The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Karrie (Wi, US) on 02/09/2015
I recently had a terrible cold and used some hydrogen peroxide in my ears as they were tickly and I had a lot of post-nasal drip causing me to cough every few seconds. This has often helped me. This time, I let the hydrogen peroxide sit as normal, then drained it, but did not have a chance to lay on that side for long to completely drain. Next morning...slightly clogged ear, with slight hearing loss. Its been a few days with the clogged ear, I figured it would resolve itself. Now I noticed when I rub below the outside of my ear, it's a little tender...worried hydrogen peroxide got caught up in the ear canal and causing its own problem. Any advice?
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 02/05/2015
Hi Baldev...Nice to see you back on EC.
Many serious Hydrogen Peroxide users advise slowly working up to 25 drops FG Hydrogen Peroxide 3 times a day for serious problems. But this type of supplementation can be harsh on the body and will likely cause problems like nausea, headaches etc. If that happens using high dose HP then just taking one gram dosages of Vitamin C to neutralize the excess HP should resolve these side-effects fairly quickly.
But, like you, I personally think a gentler approach with HP is also beneficial. A dosage such as just 3 drops a day in water, as you suggest, would certainly be beneficial over the long term. In fact Ted from Bangkok relates a story on EC of how he improved his liver condition by taking low daily dosages of 0.5% HP over the longer term for over a year. And by taking HP in this way -- at a much lower daily drop dose -- would also mean that there would likely be no side-effects at all as compared with the higher drop dosages.
For more info on Hydrogen peroxide usage, there are some good alternative books out there such as The One Minute C--e and Hydrogen Peroxide: Medical Miracle.
I would also agree with you that hydrogen peroxide therapy would be useful for older people because it supplies oxygen to the body and, in this way, helps to revive cells and organs and would give you more energy whilst also boosting the immune system by killing a wide range of different pathogen species just on its own and, in this respect, it is also particularly good for the heart.
There are several alternative and proven solutions for calcium build up in the arteries. Linus Pauling's Vitamin C/Lysine therapy is one. Using a combination of niacin and lugols iodine or SSKI supplementation is another -- this was used in the older pre-WW II medicine and was called iodio-niacin(50 mgs niacin, 120 mgs potassium iodide per pill) which was fairly successful with few, if any, side-effects as compared to its more dangerous modern equivalent -- statins. I'm sure that you know about these alternative remedies for arteriosclerosis too. Another one that Ted mentions as a good calcium chelator is Trisodium EDTA -- but this is not so easy to get. And if you have to deal with thrombosis type blockages caused by fibrin build-up then using protease enzymes like nattokinase or even bromelain and papain are also useful.
For me, as a simple preventative, just simply taking the chanca piedra(bhumyamalaki) herb as a tea or decoction with magnesium supplements would also have great benefit against arteriosclerosis, high blood etc. The magnesium would help to more strictly regulate the calcium to proper levels in the cells and blood while the CP acts to reduce the calcium. And, just for an encore, CP also reduces blood lipids, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood sugar and has anti-viral action as well. The chanca piedra herb also has no known overdose/toxicity effects on the human body but might have contraindications with some similar-acting modern drugs.
Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 02/04/2015 180 posts
Hi Bill, I would like to know as to how an elderly healthy person can make use of food grade H2O2 to improve general health. At this age though there may not be any symptoms but arteries will have some blockages, lungs capacity will be reduced and so on. Is it ok if one takes three drops of 3% H2O2 in some green juice a day or you feel to follow any particular method, please give your opinion. It will be of great value. Thanks, Baldev
Lung Issues
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 01/28/2015
Dear Nedra,
When I use hydrogen peroxide in the nubulizer, this is what I do:
5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (from the grocery store. I look for one that only has "Purified water" as the inactive ingredient.)
30 drops of distilled water
Put the above in the medicine cup of the nebulizer.
This I do a few times a day for coughing. But I would do it every couple of hours during an acute sickness. It is especially helpful if done right before bed and upon waking.
Sometimes when we do this, we don't even nebulize the whole amount. It can cause some coughing. If you find this too strong, dilute with even more distilled water. Maybe 2 drops 3% peroxide with 30 drops of water.
~Mama to Many~
Lung Issues
Posted by Nedra (Welches, Or) on 01/27/2015
How do you puthydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer? and what kind and how often do you take it?
Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 01/13/2015
Use only 3%. Dilute by adding 5 tablespoons to 1 quart or 32 oz of distilled water. It works wonders for just about everything that ails you.
It cured my cat with feline aids.
High Blood Pressure
Posted by Andrew (Toronto) on 01/10/2015
Can I ask what strength of peroxide drops are you putting in the capsules?
Posted by Nwachukwu (Michigan, US) on 11/04/2014
Hey Philiplamb from Warri, Delta State, Nigeria... Yes you can use the store bought hydrogen peroxide. Have an Awesome Day!
Posted by Joanvirginia (Chantilly, Va) on 11/04/2014
I read somewhere that hydrogen peroxide helps seasonal allergies. When my ears get plugged or my nose gets stuffy in the change of seasons, I put a drop of H2O2 in a glass of water, three times a day. I increase it by a drop until I'm taking 3 drops 3 times a day. It's amazing and prevents me from needing OTC decongestants.
Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Bob (Arkansas, US) on 10/28/2014
Dear Elena: It looks like you posted a question back in 2012 regarding H2o2 therapy for people with hemochromatosis. I can't find that post. My girlfriend has Hemochromatosis. I was hoping you may have gotten some feedback on this. I can't find info anywhere. Thank You Bob.
Posted by John (Uk) on 10/24/2014
Please, if you recommend hydrogen peroxide for any personal use, STATE THE % DILUTION !!
It is not good enough to simply say Hydrogen Peroxide, as this is available in a various concentrations up to as high as 30%.
Posted by George (Utah, US) on 09/30/2014
I'm a retired RN and have been reading many conversations about 35% Hydrogen Peroxide on why it works or doesn't. I wanted to share some thoughts on how it might work against cancer or any fast-dividing cells. When it encounters a cell, HP injects O2 into the cell until the cell can't take any more, ruptures, and the cell dies. If you have a fast dividing cell, like a cancer cell, it will uptake the HP O2 into the cell quicker than a normal cell and deplete HP. Then you would need another dose of HP. Depending on the type of cancer and the amount (billions or trillions) of cancer cells you're dealing with, it could take months of treatment. Again, HP works by injecting O2 into a cell until the cell bursts. I hope this helps.
Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
Posted by Argentina (Indiana, Usa) on 09/22/2014
I use 7 drops of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in a gallon of water. Can I use this water for cooking also. Make coffee etc... or will the heating cause any benefit loss or all?
Store Bought (Not Food Grade) Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rebel (USA) on 09/17/2014
Hello Mr. Robert Henry! I just wanted to add to your post.
On here EC, it is recommended if using the store bought peroxide. What you want to look at is the active ingredients to be 3% hydrogen peroxide, and inactive ingredient to be purified water. This is all that should be listed. If it has stabilizer listed, do not purchase. There are a few around if they have not changed them yet. Always read the bottle when in the store and never assume anything. Even when I go back and buy extra I always check the label to make sure no change has occurred .
I also watch a video on youtube by this guy Tony Pantalleresco where he shows if you freeze this store bought peroxide, then open and pour off the liquid it will be food grade full strength peroxide. Water freezes peroxide don't, so when you pour it off its pure peroxide. So that's what he says to do. You can google him on youtube. Don't forget to dilute this if you use this solution as it will be very powerful.
Thanks Rebel.
PS: never put peroxide in metal or use metal spoons. Check some places first that I have found without stabilizers Fred's, Family Dollar and some brand that I bought at a Sam's Wholesale Club; that's a few if they have not added them yet.... always a good ideal to stock up, we are losing more freedoms everyday and we never know when it will go away. Hence our availability to Iodine and supplies to make it.
Store Bought (Not Food Grade) Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 09/17/2014
HI YA'LL DOIN TODAY, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Been reading all these posts to the fact that you must have have pharmaceutical grade Hydrogen Peroxide or the boggy man will get you. Ted and Bill tell us they have to compromise because the people they try to help are dirt poor. Also, Bill Munro was the fellow who educated us all on Hydrogen Peroxide and he lived from 64 to 89 and cured two cancers with the cheap store brand.
YEP, I use the pharmaceutical kind because I can afford it. What we are doing is preventing some folks from using hydrogen peroxide to improve their health situation. They accept this as fact when it's just your opinion.
Let's make a pact, don't insist that Hydrogen Peroxide must be pharmaceutical grade. Why? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T.
General Feedback
Posted by Linda (Southern Maine, US) on 08/22/2014
Not so sure about what I've read....some suggestions appear to be 35% by the drop; some suggestions appear to be that the 35% should be reduced, then the dilution is used by the drop. Once I get to the other side of this mess I'm in, described above, I may try a drop of the diluted in my water but will not be using the full 35% in my water. phew, what a lesson I've learned!
Hydrogen Peroxide Capsules
Posted by Norma (Illinois, US) on 08/21/2014
You don't think it would be harmful to take both of these hydrogen peroxide capsules at the same time?
General Feedback
Posted by Linda (Southern Maine, US) on 08/21/2014
....further to Sooki's suspected Herx reaction....I ingested just one drop of 35% food grade in 5 to 6 ounces of water - once daily, for about 10 days. I've not used distilled water and after 5 days, or so, noticed a couple of dry skin spots on my face. Not unusual as I've suffered from skin issues most of my life and, honestly, I thought it was due to a hair conditioner I had used that week. Within the next 5 days, I developed a severe rash on my face, neck & ears - my inner elbow had three spots that looked like pimples and now looks almost like poison ivy, just not as itchy....also my shins and feet are broken out. My thinking got quite cloudy and I felt flu-ish. Am I VERY toxic and this is my body's way of cleansing? Or should I not ingest it every day? I didn't think I was drinking too much H2O2....any opinions? I'm 56, female and decided to try this treatment for overall health - I can say that after just a day or two of drinking the H2O2 I felt better, and have continued to feel better, with regard to certain muscle discomforts going away and my breathing got better (I'm a smoker). This outbreak of itchy, dry and burning skin is really horrible!
Hydrogen Peroxide Capsules
Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/21/2014 2043 posts
The Oxycaps are essentially oxygen "precursors" of Sodium Chlorite w/ potassium and calcium stabilizers or buffers. With adequate or higher levels of these nutrients, the body naturally produces "more" oxygen than normal. I would recommend the Oxycaps taken first and if necessary add the H2O2 products to maximize O, probably in about a 2:1 ratio.
Hydrogen Peroxide Capsules
Posted by Norma (Illinois, US) on 08/20/2014
Does anyone know if the Zero2Sixty Oxylife capsules work and also Earths Bounty Oxycaps? they both have good reviews on Amazon the only difference seems to be (besides the price) is the Zero2Sixty lists only 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide as the only ingredient and oxycaps lists sodium, potassium and calcium as ingredients, I would personally think the zero2sixty would be better for breathing problems. does anyone have any suggestions?
Posted by Chris (Missouri, US) on 08/20/2014
Cathy thank you so much for the info on HP, I will start using just the regular HP with the Bill Munroe method, I think I will toss the food grade! Thanks again
Posted by Cathy (Lakeside, CA) on 08/19/2014
Using 35% peroxide.. With 11 Oz distilled water is much too strong! You could burn your esophagus or damage throat, stomach. If you want to do hydrogen peroxide inhalation method for health, you use 3% regular peroxide in a clean nasal spray bottle, either straight, or diluted 50/50 with distilled water. So many people have made the mistake of using extremely concentrated 35% food grade, which is very dangerous, especially in the amount you describe. For peroxide inhalation instructions, go to Bill Munro page on Earth Clinic.
General Feedback
Posted by Sooki (Howell, MI) on 08/14/2014
You are most likely experiencing a herx reaction. Nausea and bloodshot tired feeling eyes are some of the symptoms I get myself from the die-off of bad toxins. Google it for more info.
Posted by Chris (Missouri, US) on 08/07/2014
Karen you say you use the 3% h202 from the drugstore, which one is this, is this the regular one in brown bottle or is it the food grade mixed with distilled water? Also how long before you noticed improvement in your health, was it your breathing or something else? Thank you
Posted by Karen (Pasadena, CA) on 08/06/2014
Hi Chris, I have been doing the h202 inhalation method for about 5 years. I have always used 3% h202 from the drugstore and it works brilliantly. I have never had side effects. Perhaps you need to dilute it more. I think your nausea is a sign it's too much.
Posted by Chris (Missouri, US) on 08/06/2014
I started doing the hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade, this is my 4th day I have it in a squirt bottle and inhale in my throat about 3-4 times a day I mixed 1ounce hp to 11 ounces distilled water, yesterday, my 3rd day, I was nauseated, but continued to do it, I have not tried today, it is kind of scary is this normal? I also do muellin tea with organic honey and in evening Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda thanks
Posted by Ray (Colorado, US) on 08/03/2014
Having lived with an extremely stretched bladder for a number of years I was pleased to find that a very mild solution of hydrogen peroxide caused it to shrink to its original size (2 to 4 drops 30% food grade H2O2 in 16 ounce of water) taken twice a day, once in the morning and again just before bedtime. The results are not permanent requiring continued usage.
General Feedback
Posted by Mymindisnotme (Spain) on 08/01/2014
Thanks again Timh. My itching is gone and I'm feeling a 100% better, but I'm aware I need to cleanse my lifestyle, I have purchased supplements and I will start slowly.
I was away (again) in China and I'm wondering if this website is censored, it was not possible to access it while in Shanghai. Shame as I enjoy reading it so much.
Best regards and thank you so much for taking the time to reply to so many of us. Blessings!!!
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/27/2014 2043 posts
Kristin: I must note a critical factor when battling Cancer and also in using H2O2; one must first ALKALIZE the body. In severe cases of C I recommend beginning w/ Baking Soda + Epsom Salts hot baths. Without alkalizing one cannot defeat cancer or raise the Oxygen levels necessary to beat cancer.
Lipospheric Vit-C is also one of the top 5 single nutrients effective against cancer. Hemp Oil (CBD) is also in the top 5 as it repairs immune disorders AND directly influences cells defense against DNA mutation.
Posted by Kristin (North Carolina, US) on 07/26/2014
Get these two books IMMEDIATELY from Amazon. (They sell used books). Dr. Leonard Coldwell, , , , "The Only Answer To Cancer", , , , , and Ty Bollinger, "Cancer - Step Outside The Box". They both explain how to use H2O2 35% Food Grade. Or you can Youtube Kevin Trudeau, "The One Minute C--e"! I have (or had cancer) and am determined to survive. This along with Vit B17, Turmeric, the Graviola plant (or soursop), and many other vitamins, along with minerals from a 70-80% raw/organic diet, excluding completely red meats, processed food, fast food, pesticides, hormone-free, etc! I don't believe in luck but I wish you the best with God's Hand!!
General Feedback
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/24/2014 2043 posts
Mymindisnotme: To keep the blood clean, one needs to take kidney urinary cleanse periodically, as well as colon cleans, gallbladder cleans, and a parasite cleanse --each of these is suggested once yearly to prevent disease. Optimizing antioxidant nutrition is also very important in staying healthy. All this keeps the immune system in top shape.
Turmeric, Quercetin, Pinnapple, and Cold Water Fish like Salmon, Mackeral, and Sardines (Oil) are all very good anti-inflammatory. Bee Pollen starting in very small amounts then working up to 1 or 2 spoons daily is a very beneficial "superfood".
Glad to help, and hope to hear good news from you soon.
General Feedback
Posted by Mymindisnotme (Spain) on 07/23/2014
Thank you Timh, I appreciate your reply. I couldn't get to the internet, I was working away. Since I wrote the above post, I stopped taking the H2O2, and plan instead to inhale it. Up to now, I still have flashbacks of the H2O2 taste and my stomach turns. The sneezing stopped, the congestion is barely there, however, since yesterday, I have an itching in my body (including my private parts like if I'm coming down with cistitis), tolerable but I'm aware of it. Also some spots on my chest and face, a couple on my back and arms. I don't have problem with my digestion or my stomach. I'd like to know why your suggestion to take Kidney/Urinary Tract herbs? I'll search for the cleaning herbs here and also what is an anti-inflamatory diet to follow your advise. Thanks again Timh, much appreciated.
General Feedback
Posted by Slimmy (Oregon, US) on 07/18/2014
When I travel with only carry-on, I simply use an old 2oz. Stevia dropper with the label still on. Fill about half way with 35% h202, then seal in a small zip lock bag. Breeze through TSA and European baggage check every time...
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Warning
Posted by Johnboy (Arkansas, US) on 07/13/2014
Let my comments be a side-effect caution: I began the ramp up treatment of 3 drops of 35% peroxide and adding a drop a day doing this only one time a day. I got up 13 drops, stayed on it a few days, and decided to go back down a drop a day. When I got down to a low dose, I started having sudden anxiety attacks and depression which I thought were due to losing my office due to sickness and not being able to work and my wife working now all the time to make up the difference and a separation anxiety from that. For two weeks it has been a problem and it hit me hardest last night. I had bad anxiety, but realized also that I had lightheadedness. I thought that perhaps I was hyperventilating so I breathed in a plastic bag (could not find paper) for several minutes and then again, and the overwhelming anxiety lifted completely. I was surprised that worked so well that I would recommend it to any sudden anxiety that appears to see if it would help despite not recognizing it as hyperventilation.
General Feedback
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/13/2014 2043 posts
Mymindisnotme: Yes, your body has had too much H2O2. Reduce that dose every day until your down to 2 drops which would be sufficient for purification purposes.
Allergies are very often a case of leaky gut or dirty colon. Toxins get into the bloodstream thru the gut/colon and the immune system goes burzerk. This condition can be dangerous if one is taking any pharmaceutical drugs as they to enter the bloodstream un-metabolized. I have had this happen several times and my bad symptom is kidney pain and infection. Speaking of Kidney, you need to take Kidney/Urinary Track cleaning herbs which are recommended here on E.C.
Also search the "Ailments" section at the top of page for healing remedies for your digestive system.
You may also need to begin an anti-inflammatory diet plus supplements as inflammation triggers allergies. Bad food sensitivities can also trigger allergies. Note any foods that may be triggering reactions.
Let us know how you are doing.
General Feedback
Posted by Mymindisnotme (Spain) on 07/12/2014
I'm taking H2O2 Peroxide 35% Food Grade, 25 drops in juice for 12 days, going into 13. Where I live there is no distilled water.
My problem is that I struggle to keep it in my stomach for the last 5 days, my body...? or my stomach doesn't want it and I spend all day agonising as I think of it and my stomach turns.
I started taking it due to a debilitating allergy that kept me congested 24/7, itchy sticky eyes, constant sneezing, perhaps sinus problem...? Doctors prescriptions didn't work, and they put it all down to hay fever. Since taking the Hydrogen Peroxide, I have noted a slow but definitive improvement, my eyes are not itchy but somehow still irritated, hardly any sneezing, less congested than before.
What can I do? I don't want to stop but this is weighing on me all day long and I feel I can't continue. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Posted by Joe (Wirral) on 06/24/2014
Is using distilled water essential to the effectiveness of the treatment? I noticed my 3% hydrogen peroxide is mixed with distilled water but couldn't manage to find any so have been using de-ionised water instead but after 6 dips have seen no real improvement.
Am I rendering it pointless by using the de-ionised water?
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Grannyjo (Usa) on 06/09/2014
To Fxgirl,
In answer to your question, could you use mineral water instead of distilled water.
I would opt for the distilled water just to be on the safe side.
I am not a chemist or scientist, but I know borax, baking soda and bentonite clay are Ionic, meaning they carry negative (electrical) charged atoms so small they can easily travel into your blood stream, through the walls of your stomach.
Whereas Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, (and probably Hydrogen Peroxide) have positively electrical charged atoms.
If you combine a negative and positively charged substances together they try to neutralize each other.
Like a magnet, the negative ions (or atoms) draw the positive atoms. If you mix vinegar and baking soda together you get a chemical reaction, (the bubbling action), and when the bubbling stops, the chemical structure has changed. An acid and a base cancel each other out.
We don't really know what minerals or possibly metals may be in the mineral water or how they may react with what we are adding to it; Borax, HP or ACV.
I don't know if this has helped any but Maybe someone out there will clarify it better. - GrannyJo.
H202 and Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Sandra (South Africa) on 05/23/2014
I am taking 3% hydrogen peroxide for my throat. I read that it cancels out lugol's iodine. Can I still take iodine separately so that it is not cancelled out by the peroxide treatment ie. take it a few hours later in the day?
Posted by Abe (Los Angeles, California) on 05/20/2014
just want to comment that for those suffering from hemorrhoids. eat ten raw almonds a day. hemorrhoids will be a thing of the past. no need to suffer.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Ct (California ) on 05/08/2014
Hi Bernadette,
This video helped explain to why it's important to take FGHP on an empty stomach and why we need to for both safety and efficacy purposes. From what I have researched, it makes a lot of sense to take FGHP on an empty stomach and follow the pre/post eating and supplementation guidelines. It's kind of a pain but if we are gonna do this, we wanna do it right.
Posted by Chw777 (Atlanta, GA) on 04/06/2014
No, no, no. You do not dilute the 35% down to 3%. You dilute the 35% by putting drops into 6 ounces of water. THe 3% is only for the spray method that Bill Munroe does.
Breathing Issues
Posted by Smartattimes (Pdx) on 04/03/2014
Sorry to hear about your illness.
However, Food grade hydrogen peroxide is not carcinogenic it is used in breads pastries, noodles all over the world. Did you use Food grade hydrogen peroxide? However I like to look at both sides. My MD gave me hydrogen peroxide IV's so he is an specialist and he really knows his chemistry. Then again sometimes we think things are safe then it comes out it is not
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Bernadette (Thomasville, Ga) on 03/19/2014
Help...I Am Confused! I am reading a book about H2O2...The Oxygen Prescription. He states and CAUTIONS against taking HP with juice, milk, or other flavorings because it will create oxidation, .....robbing the oxygen, which is what you are trying to get into the bloodstream. Adding HP to anything but oil or water will cause disputation and destruction of the HP. Cautions also against using water that contains IRON. That's why he states to use distilled water! No tap water that has fluoride and other chemicals. No iron tablets within an hour before. I was told milk or juices are O.K. by another if you think about it, Veg. Juice has Iron and minerals in it from the Vegs. I do....know that this book was written back in 2007, so I am hoping new studies have been done and this information is outdated! Just don't know which information is correct?? Can someone get back to me ASAP! Thanks. Bernadette
General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 03/04/2014 2043 posts
Jessica: I am not familiar w/ any contraindication or interaction of alcohol & H2O2. H2O2 basically increases oxygenation of tissues that are not otherwise affected by normal cellular respiration. Alcohol, consumed in large quantities, actually decreases oxygen levels and increases acidosis (among other things) causing headache & hangover.
If you are a regular drinker, it would prove beneficial to take 50mg Zinc and 500mg Niacinamide daily so to help your body detoxify the alcohol.
General Feedback
Posted by Jessica (Leicestershire) on 03/03/2014
Hi I'd like to know if you are able to drink alcohol whilst on the hydrogen peroxide therapy? Thank you.
Genital Herpes
Posted by Nicole (New York) on 02/13/2014
Hello dear Ted, I would like to ask your help about the Hydrogen peroxide. I was diagnosed with HSV2 last year, I read about the internal use of HP. I have been drinking it, 3% food grade HP almost for three months, with half dl distilled water 3times a day, 10 drops each time. Is this the best way to use it? I still always have outbreaks, more than I used to.. Could this be the healing crisis? or it just doesn't work for me? :( I need your advice what is the best way to use it to kill this disgusting virus. Thank you very much.
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and Supplements
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 02/09/2014 2043 posts
Lizajane: It is difficult to determine what oxidative damage might occur w/ the H2O2, and this therapy should only be temporary; that's why I suggested the herbal antibiotics for rotation. As for general protection, which seems appropriate in your condition, continue your H2O2 course and monitor for results, but eventually what your body needs firstly is nutritional antioxidant protection. This is an entire science in itself, so do familiarize yourself and begin fortifying your body.
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and Supplements
Posted by Lizajane (Id, Usa) on 02/09/2014
Thank you for answering, Timh. I will try your suggestions. My body definitely doesn't need MORE iron (according to lab work), so I avoid it in supplements. I'm on the hydrogen peroxide therapy for sinus problems and general preventative (ex-smoker, fibromyalgia, etc.) and am up to 21 drops 3 X daily, so I really don't want to stop now..too hard to get here! Just wasn't sure how much damage that multi-vitamin with iron might have caused. I do get lots of Vit C. Thanks for your thoughts...past and future.
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and Supplements
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 02/09/2014 2043 posts
Lizajane: Vit-C is very important for the assimilation of synthetic iron supplements, so do make sure this brand also includes the Vit-C or find a brand without iron and be sure to eat at least 1 serving of cooked liver per wk and/or Blackstrap Molasses (BSM) as these two foods are the best forms of Iron. A B-12 w/ Folate will help the body use the Iron for the production of Red Blood Cells. A broad spectrim Vit-E suplement will greatly increase the lifespan of the Erythrocyte thus reducing the need for Iron.
As for the H2O2 therapy, be sure to first alkalize the body to maximize the Oxygen levels in the cells. Also, if you are using the H2O2 for infection issues, I would rotate, on a weekly basis, w/ herbal antibiotics like Neem, Oregano, Olive Leaf, Garlic.