Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Norb (California) on 03/07/2012

Hi my name is Norbert and I just wanted to tell you all that the last five years I have been battling with prostate problems. Doctors have sent me all the antibiotic known to men kind and I've been taking them for months at a time. But unfortunately it never helped me get rid of all the symptoms. So I've heard about the hydrogen peroxide and its cures, so I search the internet and found a lot of information and products but I didn't know which one to choose. While talking to my friend Jorge, he told me about this product that is just a very pure H2O2, liquid oxygen. He told me that his aunt in Mexico had a purple leg all the way up to her knee from diabetes and that she was going to lose her leg. But she started taking it and she got better, she walks and dances now. She is so happy. I bought it and I started taking it with alkaline water and in a matter of 4 weeks I felt the difference. My symptoms are gone and now I just take it to prevent any kind of illnesses. I feel great and with a lot of energy!

I thought everybody should know about it. Thanks.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Elena (Apex, Nc) on 03/06/2012

I realize this is an old post but did your friend ever figure out what was going on with him because the same is happening to me now.

Posted by Calgary1979 (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 03/06/2012

Long story short... Add 5 or 6 drops of H2O2 to one glass of water everyday. Long story starts here.

I am generally a healthy person, but I've had gout since my High School days. It comes and it goes. My dad has also had gout for a number of years. It is the same for both of us. It comes, we stop drinking beer, cut out red meat and take some of the prescribed pills from a doctor and then it comes back in 4 - 6 months when we start drinking beer and eating red meat. I was diagnosed with Cancer a few years ago (long story, gone now, all's good) but a friend of mine recommeded I start taking H2O2. He said it will help get rid of the cancer and help with general health. I didn't really look into it until after I was given a clean bill of health, and came back to work and started talking to this friend again. He had this H2O2 at work and would add 4 or 5 drops of it to his morning glass of water. I got on board and starting doing the same, but not all the time. I'd go months with out taking it, and then I'd remember oh I should take it. So off and on for a year I was taking H2O2. On one of my "off" cycles I had a brutal case of gout. I just wanted to cut my foot off to make the pain go away. I was mad, the pills took too long to kick in(days), so I decided to try the H2O2. Took it every morning 3 days in a row. After the first day the pain was still there but not as bad, by the third day the pain was gone.

Posted by Claudia (Tulsa, Ok) on 03/04/2012

I recently went to the doctor to see what was growing on my tounge it was white and did not seem to bother me except it was a abnormal growth of some sort I was confused and a little worried since I'm in my 50's and never had this be before. To find out it was a wart called papillion it is a virus and she said I need to to see a oral surgeon to get it removed. I went home did some research started treating it with ACV on a q-tip and I used a nasil spay of hydrogen Peroxide food grade deluded as Bill describes and sprayed it several times a day and at night before going to bed in a matter of two weeks it has shurnk and is disappearing before my eyes. I now can cancel my appointment with the oral surgeon and saved my self a couple of hundred dollars and the stress of having my wart cut off. So happy it is going away. Thanks for all the info I hope this helps some one else too.

Posted by Peniasi (Apia, Samoa) on 03/01/2012

Well what are exactly the steps for pimples using this hydrogen peroxide? I have tons of pimples on my face and it's making me ugly and still looking for a cure please...

Low Oxygen Levels
Posted by Infowarrior (Windsor, Ontario Canada) on 03/01/2012

Editor's Choice

Yannick, I'm sorry to hear about the health problems you are going through. Are you sure the H2O2 caused your problems? I know that a document I have says that if you have disease or candida issues, you will feel sick to your stomach at first because the bad bacteria in your body is being taken care of but the illness feeling should pass. This is the God's honest truth. My mother had surgery and had to be on oxygen right after. She was on oxygen for 4 years and was tested by doctors. They couldn't figure out why her oxygen levels were so low (even more so when walking with her walker) or how to fix it. I took a water bottle with 8 ounces of distilled water and put 1 drop of h2o2 in it. Then next 8 oz bottle got 2 until I got to the 10th bottle that had 10 drops. A year ago (at Christmas) she came home for a visit from the nursing home and she was on oxygen. They tested her when she got back to the nursing home and said she didn't need oxygen. We had them check her levels when walking and it was fine. She's been fine ever since. I had asked many times while taking it, if her stomach felt fine and she said yes. I had tried it before I gave it to her and had no problems.

General Feedback
Posted by Erin (Nantucket, Ma) on 02/28/2012

Just to add a bit to the conversation about h2o2- do your Research on this miracle product please!! All it is is a water molecule with an extra oxygen attached. It easily breaks down into water and oxygen, so use of this product introduces more oxygen into your environment/body. This extra oxygen makes for an unsuitable environment for germs and bacteria. There's more to it than that, but there's the short version. Why won't you ever hear of h2o2? It's cheap. Naturally occurring. Can't be patented. No money making potential really. H2o2 is found in rainwater and breast milk ( especially the first meal a nursing baby gets) can be used to replace literally hundreds of household, personal care, petcare, garden, cleaning, laundry, on and on products. It can be taken internally, but you need to buy a food grade product ( available online) and dilute it yourself. It is very important to read all precautions when using h2o2. There are very successful treatments for many many diseases of the body including cancer, centered around h2o2. Please do your own additional research, but I feel it is one of the healthiest switches I have ever made in my lifestyle. Namaste everyone :)

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Joe (San Diego, California USA) on 02/19/2012

I read the post regarding stabilzers and bought the 3% drug store type from Wal Mart & Kogers. I didn't think there were any it the product because listed on the label under inactive ingredient it only says purified water on both bottles. Also did the sunlight test and bubble test and both bottles passed. After ingesting H202 for a couple of days I called the poisen info. # on the back of the bottle and they had no information but advised against ingesting. The Kroger's bottle had a product information 800 number that I called. I asked if the product contained stablizers and in about one minute I had an answer. The kind women read off about five chemical stablizers and additives that were not listed on the label. As soon as I hung up I went online and ordered 35% Food Grade H202. I did use the rest of the two bottles to put in my bath. To those of you who posted that you are drinking the 3% H202 from your local CVS. Rite Aid's or Walgreens I highly recommend you check out what's in it before you continue drinking it.

Posted by Yannick (Montreal, Quebec Canada) on 02/16/2012

I tested this because I been having chronic pains for the last 10 years, I had also read that it was amazing for anemia suffers, immune system boosting and since I live in Canada the winter time is filled with long periods of sickness and cold and flu.

I was anemic last year my numbers where at 134 I had all the effects, my medical doctor gave me palafer that fixed everything in 6 months I was back in regular values 150. So last summer I decided to lose weight I then started some intermittent fasting with H202 chart drops per day.

I mixed my H202 in distilled water and took it first thing in the morning. The first few days were not that bad, but when I got into higher dosage 8 and up I started to get a really upset stomach, pains, and even threw up a few times.

I went back to the doctor office in September for my yearly check up and blood test and found out that my anemia had crashed back to 139.

I changed the way I took H202 using the spray technic, I came down with a cold 3 weeks ago and decided to use it, stomach pain was intense, I also put some in my nose like suggested and it started to bleed.

I started doing lots of research on H202, being anemic and a man is simply not normal, I have been tested for cancer, HIV and everything came back negative.

Doing further reseach I found out that H202 destroys red blood cells and can lead to anemia, it causes corosion in the body, and destroy the intestinal flore.

I never experienced any of the so called benefits of H202 apart from getting sick when taking it. I did not get any hay fever allergy relief, no energy, no fat loss. For me this product is more of a snake oil pitch.

Most medical studies say you can die from it, well unless you ingest huge amount of it and not diluted you might, but I still do believe that there is danger using this.

Lung Issues
Posted by Devon (Chautauqua, New York) on 02/14/2012

Editor's Choice

I just made a donation to TED in thanks for the first night in months when I can actually BREATHE freely. I have devoured the information on your site for two days and finally took the PLUNGE and put hydrogen peroxide and distilled sterile water into my nebulizer instead of ALBUTEROL! Some will call me misguided, perhaps, but I am sitting here with tears in my eyes--since I am NOT struggling to breathe. I simply cannot believe this, but my lungs are the proof. My husband even said I had pink cheeks for the first time in months. I am THRILLED I found this site and TED. There are no words...


General Feedback
Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Middlesex England) on 02/01/2012

I believe 35% strength H2O2 cannot be shipped by air but can certainly be shipped by surface carriers and the supplier should be aware of who can do this. You can purchase 3% or 6% food grade which should prove no problem.

Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/31/2012

Hi Sandy - Thank you for that excellent link on H2O2. This sounds extremely promising - I wish your son continued success in his treatment! I'm so pleased that you have a doctor who is open-minded enough to accept alternative treatments - very rare indeed.

I have read that doing a gentle "health bounce" on a mini-trampoline (rebounder) assists in getting the lymph moving as it transports and eliminates toxins. From NaturalNews Web site: According to Linda Brooks (www.wholelife.com), "The practice of rebounding against cancer is done using the 'health bounce, ' where the feet are kept on the mat and a gentle bouncing motion is maintained for up to two minutes. A stabilizer bar is available for attachment to the rebounder to add security, safety, and balance when needed by those who are weak or unsteady. If endurance is low, start with less time than two minutes and work up to the optimal two minutes over a period of a few weeks. " If you Google cancer and rebounding, there should be more details. Take care, Bess

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Joann (Hartford, Al) on 01/30/2012

Well, it was good to see a post that I made a long time ago. Yes, I do mean rubbing alcohol. I'm going to using the PH for an ear infection that just doesn't seem to want to clear up. Good luck all. I'm glad to see the site is re-visited by others who have used it and they leave new feedback.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/30/2012

Sandy I hope you read the link below of someone who cured their lung cancer by taking phosphates out of their diet. Everyone should read it, as it would be beneficial for any cancer or illness.

http://www.phosadd.com/support evidence/johnwood.htm

Posted by Art (Victoria, Bc Canada) on 01/29/2012

To Sandy from Thunder Bay.

You may also want to google LDN, which is another alternative treatment for cancer. Just thought you should know as knowledge is power.

Posted by Sandy (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) on 01/29/2012

Editor's Choice

My 22 year old son was diagnosed with lung cancer just before Christmas 2011. Twenty percent of one lung was affected and spots on the other. He preferred not to go through chemo but is very open to alternative therapies. A friend of his sent him the link to drinking H2O2 and my son asked me to check it out to see if I thought it would be worth a try. After much study on the initial page regarding drinking it, your page came up promptly when I googled food grade hydrogen peroxide. I was encouraged by the testominials from others who had suffered from different cancers and found success by using the H2O2 therapy. So I told my son if he wanted to, we'd try it. Between his initial diagnosis and the time we started the therapy his CT Scans showed that the cancer was growing and that his bloodwork was showing extremely low oxygen levels in his body. Because I didn't know what to expect in the way of side effects for him, I started him out on a very small dosage of only one ounce of 3% f. g. diluted in 8 oz of juice 3 times daily at first, just to see how he would tolerate it. When he didn't suffer from any nausea or vomiting with that amount, we decided to pull out the big guns and start with the dosage schedule for the 35% f. g. therapy. We started out with one small drop 3 times daily in 8 oz of juice or milk at times when he seemed to experience heartburn from it. We are up to 7 drops 3 times daily as I write this update. My son's most recent CT Scan just this past week showed that between the last scan and this one, miraculously, there has been NO GROWTH of the cancer this time and his bloodwork showed that his blood oxygen levels are now THREE TIMES what his recent levels have been! He does have a conventional oncologist who is open to trying whatever her patient wants to try in the way of alternative therapies as long as she doesn't see any harm in them. She was surprised and delighted upon seeing the results of his latest scan and bloodwork. We have also found that his cough has been more productive lately... Along with phlegm he has been coughing up actual solid pieces of what look to be burnt steak. We all think it's better for that horrible stuff to be out than in! My son is encouraged and more hopeful than he's been since his diagnosis. He continues to up his dosage daily, excited to kick the crap outta those cancer cells and get them outta there! Along with ingesting the 35% strength in juice we have also used 3% f. g. in his ears, several times over a couple days span, in order to ward off an oncoming cold last week that would have increased his upper respiratory discomfort for sure. It worked to unplug his ears and lessen the nasal congestion he was experiencing within a few doses. He was having the hardest time breathing at nighttime so we decided to try the dosage for 35% f. g. H2O2 in a cool mist vaporizer, for inhalation at night. We used 2 ounces in approximately one gallon of distilled water... NOT tap water. It must be distilled. He had a much easier time breathing... Right from the first night we plugged it in! So far we are pleased... Still guarded and trying not to get too excited by these successes yet.... But pleased, for sure, with the outcome we've seen. And his doctor was too. For the cancer to have stopped growing in between scans this time and his oxygen levels to be up so much... Without having changed anything else in this equation... We have to assume it is because of the H2O2 therapy. Oh... I might mention that one of the mild side effects he has experienced so far, is that of a rash on his arms. We feel that particular symptom is due to his body eliminating toxins through his skin so we haven't slowed down on the dosage increments because it's been quite bearable for him thus far. We will certainly keep you abreast of any regular updates in regards to his condition. For the best information on ingesting H2O2 make sure you go to http://drinkh2o2.com/#drinking-hydrogen-peroxide This site should clear up any questions you have on dosages and dilutions. Good luck to you all. Please keep posting your stories so we can all be encouraged by seeking support from each other. Thanks EC for the wealth of information on your site.

General Feedback
Posted by Janine (Gold Beach, Oregon U.s.a.) on 01/22/2012

I had a medicated stent put in a coronary artery and am on Plavix. I've read that people with transplants and on anti-rejection meds cannot take hydrogen peroxide, does anyone know if I can still take HP?

Posted by Mairon (Vancouver, Bc) on 01/18/2012

I have heard that taking H202 with Mineral Water soothes the upset stomach!!! Seen it on a couple of websites promo'ing H202 for health!

General Feedback
Posted by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 01/14/2012

I highly doubt that you will be allowed to travel with hydrogen peroxide. One of the main ingredients in the bomb that killed 52 people in London in July of 2005 was hydrogen peroxide.

No harm in contacting the TSA, of course. But, I wouldn't think they'd allow it.

General Feedback
Posted by Carolyn (Abilene, Tx) on 01/13/2012

Euler, you can find out for sure by contacting the TSAContact Center at: 1-866-289-9673 or [email protected] to see if it can go in checked baggage. Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Euler (Holly Hill, Fl) on 01/13/2012

Just want to know if shipping hydrogen peroxide in your suit case in an airplane is legal and safe. I need to take 35% hydrogen peroxide food grade to a remote area in the Amazon to treat a fellow that has parkinson's disease.

General Feedback
Posted by Callie (Torrance, California, Usa) on 01/11/2012

I want to start the hydrogen Peroxide therapy. I have 'well' water, no flouride, is this acceptable to use?

Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Tx) on 01/08/2012

Interested in an update from Jerry in Kennewick, Wa. on his use of H202 after 11/2009 and 9/2010 to the present time of 1/2012. Did not see a date on recent post.

General Feedback
Posted by Zorro (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 01/05/2012


They can send hydrogen peroxide through the mail. I just got some a while ago. Zorro

General Feedback
Posted by Lucie (Falher, Alberta) on 01/05/2012

Hi there, I own/manage a health store, and am wondering if you are able to mail hydrogen peroxide when someone makes an order. I'm looking for the food grade peroxide, and have been told that suppliers can't mail it because it's a dangerous goods. Please let me know what info you can share. Thanks. Lucie

Breathing Issues
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 01/01/2012

Dear Lexies from Ny, When I read a posting such as yours I feel compelled to respond. The compound known as BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] may be helpful in combatting all types of cancer.

A man named Dr. Denham Harman did a lot of research back in the late 1950s and 1960s that showed a very significant average lifespan increase in mice dosed with BHT that were cancer prone mice. This average lifespan increase was between 45% and 50% in the cancer prone mice. Other reseachers using non-cancer prone mice achieved average lifespan increases of between 22% and 31% with the use of BHT.

Dr. Harman chose BHT for well founded reasons. BHT is the most potent free radical and other harmful chemical entities scavenger available. Dr. Harman was hired by the US government to come up with a means of dealing with the harmful effects of nuclear radiation. Cancer is at least one of the most harmful results of nuclear radiation and BHT is the most effective measure he came up with to deal with these harmful effects.

Reading stories like yours breaks my heart. In my opinion, based on the very many studies that have been done: BHT is very likely to be benificial in the treatment of all cancers based on all that research that has been done. As to dosage I would recommend one 350mg capsule of BHT per day with a gulp of water to wash it down.

There is also wheat grass juice therapy. Ann Wigmore cured many patients of cancer with that therapy. A lot of former cancer patients swear by wheat grass juice therapy.

Both BHT and wheat grass juice therapy are based on sound biochemistry principles. I can NOT say the same for this MMS and hydrogen peroxide therapy because both are know to be toxic if taken internally. What can I say ? Do NOT give up. These are the two most promising therapies for cancer I am aware of: The BHT and the wheat grass juice....Oscar

Breathing Issues
Posted by Lexies (Ny) on 12/31/2011

I don't know what to say, I have Lyme disease and I was looking for cure then found hydrogen peroxide therapy. All can say don't try until you do research, for me it's too late but I tell you what happen. I did course of hydrogen peroxide therapy, to kill Lyme, after 1 month I had green sputum small amount , after one week more and more. I call my doctor and he did CT scan and find that vie had cancer minimal cells in my lungs , spine , throat and lymph node in pericardial mediastinum site. Hydrogen peroxide is Carcinogenic, and iknow that but now it's too late, I found new treatment with MMS I will by next week it is Carcinogenic too, but I have nothing to loose. Before you do anything read side effects, and if it's carcinogenic. Don't be like me aim just an idiot, and I don't know how to tell my parents about my diagnosis. To bad but too late!!!

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Sweeta (Austin, Tx) on 12/29/2011

I got some info about using hydrogen peroxide internally as a douche, however I did not research and for two days have been using a non measured dose of hp (the kind that was a dollar at the pharmacy) with distilled water. What is the damage that could be done?

General Feedback
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 12/25/2011

Timh, many thanks for the clarification - much needed thanks to brain fog from lack of sleep. I might be able to fall asleep to Ecstatic Dance. My absolute favourite for falling asleep to is the "Lush" channel on SomaFM. Wonderfully calming stuff - I highly recommend it. If you have an iPhone/iPad, you can get the free SomaFM app on the App Store in iTunes.

Thanks again for the info and happy New Year to you.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/25/2011 2043 posts

David, thanks for your reply and it seems you are on the road to recovery. As for the Love 528 Records, there are several channels, not just rock Mixed 528 Music 528Blues.com 528EcstaticDance.com 528Disco.com 528Motown.com. All this music has been digitally converted from our normal frequency (can't remember the f number, but it is supposed to be a bastardized form of the original Solfaggio) to Solffagio scale. If you want simply harmonic music in Solfaggio go to YouTube. I listened to the entire scale last night w/ good results in the middle of an hypertension crises.

General Feedback
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 12/24/2011

@Timh from Louisville, Usa: Many thanks for your kind help. I've been taking a magnesium supplement now for four days. Last night I woke after the usual four hours, felt wide awake with racing mind and utterly exhausted as usual, took 10mg of Valium and fell back into a proper sleep, not the usual light doze I get with Valium. Slept for nine hours in all - a record for me. So I think the magnesium may definitely be helping.

All the shops here are now closed until next Tuesday or Wednesday, so I won't be able to source the other things on your list till then.

I've got Omega 3 Fish Oil capsules (no flax oil in them though). My pharmacist told me I didn't need to take them while on the Sona Multiplus - but I've just taken 2 capsules now and I'll take another two tomorrow.

My Pain Specialist put me on Neurontin a year ago (which is what it's named here - it's gabapentin all right) for my back pain. It didn't work, so I doubled the dose (his instructions). Still didn't work, so I tripled it. Worked for a week, then stopped. So I gave the remaining capsules back to the pharmacy for disposal.

I need a prescription for it though and my doctor is not back on duty till the New Year. So I'm out of luck yet again (story of my life). What a Christmas I'm having. I hope yours is a lot happier.

I tried the radio station (528) briefly. I was hoping to hear just the frequency itself and fall asleep to it. But apparently it's always mixed into rock music. Couldn't sleep to that (and I used to compose rock and other types of music for a living). I'll try leaving it on all day tomorrow though. Or I might try making my own 528 tone loop and copy it onto my iPad.

Thanks again for your kindness and assistance. Happy holidays!

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/23/2011 2043 posts

David, as for the sleep thing, here is a list of supplements that can help w/ that problem: Magnesium, Valerian, Passion Flower, Melatonin, 5 Hydroxytriptamine (5HTP), and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA). Take as recommended on lables.

As for rebuilding damaged tissue and even nerve tissue, Chlorella & Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids ---Fish & Flax Oils and be sure to take at least 400iu Vit-E to protect the EFA's.

If you find yourself at the doctors office soon, discuss or ask about the synthetic prescription form of GABA called Gabapentin or Neurotin (maybe only U. S. brands I dunno), to help with the bad side effects of previous meds; this can help with the nerves.

Also try some relaxing music or better still relaxing and healing music. Check out the Harmonic Solfaggio Frequencies especially Love 528 (Love 528 Radio http://528records.com/radio) that has the same resonance as the heart of God. Also it seems you may need some chakra balancing and healing as disease, stress, and negative energy can and does affect our spirit or chakras. There are Harmonics on all I mentioned on Youtube.

Hope this helps and good luck.

General Feedback
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 12/22/2011


I've been taking Ted's borax water (plus two half-glasses of baking soda separately) remedy for demodex mite infestation for 12 days now without a break and only now do I read Bill's advice to take it for five days, then take a two-day break (Bill from San Fernando, Philippines). This is not mentioned anywhere on the mite infestation section here at EC as far as I can see.

(Ted is a saint and his remedies work wonderfully but he can sometimes tend to omit important details like treatment durations, frequencies, and proportions of ingredients).

His mite remedy is working for me, but because I'm impatient to be free of these pests ASAP, I started the 35% food-grade internal hydrogen peroxide therapy yesterday - specifically, the 21-day detox program which starts out with three drops of 35% HP in 150ml (5oz) of distilled water.

I took it as soon as I got out of bed (11am - I have chronic insomnia) and there was no overt taste. However, within five minutes I started to feel nauseous. I waited an hour and five minutes, then had breakfast (bran flakes and milk, yoghurt drink with plant stenols). I started sipping my borax water, took my half-glass of baking soda, plus my half-glass of warm water with three tablespoons of ACV.

I waited till 2pm, still nauseous but OK, then had lunch - an apple, a clementine, and a banana. The nausea immediately got worse and I started to get really uncomfortable stomach pain. But I had to go out to get some homeopathic remedies to try for my chronic insomnia. This took some time and my next HP dose wasn't until 6pm.

This time, it tasted very strongly of hydrogen peroxide and was difficult to drink (it took me an hour of tiny sips). Nausea and stomach pain increased to the point where it hurt if I bent over. I waited till 7pm, then forced myself to have four small slices of pizza because my appetite was practically non-existent.

At this stage I was starting to become frightened, so I went back and re-read the booklet that came with the hydrogen peroxide. And I found I had somehow overlooked this:

"Never take hydrogen peroxide with food in your stomach. Always leave at least an hour before or after food to be on the safe side. Vitamin C, Iron and fats in the stomach change hydrogen peroxide into super-oxide free radicals. THIS CAN SEVERELY DAMAGE THE LINING OF YOUR STOMACH. The same is true of iron, copper, silver, or manganese so if you are supplementing on these DO NOT TAKE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE INTERNALLY."

I've been taking a supplement every day with dinner for two months. I looked up what it contains and it includes: 200mg of Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid), 10mg of iron (as Ferrous Fumarate), 5mg of manganese (as Manganese Sulphate), and 1mg of copper (as Copper Sulphate).

I failed to take account of two vital factors: my supplement is the slow-release kind, and I've been taking baking soda as part of Ted's remedy - which acts as an antacid. So an unknown quantity of these compounds were still in my stomach the following morning when I started the hydrogen peroxide. Plus, the yoghurt and the clementine also contain Vitamin C which was still undigested due to the baking soda when I took the second dose.

Needless to say, I didn't take the third dose of hydrogen peroxide.

Today, I'm feeling slightly less sick and the pain is slightly less, but now, for the first time, every sip of borax water makes me nauseous, so I'll have to stop it and the baking soda for a few days. I pray this will not affect the significant progress I've made with the mites.

The moral of my story is: before you start taking hydrogen peroxide internally, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE ALREADY PUTTING INTO YOUR BODY BOTH FOOD AND SUPPLEMENT-WISE AND MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES WELL IN ADVANCE OF STARTING - three to seven days before would seem safest to me).

You will also have to live by a strict timetable and ensure you keep track of it carefully.

Vitamins in food: http://www.healthalternatives2000.com/vitamins-nutrition-chart.html

Minerals in food: http://www.healthalternatives2000.com/minerals-nutrition-chart.html

Hydrogen peroxide is wonderful and very powerful stuff but it can bite you in the a** if you don't know exactly what you're doing. And - always - RTFM (Read The Fine Manual) carefully.

Fortunately, I don't think I've done significant damage to myself (no vomiting or bleeding, but all I passed this morning was a lot of clear liquid with a few small flecks of solids and I have to force myself to eat even small amounts of food).

I do intend to ingest HP again but not until this pain and nausea subsides completely and I've done all the preparations I should have done in the first place.

By the way, the two homeopathic remedies I bought for chronic insomnia didn't work and they cost me a fortune - Dr. Bach's Night Rescue (contains Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, and Rescue with White Chestnut), and the homeopathic store's own brand, Peaceful Sleep (contains Chamomilla, Arnica, and Kaliphos).

So if anyone can point me to a remedy for severely disturbed sleep (caused by the anti-psychotic injections of Risperidone I received for my so-called delusional parasitosis), I'd be very grateful indeed.

I'd also appreciate any comments or insights on my experience.

Stay well and take care.

General Feedback
Posted by Rudy (Lucena, Quezon, philippines) on 12/20/2011

To Bill of San Fernando, Philippines---I saw the video of Bill Munro regarding 3% hydrogen Peroxide for inhalation which he bought from drugstore and is not food grade. Is that the same as h202 10 volume that we can buy in our local drugstore?

Bad Breath
Posted by Linda (New Haven, Connecticut) on 12/19/2011

Soozannah, it's baking powder that contains aluminum, not baking soda, but one can purchase baking powder without aluminum at the grocery store.

Bad Breath
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 12/19/2011

To Clarify:

Arm and Hammer Baking Soda does NOT contain aluminum.

*Some* baking POWDERS may still contain aluminum. This is easily available information on the web.


Bad Breath
Posted by Soozannah (Burbank, Ca, Usa) on 12/19/2011

All of the things with flouride in them, including toothpaste would lend to the possibility of heavy metal build-up thus creating problems from heavy metal poisoning. You believe you are doing yourself a favor by brushing your teeth with baking soda. Did you know however, that Arm & Hammer Baking Soda also contains aluminum? So do most deodorants. Compound this with all of the metals used in chemical fertilizers, and therefore grown right into our fruits and vegetables.

It's not surprising to find so many with dementia, arthritis, etc which may be related to heavy metals accumulating and causing problems all due to the trusting and overeating diet average of the American diet. When there is no change in the diet, these metals build up and are suspect of causing the aforementioned problems. Unfortunately, disease and Alzheimer's is almost expected as a person ages. By the way, you can get aluminum-free baking soda at your local health food store. Adding more oxygen does however ring true in prevention and cure of many problems we face.

General Feedback
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 12/17/2011

Thanks Bill for your time, this is very healthy info for many.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/17/2011

Hi Anon... Whenever I take 5% lugol's iodine I generally use it on its own, in split doses, with a glass of water. I used to have only the 1% lugols and I used to take about 8 to 10 drops of this a day. This may sound a lot, but you have to take account of the difference in strength between the 5% lugols(the original stronger form) and the 1% lugols. The 5% lugols is 5 times as strong as the 1% lugols. So that's why I took 10 drops of 1% lugols per day. I now have the 5% lugols iodine -- so I only have to take 2 drops a day as an equivalent dose. The 1% iodine was golden brown and I could see through it in the dropper, but the 5% lugol's is almost black and you cannot see through it. And for a 2% lugol's iodine solution I would have to take 5 drops which approximates to 2 drops of the 5% lugols iodine. I am only mentioning this because most descriptions on the older and successful historic use of iodine refers specifically to the stronger 5% lugols iodine solution, which can be hard to obtain now and I think this must confuse people -- regarding proper effective dosages.

I tend to take Hydrogen Peroxide (HP), Iodine, Methylene Blue and Sodium Thiosulfate (ST) on their own because they are quite reactive. I add ST to water or take it with fulvic/humic acid drops in water. I always take drops of Methylene Blue mixed together with vitamin c in water. I sometimes take the lugols iodine mixed in with vitamin C as Ted advises -- but this seems to convert all the the elemental iodine to iodide. However, this is useful to convert the ascorbic acid to the dehydroascobic acid form -- which helps the vit c to more fully penetrate the blood/bone and blood/barriers. But as I've said, your body needs both iodide and iodine because these two forms must be present for whole body iodine/iodide sufficiency(not just thyroid sufficiency).

For instance, the thyroid needs only the iodide form for sufficiency whereas the the breasts and prostate need the the elemental iodine mixed with the iodide form as well, to create the triiodide or atomic iodine form necessary for their sufficiency.

That's why I always use the Lugol's form rather than the SSKI form -- which can also be very useful for specific things on its own as well.

I sometimes also mix 3% HP with the Borax Water as Ted has advised -- but I don't mix it with any other chemical generally although I do use it to wash veg and fruit to get rid of outside toxins. I use the HP a lot externally to regularly wash and disinfect the sweatier areas of the body. I also use it as a mouthwash and aftershave everyday now.

Lugols, H2O2 (few drops), AVC/lemon/ lime, niacin, selenium, magnesium and zinc can be taken at the same time?

I would take the HP on its own at another time. The rest can be taken as I have already advised. Please notice that some of the above nutrients are taken with meals and others are taken outside meals for specific reasons.

Is magnesium citrate sometimes rough on tummies? If so then take the magnesium chloride?

I've never found Magnesium Citrate to cause stomach sensitivities unless incorrect doasages are taken. But I've also found that, in some makes of all nutrients sold, they use large amounts of fillers and additive powders. Blame Codex for that.

Magnesium Chloride is fine to use instead of the magnesium citrate. But there are availability issues for mag chloride which can be difficult to obtain. I also have magnesium chloride but I don't use it everyday unless I must. Usually I use the mag citrate and mag sulfate(epsom salt) forms for sufficiency because they are much more available where I live.

Zinc can cause some upset stomach so maybe take it with or after meal. And don't take H2O2 with meals or you might get an upset stomach.

Zinc is like Calcium -- a bit tricky -- because it depends how much you get from your diet. Ted advises high dose -- 25 mgs, if needed, for about a week then cut back to taking the zinc just once a week. Simlarly, B complex should be taken 3 times a week for sufficiency unless there is a specific reason or problem. You should also never take HP orally anywhere near meals or with food.

Finally, I take it that all these are only taken severals days out for the week - including the Lugols?

You should regularly take a break from all supplements as you say. In the case of taking Ted's Borax Water, this is a must -- take it for 5 days and then always have 2 days off from the remedy at the weekends.

General Feedback
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 12/17/2011

Is non-flushing Niaicin effective? Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by Anon (Anon, Anon, Anon) on 12/16/2011

Hi Bill, thanks for posting your supplement "protocol. " This protocol here will probably work for a variety of probelms. The only thing I'm curious about is the mixing of them. If I got it right...

....Don't take Lugols or H2O2 -oxidizers - at the same time as Vit C -anti-oxidants-.

Don't take too much ACV and H2O2 together unless it's just a few drops of H2O2?

Lugols, H2O2 (few drops), AVC/lemon/lime, niacin, selenium, magnesium and zinc can be taken at the same time?

Is magnesium citrate sometimes rough on tummies? If so then take the magnesium chloride?

Zinc can cause some upset stomach so maybe take it with or after meal. And don't take H2O2 with meals or you might get an upset stomach. And the Lugol's were taking about here is full strength, if not double the drops. Thank thee!

Finally, I take it that all these are only take severals days out fo the week - including the Lugols? Thanks.

Artificial Joints
Posted by Barrymat (Melbourne, Vic Australia) on 12/16/2011

Any more news about the h2o2 and your hip, I am thinking about starting on the treatment but I have 2 replced knees and am interested to hear if you have noticed any issues yet with tyhe hip or anything else. Are you still on the h202 trial?

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/16/2011

Hi Rudy, For future reference, the food grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide and chemical grade Borax can be bought in Manila here:

Chemi-Source Corporation
Meliton Street, Sucat, Paranaque
Mobile: 09179558746

To turn 10% HP to 3% then the equation is 10/3 = 3. 333 which is about right. So just add 3 parts by volume of water to 1 part HP. So, by example, you would add say 100 cc of HP to 300 cc of water.

Also, be very careful and bear in mind that they have a weird method of volume measurement in the Philippines -- so "10 Volumes" on their HP bottles really means 3% HP strength(red writing, RHEA, Telstar) and "20 Volumes" really means 6% strength for phamacy grade.

Use the 3% strength or "10 Volumes"(with the red writing).
I'm 63 yrs. Old, feeling tired always, hypertensive, PSA is 6. 1. Would you please help me?
Regarding your problems I would almost definitely say that you need the Lugol's Iodine protocol. The few symptoms you have given me all indicate this. Feeling tired, brain fog etc are classic symptoms of low body iodine levels and low thyroid. Low PSA levels are also an indication of iodine deficiency. You may also have candida though I can't be sure -- iodine is also anti-candida. The protocol will also help to cure your hypertension.

You can buy lugol's iodine here in Manila (my source):
Light Infinity Wellness Center
1039 Banawe Street
near Mauban corner, Quezon City
Tel: 3622024 or 4758212

And, when you buy the lugol's there do not mention that you will be taking it orally like I did -- they nearly refused to sell it to me!!

Here is the protocol:
Lugol's Iodine - 2 drops taken orally in a glass of water 4 times a day outside mealtimes. Take more than ths if you can.
Vitamin C(Ascorbate form) -- 1000 mgs three times a day.
Niacin -- 500 mg three times a day at mealtimes. Niacin usually causes a hot blushing or flushing effect on the body when you first take it but this dies off later. You can also take aspirin dissolved in water with the niacin to reduce this effect. Niacin is very good for heart problems, nerve problems, digestion etc.
Selenium - 200 mcg twice a day at meals. Detoxes mercury from the body and is also beneficial for the heart, bones, liver and thyroid.
Magnesium Citrate -- 250 mgs taken twice a day. Used in over 300 body enzymes.
Zinc gluconate -- Take 25 mgs everyday for a week then reduce to 25 mgs once week. Helps the immune system.
Use Ted's ACV or Lemon/Lime and baking soda remedies twice a day given here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html

Prostate problems are similar in nature to fibrocystic and fibroid problems in women and so the remedy is similar. From the research, taking just 12. 5 mgs of lugols a day(2 drops) will cure uterine fibroids in one year. But if 50 mgs of lugols(8 drops) is taken daily then the fibroid problem resolves in about 3 or 4 months. And this is the same for prostate problems. See this link:

Both Vitamin C and Niacin together are extremely effective against hypertension and arteriosclerosis at higher dose. From the research of Dr Abram Hoffer:

Apart from the lugols iodine, all the other supplements can be bought at the Healthy Options stores in the SM malls as I have mentioned to you before. And the sodium bicarbonate or baking soda(Arm and Hammer brand) can be bought at any supermarket in Manila.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

We heard about this practice years ago. It is reportedly a common practice in India and Germany... During flu season, fill the cap of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide with the liquid, lay down on your side, and pour it into one ear. After a few seconds, the liquid will bubble. Lay with the peroxide fizzing for 5 or 10 minutes, then shake the peroxide out. Repeat on the other ear. This remedy is supposed to cures colds that are already in progress - causing the symptoms to begin to clear up within a few hours. Note: If the virus has been in your blood for some time, this will not work!

Cold and Flu Reader Feedback

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Ted (Bangkok) 392 posts

There is a simple way to see if Hydrogen Peroxide contains stabilizers: Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it out in the sun where it is easier to see. If the hydrogen peroxide (H202) remains colorless when mixed in a glass of water, it usually does not have a stabilizer.

Almost all H2O2 sold in drug stores will have stabilizers, actually to discourage people to use them internally. So you can use this as a way to compare them. Basically, hydrogen peroxide poured into a clean glass and left out in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. If it does, there are metal contaminants. If you are asking for trouble, a drop of ammonia solution in H2O2 mixed in water will cause a rapid air bubble generation. It is more unstable if it has stabilizers. You can try the experiment and compare the results.

The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even when you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a good quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.

By the way, an easy way to test the quality of your drinking water is to add 10% of 3% H2O2 to 90% Water and perform the test by noticing air bubbles. If there are a lot of air bubbles for the next 6 hours, then the water has either too much organic residues OR heavy metals. During the test please keep in places AWAY from children. After the test immediately discard the contents into the sink. Ted"

09/14/2007: Ron from Temiskaming Shores, Canada writes: "Great site. I wanted to put my 2 cents in about Hydrogen Pyroxide (HP). I went to Wal-Mart to purchase some HP and when I got it home I noticed that my bottle of HP had the skull and cross bones on the front of it. Yikes!! The lable reads "POISON" because this particular brand contains stablizers. The previous brand that I bought did not have stablizers in it and did not have the skull and cross bones symbol on the front. I dont't think I want to try to ingest the poison type of HP. I think readers should be made aware that there is a difference and to be careful when buying HP, to make sure they find one without stablizers."

09/17/2007: Ted from Bangkok replies, "Remedies require food grade H2O2 except in instances of external use. H2O2 can't be labelled poison if it is for external use (as in antiseptics) since other contact poisons go directly through the skin killing you. Stabilizers can't do this. Most labeling no longer uses the skull and bones, at least not on H2O2, since hydrogen peroxide more often causes skin burns only if used in high concentration and are classified as caustic solutions. Even hydrochloric acid might also be considered a poison, but our stomach produce plenty of it. I don't think labels are consistent in classifying it"

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Posted by Susan (USA)

04/18/2006: John from Sault Ste Marie, MI writes, "I'd be very wary of recommending that anyone use 35% hydrogen peroxide unless they've had HAZMAT training or the equivalent. At that concentration H2O2 is extremely corrosive and causes severe burns; in other words, it's a very hazardous chemical that even professional chemists (and I am one) must handle using appropriate safety equipment (rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective lab coat). I know this from experience because I was badly burned by 35% H2O2 while carrying out chemistry research. It's irresponsible to imply that this stuff is harmless and to recommend it to people who have no experience handling hazardous materials."

04/10/2009: David from Tampa, FL writes, "I have used food grade H2O for years and if you do spill it on yourself just rinse with water for a few minutes - it will turn your skin white and it is temporary and there is no prolonged damage. Yes, you do have to be careful but not afraid."

Please be very careful when transporting food grade hydrogen peroxide after the bottle has been opened. Make sure you keep the bottle upright. Once the seal has been removed upon opening, these caps can leak. Food grade will cause the skin to burn and turn white. Yes, we learned the hard way! Luckily, skin will return to normal after 30 minutes or less if you rinse off the peroxide quickly. By the way, the same whitening of skin effect happens when you dip your fingertips in drugstore 3% H202 for a minute or more. It too goes away within 30 minutes...