Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and Supplements
Posted by Lizajane (Id, United States) on 02/07/2014

Hydrogen peroxide therapy and accidental iron intake: Just realized that our brand of multi-vitamins added iron (10 mg) to it's formula. I've been doing the hydrogen peroxide treatment (ingesting) and am now scared that I may be hurting rather than helping myself. Have of course stopped the vitamins. Any advice or thoughts on this? Should I stop the treatment completely? Seems like you can get added iron in your diet in multiple ways (cereal, etc.) without realizing it, so I'm sure some of you others must have dealt with this. Any help will be much appreciated!

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 02/03/2014 2043 posts

Gingerg: Pour 8oz of your H2O2 into an empty 16oz bottle then add 8oz of filtered water to each half full bottles, and you will have 2-16oz bottles of 4% H2O2.

Posted by Gingerg (Portland) on 02/02/2014

I have 8% FGHP in 16oz bottles. What is the dilution to bring it to 3%?

Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario) on 01/09/2014

Hi Christine, in case John does not see your question, he says in the beginning of his post that he used 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Food Grade Peroxide and Supplements
Posted by Chris (Las Vegas) on 01/08/2014

Hi. I am really confused as to when I should be taking supplements with 35% FG H202. I have read that it is good to take L-Lysine, Olive Leaf Extract, and Copper, which is said to increase the effectiveness of the oxygen in the body up to 3000 times, with it. But I have also read it is not safe to take copper with this from various websites. There is conflicting information. Thank you!

Posted by Christine (Shoreline, Wa) on 01/07/2014

John, I realize this is nearly 7 yrs after your post, but I do have a question if you're still out there: did you use 3% HP or 35% food grade HP, or both?

General Feedback
Posted by Rick (Long Beach,ca.) on 01/06/2014

Hi, After Taking H2O2 35% Diluted, can you do Exercises ?

3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cygnusx1 (New York) on 01/04/2014

Hi, first time poster, longtime lurker/fan of this site. I purchased a 3% solution of food grade H2O2 from my local health food store with the intention of starting a regimen. My question stems from some nervousness I've been having from reading posts on here.

I suffer from chronic shingles and my intention with the regimen is to limit the outbreaks as well as improve my overall health. I'm up in the air as to how I want to use the H2O2. Should I inhale, bathe, drink, or all of the above?

I am also concerned about any interactions that may happen when combined with drinking ACV and taking probiotic pills. I know it's a very vague/general question, but any info will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 01/03/2014

Aaaarrhhhh!! Do not use full strength 35% hydrogen peroxide!!! Use only distilled water and put 1% hydrogen peroxide to 11 & water this makes 3% 1x11=3%. I hope to God you never used full 35% it's lethal!! Love Andrea C

Best Water To Use
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 01/02/2014

Jacob: Molecules catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Distilled water is the only water that does not contain any molecules. Spring water is best for drinking. Reverse osmosis and filtered waters from the treatment plants have had their electromagnetic frequencies changed and give off bad vibes like emf waves from electronic gadgets.

Best Water To Use
Posted by Jacob (Alberta) on 01/01/2014

I am in the process of researching and learning as much as I can about hydrogen peroxide therapy. What I would like to know is if distilled water is the only type of water you can use with the hydrogen peroxide. Can you use any other type of water like spring water or reverse osmosis water? And if not then what is the reason for the use of distilled water? Thank you, Jacob

12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Angie (Southaven, Ms) on 01/01/2014

I have been reading a lot about 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) being taken internally. After reading the proper protocol my concern is keeping to the "empty stomach" schedule. Either 1 hour before or 3 hours after you eat. We could manage the 1st dose in the morning on an empty stomach, but the 2nd and 3rd throughout the day would be tough on an "empty stomach" for we eat several small healthy meals and snacks per day.

After going to a local healthfood store yesterday I found out they were sold out of the 35% food grade HP. They said they can't keep it in. But they showed me a 12% food grade and said many were using it.

On the back of the bottle, it showed how to properly take it (proper dosage, using distilled water, etc) but it said nothing about being on an empty stomach. In fact, it said to drink the 32oz daily mixed dosage of distilled water with 1/4 tsp HP (increasing HP dosage each week) and to drink 4 oz every hour. In doing this, there is no way to be on an empty stomach. You can also take 8 oz four times a day, drinking the full 32oz per day).

So my question is, is it not as much of an issue of being on an empty stomach if it's the 12% food grade vs. the 35%? The 12% would be more "doable for us but I want to make sure it's not as much of an issue if you're not on an empty stomach.

And......... do you feel you can still reap the health benefits of oxygenizing your body with the 12% as the 35% food grade, it would just lake longer due to it being not as potent?

There's a lot of literature out there about HP therapy but there are some areas that need a bit more clarity.

We truly want to start HP therapy but we want to do it safely and also as conveniently as we can. We have to realistic about being able to stick to the schedule.

Thank you for any help you can give us.

Posted by Legna (Secret, ) on 12/30/2013

hi, 35% strength or 3% strength you used? how much time you left between applications? - thanks

General Feedback
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 12/10/2013

I would still wait a while, because with the inhalation method you may still swallow some down.

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/10/2013

Lizbeth, this is an old post but I'll answer anyhow: it seems that the inhalation of h2o2 does not have to be taken far from meals like the ingestion method does.

Food Grade Peroxide: 3% vs 35%
Posted by Dee (Sprinfield, Ma) on 12/06/2013

December 6, 2013; I've been busy since cleaning up my internal body from what I think is candida; anyway, because of prior kidney problems I opted for borax bath instead of ingesting, but studied and read literally hundreds (278 to be exact) of pages thoroughly on borax, ACV, Bill's protocol, Ted's expert advice, etc., and came across a lot of discussion on food grade hydrogen peroxide. Could someone clarify for me what is the difference between 3% and 35% food grade? I purchased from my local health food store what I thought was 35% because I saw the 3, but the store was closing so grabbed it off the shelf quickly. When I got home it was 3% and a warning from FDA not to ingest. I didn't read any posts really explaining the difference between 3 and 35%. I believe the one I purchased from E........O.....(i also read we're not supposed to use brand names) does not have any stabilizers in it as Ted spoke of, so why can't I use the 3% instead of what I read on amazon.com (as well as a few on earthclinic) about the extreme dangers of 35% Food Grade? I want to continue to thank everyone, especially Deirdre the founder of this site, Ted and Bill and the posters who have helped me take responsibility for my health. I have been extremely ill from the borax baths and am now recovered, but talk about die-off! The itching in vaginal area is still gone and have also lost 8 pounds which up till now has been difficult being over 60. Thanks to anyone who can answer my question. Also I do have a histroy of kidney problems and extreme throat closing allergies to iodine so any help with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide will be greatly appreciated. God Bless all of you wounded healers at earth clinic!

Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 11/20/2013

Can one ingest store bought h2o2? I only use that externally.

Food Grade Peroxide and Pregnancy
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/18/2013

Dear Concious Cafe,

Personally, I am not sure I would use Hydrogen Peroxide internally during pregnancy. I have used many natural remedies during pregnancy and generally find them to be very safe and supportive of pregnancy. Usually they are much safer for mom and baby than medical alternatives. However, there are herbs and natural remedies that are contra-indicated during pregnancy. I just don't know about hydrogen peroxide, so I would feel safest not using it.

Is there a specific condition you are trying to treat? Perhaps there is something that is known to be safe that you could use instead.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Nick (Greensboro Nc) on 11/18/2013

Hi everyone! Here how to use a H2O2:

3 x a day on empty stomach,
10 drops for each glass of water (clean water not tap) 8 oz.
30 min. Prior or 1.5 hour after meal,

Most important regular bowel daily. Also it will cure fungi on your feet, exzema, psoriasis , multiple sclerosis, parkinson e.t.c.

In former Soviet Union doctors at space program studied H2O2 for 30 years. There is a professor Neumivakin, he is 85 years old he is taking H2o2 for 30+ years, I've got more info if u need it. Use only 3% H2O2 from your local store. The secret is a dosage!

Posted by Allen Hamid (Usa) on 11/18/2013

Studies proving the reality and effectiveness of H2O2. Chemotherapy and radiation was dissatisfactory; major side effects. How can I use, with all sincerity H2O2 to cure cancer?

Food Grade Peroxide and Pregnancy
Posted by Conscious Cafe (Red Winds Reservation) on 11/17/2013

Can you take food grade hydrogen peroxide while pregnant, even as early as 5 weeks?

Posted by Chadi10 (N/a, Uae) on 09/25/2013

Hi Marti, good post, what brand you used and what time of the day you drink it?

Posted by Jw (sand2pearl) (Orange Curtain, Ca) on 09/16/2013

Lou, you inspire me! [I have a 27 cm ovarian tumor and want to avoid a hysterectomy] Lou, what was your diet during your H2O2? Did you eliminate/cut down on any one food(s)? THANK YOU!!!

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/28/2013

Nefeli, I use that regular pharmacy stuff all the time for inhalation and tooth brushing - I do dilute it - it never posed a problem for me.

General Feedback
Posted by Shon (Memphis, Tn) on 08/28/2013

I would like to know if you can use h202 therapy if you currently smoke?

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Nefeli (Greece) on 08/28/2013

Hi,I need your advice. I accidentally bought h2o2 pharmaceutical grade 3.1%, instead of food grade.

I put a tea spoon of H2O2 into half glass of water, placed my toothbrush in it for 1 minute then poured a little water on the toothbrush and washed my teeth and tongue with it. Did not swallow it but I guess I swalled some of it naturally. Then I checked the label and got scared cause I got a very slight stomach upset.

The bottle contains H2O2 3,1% - water -Alcohol Denat- Etidronic Acid - Phosphoric Acid - Disodium edta - Phenacetin - Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder.

Please tell me your opinion about it, how dangerous it is even though I might have swallowed not much.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Warning
Posted by Scott (Denver, Co) on 08/24/2013


A few months ago, after much research and hesitation on my part, I decided to begin hydrogen peroxide treatment. I began with inhaling 3% food grade H2O2, as it seemed the least likely to induce any harm. And indeed, I noticed that I was able to breathe more deeply, and had more energy, particularly when ascending stairs or doing cardiovascular exercise. I increased the dose, and saw more pronounced results. (On the negative side, I noticed that my tongue began getting a thick brown coating, which concerned me... but apparently not enough.)

Because I had seen such positive results, I decided to begin ingesting diluted 35% hydrogen peroxide, starting with one drop in a cup of distilled water, 3 times a day. I increased the dose by one drop each time (i.e., 2 drops 3 times a day on the second day, and so forth.)

On the second day, I felt great. But as the days proceeded and I increased the dose, I became more irritable. I simultaneously felt more tired, yet my body felt as though it could not handle the energy I seemed to have. By the sixth day, I was dragging horribly.

Not five minutes after I had my second dose of 6 drops diluted in about 6 oz of distilled water that day, I suffered a grand mal seizure... The eighth one I've ever had, and the first one in eight years. It was very traumatic for me (and my partner, who witnessed it for the first time ever). I am now not driving for 3 months, and my medication has been increased as a precaution.

I spoke with my homeopath about it. Every epileptic patient she has worked with suffered at least one more seizure as a healing crisis before they were healed. (Naturally, we are addressing this. ) My parents believe it is due to the fact that I have gained about 60 pounds since I began this medication. I believe that this seizure was because of the hydrogen peroxide, mainly because stress and exhaustion tend to precede my seizures, and there was too much correlation for the incident to be a coincidence. Still, I honestly believe that all three scenarios are possible, and my hope is that this was indeed a healing crisis.

In retrospect, I should have listened to my body, and kept the dose at a minimum until I felt well enough to increase it. Still, I write this post as a strong warning for anyone who has suffered seizures in the past that they may have another seizure if they take hydrogen peroxide internally. I had great hope for hydrogen peroxide therapy, but despite what many people have said, this is not an entirely safe therapy, and it must be approached with a great deal of caution. If nothing else, I strongly recommend that anyone who takes hydrogen peroxide internally should listen to their body; if you feel worse, at least stay on the same dose until you feel better. Don't hesitate to decrease a dose or discontinue this therapy altogether if you don't feel so good.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Stabilizers
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/24/2013

Baldev, for inhalation of h2o2 Bill Monroe uses plain stabilized h2o2 from any drug store. Personally, I just put some diluted plain h2o2 in my mouth and breathe "thru" it 6-7 breaths then spit it out. Seems to help any respiratory problems for me.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Stabilizers
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/24/2013

Baldev, I bought 20 mule team Borax in local grocery for $10 here in canada. It was nearly 1 kg I guess. The better way for you to buy is try for reputed people in Ebay. It does not hurt to try. All you need is money. Good Health

Hydrogen Peroxide and Stabilizers
Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 08/24/2013 180 posts

My question is for Ted/Bill, I have asked this question earlier also but so far no answer has been given to me, and it is very important for people living in India. I have even gone to people who make H2O2 and they have told me that demand for food grade H2O2 in India is so little that it is not viable for them to make it and it is very unstable so if they make it and is not sold, it is total loss to them. I therefore had requested Ted/Bill to give their advice whether one can take the normal (non food grade) H2O2, as we are taking Borax which is for lab use only. Why I am emphasising this question is that we in this part of the world are being deprived of the benifits of H2O2. How harmful are the stabalisers which they put to make H2O2 stable for lab/external use only? Ted/Bill please take some time to answer my question so that once for all this subject can be taken out of my mind one way or the other.

Thanks Baldev

Adding Hydrogen Peroxide to Humidifier
Posted by James (Havelock, Nc) on 07/23/2013

3% food grade peroxide (H2O2): how many drops to add to an air concentrator humidifier bottle as an antibacterial. Half full w/ distilled water (approx 8 ounces)?

Artificial Joints
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 07/19/2013

I will put this on my original thread, I have not seen anyone post this. I believe H202 is good for many things. But I found I can't go out in to the SUN, as I get 'instant sunburn' when I use it. I've never had this problem as I am mixed raced, as I type this MY CALVES ARE BURNING!!!!! My oxygen levels when I was taken in to the hospital were that high.. The paramedics said 'We expect to see a reading of 95-97... Which is good... We never see 99-100???? I was convinced I couldn't be breathing properly. OK!! Good news. Down side is the above mentioned. I also get this with Cell Food. To be honest, it's freaking me out!!!! Also my blood, is very thin. I bleed like mad when they put any needles in my body. Here in UK, the put silicone ones in your veins. There was a warning 14 years ago about not "Do not feed your babies with a silicon teat on the bottle" because it leaks into their bodies. The Med Fraternity, issued this YET it's still allowed? Look, I don't have the answer to everything. AIl I am just trying to let you know THE UK GOVERNMENT DRS ISSUED THIS WARNING yet every time they JAB a silicone 1 in your vein? in an AMBULANCE? I keep begging them 'DON'T DO IT IT'S TYPICAL PROCEDURE HERE. If You Can, STAY HOME and sort it out!! Do not put 'DISPOSABLE NAPPIES/DIAPERS ON YOUR KIDS!!! THAT'S SILICONE AS WELL!! Also CHEAP 'SCHOOL CLOTHING is bloody 'TEFLON' All I want to do is go to Bed, but this is all on my mind, and if I don't tell, who will, or know's?????? xxxxxxx I am in my 50's, it's unreal what's happened to me..... I am just trying to save someone else suffering xxxx Go 'GOOGLE' or what ever 'Search Engine' of your choice about it. I still believe our BODIES can kick it, but it's not easy. I refuse to believe the HIGHER POWER did not see 'THIS' coming. And did not equipped us for it???? How many people/Animals, coz that's what we ARE ALL... We're not, pre-programmed to deny the 'NEGATIVE'??? Which wasn't even invented??? I watched my Auntie 45 year's ago sent home to die????? Yet she's still here??? She did EVERYTHING against the 'RULE'S OF 'SURVIVAL'. And I have seen it time and time again, in-side, AND, outside my own Family. WE ALL GO DOWN but some of us want to get back up. OK!!!! We ALL FEEL LIKE GIVING UP!! BUT... Do not that be your EVERY DAY WISH.... EVEN when you think NO ONE CARE'S!!!!! At least CARE, about YOUR SELF like you would CARE, for some one that don't deserve it. I only got this far by 'REMEMBERING THAT!!!!! Do not 'HATE' your self. Just get PISSED OFF... With thinking like that. Blessed are those who are Loved when they are broken... Most of us are not.

Artificial Joints
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 07/20/2013

Warning - do not do the h202 with a cemented joint! It loosens the cement! I have been researching it. A non-cemented joint (which I have) is okay. It will break the weight strain of the cement. Love Andrea C xxx

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