Blackstrap Molasses
Health Benefits

Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Linda (Brooklyn, NY) on 08/24/2006

The blackstrap/ACV has reduced the incidence of flatulence after eating dairy (lactose intolerance). I still have some but not as much as before starting on 8/14/06. Curious, how long before hair starts to darken again?

Replied by Donna Hyde
(Lincoln, NE)

i noticed that taking flax seed oil with the black strap turns your hair a lot faster. i have been taking both for a month and i am seeing streaks of my brown hair which i have not seen for years.

Replied by Cassandra

Never knew blackstrap molasses helps with gas. Good to know.

General Feedback

Posted by Ben (California, US) on 01/25/2015

I've read all the posts here. All are interesting. My experience has been different... As a kid I was raised by my grandparents. They were very health-conscious. When we ate meat it was always the most lean, usually skinless chicken white meat. My grandmother grew many of her own greens and vegatables to ensure we had the best, vitamin rich meals possible. Ours was the only house in the neighborhood using Braggs products in the 1960s. My grandfather already used BSM everyday on his grits. At the age of 7, I was introduced to it via my morning breakfast. I've had it nearly every morning since. I'm 53 now. I've had three different cancers, a heart attack, quadruple bypass surgery and five stints in my heart arteries. I've never smoked and always eat well rounded, healthy meals. I have always been nearly 100% vegetarian. I exercise rigorously for at least three hours every day. I realize I am an exception. I like BSM (I've enjoyed the flavor since day one) and it is obviously, health-wise, a far better sweetener than processed sugar or chemical sugar substitute but to say it's a cure-all? I cannot.

Replied by Rodney

Looks like your meat free and fat free diet is not working for you, which is no surprise really as there is so much quality nutrition in those foods, particularly if organic.

General Feedback
Posted by Barbara A (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/03/2012

I want to use bm for my hbp and diabetes. The problem is that my iron is more than adequate and it occured to me that I might get too much iron from this product (I'm a diabetic). I want to take it very much, but don't want to get into trouble. Thank you for your time! Barbara

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn Usa)

HI U BARBARA, I am diabetic and took blackstrap molasses a few years ago. The iron sent my glucose numbers out the roof. Scared my mule and would urge caution. Iron is a two edged sword. =======ROBERT HENRY===

Replied by M
(Somewhere, Europe)

Robert, was it the iron or the sugar in the molasses that spiked your blood sugar??

Replied by Willie
(Toronto, On)

I'm not diabetic, but I noticed that the sugar in BSM absorbs slowly into the bloodstream. I tested my blood sugar level with a relative's monitor a little bit after taking a couple of teaspoons of BSM and it elevated my sugar level very slightly.

Gray Hair

19 User Reviews
5 star (13) 
4 star (2) 
1 star (3) 

Posted by Ravi Teja (Hyderabad, India) on 06/06/2016

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post here. I've been reading about the relation between Black Strapped Molasses and gray hair from past 3 hours on this site. (I sincerely believe in Science, but sometimes few things cannot be confirmed as the effects depend on the entire body ranging from fauna in your stomach to various minerals needed for your hair.)
The deductions I draw from all the reading are these:

1) Using BSM with warm water had more than 75% success rate rather than taking it with tea/coffee.

2) For best results, the recipe I come up with from all these posts is 1-2 tablespoon/teaspoon of BSM mixed with warm water, 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and mixing with Lemon/orange/honey for taste. This has to be taken most preferably early in the morning on empty stomach.

3) People adding Biotin/Brewer's yeast etc., are gaining more benefits due to additional copper. But be careful of not to intake excess copper which may result in some side effects.

4) Unsulphured Organic BSM, seems to be working. I guess the brand should be Plantation (widely available). This specific bottle definitely mentions Copper to be 0% which doesn't mean there is no copper. Copper is present and is in milligrams(the reason for being marked as 0%). Copper seems to be the most important mineral needed in bringing back the natural color.

5) ACV contains lots of vitamin C and Iron helps in overall health (so does Lemon)

6) People are having mixed results when using BSM with Tea or coffee, as they have natural iron inhibitors in them.

7) Mixing BSM with milk or coconut water is also a good idea.

8) TIME: If u are having a lot of gray hair, it takes considerable time of around 9 months to see good results.


So guys, anything else u would like to add?

Let's get to the root of this.

Replied by Jemmren

BSM is as I understand, quite an excellent product but if you looking for something to slow " grey hair" you will need Biotin or Vitamin H .. My mum used to read books by Gaylord Hauser a very forward thinking nutritionist in Australia in the 70's and as a result of that study, started eating raw wheatgerm with skim milk and once a week would add a raw egg.. That would be her breakfast for over 25 yrs! She will turn 90 next year and her hair has only started to go grey in the last 10 yrs.(. She is currently in a nursing home and my family would like her to be deemed as a dementia patient, but all her bone density tests have been 110% and her mental facilities are the same. In fact in her hospice she is only one of 3 patients who does not have dementia ... What does that say about our eating habits?) A Professor from one of the teaching hospitals in Sydney spoke to her one day about her lack of grey hair and asked her about her early diet.. And he told her that the wheatgerm contained significant amounts of Biotin which prevents the hair from going grey .. It would interesting to see the correlation between wheatgerm and BSM? Thanks .. JemmRen

Gray Hair
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/24/2015

Blackstrap Molasses eliminated my gray hair. I don't remember how long it took but I know hidden sources of MSG contribute to hair turning gray so you have to eliminate those sources also.

The body stores iron. I remember reading about the toxic levels so I'm going to look for that info in my latest nutrition book and get back to you. In the meantime I think one TBSP in 8-10 oz. of warm water or milk a day would be safe. (I use 2% milk and dilute that with water in winter because dairy cows are fed more corn or fodder to produce more milk then)

Please note our entire food supply has been engineered to last longer and has been tainted with GMO's. GMO grasses and grains are being fed to the animals we eat and get milk or eggs from. "Organic" is no longer safe because it is grown in soil that contains a genetically modified fungus. I posted this information elsewhere on EC but I just don't know where.

I'm going to copy excerpts from my 2007 Nutrition Almanac...

"The iron in the body is normally used efficiently. It is neither used up nor destroyed but is conserved to be used repeatedly; Excess iron, rather than being excreted, is stored; Too much iron, accumulating over the years, occurs often in older men. Iron overload can result in a condition called hemosiderosis, a term for excess iron storage in the body. Iron toxicity is the result of the inability of the digestive tract to eliminate excess iron. Symptoms of iron toxicity include fatigue, headaches, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, and a grayish color to the skin."

Gray Hair
Posted by Lowiron (Manitoba, Canada) on 01/12/2015

I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses for more than 6 months and still have very low iron. The dr has now put me on iron pills and my hair is still amazingly grey. I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago.

Replied by Cherish
(Tucson, Az.)

If you're going for the Iron, learn about the long list of foods and other nutrients that either block or impair our uptake of Iron. Even though some foods, like Spinach, are known to be high in it, it is said to not be bioavailable. Learn how there are nutrients that we can take with Iron sources to enable and even triple our uptake. Intake doesn't equal uptake. You could be ingesting iron in vain if you're putting the wrong foods in the same digestive time period, thus blocking your uptake. More study.

Replied by Mechayla

Iron needs an acidic environment to be broken down into absorbable elemental iron. Ferrous sulfate is best taken on an empty stomach with a glass of orange juice for the best absorption.

Replied by Waleed

For low iron, take castor oil over coffee with sugar on empty stomach several days a week. This could clean an area in the intestines that absorbs iron. I read a case where this works. I have not tried it myself.

Gray Hair
Posted by Hubert (Phoenix, Az., United States) on 01/01/2012

I am going to try Black Strap Molasses (BSM) in an effort to eliminate some of my grey hair, but I am a novice as far as BSM is concerned, so would one of the BSM Veterans wade in and respond to my comments and questions.

There were a few people who stated in their post that they were taking BSM in hopes of minimizing/eliminating their grey hair; they went on to explain they had to discontinue their regimen due to the high sugar content of BSM, which had a negative impact on them. I'm wondering if they were taking the unsulphered BSM. Is there is a difference between the unsulphered and plain BSM?

Also I was wondering would it be ok to use BSM in hot green tea with lemon? Normally I use honey as a sweetner, because I believe it is a healthy alternative to sugar. But I would like to start my BSM regimen with green tea and lemon; providing the beneficial effects of the BSM won't be diminished.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn Usa)

HI U HUBERT, my ole Mississippi Grand Dad used to have a cane syrup mill which a mule was used to turn the cane squeezing system. He then used a wood burning cooker to evaporate off the water. The Black Strap came from the third cooking and had less sugar but more vitamins and a higher content of iorn than the previous two cookings. What you want is Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses.

I have tried this before, but the high iron can wreak havoc with you. In my case it caused my glucose to go out the roof for several weeks. As my Nuropath doctor tells me, iron is a two edged sword. Be- careful. =====ROBERT HENRY=========

PS.. Hope all you people are having your good luck Black eyed peas today. Looks like we are going to need it in 1212. We are having them and Collards Greens for the money. This is a Southern Tradition.

Replied by Rho
(Rho - Fl)

If your body is anemic/low in iron this stresses the body to work harder to overcompensate for the lack of iron and the additional stress causes gray hair and other symptoms. When you take the molasses and restore the iron levels in the blood the body is less inflamed and thus, less like to grow gray hair. The molasses probably doesn't do anything for gray hair except restore an anemic body back to normal so normal healthy hair can grow anew.

Replied by Ajf
(Austin, TX)

The iron didn't cause your blood glucose to go through the roof - the molasses itself did. It is sugar.

Replied by Stormie

What I know of BSM is you should have it in the morning as it takes all day to process. I like to have it between breakfast and lunch and mix it in half a glass of warm rose-hip tea as it is high in vitamin c. Dosage moderation balance slow and steady wins the race. Is this a good way any other hints. Thanks

Replied by Jen

I will try today with green tea!!!

Replied by Cherish
(Tucson, Az.)

To Hubert: According to Iron Disorders Institute, tea and coffee and many other foods block or impair the uptake of Iron- and it is widely stated that BSM is rich in Potassium ( on the back label of the organic- 730 mg. Per Tbsp. , as opposed to 110-210 in Grandma's and Brer's, meaning non-organic), Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Selenium and more. Another website shows the whole long list of foods that block or impair uptake of Iron as well, stating that especially Green Tea is completely contrary to Iron. But as it's not necessarily the Iron that effects gray hair, perhaps the other nutrients in it is what you're inquiring about. I wouldn't mix it with any tea, coffee, dairy, or calcium product, or anything else on the long list, UNLESS you want to lessen your iron uptake, or potentially chelate/ lessen the Iron you already have.

Replied by Pbird
(Wa, US)

Right Cherish, I think those of us who have plenty of iron on board, should take it in coffee or tea to control the iron uptake.

Gray Hair
Posted by Christina (Houston, Tx) on 08/07/2010

I started taking BSM about three weeks ago. I take a teaspoon daily. About one week after beginning BSM I noticed my silver hairs looked copper colored and some were yellowish. I was happy- I believed the BSM was working to restore my natural color. Now my hair looks yellow and green in sunlight. I do not use coloring agents or chemical processes on my hair and I haven't been swimming. I've already tried a clarifying shampoo, it did not remove the yellow and green. Does anyone have any suggestions for removing these undesirable colors?

Replied by Lon
(Stanhope, Nj)

I'm quite a novice, so may be completely wrong on this subject, but just in case, I thought I'd mention the following. I know a person whose dark brown hair gradually became lighter, but with a greenish tint. This amazed everyone. It was later found to be caused by too much copper in the diet and in a supplement he was taking. I was told he had a susceptibility to this. I may be wrong, but doesn't BSM contain a significant amount of copper? The person's diet had to be changed, supplement eliminated and I think there was a vitamin used to help reverse the effects.

Replied by Christina
(Houston, Texas)

Thanks to both Addy and Lon for your comments. I already use the purple shampoo, this was a standard before deciding to try BSM. I will stop the BSM and look into vitamins as well as other solutions to reverse its effects.

Replied by Happee
(Se Usa)

Hi - just FYI, there is no way that something you consume can change the color of the hair that is already on your head (grown out from your scalp). Hair isn't "alive" in that way; it's like your fingernails. So whatever was affecting your hair color came from an outside application, such as chlorine in water.

I don't know about molasses affecting hair color over time, but I do know that there are herbs that are used in Asia that accomplish this, so I would assume that, if molasses treats an underlying imbalance or nutritional lack, it could produce the same result. It would take some time to see whether it works though.

The growth rate of head hair for most people averages about 1/4" to 1/2" a month. 1/2" a month is considered pretty fast growth, for example. Using that calculation, you'd have to consistently take the molasses and see if you started to notice a difference in hair color after about six months (since the molasses effect might not start working immediately).

Replied by Lola

What Asian herb gets rid of gray?

Replied by Khem
(Fort Worth, Tx)

A Chinese herb that is supposed to work on gray hair is He Shou Wu, also known as Fo Ti root. Read more here: One should always be careful when taking herbs, especially Chinese herbs, as they may be adulterated or contain additional toxins. Also, consult a Doctor or Medical professional before starting an herbal regimen.

A natural alternative to dying gray hair is to use black teas with sage and/or rosemary. This offers a gradual coloring of the gray hairs as the rinse may have to be used for two or three weeks, once each week until desired darkening occurs.

Henna is also another natural alternative, yet it turns gray hairs reddish. If left on too long, the gray hairs may turn orange.

Replied by Ana Maria
(Mi., US)

Henna and indigo herbs will make hair dark and cover gray. You may add amla for less red undertone. They work and they are all safe. I get mine from

Replied by Amy
(Charlotte, Nc)

wholesome sweeteners, unsulphured black strap molasses brand

BSM has many wonderful benefits. Loaded in minerals and high in potassium. Everything in moderation .... one Tablespoon in the am plus I sprinkle a little baking soda (1/2) tsp or so

Benefits I have noticed is skin, hair and nails are vibrant, increased energy and bone, joint aches are a thing of the past. As far as grey hair reverting back to its original color, it takes time people, about three good months to expect to see grey hairs lessening .... have a little patience :) and remove all processed sugars and google an alkaline/acid food chart, you be in good shape in no time

Replied by Sonny
(Athens Ga)

Did you check your Hat/Cap team color? If you use it everyday? Just like maybe the blue legs symptoms people have caused by wearing jeans perhaps?

Replied by Jennie
(Vancouver, Bc)

He Shou Wu has been using for treating gray hair for long history. But it was confirmed its harmful quality for liver function. So be careful.

Replied by Gertrude
(Lanham Maryland)

I do know that rinsing hair with white vinegar in a glass of water will turn it back to its natural color.

Gray Hair
Posted by Amy (Scottsdale, Arizona) on 06/03/2010

6 Month Report

I have been taking BSM for 6 months - 3 teaspoons a day. I believe it is beginning to work. My hairline and first several inches looks less gray, although the cowlick, at the back of my head, is still quite gray. I was never very gray, or solid gray. maybe more like 50%.

The bottom line is, at 6 months I still need to color my hair every three weeks. However, the gray looks less noticible to me around my face.
I shall continue ading the BSM to my tea. Why not? It is tasty enough. And I sooooo want this to work. I don't mind coloring my hair but every three weeks is too often for me.

Replied by Isabelle
(Garden Grove, Ca Usa)

Hello! I know it is maddening when the hair gets off color. It happen to me 20 or so years ago but it was from to much msm that I was taking for skin problems. Dear, make sure that your Blackstrap Molasses is organic and also check you amount of sulfur in you diet and supplements: some liver can process only small amount of sulfur per day. I don't know if this is pertaining to you, but it doesn't hurt to check. For restoring color, look on iodine and paba. But remember, what ever you do is connected to you whole body state of health and there is a lot of reading to do on this site and the internet. I hope you get satisfying result! PEACE!

Replied by Amy
(Scottsdale, Arizona, Usa)

This is Amy, the original poster. I am checking back in at 9 months and was about to say with certainty that this does not work. I have been taking pictures every 3 months and see no improvement and still need to color every three weeks.... However, I have not been taking ORGANIC BSM. I've been taking Plantation brand unsulfured BSM from the health food store but it does not say organic. Hard for me to imagine how this can make a difference. And if the health food store does not carry it, how am I supposed to find it? At the moment I shall not continue with this 'treatment'. I do not see any results and at 1 T a day for 9 months that is a lot of calories for no result.

Replied by Jerome
(Wi, US)

Plants are nutrient rich, when they are organically grown or wild crafted. Always use organically grown, non GMO molasses.

Replied by Cindy
(Los Angeles, Ca)

BSM takes time and you have to also make sure you are eating well and NOT color your hair. Unless you are using Henna to color your hair, Hair dye from the store or even if you go to a salon, will create hydrogen peroxide in your body and in your scalp and begin to grey your hair. Hair color companies know this and keep you coming back to color that grey hair. So, don't give up, sure you are getting plenty of rest, eat Whole Foods and drink plenty of water and take at least 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses a day.

Replied by Lucy
(Silver Spring, Maryland)

I read that what makes it work is copper, the plantation brand has 0%, so I went online and found one that does "Wholesome" brand...just received it!!! Fingers crossed.

Gray Hair
Posted by Jm (Keller, Tx) on 03/24/2010

Crazy. I had been taking a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses everyday for a month or so, then started getting a little lax. Today I plucked out a gray hair that was silver on the end but dark brown at the root. Will definitely have to start back up again and be vigilant about it.

Gray Hair
Posted by Sochie (Boston, Ma) on 08/12/2009

I have consistently taken 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses daily for three months. I was skeptical about the claims that blackstrap molasses could restore your gray hairs to their natural color although I was encouraged by the overwhelming response suggesting that it does, in fact, help.

I am 31 years old and have noticed over the past few years that the grays have permeated through my brown hairs and have become prononced around my hairline. I have been spending an unnecessary amount of money to color & highlight my hair to temporarily cover up the grays.

I'm pleased to report that my hairs are gradually returning to their original brown color after regularly using the blackstrap molasses. I have been raving about the natural remedy to family and friends and hope that they will also experience the same benefits.

Gray Hair
Posted by Diane (New York, NY) on 03/04/2009

I started taking BSM and ACV for leg/foot cramps. A friend said that years ago her father was advised to use this remedy and that it not only got rid of his cramps but turned his full head of gray hair blonde again. I've been doing it for about a month and find both to be improving. But I take a Tbs of the BSM off the spoon in the morning followed by about 1-2 tsp of ACV in a little water. Is there some more effective method I should be using?

EC: Many more grey remedies here:

Gray Hair
Posted by Donna Hyde (Lincoln, NE) on 02/10/2009

hello, i take black strap too i am 54 years old. i don't take it alone. i take 6 alfalfa tabs., and 2 flax seed oil 2 times a day .i use to be gray, i am seeing streeks of brown. and my gray is getting darker. i take my black strap with _____s apple citer viniger, and warm water. 2 tab.spoons viniger, and 1 tab.spoon black strap 2 times a day. i noticed that i no longer have hot flashes.

Gray Hair
Posted by Fee (Melbourne , Victoria) on 10/01/2008

I've been taking blackstrap molass in my coffee every day for the last 3 weeks and haven't noticed any changes in reversing gray hair. I'll keep at it until the jar finishes and see how that goes.

It provides me with a lot of energy. After a run, i normally get tired but takign 2 teaspoons with a drink, i don't feel the need for a nap. However, the calories in it makes you very fat if you don't work it off and I noticed that it gives me a lot of phlegm when I take it.

Gray Hair
Posted by Patty (Covina, California) on 01/18/2008

When I heard about molasses taking white hair off I could't believe it. But I though it was worth to try. every morning in an 8 oz glass of water I mix two table spoons of the blackstrap molasses, two table spoon of raw honey, and two table spoon of apple cider and drink it. I have to be honest the taste I don't like very much, but the energy i get from that is tremendous, and not only that but because of the apple cider keeps me away from any type of viruses including flu. This is a great thing I am so glad I learn about it because it been already 5 months since I started taking it and almost all my white hair is gone!!! I will take it for the rest of my life, thanks to my Health book I purchase!!!

Replied by Anna
(Toronto, Canada)

Should molasses be used in a glass of hot water or cold water?

Replied by Donna Hyde
(Lincoln, NE)

you should dissolve it in something warm. water or milk. then cool it with cold water or milk.

Replied by Sue Steele
(Las Vegas, Nv)

I take brer rabbit molasses. Where are you buying blackstrap? After taking the molasses for two and a half months my joints stopped hurting.

Replied by Anjie

Re: Recipe for reversing gray hair: Does apple cider help with grey hair? I can't stand it's smell.

Replied by Ravi

Hi....just want to know....this mixture of Black strap molasses Raw Honey and Apple cider vinegar should be taken on an empty stomach or can be taken after breakfast? Regards

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Ravi,

I don't think it matters too much when you take it. I have taken those things before during and after meals myself, depending on the day.

~Mama to Many~