Lugol's Iodine
Health Benefits

Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Lugol's and Irradiation

Posted by A (Southern, Ca) on 03/29/2013

Just received a Lugol's solution in the mail, through Amazon. I don't know if it traveled via airplane at some point, but it just struck me that there's lots of radiation up in the atmosphere now. Not to mention that many things do get irradiated through the mail as a standard procedure anyways.

Does anyone know whether the iodine particles in the solution can turn into a radionuclide form because of this? Can the irradiation make it harmful rather than medicinal?

I know that at least Iodine 131 has a relatively short half-life. So if this were the case, that the tincture may have become radioactive, maybe just wait so many days before using it?

Sorry if this topic was already covered - I don't have time to search the whole site. Take care

Replied by Brenda
(Las Vegas , Nevada)

I would be more concerned about your proximity to Japan and Fukushima and inhaling the particulates from the power plants blowing up, being on the west coast, then your Lugols solution going radioactive. This is why I am considering taking it.

Replied by Jenn
(Coborra, Australia)

Lugol's and irradiation..

If it was proper Lugols it would have come in dark glass...also iodine is one of the treatments for radiation...and quite frankly I'd worry more about the air I was breathing than worrying about radiation in the's been here since day one and will be here long after we've gone...

Lugol's Formulation

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Posted by SKS (Ann Arbor, Michigan) on 11/16/2007

First of all, thank you so much for this great website! Regarding Lugol's Iodine, apparently, its formulation has been changed. I purchased it on the web and received a brochure along stating that effective August 31, 2007 Lugol's would only be available as 2% iodine:4% K Iodide:94% dist.H2O...

Lugol's Formulation
Posted by Marie (St. Louis, MO) on 10/21/2007

Iodine - people need lugol's. This stuff from the pharmacy is not enough. Lugol's has the TWO forms of iodine used by both thyroid and breasts, ovaries and prostate. It has to be ordered online. I noticed in your comments people were buying it from the pharmacy. And that's not the right stuff. has increased their prices so I'm on the hunt for another source.

Replied by Marie
(St. Louis, MO)

I can't believe she has produced a product that is NOT Lugol's and has a label that says it is Lugol's. The iodine everyone needs is iodine AND potassium iodide in a very specific ratio. Dr H. Clark's doesn't seem to be that type.

Replied by Bill
(Longmont, Colorado)

The reason Lugol's is made the way it is is because it is a constant concentration solution of Iodine. If some of the water evaporates over time, a drop still has 6.5 mg of elemental iodine in it. This makes it a very safe way to administer iodine.

Replied by Brianh
(Austin, Tx)

If water evaporates from Lugol's the solution will become more concentrated and one drop (generally = 0.05ml) will contain more than 6.25mg of total Iodine + Iodide in a drop. But keeping the bottle covered should make this not a problem.

Lugol's Iodine Contraindications

Posted by Beberobozo ( New York) on 10/21/2013

Iodine Painting:

Hello, I am 59 year old female and just ordered some Lugols iodine and then I used it for a day and then looked up on webMD and lifescript and even here on EC that you cannot use Iodine if you are on certain high blood pressure medications which I am for now.. Been using natural things as complimentary .. going to find the balance ... Is this true? Can't use iodine at all? Thank You.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects

9 User Reviews

Posted by Ter (NC) on 04/04/2022

I know I'm in need of iodine due to the skin patch test. However, every time I take Lugol's I get a Diverticulosis flair and constipation. This is very painful until it passes. Anyone got any ideas about this, why it happens, how to treat it? For now I'm doing the skin loading and take kelp.

Replied by Jocelyn

Try just holding iodine in your mouth with some good water for 2 - 15 minutes. Then spit it out and rinse.

Replied by Sukiesnow

You might also want to have some almond butter later as it sounds like iodine alone is irritating the diverticulitis. Otherwise you could also apply the iodine to your skin.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Sue (Malaysia ) on 07/02/2020

Started Lugol s iodine a month ago. Started slow with one drop for 1 week plus, right now I am on 3-4 drops daily (5%). I have adenomyosis and read about all the good of iodine. However, ever since started taking iodine, I don't seem to sleep so well, I have few / some hot flushes daily, and most of all I missed my period during month of May.

Would be pleased if anyone with experiences r able to advise.



Replied by Anon

Hi Sue!

Iodine is not expected to disrupt the menstrual cycle or cause hot flushes from what I have read, although it can change hormone levels.

Are you 40 to 50 years of age? You may be experiencing the beginning of menopause.

There are herbs which encourage menstruation, herbs which delay it, and herbs which balance the hormones. You might consider using vitex/chasteberry in addition to the iodine to balance the hormones while the iodine does its work.

If it is indeed menopause you may consider black cohosh, maca, and sage leaf to relieve the discomforts.

You may also consider taking kelp rather than Lugol's iodine, as kelp offers additional nutrients your body may be in need of, as well as iodine.

Replied by Katherine
(Vacaville Ca)

Don't take iodine at night. It is a stimulator.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Sam (Utah) on 06/30/2014

I just bought lugol's 5% solution on Amazon. I used 2 drops in water. The next morning I had vaginal bleeding. I was so scared that I stopped using it. That was the only day I had the bleeding. Does anyone know why that would happen. I really wanted to take iodine because of the benefits people have experienced. I do not know if I should start using it again or not?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Sam, if you feel you need Lugol's Iodine, why don't you paint it on your skin (soles of feet, for example) instead of ingesting it?

Replied by Rosina
(Debary, Fl)

Yes, it can do this and it is normal. Your body is trying to stabilize your hormones and this may cause your periods to be irregular. With continued use, it will stabilize.

Replied by Lauren Lee
(Riverton, Nj)

Hi. I had the same thing happen. Did you continue use?

Replied by Dee

I learned that ingesting 5% is too strong. I was instructed by my alternative health care professional to make sure that I take Lugol's 2% or 2.5%. I hope this helps.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Jr (Coloma, Mi) on 04/02/2013

After taking the 5% solution of lugols iodine, I get a strange metalic taste in my mouth. I wondered if this was normal and if anyone else experiences this?

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Jr... It is certainly possible to get excess iodine symptoms as a metallic taste in the mouth, although my own suspicions are that this problem, when supplementing iodine, may well be caused by the excess bromine in your body being displaced from cells into the blood by the iodine. Excess bromine from the tissues is difficult to remove from the body and this can also cause a metallic taste in the mouth. See this article here on Bromism.

I myself have taken 16 drops a day of 5% lugol's iodine iodine for an extended period and have never had any metallic taste or any other symptoms arise. But I come from a country where bromine is not added to the bread -- but in America, bromine is always added to bread during baking. And whenever you supplement lugol's iodine, you must always ensure that you take the full Iodine Protocol shown here to avoid problems caused by a poor diet (low anti-oxidant, low mineral processed food diet).

If the metallic taste arises from excess bromine in the blood (from supplementing lugols iodine) then you should simply use the simple Sea Salt Protocol as shown in this link to get rid of the excess bromine problem.

Theory of Bromide Dominance.

Replied by Tamara
(Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa)

Bill, I too get that "metallic" taste in my mouth when I take iodine. To me, it tastes similar to a chlorine taste. I just figured that that's what the halide elements tasted like. I tried looking it up, but couldn't find anything. I do make sure that I put my iodine in distilled water to rule out the fluoride/chlorine interaction and just chug it down. I also avoid bread products unless I know that the flour does not have bromine in it and have avoided sodas with brominated vegetable oil, like orange. I do take the companion nutrient protocol as advised, as well, including the salt water. I don't have any other symptoms of brominism, though. I'm just offering my experience!

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Asktoddaboutrealestate (Holland, Pa, Usa) on 02/04/2013

Hi, I read that many people are iodine deficient. I am in need of more energy, so I thought perhaps it was due to an Iodine deficiency. So I tried Lugols 2%. I took 5 drops in water per day for the first 3 weeks, didn't notice any changes, took 7 drops per day in water for about 10 days, still no changes. Then I stepped back and noticed I had gained 10 lbs in the last month which is a lot for me (I am 5'7" 170lbs normally-should be 160lbs), so there was a change but I don't know if it was caused by the Iodine and wanted to get some feedback on my Iodine use. I stopped using it in the last few days to see if any of the weight comes off, no change yet. Did I use it long enough, or did I not need it to begin with?

Replied by The_truth
(Narnia, Lanzorotti)

@ Asktodaboutrealestate: Your weight gain could be the displaced toxins being stored in your body until it has time to process them. It sounds like you increased your Iodine dose too quickly but more importantly, you were probably not taking the companion supplements that aid the body with this detox (Selenium, Magnesium, Unrefined Celtic salt, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2/3. Since your kidneys and other organs could not keep up with the toxins being displaced by the Iodine, it stored those in body fat hence the weight gain from the bloat. This is just a theory I have heard about and feel is potentially true. For anyone who wants to try Iodine supplements, I suggest you research thoroughly before you begin.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Elizabeth (Byhalia, Ms) on 12/29/2011

I started taking iodine internally, namely Lugol's iodine, two days ago. Only using 2 drops per day. My blood sugars are much higher than normal. Before using the Lugol's, I simply was painting regular iodine on my skin of which I purchased at CVS drugstore in the first aid section. What could be causing the Lugol's to raise my blood sugars? Perhaps I should stop taking it or maybe try using it transdermally? Thanks, signed Baffled

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2043 posts

Elizabeth, it could be that your basal or overall metabolism is boosted by the Iodine, but a Chromium deficiency is causing a lag in sugar metabolism via ineffective Insulin uptake. Take 200 - 400 mcg Chromium Picolinate at least twice a day. Some Cinnamon caps would also help.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Nikki (Nj) on 06/19/2011

I have been taking lugol's solution for a few months now. I don't have any particular health issues per se, so am basically taking it for overall health. I did notice that after a while my breast has become sore even after my period has come and gone. It is basically sore all day and I am not pregnant. My worry is that it is coming from the Lugol's solution. Has anyone else exereinced this if so what is the cause? I thought that iodine was supposed to help with breast pain.

Replied by Cecilia
(Northampton, Ma)

I just saw your question so maybe it is too late to respond, but I also had this problem a few months after I reached the full dosage of iodine (taking Iodorl and slowly increasing my dose to 50mg). Nevertheless, I continued and that symptom went away and my breast tissue has never been better, one year later.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Alicia (Orlando, Fl, Usa) on 04/21/2011

Hi everyone:

Thank You for the wonderful information on this website; it is a great resource~ I recently have started supplementation for iodine in the past month and I have noticed a symptom that I am concerned about: burning eyes. Is there a connection between iodine supplementing and this? I am taking all the companion supplements. However, 500 mg of niacin is a little too strong for me at this point, so I am taking 100 mg 2 x/day instead of 500 mg/2 x day. I was taking 4 drops of Lugol's 2% initially, bumped that up to 4 drops 2 x/day and just went up to 6 drops/2 x day. Is this too much? I had detox symptoms before taking the companion supplements, now the eyes seem to be my main issue. If anyone has helpful advice or guidelines, I would love to know.

Thank You!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Alicia... I don't think you are taking iodine in excess -- you are taking, in effect, only about 32 mgs per day(of 2% Lugol's Iodine).

I think your eye burning problem is more problably caused by niacin excess or overdose:

"Symptoms of overdose of Niacin (B3) include: whole flushing of the body, burning sensation in the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, blurred vision, skin itching, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, lightheadedness."


You may be getting enough niacin in your diet -- try taking niacin once every two or three days for a while or even eliminating it altogether to see if that makes a difference.

Replied by Lana
(Smadre, Ca.)

Hi, I seem to remember someone on this site mentioning that you can tell you are allergic to iodine if you get itchy or watery eyes. I get this side effect myself, so I use the least amount that's helpful. Hopefully you'll find an answer to this problem.

Replied by Jo
(Gosford, Nsw / Australia)

I work in a lab & use grams iodine when making slides, the iodine fumes make my eyes water & sting.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Terrylynn (Wylie, Texas) on 03/01/2011

In 1986 when I had a gall bladder scan, I was given iodine tablets. I had a reaction--eyes swelled shut and face swelled as well. Do not remember having any respiratory issues.

I since have eaten shellfish, use salt, etc. without any allergic reactions.

Having been told I had an allergic reaction to the tablets, do you think I could also have allergy issues with the Lugol's Iodine?

I have been reading about the health benefits of Lugol's and very much want to try it. I am having a lot of health issues (breast cancer being one) and believe that it could help me. I am on Armor Thyroid right now as well.

Thank you for any suggestions!!


Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Peter (Shellharbour, Australia) on 03/17/2007

Remember that minerals or supplements and treatments can be either a food or a poison. Food at the correct dose and a poison if too concentrated. If you analyze your hair the minerals are measured in parts per million. So very weak solutions of iodine regularly are better, not enough to discolour but enough for the skin to absorb. This also solves the problem of finding discoloured iodine. The same applies to anything that may burn, if it burns you are using far too much and causing damage instead of causing healing.

Measuring Lugol's

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5 star (1) 

Posted by B3l (Canada) on 09/08/2014

I bought Lugol's 5%, but the bottle has no dropper. Apparently there are different size droppers. What do I have to ask the pharmacist for? How big should the dropper be? Or how can I measure the Lugol's without a dropper? Can someone tell me how many teaspoons or 1/8 teaspoons or mL to use instead?

Replied by I 4 Me And U
(Great Plains, Usa)

Lugols in the 5% strength is dispensed by the drop, with each drop containing approx. 6.5mg of total iodine. Ask your pharmacist for a standard medicine dropper. Dispense by holding it vertically, barely squeeze the bulb to allow a natural drop to form and drop by gravity into your 3-4 oz. of water, repeat for the number of drops you require. Drink it down, followed by enough plain water to rinse your mouth, throat and esophagus and get rid of the taste. The doctors who have revived the use of iodine recommend a maintenance dose of between 12 and 50mg to achieve and maintain adequate iodine stores throughout the body and deal with the toxic load we face in our modern world.

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