Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

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Posted by Kimberly (Mineral, Virginia) on 07/08/2007

Hello Everyone, I hadn't intended to responded this soon, but I am so amazed at how well the OP is going that I just had to give my 2 cents. I decided to try OP because I am desperate to feel better. I am 45 years old and am sick of feeling sick all the time. I stumbled on to the web sight reading about ACV and looked at the OP while I was here. I decided to give it a try as I had extra virgin olive light oil in my kitchen at the moment and a number of reader said they had used different oils with success. I did decide I would order the cold pressed seseame oil as soon as I could though. Well, I've been oil pulling now for a week and here is what I have to report. My teeth look fantastic! I have NEVER had white teeth even as a kid!! And my face, I have had oily skin and large pores with blackheads sense I was a kid as well. I'm talking 10 year old kid! Well last night I went to do my normal, you know express the pores so they don't look so large and OMG they were so small, it was unbelievable!! I could not really find anything to express. Then I realize that my face had not been as oily has it had been in the past and I actually had two dry patches on my chin which in the past has only happened when I was pregnant with my two girls and that was 25 years ago!

And now for my hair. I have always, again sense I was a kid oily hair. My hair looks great!! It is soft and shiny and it doesn't look like an oil pit 24 hours after the last washing. It is wonderful to have my hair looking nice the entire time between washings!! I can't wait to see what other benefits come out of OP!! You have one sold customer here! I will check back later on and let you all know what else has happened. Oh yeah, one more thing, I had some generalized tooth pain that I could not pin point on one side of my right upper jaw when I started, well after the second session of OP, the tooth pain was all but gone! This is GREAT!! Kim

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Minnesota) on 07/03/2007

hi, i am a newby here, just found out about oil pulling yesterday. Based on all the positive reviews, i just had to try it. I used ordinary budget brand olive oil i had on hand. I was able to do it for 20 minutes without any problem. last night and this morning. This morning, i had hardly any undereye puffiness. usually i have quite a lot and my eyes look sore and tired and sad looking and tear up quite a bit. today my eyes were bright and as the day has gone by i think i can see better.Also noticed was a heightened sense of well being. It's not imagination, i look younger feel and look bright and alert. This is something i plan on continuing forever. Almost forgot, my teeth look whiter, already. I purchased Hain sunflower oil today, organic apple cider vinegar and local raw honey for under 20 bucks.Took some ACV this afternoon. went for a long walk after supper, usually my fingers swell, none tonight and the pain in my hands is reduced.( i don't know why my fingers swell when i walk in the woods, but it's happened since i was in my 20's, now 60.) I can't thank you enough. Sincerely Jackie

Broad Benefits
Posted by Madhu (Bombay, India) on 07/02/2007

My sister read about oil pulling and I tried it. Now this is the first thing I do when I wake up. The first day I felt great otherwise I usually feel tired even though i have just got up. First few days I tried with sunflower oil. I have slight sinus problem and it came up and grew severe.Also I got mouth ulcers. I was spitting the entire day. I realised this is the way it works and detox our body. Now it's nearly three weeks the sinus has gone completeley and also ulcers. I have better skin,feel good and yeah I glow.Oil pulling is great and this is a must do for me even when I travel. Now I use olive oil and feel this is much better.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tumi (GC, Botswana) on 06/28/2007

re: Oil Pulling and ACV tonic: I just wanted to say thanks so much for your website. I started oil pulling a month ago after much trepidation. I suffered from chronic insomnia and just feeling lethargic most of the time. I had initially started the apple cider vinegar and had started sleeping really well from the get go. I have always had sensitive and really weak teeth and about 3 months ago had had a root filling and crown on a tooth on my left side and was due to fix the opposite one on my right side, so you can imagine my surprise after a couple of weeks when I noticed that I was actually chewing food on my right side the whole time I was eating lunch! No tingling feeling and just an overall healthy feel in my mouth. Although I have had a good skin, I get compliments everyday about the glow my skin has. SO what can I say.....I don't think I will ever stop my regimen as the rewards are getting greater by the day. I have even ventured in including Apple cider in a mask mixture I make. Basically mix:

half of ripe avocado,
tablespoon of honey,
heaped tablespoon of oat bran
tablespoon of ACV

Mix well, and take a dollop of the mix, rub over face, neck (avoid sensitive eye area) for about 10 min. This leaves my skin feeling tingly fresh as well as so soft and moisturized. N.B While face is still damp apply moisturizer (coconut oil, or a mixture of coconut oil and aqueous cream). This is essential as it forms a barrier and helps trap the moisture in your skin. I believe you should see favourable results after a week. I use the mask only at night through and about twice a week. Enjoy! I put any leftover mask mixture in a tight container and place in fridge, but for no more that a couple of days. It usually keeps. Funny enough I also started oil pulling at night before going to bed, and then brushing. This morning I woke up as I had just brushed my teeth!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joanne (Cole City, Georiga) on 05/28/2007


I have been doing the oil pulling for several weeks and I have alot more energy, and my teeth are much whiter. I feel great, but I'm wondering what is this black(dark grey) streak is running down the right side of my tongue. Is it toxins coming out of my body? I have no bad side effects other than this colored tongue? I LOVE this site!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lee (West Bountiful, Utah) on 05/23/2007

i've been oil pulling and my wife also for one month and three days. to us it has been overwhelming and many very effective changes have occurred in our bodies which allows me to recognize how powerful this therapy is. i have far more peace of mind, extremely improved digestion and elimination, sleep much better, strain in muscles is vanished, im 65 years old, my loose teeth are much tighter and i am feeling like im walking around with a younger persons body. my wife and i have not eaten ice cream or cake or pie or candy or chocolate or soda pop for five years. no white sugar or white bread. in short, we'll change our life in any way to achieve good health. if i we're not to improve any more than this i would do oil pulling for the rest of my life. this is the most powerful therapy that has ever come to me. anyone who won't search and research this method and do it for a month to understand that it works is truly dumber than a rock. my whole story, and my wife's story would take a while to relate. how can we get the world to comprehend?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Catalina (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 05/05/2007

Editor's Choice I thought I was too young for arthritis, but my shoulders, hips, knees, feet and neck were getting achey in the joints. After two months of oil pulling, all aches are gone and have not returned six months later. Also, my keratosis pilaris is cleared up, skin is softer, facial wrinkles have markedly decreased. My teeth are whiter, tongue cleaner and pinker, gums pink, dark circles under eyes have lessened, less gray hairs. Yes, it's true. Both my husband and I have noticed a 50% decrease in gray hair, with brown hair returning. I'm sleeping more soundly, have more energy, and generally feel better all around. I know this all sounds too good to be true, but after 9 months of oil pulling, I don't see how this can by attributed to a placebo affect. Something is working, either by pulling toxins out and/or allowing oil nutrients in. Whatever is happening, I will never stop oil pulling. I alternate coconut oil with olive and avocado oil, changing about once a month, pulling for 20 minutes at at time once a day. I urge everyone to try this. Give it 30 days and you will see results.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dani (Queens, NY) on 04/29/2007

I have been oil pulling for about 5 weeks now. First thing I noticed was my sweet tooth completely gone, needless to say with that came weight loss. Also it is true that your ailments first worsen before getting better. My biggest thing was leg pain from my varicose veins. When I first started OP it hurt for about a week since then I haven't had any pain. Thank you for all your great help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Susan (Belleville, Michigan) on 04/27/2007

I started oil-pulling the beginning of March; so it's almost 2 months now.

I am 58 years old and have had health problems, such as throat congestion, constant coughing, menopause problems (for at least a decade), sudden weight problems, some kind of growth in my throat (due probably to ingesting splenda which causes thyroid cancer).

In the last five or more years, I have refused to go to a M.D. for any of those problems. I felt that they are merely controlled by Big Pharma and therefore they would prescribe things that would not work or would treat the symptoms and cause greater distress in the future. I would attempt to try different remedies on my own. I knew that spirit would eventually bring me solutions.

Immediately the congestion and coughing almost disappeared and is now totally gone. The growth in my throat is non-existant now.

Let me explain about the menopause. This was a huge problem for me. I could not get dressed up and go anywhere without having an embarrassing bout with perspiration.

I keep a room temperature thermometer at my desk at all times. When I would feel overheated, I would check it. Before oil-pulling it would read somewhere between 68 and 71 degrees. I noticed that after oil-pulling, I might get warm, but the room temperature became got higher and higher during the course of these two months. Recently I would get hot, look at the room temperature; it was 76 or more degrees. I can say now, I can go anywhere and do anything without a problem.

I have learned through these years, that despite the propaganda about menopause symptoms being merely a natural occurrence, in reality they are your body telling you that it has reached a dis-eased condition and to do something about it (other than taking hormones).

I feel and have the energy of a teenager again and my libido is same.

I am currently checking out whether I can loose weight with OP. This will take considerably longer to give you the results. To follow directions as suggested, and taking full advantage to the promised raise in metabolism, I try never to eat anything without first doing OP. I'll come back in a year to give you the results. But so far it seems to be working. I think that it works by lessening the glycemic effects of carbs, possibly lowering the amount of insulin in your body, based upon my experience with not getting so drowsy after a meal. I can actually stay awake after a meal now!

I initially used organic olive oil, because that was all I had on hand. It would never turn white, and gags you, btw. I can clearly see why they recommend sunflower or sesame oil.

I start the OP proceedure by brushing and then flossing my teeth. Then I set the timer for 20 minutes and op with 1 tablespoon until I feel a bit of mucus released from my throat at about 8 minutes. I spit that out and do another TBs. of oil. I ususally only make it to 18 mins. and then I brush my teeth, gums, and tongue. I flush several mouthfuls of water, and drink down at least 8 oz of water. I do this always before meals. To increase the anti-microbial effect between meals, I drink tea sweetened with xylitol (which starves the little bastards!). Now I hope there is nothing toxic about xylitol, but you never know with these corrupt corporate criminals that control our government today. As a result of the xylitol tea, my mouth feels cleaner and cleaner all through the day. I hope I have helped some of you. Love and light, Susan

Broad Benefits
Posted by Vaidvij (Bangalore, India) on 04/16/2007

I have been practising OP for the past 4 months and the benefits I get are much more. First of all, my oral health has become very well that my bad teeth are trying to behave good! Secondly, my periods have become more regular, with less problems. There is a pleasant sensation in the mouth always, appetite is good which satiates with less amount of food, and am able to do more work now more vigorously. I don't know if it is a psycological bend of mind after having read abt.OP, I do have a positive attitude towards life now a days. I will definitely come back after a few more months giving fresh status.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sweet (P.O.S., Trinidad, W.I.) on 04/02/2007

On 1/3/07 I gave feedback on OP & promised an update: Mom changed her daily routine only by adding OP... varicose veins (legs) are noticeably smaller; Aunty Y. is relieved... the intensifying pain in her heel has lessened (no more limping); Navindra, my friend, has been getting rid of mucus effortlessly and gives credit to OP. Others have no definite result to contribute (not yet). In addition to OP, I've been using other remedies from this site, eg. molasses, ACV, etc. I'm incorporating these methods and generally feel healthier. Blessings to all. **Sweet**

Broad Benefits
Posted by Amber (El Paso, TX) on 03/30/2007

I've been oil pulling for 5 days now. I've noticed increased energy and I'm sleeping better. I have also had a loose tooth ever since my braces were removed a few years ago. The tooth has stabilized within the last 5 days!! Truly amazing! Also, my skin which is prone to acne has cleared up considerably. My junk food cravings have also greatly diminished.

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Posted by Lisa (Lilburn, GA) on 03/26/2007

I've been using this method for almost 3 years with great success. The biggest benefit was an end to sinus headaches and migraines. I only swish about 2-3 times a week now and it keeps my gums very healthy. I have new tissue growing where I had gingivitis before.

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Posted by Katie (Olympia, WA) on 03/07/2007

I started oil pulling about 4 days ago. It sounded crazy to me, but with such outrageous testimonials, I decided to give it a try. I've always had slight yellow tinted teeth, and so far they are a bit whiter (I've officially pulled 5 times now). But my biggest thing that I am so excited about - on 4 of my bottom teeth, at the base of the gums I had bad decay stains. It looked so ugly to me and I've been really self conscious about it for years. Well, after the first 3 pulls they are 80% gone. My dentist had told me that there was nothing he could do for them. But I guess he didn't know about oil pulling! My hair is also much softer and fuller and my skin is feeling much more supple and moisturized. I'm excited to see what changes in the next month or so!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sameer (USA) on 03/03/2007

There is surely a big change!!! Even my hair has become soft , there is a glow on the face skin of my wife, me & my brother who also is now doing OP. Teeth are looking whiter, the plaque stains for which I was thinking of going to the Dentist for a clean up are fading away.But the BEST NEWS for all you here is that my wife is 80% healed from her shoulder and joint pains. I am convinced that this works. Though I have a question,my ceramic tooth filling came out yesterday, could it be because of this? Anyway but I really don't care, even there is newfound craving for food, my wife is so hungry all the time now. Sleep is better, there is a lot of energy in all of us, it works. Thanks to my friend Jai who told me about this wonderful therapy.

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