Lugol's Iodine
Health Benefits

Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Food Poisoning

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Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

Here is a remedy that's been around quite a long time. It stops Salmonella poisoning immediately. Also used to treat Giardia. If you have gas and bloating and suspect Salmonella poisoning, here's the recipe:

  • 1/2 glass of water.
  • Add 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine Solution.
  • Stir and drink in entirety.

You will feel better within an hour. Take this 4x a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed.

Ganglion Cyst

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Posted by Homer (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 11/11/2022

In the article it says "Skin Problems that Benefit from Topical Iodine Use" and includes ganglion cysts.

I've tried it for my ganglion cyst which is not skin problem! Nothing happened. I've tried Betadine 10%, every night for a month.

Replied by Katzie

Maybe betadine isn't good enough (and since it's a Brand name from Big Harma, it isn't pure). You need a quality Iodine like Lugol's or something. And 75% of what you put on your skin ends up absorbed into your body, so that part can't be ignored. Don't give up so easily. Be well.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

If you're deficient in iodine and give the body some - regardless of what form you use - your body is going to oxidize it, remove the iodine and use it to create the various compounds it needs and APPLY them according to it's OWN list of priorities. If you're iodine deficient - you have far more important things to which it must attend than a ganglion cyst.

How To Take Lugol's

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Posted by Marie D (Nc Usa) on 10/08/2020

A friend of mine who has been taking Lugol's for 7 yrs. places the drops she takes into an empty gelatin capsule and swallows with water. I have tried her method and it works like a charm!

How to Take Lugol's

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Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 04/18/2022 85 posts

How to Take Lugol's

I found a better way. I took a different approach. In the last 3 months, every morning, right after my breakfast, using three 00-sized gelatin capsules, I have swallowed 36 drops of 5% Lugol's Iodine (LI).

Advantages: One, I get all the benefits of chlorine, fluoride and bromine detoxification. Two, this is, or seems to be, the only way I'm able to take LI with food, without having to dilute my food. Three, this way I don't have to taste LI every morning. Four, this way I am able to take higher doses of LI.

Disadvantage: There is only one disadvantage; you need to have good manual dexterity; you also need to assemble the capsules quickly and carefully. There is only one danger; if one of your capsules breaks, the resulting LI exposure will irritate your throat. However, if you plan ahead, and if you ensure the capsules are well-sealed, slippery and able to go down quickly enough, then this is not going to be an issue for you.

I hope someone can use this!

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

If you hav issues with vegan caps sticking in your throat, try the bovine gel caps. The vegan ones turn sticky when wet while the bovine gel caps turn slick and slide right down.

How To Take Lugol's

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Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 07/13/2009

Lugol's Aqueous Iodine 5%. I bought from the Trang Hospital with an expiry date, Oct 9th 2009.

1. Can it go off? What happens?
2. After taking it, what are likely side effects/ adverse reactions if any?
3. No distilled water here. Rain water OK?
4. Take the drops before eating or after?
5. How do I tell if cadmium, mercury, fluoride, chlorine etc. have left me?

Replied by Magnolia16

Could someone tell me how to take these drops that masks the taste? Is it safe to put in the morning coffee, juice? It really makes me gag but offers so much. All I have seen is to put it in water and that is hard for me to swallow.

(Illinois, USA)

I use 50 drops of Lugol's 2% in the morning and again in the afternoon. Total 100 drops a day. Morning coffee and afternoon iced tea. I can't tell any taste difference. I take it for metabolic syndrome.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Magnolia,

I think some people put it in coffee. I have done that. You don't even notice the taste of one drop. (Or, at least I don't! )

I agree - it does taste dreadful! :(

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Magnolia16

Thank you. That is what I have been doing, but didn't know if the heat killed the good stuff! I upped my dosage and think this is what I needed. Love this site - have recommended it to many!

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

M: I add Iodine to a gallon of purified water in a plastic jug and last 2 or 3 days, so there's no bad taste problem. For additional Iodine one can take Kelp tablets or Potassium Iodine tablets.

Replied by Sarani
(North Carolina, Usa)

You can make your own distilled water with tap water. RAIN WATER CONTAINS CONTAMINATES COLLECTED FROM THE AIR. Search YouTube: How to make distilled water. It says use a clean, big tall stainless steel pot as others can contaminate. Add tap water 1/4 up from bottom. Put a glass bowl which floats higher than the water level in. Place the clean lid upside down on top of the pot. Get a bag of ice ready. Turn the stove on to a boil. Put ice cubes on top of lid. The steam will rise, hit the cold lid, n drip distilled water into bowl. When the ice cubes melt, use a potholder n empty the lid. Don't let the distilled water in the bowl boil so lower the heat. Keep repeating with ice until u hv the amount of distilled water that u need. Use a big lid so u can put a bunch of ice on. Turn off the stove, let cool and use a clean ladle to put the distilled water in a mason jar. Place it in a dark storage/cabinet. Good luck!

Replied by Rosemary
(Qld, Australia)

I put mine into my morning mix of brewers yeast and yogurt, taste is very minimal.

Replied by Shalom

Marie, do you or your friend take it with other supplements to avoid the die-off effects? How often do you take it and how many drops? Can you give us more details and what benefits you saw. I tried it and had terrible die-off effects so I stopped taking it, but I was still feeling sick for a few weeks after.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

I found a paper that claimed it takes 50 mg per day for about 3 months to clear out iodine's anti-iodine brothers (bromine, fluorine and chlorine) and restore the body's stock of iodine. That's what I'm doing. I started with topical povidone iodide, and added iodoral, 12.5 mg (one tablet) and am increasing gradually. I'm only now at 25mg.The povidone iodide fixed a sore lumpy breast the very first couple of days but nobody seems to know much about the effects of the "povidone" aspect of that so I quit using it.

I've also been taking half of a 130 mg tablet of potassium iodide every few days, as well.

I just received my Lugol's yesterday so haven't used that yet, trying to decide how I want to do it but iodine is an element and I've found no evidence that it needs to be taken in any particular form or in any particular medium so I'm going to put it in my raspberry vinegar shot. When I get to 50 mg, I'll be adding two drops to the morning shot and 2 to the evening.

I have had some minor skin irritation and one lump in the breast that has migrated to the top of the breast, just under the skin. I might try to help that along with a clay pack but I'm going to try some Lugol's with DMSO first. See what happens.

Hypertrophic Scars

Posted by Elle_grey (Outer Limits, Usa) on 02/04/2014

Hi- I'm interested in using Lugol's iodine to diminish the appearance of several hypertrophic scars. I've tried other procedures with little to no effect. I'd like some feedback not only on the effectiveness of using Lugol's iodine, but also what I might expect throughout the healing process. Thanks for your help!

Iodine Warnings

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Posted by James (Seattle, Washington) on 06/26/2007

Lugo's iodine caused my heart to palpitate (and not in a good way; the bad way). So I thought no more Lugo's. I felt bad because I read the health benefits on this site and others and I could not take even one drop. Then while reasearching fatty acid metabolism I found that you use a lot of vitamin B-1, B-6 and B-12. All the of these B's have heart palpitaions as a sign of their deficiencies. So I took all three. Now I can take Lugo's. Yeah!

Also selenium and zinc deficiencies can cause heart palpatations. So if you can't take iodine because of the heart quivers you might have a deficiency you need to correct first.

Replied by Joan
(Virginia, US)

I get heart palpitations when I drink coffee or tea. It's the caffeine for me. So I add a bit of organic BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES to my coffee. That prevents me from having heart palpitations. BSM contains several minerals, which coincides with your theory that heart palpitations are as a result of a mineral deficiency.

Lugol's and Vitamin C

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Posted by Diane (Framingham, Ma.) on 02/27/2015

Hello, I've heard conflicting reports about Vit c and Lugols...If I take both together does the vit c negate the effects of the Lugols?

Thank you much...Color me confused...

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Diane...In answer to your question -- it really depends on what benficial action you want from the lugol's iodine.

Ted rightly advises that you should take lugols iodine (LI) with vitamin C on a health basis. Taking it like this beneficially increases the electrons or negative onductivity in your body and therefore increases the alkalinity of the body with many other attending benefits from vitamin C. Now I'm going to get a bit technical to show you another benefit of this mix. LI consists of molecular iodine plus potassium iodide in water. But if you add drops of LI to vitamin c in solution then the molecular iodine will all converted to iodide and that's why the solution goes clear. Not only that, but the molecular iodine oxidizes some of the vitamin c and converts it to dehydroascorbic acid(DHA). This is highly beneficial because DHA is absorbed into the body more quickly and in much greater amounts than ordinary vit c or ascorbic acid. What's more ordinary vit c cannot penetrate the blood/bone or blood brain barrier whereas DHA can.

The main reason for taking LI on it own with just water is to supply both the molecular ione form and the iodide form to satisfy your whole body's daily need for iodine/iodide. For example, the thyroid can only absorb the iodide form whereas a woman's breasts(and some other organs) need to absorb it in the molecular iodine form. Every cell in the body needs and uses iodine/iodide. Therefore, in this instance, if your whole body(incl. thyroid) is iodine deficient then you should take just the Lugol's Iodine Protocol shown here.

Just finally to also clarify the myth where some people still actually believe that all you need to do to heal iodine deficiency in the thyroid is just to take small doses of the iodide form. But what many people tend to forget is that if their thyroid is deficient in iodine then their whole body will also be deficient in iodine/iodide as well. Remember that every cell in your body needs and uses iodine/iodine. To illustrate the importance of this -- the thyroid needs to store about 50 mgs of iodine per day for proper operation. The rest of the body(excl. the thyroid) needs to store about 1500 mgs of iodine per day to remain healthy. That means that the rest of the body needs to store 1500/50 = 30 times more iodine than the thyroid. And so if you think of your low iodine problem as just being purely a thyroid problem then I'm afraid that you will have missed the boat entirely with your own thinking. So if you do have a thyroid problem then you should logically always act to satisfy the whole body's need for iodine/iodide as well.

Lugol's and Vitamin C
Posted by Blissblues (Usa) on 01/18/2015

This post seems so intelligent & thorough. Thank you!

My sole issue was comment suggesting to take along with asorbic acid, because it states at 1/2 dozen+ websites: NOT to take the iodine within 20 minutes of Vit. C.

I'd really like to see someone knowledgeable address this disparity, because I just started a 1 drop daily morning regimen which I carefully time to wait 1/2 hour to take my vit c afterwards. (which I used to just mix directly in my morning coffee/tea, along with turmeric, etc. And a pile of everything else! :-) Decades including kelp and red algae, so now I am very confused.

Does that mean I never got the iodine from latter because took same time as Vit C? This is a person who also loves her seaweed in soups, beans, etc.

Yet my iodide patch disappears within hours. Comments welcome, many thanks again!

Thank you again!

Replied by I 4 Me And U
(Great Plains, Us)

Your liquid iodine I am assuming is Lugols Solution. Vit.C, more properly known as ascorbic acid, reacts immediately with elemental iodine in a redox reaction that changes some or all of the elemental iodine into iodide. The issue is not that you lose all benefit by mixing with Vit.C, since the iodide form is used by some tissues, like Thyroid. But you lose some or all of the elemental iodine form when you mix Lugols with Vit.C, and, in turn, you lose some or all of the benefit of the elemental form in that dose that is apparently required or preferred by many tissues, such as breast, ovaries, and prostate. BTW, Kelp acts as a seawater filter and picks up relatively high concentrations of toxins, including arsenic, which is why it really is not a good source of iodine.

Lugol's and Vitamin E

Posted by Bcnu147 (Wa, US) on 01/04/2015

Some years ago, reading the book Adelle Davis wrote called, Let's Get Well, I came across what she said about Lugol's Iodine. She said that if Lugol's Iodine is not taken with Vitamin E, the thyroid only takes up about 5% but if it is taken with Vitamin E, it takes up as much as 95%. This was crucial information for me because at that time, I had hashimoto's thyroiditis. I made her High Protein drink every morning to which I added these and then drank a couple of ounces every couple of hours.

Many people have criticised Adelle Davis in the past and labelled her as a 'quack.' If they check out her credentials, they should realise she was NOT.

She was a qualified Biochemist, who cared enough about people, to work as a dietician in order to help them directly.

Replied by Geraldine R.

How much vitamin E is necessary daily and can you recommend any particular type?

Replied by Mzchynna
(Detroit, Mi)

How do you feel since you have been doing this. I am very hypothyroid

Lugol's Formulation

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Is this like Lugol's?

At the local grocery store, I stumbled on two little bottle of "Iodine Tincture USP" and I'm wondering if this is like Lugol's. Under active ingredients it says, "Iodine tincture U.S.P. 100% (2% iodine)...... First aid antiseptic. It doesn't say what else is in it, no secret peel-back label, and the product's website was minimal and unhelpful. Naturally the bottle declares it for external use only, with a cute little red scull and crossbones on the front of the label. Is the USP 100% some kind of standard wherein it would be possible to ascertain any additional unmentioned ingredients?

This is one of those mysterious happenings, actually. I was wandering through town aimlessly, and figured I'd wander through the grocery store. I was feeling very aimless. Looking through the shelves of pharmacy offerings I began looking for items Ted had mentioned. Potassium Citrate contained sucrolose..... I perused the shelves for several minutes. Then, stashed behind some hanging items were two little bottle of iodine, similar to the kind I'd been meaning to buy online. I failed to find the price on the shelves, as well as any additional bottles. The clerk scanned them at about $3 each. I felt less aimless. Went home.

EC: Don't think so...

According to this website:

Iodine Tincture, 2% (w/v), USP

Alcohol Content (C2H5OH) 44.0-50.0%
Assay for Iodine (I) 1.8-2.2 g/100 ml
Assay for Sodium Iodide (NaI) 2.1-2.6 g/100 ml

Lugol's Ingredients:

1. Potassium iodide: 10 g
2. Distilled water: 100 ml
3. Iodine crystals: 5 g

Replied by Kathy
(Dubois, Pa)

The alcohol in the idodine solution is probably methyl (wood) alcohol, or denatured in some way, and must not be taken internally because it is poisonous. The law does not allow ethyl (drinkable) alcohol to be used in any products like antiseptics or cosmetics.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Please, do not consume first aid Iodine tincture thinking it is the same as Lugol's. First aid Iodine tincture contains a high amount of methyl alcohol and or ammonia which indeed are dangerous. EC - would it be a good idea to put an alert or 'Important! ' message at the top of the Iodine section to not confuse the two and to not take Iodine tincture internally?

I have Lugol's and just need to learn how to appropriately use it. To answer my prev. post about how much is needed, I am finding out it is dependent on a lot of things including gender, past medication history, and prior exposure to flouride and bromine. I found from watching the YouTube videos that we need almost 100 times more than is put in a single "serving" of iodine (USA)! Wow...

Replied by Rob

Compound Solution of Iodine — Lugol's Solution 1893 – Liquor Iodi Compositus

Book Formulas - Fenners Complete Formulary 1892, page 559.

The U. S. formula is:

Iodine: 5 parts or ½ ounce av.

Iodide of Potassium: 10 parts or 1 ounce av.

Distilled Water: 85 parts or 8 3/8 fl. ounces

Dissolve the Iodine and Iodide of Potassium in the Distilled Water, and keep the solution in well-stopped bottles.

The Br. P. under the heading Liquor Iodi or Solution of Iodine directs Iodine 10 parts, Iodide of Potassium 15 parts, Distilled Water 200 parts. The percentage of Iodine is the same as in the U. S. formula.

Uses – Lugol's Solution, as it is popularly known, is given internally in doses of 3 minims (4 drops) to 5 minims (6 drops) diluted with water as an alternative and absorbent.

Lugol's Iodine Companion Nutrients

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Lauren (Tucson, Arizona) on 01/17/2015

Editor's Choice

Iodine has wonderful health benefits and you must take the companion nutrients along with it in order for it to be beneficial -- otherwise you will most probably have health problems. It is imperative to add this information and information on the salt loading protocol to the main description of iodine on this earth clinic site, to avoid people having problems with iodine and perpetuating the myth that iodine is bad for you. Please, if you have privileges to do that, do your research and add information on the the hyper-importance of the companion nutrients and salt loading to the description of iodine.

The companion nutrients are: selenium (200 to 600 micrograms); magnesium (400 - 600 milligrams); Vitamin C (3,000 to 10,000 milligrams); 1/2 teaspoon unrefined salt per day. If a person has autoimmune thyroid disease they would add Vitamins B2 and B3 - 100 mg riboflavin and 500 mg niacin, 1-2x per day. (People with autonomous nodule (toxic nodule) of the thyroid should not take iodine, so it is important for people with thyroid nodules to find out if the nodule is caused by Graves' Disease or a toxic nodule (Toxic Multinodular Goiter) -- see Grave's remission case report on

If you want to avoid the flush from niacin (the flush is not a health problem, but some people prefer not to experience it), then go with the niacinimide form (inositol hexanicotinate); stay completely away from the "timed release" or slow release forms of B3 as they have caused problems.

Iodine, which is very good for health, is in the same category of elements as bromide, chlorine, and fluoride, which are toxic to the human body. This category is called halogens -- they all go to the same receptors in our cells. We are surrounded by the toxic halogens, contained, for example, in our water supply and in things like flame retardant on mattresses. If a person has toxic halogens stored in their cells, when they take iodine, the iodine will begin to displace the toxic halogens, kicking them back into the bloodstream, and then the kidneys will excrete them through the urine. If the toxic halogens start hanging out in the bloodstream for a while before the kidneys can excrete them, they can cause a whole host of detox symptoms, so it is important to know that taking half a teaspoon of unrefined salt in 8 ounces of water, followed immediately by 12 ounces clear, filtered water will help the kidneys flush the toxic halogens right away (the sodium binds with the halogens). See for the salt-loading protocol as well as a list of bromide detox symptoms and iodine-literate practitioners. This is one reason why some people get confused and think they are "allergic" to iodine -- they take iodine without companion nutrients or without doing the salt push should they experience bromide detox.

One way to avoid detox symptoms altogether is to take one drop of 5% Lugol's solution per day, along with the companion nutrients, for one week. The next week increase to 2 drops per day, and so on, until reaching 16 drops per day, which is 100 milligrams of iodine. Another way, which I am less familiar with but which is described at, is to start right away with 16 drops of Lugol's 5% (100 milligrams iodine) or iodine in pill form, per day. Some people have experienced freedom from asthma using that dose. See curezone for that info as well as the other conditions that have iodine has affected positively. It can take quite a while at 100 milligrams (or more) per day to reach a state of iodine sufficiency. The length of time it takes depends on how ill a person is, for example it might take 6 months for a healthy person, or 3 years for someone with cancer. Once sufficiency is reached, the protocol is to drop down to a maintenance dose of, say, 50 mg per day.

Good sources of information on iodine are (lots of medical articles),, which has a free download guide to supplementing with iodine, and the iodine yahoo group. offers iodine testing.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects

2 User Reviews

Posted by Hisjewel (Usa) on 02/14/2018

I remember inquiring for help concerning the tingly sometimes, burning feeling on my face. I had started thinking it was stress.

I got some advice that got me through that time.

Soon I stopped using some of my supplements then start back up again.

Well, I had stopped using the Iodine. I had been obviously taking too many drops for me, about 4 drops of 5mgs or 7mgs of Lugols Iodine in a glass of water.

Any way I wanted to kill an infection, so I started back on the iodine. One to two drops in water this time, plus a little on infected area. I began to feel that old tingly burning feeling in the face again.

It good to know what is causing a situation, then we wont be trying to fix it while still consuming the cause.

I only took it a few days this time. Just enough for my healing.


Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Dee (Atlanta, GA) on 11/02/2008

I was taking Lugol's iodine for about a week, then stopped for 2 weeks, then started up 2 days ago, 5 drops diluted in water (what women say to take daily for breast cancer prevention). Right after taking the drops yesterday, I had an immediately reaction: runny nose and slight pressure behind the eyes. Today (Monday) my nose is still runny, but the pressure behind my eyes is a bit less. I know the runny nose is from having too much iodine in my body. Should I be worried? How can I pull the excess iodine from my system? I am going to stop the iodine for at least a month now and if I take it in the future, no more than 1-2 drops at a time.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Actually iodine that you are taking are mostly harmless. The eye pressure and headache issue has a lot to do with the problems associated with elemental iodine. Taking about 1000 mg x 4 of vitamin C sodium ascorbate should neutralize most of the problems.

If not, eat white bread as it is high in bromine. I have taken much more iodine before, but it is in the form of potassium iodide and sodium iodide, closer to 100 mg, not mcg either. The Japanese eats 1000 times above iodine dose and has no effect because the high content of bromine and iodine are found in kelp. A kelp supplement inspite of high iodine, has much higher bromine and can also displace it.

In general no harm but elemental iodine are oxidative in nature and vitamin C sodium ascorbate should lessen that problem. What elemental iodine does to the body is it raises the ORP to be a positive value and the sodium ascobate 1000 mg x 5 will put the ORP to a normal negative values just as before. Drinking plenty of water with a small amount of sea salt will displace the unneeded iodine.


Replied by Mona
(Minneapolis, MN)

The runny nose and sinus headache (pressure behind your eyes) are most likely a detoxification effect of the iodine you are taking. The iodine has the effect of detoxifying your body of the other toxic halides that are so prevalent in our modern diets and environments. The addition of vitamin C usually helps with the detoxification. The toxic halides are fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. They are toxic to our bodies and have no use by our bodies. They will attach to iodine receptors in the body, but they won't perform the function of iodine, thus the toxicity.

Fluorine and fluoride are added to most municipal water supplies these days, but many, many studies show no difference in the number of cavities and dental maladies between fluoridated and nonfluoridated water populations. Better dental hygiene and education have reduced the cavities more than the addition of fluorine to our water supplies. Trusting community leaders were sold on fluoridation by an industry that needed an outlet for its toxic byproduct, no we all are forced to consume the toxic fluorine.

Chlorine is toxic. Chloride is essential in the body, but chlorine is toxic. Chlorine is added to many water supplies, is used in pools, is found in bleach. The byproduct of chlorine bleach is dioxin, one of the biggest carcinogens known to our planet. Iodine could be used to make and keep our water supplies and pools safe, and is not toxic like chlorine.

Bromine is toxic and has replace iodine in the treatent of wheat for our flour. Bromine is found in flame-retardant and insecticides. We are exposed to bromine from many environmental sources. It is toxic.

With the abundance of toxic halides we are routinely exposed to in our modern diets and environments, it is not unusual to experience detoxification effects when you increase your iodine intake. The detoxification may occur, but the runny nose and the headache (and acne or any other symptom of the toxic substances leaving your body) will subside as the toxins are eliminated. The addition of vitamin C and fish oil along with the iodine will help with the detoxification. But, I do not agree with the previous suggestion by Ted that consuming bread (presumably for the bromine content) is a wise solution to the underlying cause of the effect (ingestion of more toxins may temporarily relieve your runny nose, but it is also adding more toxins to be eliminated from your body).

Lugol's solution is potassium iodide, the same iodine compound found in seaweed and sea vegetables, but in a standardized form, and elemental (molecular) iodine. Molecular iodine dissolves more readily in water that already contains potassium iodide. In our bodies, the thyroid gland absorbs iodide, breaks off the potassium or sodium portion of the compound and concentrates the iodine portion in the thyroid gland. Elsewhere in the body, the mammary glands and the ovaries have huge demands for iodine, too, but their preferences seem to be for molecular iodine. The whole endocrine system utilizes iodine or iodide, the digestive system needs iodine, the integumentary system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the skeletal system all need iodine or iodide. Excess iodine is excreted in the urine. The presence of sufficient iodine in the body detoxifies the body of not only the toxic halides, but also heavy metals, such as lead ad mercury.

Physicians knew of the wonders of iodine over a hundred years ago, then a bad study cast it into the depths of oblivion until recent research into breast health and thyroid health have brought it back into the medical world's attention. Iodine is a natural product. There is little monetary profit for anyone to make from its promotion. The "profit" is for all of us in society whose heath and well-being has been suffering since iodine was cast off in error. Hopefully, the modern research will recapture the attention of mainstream medicine and we will be able to undo the damage.

Lugol's Vs. Nascent Iodine

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Kitty (Niagara Falls, Ny) on 02/12/2018

I just read your very informative article about Lugol's Iodine. Would I be able to get an answer if there is a difference between Nascent Iodine and Lugol's Iodine? ..... I went to 4 different Dr's to get my thyroid levels checked, about 2 years ago, and all the test came back normal. But after researching it, I realized there was something wrong with my thyroid I had all the classic symptoms of a low thyroid. After more research I bought the Nacsent Iodine and started taking it, but found that taking it orally was not possible for me, too many side effects. I started applying it to my skin which worked much better for me. I started out with 4 drops, 1 each to my inner thighs, and the other 2, one each to my inner wrist. The first 6-8 months they disappeared rather quickly, sometimes within 2-3 hours. I used this method for about 2 years and have never felt better. After that, I only used it on my wrists, and now it depends, most times one drop will do it. But after reading your article on Lugol's I am wondering if it would be better if I used "it" instead of the Nascent Iodine. I very much would appreciate your help. I would use it in the same manner. Thank you very much. Kitty.

Replied by Diane

Stick with Nascent.

Replied by Mark David

Nascent iodine is too weak to do much good. Lugol's iodine is by far the best formulation of iodine to take, which has both forms of iodine that our bodies must have to function properly: Potassium Iodide, and Iodine. The following link is from David Tomen, a Nootropics expert, on the importance of Lugol's iodine and why we must have both iodine forms, and why Nascent doesn't make the grade.

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