Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Penny (The Dalles, Oregon) on 12/13/2007

I have been oil pulling for 13 months now. I went from being very ill, enough so I was too ill to get out of bed some days, to feeling like my old strong healthy self again.

You must Oil Pull every day like a habit. I do it in the mornings, I've used other oils but sesame is the only one I found that works... I usually pull for about 30 to 45 minutes... So many things have been healed on me that I can't even begin to list them all... I did have a healing crises that lasted about a week the first month I started. I have got so many people to try this because of my success with it. So many things for so many people have been cured... Just try it, and use Sesame and do it daily... Some times I will do it twice a day if I have been around someone with a cold... Ohh, I use to keep colds, it was rare that I didn't have one. I am proud to say I have not had a cold for over a year now because of the oil pulling... Its an easy thing to do to get healthy and stay that way... Just remember its not a temporary fix... You stop pulling, and the results will stop too and you will go back to how things were before you pulled... So keep up with it... You will be glad you did... And you have to do it more than a few days a week... Do it daily...

Broad Benefits
Posted by Debo (Tel Shevah, Israel) on 12/01/2007

I have been oil pulling for a little over a month now and have had some wonderful results. 1. teeth that had begun to loosen are now firmed up in the gums.
2. definitely whiter teeth and fresher breath.
3. Quite unexpectedly, I have lost 4 kilos with no change in eating habits! This is something I have been trying to do for over a year with mixed results. And the weight has stayed off.
4. A reduction in my fat index. Lessening of fatty build-up in my abdominal area.
5. DEEEEP restful sleep.
6. Cessation of heart palpatations.
7. Initially I had seen a marked lowering of blood pressure although it has now gone back up, which possibly can be attributed to me starting to eat foods that were no-nos for me after I saw the easy weight loss and lowered blood pressure. I shall return to my restricted diet and see if I note a lowering again.
9. Much greater energy levels and increased stamina.
10. An overall healthier and glowing appearance, skin and hair.

While I can't begin to say why this works scientifically, it stands to reason that if the oilpulling reduces the toxic load in the mouth(which, let's face it, can be a cesspool) the immune system is freed up to reduce and remove the toxic load in other tissues.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lavette (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 11/15/2007

I have been oil pulling for about a month using a variety of oils, like flax seed oil extra virgin olive oil , coconut oil ,sunflower and now finally walnut oil. and for the first time since I was twelve my periods are shorter no cramps no cravings no pms.thankyou earth clinic

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jarrod (Fillmore, California) on 10/16/2007

I've been oil pulling for about a month now. I use Sunflower and Sesame Oil. I like the Sesame (Not toasted) better, but i'm all out so Sunflower it is! My teeth are whiter, my energy is up and my head seems more clear than usual. If you haven't tried this, do.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sorenna (Fort Bragg, North Carolina) on 10/10/2007

Editor's Choice I had immediate relief from a tooth injury from a bad dentist. I can't really explain how it works, but I also sleep better, too. I used extra virgin olive oil first and then sesame seed oil. When I first did it, the tooth pain stopped. I had a terrible taste of metal in my mouth which is one of the reasons I really knew this was pulling toxins out. I also fell very weak and run down for the first two days and then very energetic! I believe it is very helpful and don't know why I did not hear of this sooner as I am very much into the alternative health. Thank you for posting about this!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Colin (Montreal, Canada) on 09/22/2007

I've done OP for only a week, each morning with sesame oil, and I was surprised to see that the little bit of eczema on my hand which included an open cut has been disappearing as if I was using a prescription cream which I haven't. The cut has closed over and all that's left is some dry skin, it's not red like it was. I've also noticed, my skin in general, ie. on my face is more soft and moisturized and my hands and face are less pale. Also, I would my mentality feels more alert.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sylvia (Laveen, Arizona) on 09/17/2007

I started OP two weeks ago. The results are amazing. My sinus problems have cleared up after much mucus building and spitting the first few days. Sinus med's are now a thing of the past. My teeth are brighter and my gums no longer bleed when I brush my teeth. My hair is thicker and shinier. I have adult acne that flairs up at times and the OP hasn't really done much for that. I will keep up on the OP daily in hopes that it will clear up my skin. This OP is amazing.

Broad Benefits
Posted by MIMI (SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS) on 09/01/2007

I tried this op today. But found it difficult to do it for the minimal time of 10 min. The urge to spit was so great because of all the saliva build up. Anyone else have this problem, if so what was the solution? I want to continue this and recieve all the benefits. Even though i was only to hold it in for 6 mins., i immediately began to fell my sinuses draining!! how weird because i don't even really have sinus problems!!! also i had a tooth ache last nite because i have an abcess and need a root canal. Well it felt sooo much better afterwards. I had been given penacillin and took it for 10 days without much relief. I did this op 10 days after i finished my antibiotic therapy so i am sure the relief is not from that! i used olive oil but after this posting i am going to get the sunflower oil !!!!!!thank you

Broad Benefits
Posted by Anu (Chandigarh, India) on 08/15/2007

I tried oil pulling today for the very first time and I expected that the oil will feel very yucky afterwards but my mouth felt fresher and lighter and the heavy headed feeling was somewhat better, also maybe due to working on the cheek and face muscles. i am going to do op everyday only if to exercise my cheeks.Thanks for this amazing site.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Patricia (Atlanta, GA, USA) on 08/14/2007

Recently purchased Cold-Pressed Organic Virgin Coconut Oil after reading the wonderful things it might do for me on this website. I put a tblsp. in my oatmeal first a.m. and got down fine, but soon thereafter I could feel that it was making me jittery. I ate w/ cup of coffee. I think I need to try smaller amt. of CO and work my way up. But, in meantime I decided to give the Oil Pulling a go with the CO. I figured I could handle it better because of pleasant taste. Well, two days into the OP I am coughing up yellow phlegm and my sinuses are opening. I have had chronic sinus for years. I also felt the first day my arthritis worse in hands and knees, but I vow to keep doing OP with hopes of getting rid of the arthritis. My teeth already look and feel cleaner and shiny. I agree that ailments are first getting worse, but have faith that in sticking with the OP they will go away completely. I can't believe how fast OP started to loosen phlegm (for which I previously had to take Mucinex). I hate taking antibiotics and haven't for a long time--just self treated and suffered w/ sinus problems. Thanks for this site. Learning alot and plan to share info w/ friends & family. Also, love the way the Coconut Oil absorbs so quickly into skin and feels so soft. God bless all.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joy (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 08/08/2007

I read your article by mistake when I was looking for a remedy to loose weight without any medication involve. I feel numbness on my left leg. My doctor told me to loose weight after giving birth to my daughter. I'm suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome for almost 7 years now. I'm using brace on my right hand because the nature of my job was repetitive. When I saw your article last August 2nd, 2007 I was amazed. That afternoon after work, I bought all the necessary things I needed. I read the entire testimonial you had on line to educate me more on how I could follow exactly your simple recipe you had on line. From Oil Pulling to ACV and Molasses. Oil pulling, the result was really amazing. My gum feels clean, my teeth are tighter and hay fever is diminishing slowly. My mucous after doing the swishing comes out naturally. I have to say that on my first swishing, mucous was so bad and now I still have mucous but it's becoming thinner. I'm happy of the result. With the ACV I'm also doing it and I haven't seen any changes I guess it's too soon to see the difference. The molasses, I'm patiently observing myself. I know it's working slowly because I feel the difference. I will update you after maybe a month or so. Thanks for having this site possible. JOY;-)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Nele (Skopje, Macedonia) on 08/02/2007

I have read about oil pulling and decided to try it. I did not suffer of any health aliment, but I prefer to be proactive and take care of my health, especially after I had close family member who passed from Lymphoma and chemo. After several weeks, I have noticed much less earwax than I had before and that sometimes actually clogged my ears.Also my gums almost fully stopped bleeding (they used to bleed a bit after heavy brushing) and I have felt increase in my energy levels. However, as I still have several metal amalgams in my mouth, the biggest one actually deteriorated and part of it fell of and further degenerated. I cannot guarantee that it was due to OP, but I had it for more than 15 years with no problems. I now have it removed. Not that I see it as a problem since I anyway was thinking of removing the amalgams one by one, but can anyone tell me does OP also affect other type of artificial tooth fillings since I have one porcelain crown on my first front tooth and I would not like to loose it? At the same time, I would like to continue enjoying the proved benefits of OP

Broad Benefits
Posted by A. (G, North Carolina) on 07/28/2007

I've been oil pulling for a little over two months now. Here are some of the things that OP has helped me with:

1. PMS - my cramps are almost completely gone now! I used to live on ibuprofen but I didn't even take it this time.

2. Bloating - non-existant

3. Gas - nearly gone!

4. Extremely tired in the mornings - gone.

Oil pulling is one of the most amazing things. I wish everyone could learn about it!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joanne (Cole City, USA) on 07/18/2007


This site is a blessing! I love it! I tried the oil pulling a few months ago. I started seeing a black streak on my tongue so I stopped. The streak went away. I've recently started again because it really whitens my teeth and I have more energy, but the black streak on my tongue has returned. Has anyone else experienced this? could you please tell me what is causing this?

EC: Joanne, Ted has replies to your query here.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Arlene (Findlay, OH) on 07/16/2007

I have been using extra virgin olive oil. My psychologist told me about this after studying Native American history. I am bipolar. I have noticed increased metabolism, teeth tightening, weight loss of 12 pounds since starting the oil pulling June 1, 2007. I have so much more energy, teeth seem to be whitening. A clearer mind. The weight loss has been the best for me.

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