Dental Numbing
All of that changed, however. Because of all of the Magnesium, manganese, calcium and iron contained in black molasses, I began consuming about two tablespoons of the black molasses starting three hours prior to my dental appointments.
I mix one teaspoon of molasses into an 10 ounce cup of hot water and drink as in drinking warm tea. I drink a total of four cups of the molasses mix (one teaspoon of molasses per each cup of water) during the three hours prior and then proceed to the dentist. At that point, I have two full tablespoons worth of black molasses in my system.
Then, usually 20-30 minutes after my Xylocaine injections, I become fully numb and experience no pain at all. What a relief! I do not claim any particular knowledge as to why this technique works so well. Perhaps the extra hydration helps and perhaps all of the extra mineral consumption helps to cause the gum tissue to function better? I do not claim to understand the science. And perhaps it is simply my imagination? I suspect t hat it mostly involves the added minerals.
I told my dentist about my process but he had no comment except to say, “if it works that is a good thing”! And so I will always use the black molasses prior to Xylocaine injections by the dentist.
(Denver, Co)
Molasses also helped my depression. 1 TB per day. I always try to "fix" my health problems with natural things. I have tried sooo many things through the years for different health concerns and most of the time I didn't notice any difference. I started the molasses and I believe I felt better the first day. I am happier, more positve, have more energy, I'm motivated to do things. I have hope once again.
- 1 large banana
- 4-5 ice cubes
- 1tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1tbsp organic coconut oil
- 1/4 cup of coffee to dissolve BSM and Coconut Oil.
- 1/4 cup milk, or water.
- 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, or vanilla extract.
- Optional 1tsp cayenne pepper.
Blend well. You cannot even taste the Blackstrap anymore. It tastes like a banana muffin.
This smoothie is amazing!! Thank you!
How much Blackstrap molassis should I put in the smoothie??
I use blackstrap molasses in my smoothies, too.
My recipe is: 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, I add 1 scoop of good-quality pea protein powder, 1 small banana, 1 cup of 1/2 caf refrigerated coffee saved from yesterday, 1-2 tablespoons of molasses (or the amount of your choice). Blend it all up in the blender and enjoy. It's yummy!
I have been taking bsm for a few months and found it wonderful, look great (or better!) and more energy but have noticed more hair growing on legs and arms... this is quite worrying what should I do a bout it? I could try cutting it down to a trace of a tsp a day and hope that it will still have the effects or twice a week
any comments welcome
(Central Florida)
That's funny, our modern take on having body hair! Having body hair is natural. My brother & I were anemic as kids & lost most of our natural body hair (although no one connected the two coincidences), so I'm guessing you're getting some cure, which is why you seem to have more body hair now. Shave or whatever if you need, but I hope you can enjoy the way our bodies are meant to be when healthy!
EC: Regular molasses is the first or second boiling of cane sugar syrup, while blackstrap is the third boiling of the syrup. Iron levels are said to increase 5% in the 3rd boiling.
(Phoenix, Arizona)
Black strap molasses. Read the label. Very high in potassium. Potassium is never stored in our bodies. We lose it when urinating, diarhea, perspiration, and cell death. Potassium enters the cell quite readily and raises the ph. Higher ph then increases the perfusion of oxygen accross the cell membrane. Also, potassium aids in nerve transmission and strengthens contractility in heart muscle if potassium is low raising it is helpful. Also, Organic molasses has iron, iron increase hemoglobin production. This also means improved oxygen utilization. So, Molasses may indeed aid with energy, cognition, concentration, and endurance. Hope this helps.

Register with and you can buy the blackstrap mollasses from walmart or amazon and they will ship to your address. For Apple Cider Vinegar a lot of pharmacies and big super markets sell them.
You can get it from Ng its an online store their office is in surelere. They rock