Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Side Effects
Posted by Mick (Kunkletown, Pennsylvania, Usa) on 07/21/2010

I ran across this website by accident and since I've had oral thrush/candidiasis problems (my own diagnosis not the medical profession since they have run tests A-Z several times and claim I don't have this)for many years resulting in extreme tiredness, bad gas, diahrea, bad taste in mouth when awakening, white junk on my tongue made much worse when consuming foods with sugar, I thought I'd try the oil pulling. Started two days ago with olive oil 3X a day then switched to sesame oil. Almost immediately I started having itchy rashes all over my body with both oils. I am continuing the OP but notice the itching gets alot worse during the procedure and within an hour or so after. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm almost ready to give up.

Side Effects
Posted by Jen (New York City, Ny) on 03/27/2010


I have been oil pulling for about three weeks now, 1 tablespoon daily, alternating between expeller pressed organic sesame oil and coconut oil. I have had some significant improvements (dark circles under eyes fading, gums stopped bleeding), but am greatly dismayed by the fact that my skin (especially my face and hands) have become wildly oily.

I had normal skin before starting, and now I cannot go more than half an hour after cleansing without oil sliding down my face. I wear makeup to work and it becomes blotchy after a few minutes. Halfway through the day the hair around my face has been saturated with oil (my scalp itself doesn't seem particularly oily - yet). I have to constantly wipe my hands as it is coming out from my fingertips. I also notice that my feet seem to be coated in oil, creating a film on my skin and causing foot odor that has ruined a pair of shoes.

I understand that the oil getting into the skin should be beneficial, but is there anything I can do to prevent this horrible side effect? I cannot go out socially after work, or unless I have recently showered because I am so greasy from this. I am worried the excess oil is going to cause acne/blackheads.

I've tried taking a few days off and that seems to help a little, but the second I go back to it the oil fountain kicks up again. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Side Effects
Posted by San (Delhi, India) on 03/12/2010

I started OPing 3 weeks back. Within 3 days of oil pulling with sesame oil I had severe reactions as in my Blood Pressure dropped considerably, had a feeling of extreme fatigue and felt some pain in my chest. I took it as healing crisis and thought of continuing with OPing but because of lowering of BP i had to stop it. Within a week i was recovered of the symptoms and felt comparatively fresh and energetic. Now, since last 5 days I have started OPing again with saseme oil I can notice whiter teeth, but now I have started gaining weight. Believe it or not in last 4 days I have gained around 2 kgs. I am sure its because of OPing as my entire lifestyle is same as before. Has anyone else experienced this side effect?

Side Effects
Posted by a37 (Los Angeles, California) on 03/11/2010

I have been oil pulling for a month. Started with sesame oil, than sunflower oil. It reduced my appetite. Yesterday I purchased Coconut oil. The results were unpleasant. I think I am allergic. My eyes puffed. My head felt dizzy. Nausea, and disorient. I used one tablespoon, with each oil. I did not experience discomfort with the other oils I used. Has anyone else felt this way with VCO?

Side Effects
Posted by Claudia (Skania, Sweden) on 03/05/2010

Hi, am hoping you can help me. Started oil pulling with extra virgin olive oil - and, horror of horrors one of my very old silver fillings fell out. I have not had a cavity in years; I do however, still have silver fillings in some teeth. Should I still continue oil pulling? Or possibly wait until I replace my silver fillings? This may take me some time as the procedure is quite expensive. Can anyone advise me? Is it perhaps the EVOO usage? Should i use sesame oil instead (as prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine)? HELP!! THANX SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WEBSITE..

Side Effects
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On) on 12/11/2009

Oil pulling and Celiac/IBS

Hi there,

I am glad I have found this site last spring. I started oil pulling in February March this year and I stopped doing it when I became gluten intolerant in late spring. I was overwhelmed with all my symptoms and what to do about them. Anyway, I am now back to oil pulling for the last 5-6 days. I do it in the morning for 20 minutes sometimes more and sometimes twice a day. I love how my mouth feels after oil pulling.

But I am a little worried because I started having soft stools and diarrhea for the last 2 days. I wonder if my oil pulling wasn't what triggered my IBS this spring too. I don't know if that's because the oil is pushing my system to get rid of the last bits of gluten too. Anyway, after going gluten free in the summer, I was getting back to normal and having between 2-3 bowel movements but this morning by 12am, I already had 3 and around 1:00pm it was about 4 BM! I don't know if it is because of the cosmetics I use too.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone and specially those with gluten intolerance.

I use sesame oil and it says unrefined, organic and traditionally pressed and filtered. When I was researching on oil pulling and found this site, sesame was the oil that most people recommended.

EC: Hi Mira, would you kindly tell us what oil you are using? Thanks!

Side Effects
Posted by Simon (Guildford, Surrey) on 11/27/2009

I have been OP for 11 MONTHS now hoping for some relief from severe coeliac disease problems. I am at present crippled over with stomach pain and feeling as though I need the toilet all the time but it brings no relief. My hope is that OP will clear my system and maybe let my body start to heal itself, as I have been suffering severely with coeliac disease for years now.

I am 20 years old, and this is blighting my life and I am desperate for help.

Could this be OP? Im a bit frightened.


EC: Can you please tell us what oil you are using?

Side Effects
Posted by Tonytz123 (Granite City, Il Usa) on 11/05/2009

I tried doing the oil pulling but it made my gums on my front lower teeth hurt and got real sore, its been over 10 days and my gums still hurt, I have never had gum problems before, what could have went wrong.. Tony

Side Effects
Posted by Davidd (Forest Lake, Mn, USA) on 10/30/2009


What type of oil did you use? After 2 weeks of oil pulling with sunflower oil, I went in for a routine checkup and my blood pressure was 153/99. I have often had 140/90 when checked in the doctor's office, but when checked at home, it was more typically in the 120-130/70-80 range. I have NEVER seen it above 150 systolic or above 95 diastolic. I am not on any blood pressure lowering medication.

Now, I can't say what my blood pressure was right before I started pulling, because I hadn't been measuring it for a few months. I can say that oil pulling is the only change in my diet/behavior in the last month.

Since going to the doctor earlier this week, I have monitored my pressure at home. I also quit oil pulling after the high reading at the doctor's office. My pressure this week has been 130-150/90-100 IN THE MORNING (average is closer to 130/90) and as high as 165/106 IN THE EVENING after work. My best guess is that both my systolic and diastolic values are 15 points higher, on average, than they have been for my entire adult life (I'm 38) and this change has taken place sometime in the last few months, since I took readings a few months ago and it was "normal" (normal for me).

I can feel the high pressure in my body. Pressure in my eyes, head, certain spots in my legs and arms, chest, finger tips and feet. I don't believe I felt this way before doing the oil pulling, so my best guess is that it started after I started doing the oil pulling. I can gauge, fairly closely, what my reading will be based on the pressure I feel (and have confirmed this a few times this week).

Having read that sunflower oil contains a high amount of omega 6, I am wondering if that is somehow implicated in this issue. Even though sesame oil does have omega 6 in it too, my research has shown that it also contains other substances that can lower blood pressure. Therefore, last night I ingested 3 tablespoons of sesame seed oil. Within about 1.5 hours after doing this, my blood pressure dropped from about 155/100 to 145/90 (this is from memory, don't have my notes right in front of me). By morning, however, it was about 150/100 when I woke up. I oil pulled 1 tablespoon of sesame seed oil in the shower. About 45 minutes after my earlier reading and after the start of my pulling (which lasted about 10 to 15 minutes), it was down to 140/90. Given the two data points I have, I would say the sesame seed oil may be able to quickly drop about 10 points off both values (FOR ME), whether ingested or through buccal delivery in oil pulling. I should also mention that I do take multiple readings each time to account for the natural variations that are common from one minute to the next.

Since I've given the "bad" effect that I believe was a result of the oil pulling with sunflower oil, I will also give the "good" effect I noticed. Skin irritations on my face and forehead cleared up significantly (90%). I am very confident this is from the oil pulling as it is something I monitor daily when I look in the mirror in the morning. However, I'd definitely trade high blood pressure for some skin irritations! :)

If this gets posted, I will provide future updates on the blood pressure situation.

Side Effects
Posted by Elvira (Cairns, Qld, Australia) on 10/28/2009

hi, i have been doing OP for about three months now. And when i have a one or two day break i've noticed that i get blind pimples on my face. why is this?

Side Effects
Posted by Vishwapurna (Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu, India) on 10/25/2009

I was doing oil pulling from May, 2009 and I did not have any problem till the midnight of September, 26th. I felt my bed room is whirling. Since then I have been diognised the following problem : Left maxillary sinusities, cervical spondylosis and hypothyroid (TSH:6.25). As soon as I get up there will be palpitations.Once I take coffee, it will increase. While walking there will be an unbalance and I feel I am about to fall. There is a terrific mental depression. While lying on the bed on the left side there will be whirling feeling. My left knee joint developed a pain. My doctor advised me to stop oil pulling. After oil pulling for five months, I have stopped oil pulling from October 1st. Now I am taking medicines for hypothyroid and sinuousities. Can anyone tell me the symptoms are the side effect of oil pulling (after five months). Any body got the same symptoms after five months of pulling?

Anybody's hyphothyroid, sinusities and cervical spondylosis with the same symptoms got cured after oil pulling?

EC: Hi Vishwapurna, can you tell us what type of oil you were using to oil pull with? Thanks!

Side Effects
Posted by Mi (Solana Beach, Ca) on 10/17/2009

Hi...i thought while doing op you can't do other things...however, in this article it said people are doing op while taking shower or shaving...so I am really confused..

Another thing is that while I am doing op every time, after 15' or 20', the oil in my mouth got very thick, not watery like it's described in your article. I am a dialysis patient also and my kidneys failed right after my 2 major surgeries in 2007 & 2009. I also has problem w/ high blood pressure.

The sad thing is, I am only 39 years old, happy, active, eat healthy food, exercise regularly but still got all these problems. Please help me. Thank you.

EC: Mi is referring to the instructions on OP found here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oil_pulling.html#INSTRUCTIONS

Side Effects
Posted by Julie (Leverett, Ma Usa) on 09/01/2009

I started OP about ten days ago with 1 tblsp of Safflower Oil for twenty minutes in the AM. I had no side effects except for a mild tummy ache after every pull. Within a week, I noticed that I was sleeping so much better. This is huge since I am always battling with sleep issues.

After reading testimonies from this site and talking with my friend who OP, I decided to try Coconut Oil. I did this one time, before bed, with 1 tsp. of VCO and I had a huge reaction! I woke up at 3AM with great pain in my neck, back , arms and feet, and my stomach was hurting. I also felt very anxious. It's hard to believe that I would have such a reaction, but there is no other explanation.. I have stopped OP for a few days, because I feel so terrible still. I even feel slight nerve pain around my face. It makes me think that I was triggering a heavy metal detox with the OP.

Has anyone else experienced such a strong reaction? I really want to get back to pulling with the Safflower oil, since this felt so healthful to me, but am afraid to start again with this pain in my body.


Side Effects
Posted by Emma (Budapest, Hungary) on 06/21/2009


I've been oil pulling every morning for a couple of weeks and my sinus problems have totally cleared up. However, for the past 4 days, I've had a bloated, painful abdomen. I've eaten nothing out of the ordinary. Could this be an effect of the oil pulling? I swallow a couple of times while I'm doing the pulling, but only from the back of the throat.

Side Effects
Posted by Helena (Nashville, TN) on 05/27/2009

Help! Has anyone had bad tongue reactions to oil pulling or other types of cleansing? I've been using OP for more than a week, and I have these red, raised, sore bumps on the back of my tongue. Is this cleansing?

EC: What type of oil are you using? Possible that it's rancid?

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