Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Edgewood, Kentucky) on 05/22/2009

I tried this today - but could not get past the gag reflex - I did not gargle - but merely put in the mouth and swished around the teeth. I gagged - and threw up - any advise?

Side Effects
Posted by DGF (Sedona, AZ) on 05/20/2009

Can anyone tell me if op is safe for veneers?I have only done it twice and it seems it might be loosing the bond of my teeth.

Side Effects
Posted by Jayne (Pensacola, FL) on 05/15/2009

Well, I lost a filling tonight. I have been oil pulling about a month, first with olive oil, and lately with sesame oil (which I love). It has helped my mouth and my teeth for the most part. This particular filling came out of one of three teeth I have which had already been cracked (backs fell off) for a few years. I was surprised the filling fell out, but there is no pain. I guess it's dead. Overall, the oil pulling feels great and has stopped the almost continuous mouth pain and tooth sensitivity I've had for years.

I plan to continue to oil pull carefully--after all, my long term goal is to replace those mercury fillings--lol! I'm just glad I didn't swallow the filling (came out in three pieces).

Side Effects
Posted by Betsy (NYC, NY) on 04/16/2009

Oil pulling tooth fell out. Has any one had anyone this happened? Husband is 84 and has been OP for about 2 weeks.

Side Effects
Posted by JD (Anchorage, Alaska) on 02/01/2009

Greetings from Alaska !
Have been reading your post on O.P., and decided to give it a try. Last night I used approx. 1 tbsp of organic C.O. I followed the basic directions, but was only able to 'swish' for 11 minutes. The oil became extremely runny, as if a ton of saliva had mixed with it. My throat felt heavy with phlegm and I had to hold back gagging. I rinsed very well & went to sleep. I woke up 3 times in the night, needing a drink of water (unusual for me). This morning when I woke up, I had severe angio edema around both eyes bilaterally. The edema had even weeped into lower pockets on my cheeks below, looking like little water balloons. Under my right eye, my skin felt crusty, as if something had leaked around the area. When I looked closer, the edema under my right eye appeared to have little pin head size pebbles in it and when I attempted to wash it, it was extremely painful. I had my partner look for some kind of puncture wound (unlikely a spider bite up here). As the day wares on, the puffiness is decreasing. Ironically, my skin tone was aglow, my teeth much whiter and I coughed up copious amounts of phlegm. I have searched this web site for a similar reaction, without luck. Any thoughts or advice; I am remain hopeful that OP is a healthy move for me. Thanks for creating such a wonderful space for "collective healing" !

Side Effects
Posted by Shinta (Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Indonesia) on 01/08/2009

Coconut Oil: I've been doing oil pulling for 4 days now, and i start to have pimples too on my hands & my back. Also feels to start itchy everywhere! around the face, hands, my back, tights and feet. But mostly it's the face, hands and back. Wondering did anyone had any side effects like i do? I'll write as soonest the side effect dissapears..

Side Effects
Posted by Genia (Madison, WI) on 12/22/2008

I've been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for about 10 days now & was recommended this by an instructor in a holistic health class I'm taking. I didn't do a lot of research before I began, which could be a mistake. I was told it was a general detox, which I've done before so I'm familiar with feeling slightly under the weather, tired, etc.

However, about a week into the oil pulling I woke to find my top left gum tissue around the molar really swollen and painful. It was so painful it woke me out of sleep. Also, my lymph node on the the same side is very swollen and painful to light touch. My cheek on the same side is tender to the touch...I assume sinus. My gum in the area I described is still swollen and painful and so is the lymph node...it's been four days!! and am generally feeling under the weather.

I was told that my body is just getting worse before it gets better, but I'm tempted to stop due to the discomfort level. I do have amalgam fillings in the area that is swollen...could this be the problem? Should I stop the oil pulling? Or is there a modified way to continue?

On one good note, my skin has never looked better! It's the dead of winter in Wisconsin which usually causes severe dry skin for me, but my skin is softer than it's ever been and I barely have to put on moisturizers!

Looking forward to hearding your feedback,

Side Effects
Posted by Judy (Hicktown, GA) on 12/20/2008

It might be me, but I do not understand the reply to Deb from PG, UT. I also have the same symptoms she does, lung problems, and extreme joint pain after 1 month of oil pulling 1x per day for 20 minutes. I also have gum problems that have gotten much worse since op. Does anyone know why this is happening? Also, is granulated lecithin swished as with oil, or taken internally? Thanks to all who can help.

Side Effects
Posted by Tamara (BC, Canada) on 12/08/2008

I am 25 and have had RA for 1-1/2 years and am on medication but I have been oil pulling for 1 week but have cut out dairy, wheat, corn, soy, sugar, caffeine for 5 weeks, take mineral supplements but feel terrible, seem to be worsening everyday. It is very difficult to continue this when I am not feeling better, has anyone gone through this and if so how long until you will feel better? The pain and swelling is in both my feet and my fingers. So walking and anything with my hands is difficult. I need encouragement to continue on if it's going to work with this instead of resorting to more medication!

Side Effects
Posted by Ashley (Durham, NC) on 12/05/2008

I have been oil pulling for the past 6 weeks with sesame oil in the beginning and for the past 4 weeks with sunflower oil. In the beginning everything was ok. for the past 3 weeks my eyes have been red and glossy. thought i had pink eye as I used to have mucos coming out of eyes that went away. Went to the doctor a week ago, he said it was allergies and perscribed some drops. WHat a waste of $70. My eyes are no better than before. Could oil pulling be causing my red eyes. They don't hurt just don't look good. Please help me make them go away!Thanks.

Side Effects
Posted by Deb (PG, UT) on 11/19/2008

I don't know if the OP pulls out toxins but I can tell you I have had chronic infections in both my lungs and sinuses for almost a yr. I started oil pulling about 6 days ago. Just once in the morning for about ten minutes. I within the hour felt aching in my shoulders. Since I do aerobics I assumed it was pulling inflamation from the muscles. Then day 3 my left hip hurt so bad I couldn't walk. Today day 6 I didn't pull because I was in such pain I couldn't stand it. In my shoulders and my hip aching throbbing pain. Can someone expand on this issue? I really want to get rid of the infections but just can't get around during the day to function. The pain is really bad.

Side Effects
Posted by Emma (London , UK) on 10/22/2008

I have been reading your site about OP and the results some have had. I have only been doing for 2 days after having had a viral infection now for weeks which seemed to have pretty much gone but now i'm feeling back to how I was when it was at it's worst almost! I have also not smoked in the past 2 weeks and am bringing up quite a bit of grose phlem all of the sudden, have a slightly heavy chest and am blowing my nose more regularly also. Is this a normal recation to the oil pulling does anyone know? I have stopped and have not continued with the practise. Thanks for any help you can give on this matter!

Side Effects
Posted by Rilma (Baytown, Tx) on 10/21/2008

I need suggestions for bad OP detox

I have been trying OP with cold pressed coconut oil for three days and the results have been fantastic--decreased hunger and amazingly increased energy. My mother has several things wrong with her-diabetes, and arthritis being the primary ones. She has tried the OP for two days and her arthritis has flamed up so bad that she can hardly get out of bed. Is there anything that she can do to speed up this detox? Anything that will help ease her some.
Also, I wanted her to try the ACV first but she is allergic to apples--is there anything else that has the same effects, or has anyone else been allergic to apples and gotten around it to use the ACV. This web site is wonderful and I hope I posted this in the right place.

Side Effects
Posted by Hayat (Paris, France) on 08/14/2008

I'm on my 4th day of oil pulling and what I feel is very strange: Tingling all over my body except my face as though my blood had little needles and poking me all over. wanted to know if that was normal?

Side Effects
Posted by Dawn Dalby (Centerville, USA) on 08/11/2008

I oil pulled twice. I think my teeth have moved and bad pain in my neck and jaws. They now pop and are out of alignment!!! It looks like I will have a big dental bill!!!

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