Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Side Effects
Posted by Valerie (Boulder, CO) on 07/28/2008

I started oil pulling for 20 minutes in the morning. I didn't always remember to do it and sometimes I would spit it out and forget to drink water afterwards. I also started using a toothpaste with Thieves oil. One day (now a week) I awoke with my mouth and lips inflamed and full of sores, some bleeding. This has been very painful. I can only drink liquid foods and have a hard time talking.

One other thing. I am not an athlete. I went to an athletic camp for a week from 9-11 and became extremely hot with lots of sweating.

I have a sense that I am going through a rough detox. I swish with HP and drink aloe vera juice along with smoothies I make with papaya/banana or beet greens + beet and carrots.

Any thoughts?

Side Effects
Posted by Paige (Cleveland, OH) on 05/22/2008

I started doing the oil pulling last week, missed a couple days over the weekend, then started back this week. Both when I first started and now since I've re-started my lymph nodes are swollen and extremely sore. Is this normal? It seems to me that it's traveling down my body, the first week was the nodes in my neck area, this week it's my arms and underarms. I was just wondering if it's normal...I thought perhaps it's because my body is ridding itself of toxins through the oil pulling. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

Side Effects
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, CA) on 03/14/2008

I just wanted to warn folks about the possibilities of increasing blood pressure DUE to oil pulling and acv therapy. I loved oil pulling, but a week after starting it (once a day), my blood pressure went from 140/95 to 250/150. I had to go to the ER fearing I might have a stroke. I had also been doing acv therapy (2 tablespoons in water twice day) at the same time. I was under medication for my bp (20 mg accupril).Perhaps it is possible that they both might remove medication from the body? I stopped both therapies and thought perhaps it was the acv, so 2 weeks later , I tried one session of oil pulling and my blood pressure went sky high the next day : 236/120 ! I made yet another trip to the ER to avoid stroke and heart attack. I know many people have had great success with both healing modalites, but apparently some of us cannot tolerate the unexpected consequences. I would encourage anyone with high blood pressure to do only one modality at a time and go very slowly, keeping a close eye on your bp readings!

Side Effects
Posted by Patsy (Arlington, Texas) on 01/09/2008

I have been doing the op thing just a few days, but the second day my nasal passeges were very swollen, it did go away.my stomache hurts alot after op,. I do feel more energy but havent noticed anything else as of yet. I will keep ya posted.

Side Effects
Posted by Jenmal ([email protected]) on 12/27/2007

I found this site because I was searching for a rememdy for the whiteness on my tounge. I struggled with the idea of OP for about a week and decided to do it. The first time I did it I did it for 20 minutes, but immediatly noticed my tounge was nice and pink again. The second day and beyond(now on my 5th day), i got a cold sore which I get very infrequently,and I also would get weird headaches too, so I hope it is s good sign. It is one of the worst cold sores I have ever had BTW, and I also felt real sick for a little while and sluggish.It almost feels like things are trying to leave my body. I am going to keep it up and see what develops, and will post my results later.

Side Effects
Posted by Shiv (Hyderabad, India) on 12/22/2007

I started doing oil pulling, its 2weeks and my BP increased and also I had severe Gas problem in my stomach. My doctor increased my BP dose... Is it due to oil puling?? Should I continue doing it or stop it?

Side Effects
Posted by Subashini (Kuwait) on 09/27/2007

hi, i tried oil pulling with sesame oil.i have done it for nearly 10 months not even 1 day left out.still my irregular period problem has not solved...only good thing is tartar in teeth's have disappeared... generally i do not get bad breath..after started doing oil pulling i am getting it now.once i leave oil pulling again the plaque formation started in my teeth....if i stop oilpulling bad breath stopped... i am highly optimistic charactor....how much i can convenince myself to continue it,,,,it is not working well.... Also by searching the cold pressed sunflower oil...i am tired too much...normal sunflower oil within one day bad breath starting....i don't know why...whom to get guidence from which website we do interaction with experts... www.oilpulling.com is only giving fewer information.... please advise me if i am wrong...i strictly follow the instruction how to do oil pulling even though it happends to me like this...

Side Effects
Posted by John (Elgin, OR) on 02/11/2007

Since I have been doing oil pulling, I have developed mouth sores two times now. The first one I developed looked like a boil. It was very painful. I finally brushed it very hard with a tooth brush. It bled profusely when brushing teeth. I quit brushing the area and after a long time it finally healed up. I mentioned it to my dentist and he took a photograph of it. He was puzzled as to what it was. I'm wondering if this couldn't be crud coming out from the oil pulling. The site of this sore was on the roof of my mouth. Now I have developed another sore on the upper left side of my mouth just above a tooth. This also bleeds profusely when brushed. It's not as painful as the first sore. Please advise.

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