so sure now. Was ACV and H202 the only treatment you took?
I'm going to start on this h202 today and will report back what I find.
Posted by Susan (New York) on 03/20/2012
Lou, Can you let us know your personal routine taking HP ? How many time a day ? How many drops ? I know we can do research but would like your personal experience. Thanks!
Posted by Debby (Monroe, Ct) on 03/20/2012
Hi Lou, I am happy to here that you are having success. Where did you get the 35 percent food grade peroxide? Thanks
Posted by Divinezexytexy (Mcallen, Tx) on 03/20/2012
H202 = Hydrogen Peroxide.
Posted by Lou (Aransas Pass, Tx) on 03/20/2012
Hi. Yes, I went thru chemo and radiation for a horrible 16 weeks, after all of the pain, sickness, losing my hair, etc, I was told the tumor grew and my condition was worse than when I started. But within 2 weeks of starting H202, I was eating for the 1st time in 5 months, now have gained 43 pounds and feel better than I have in almost a year. If you have any health problems, please read up on the H202 food grade, start with the small dose of 5 drops in 6 ounces of distilled water, add 1 drop everyday till you are up to 25 drops. If I can help any other way let me know, Good luck!
Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Laquida Jackson (Upper Marlboro, Maryland) on 03/18/2012
I have a bad tooth ache. Does hydrogene peroxide help?
Posted by Rae (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/16/2012
So happy you cured your cancer with food grade hydrogen peroxide. Did you ever receive any chemotherapy first or were you diagnosed late stage cancer and then only used hydrogen peroxide? Also, what dose did you take? Thanks in advance for the details.
Posted by Lou (Aransas Pass, Tx) on 03/12/2012
I started taking H202 (food grade) November 11th 2011, I was told my throat cancer was fatal, nothing could be done. Today I was told not only the tumor but also the cancer is gone, no sign of it. You nay sayers can do as you wish, don't listen to us lucky people that feel better than we have in years. But if you do use it, follow the instructions, don't use the cheap stuff you get at local stores, use food grade only. Read up on it, my wife bought this and gave me the max dose, heck we were told I had less than a month, how could it hurt?Now with today's news we can start planning trips we thought would never happen.
Posted by Gargantulakon (Downingtown, Pa) on 03/08/2012
Where are the studies and proof that this liquid oxygen product works?