Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Francesca (Merseyside, UK) on 03/03/2009

Editor's Choice hi everyone came about your site by accident. Began op about 5 days ago. I used ordinary extra virgin olive oil pulled for 20mins in the morning yet oil still remained yellow when i spat out yet the next morning when i woke up the first thing i noticed was i felt energised, a totally different person who is normally lethargic upon waking. I had a lot more mental clarity . On the second day my cracked heels which were sore every time i walked were healed and soft. My hair which was dry felt softer and my skin feels softer too. I have stopped coughing as well. I have suffered from bad chest infections since i was a child yet op has stopped the wheeze and the cough dead in its tracks. Every morning - wake now i feel i am being propelled in the right way towards super health thankyou so much for this site i will report back with more news

Broad Benefits
Posted by Anne (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/24/2009

Editor's Choice I've been pulling about two months, using various oils but most frequently coconut and sesame. The main benefit I've noticed is that my teeth feel wonderful! The first time I pulled I noticed my teeth felt as if they had been individually polished! It was delightful! The first few days of OPing I kept running my tongue over my teeth just to enjoy the sensation!

Now I'm accustomed to the polished feeling but it's still great!

The first two weeks of OPing I tried several different oils and noticed each had different effects on me. Unfortunately, they don't have those effects any more but I'll list them here in case anyone else has the same reaction.

Sesame seed (cold-pressed): this oil made my teeth the "happiest" and smoothest.

Coconut oil (extra virgin, cold-pressed): I felt resonance with this oil. It was as if my personal vibration and the vibration of the oil were the same. Using that oil just felt correct for me. I know that sounds ridiculous but there it is, I cannot explain it better than that. Also, the coconut oil did not make my teeth as polished-feeling as the sesame.

Flax seed (cold-pressed): I loved this one. After pulling I felt very, very calm and peaceful. It was like taking a dose of Zen.

Olive oil (EVO): this gave me a mood boost. After pulling I felt joyous and buoyant.

For the last two weeks I've been exclusively using coconut oil. I'm going to switch next week and see if the olive oil still gives me an emotional boost.

Good luck to you oil pullers!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Burton (Portland, Oregon) on 01/25/2009

Editor's Choice I read about oil pulling on this site and decided to try it, though i wasn't aware of any real health problems. I only had olive oil in the house so I went with that for 3 or 4 days and did the neti pot nasal flush afterward each time. I used a tablespoon of oil and swished for 15 minutes, rinsing afterward with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in warm water. Throughout the course of those four days I noticed a startling mood elevation and mental clarity that I hadn't had in a very long time. I also noticed alot of sinus drainage and my ability to smell increased. Also my eyes stopped feeling itchy or dry. I switched over to sesame oil because it was recommended, but have since switched back to olive oil and experienced the same mood elevation and mental clarity. This has made me wonder if I was suffering from low-grade depression the whole time. I feel much calmer and focussed, less confused and find alot more reasons to laugh during the day. I also have a TON more energy and work much harder. This energy caused me to have some problems sleeping for the first few days. One last thing is that my beard seems to have gotten much thicker and softer. I'm excited about such a cheap and simple remedy and would recommend it to everyone.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Albert (Montclair, NJ,USA) on 01/23/2009

Hello, I was as skeptical as anyone else about the claims of OP but figured I'd give it a try since it's a natural "remedy" and not expensive. This is the first month of OP and I ahve already seen some changes. I swish a tablespoon with refined Sunflower oil for 20 minutes every morning and thouroughly rinse and wash my teeth and gums with olive oil soap. At first it took some getting used but now it comes as second nature... First I had a dull pain in my right foot. As soon as I took my first step out of bed and put some weight on it, there it was a reminder of the pain... I no longer have that pain in the foot.. would say I noticed the pain was gone about 2eeksd ago. I had bleeding gums everytime I brushed my teeth and after a month of OP, my gums are pink and healthy. For two weeks now, I have not used the medication my dermatologist prescribed for the rosea rash I have on my face and the redness has almost cleared up... with continued use I anticipate the redness to be gone in a month or two. My best advise is to have patience. this is something that will not work overnight but keep at it and you might see some real benefit. I know I have.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Doris (Orange County, CA USA) on 01/06/2009

VERY thorough water rinsing permanently ended my terrible worse-before-better flare ups. Once I realized OP pulled years of concentrated toxins from ALL my health issues, if ANY of that was re-absorbed, recovery was stalled with a bad flare up. To stop the cycle of taking 2 steps backward to take 3 forward with OP, I rinsed more carefully. Cautiously, I also weaned into OP, for a week or 2 only toothbrushed with a dab of oil, rinsing well. Immediate whiter teeth, better health, no flare ups. Terrific health results encouraged my focus to work up to full OP process (not as disgusting as I thought it would be). All-over health gained, energy like a 20 year old, cleaner internal feeling and body function, more mobility and agility, vigour - all are from OP. My dental amalgam pain was horrible. Now being fixed. Read, http://www.holisticmed.com/dental/amalgam/.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gr8ful Gal in Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) on 12/07/2008

I just want to thank Earth Clinic for such helpful health advice. I was already using ACV. (*1/2 cup in the morning). But I noticed my depression worsening I was thinking of going to a therapist. When one night I was internet surfing and found this site. I also kept having migraine headaches. (of course) no doctor, or medicines helped. I ran across the oil pulling remedies. So, I tried it. The results are great!!!! The oil pulling (first thing in the morning) *1/2 a cup of acv its the BEST THING I could have done. Its healthy for me and has no negative side effects. My depression has gone away!!! I sleep better, I am not restless, my mood swings have diminished. I have so much energy its ridiculous!!! I can feel and see the difference. I have also tried the BSS (Baking Soda Scrub) I add honey and a little water until it thickens to my liken. (I have oily/combo skin). I used ACV as a toner,(diluted with water on a cotton ball). VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) as a moisturizer. (very thin amount) My face glowed. I only do it 3x a week. It is so great to have all these resources at hand. And they are so inexpensive. Thank You so much!!! Earth Clinic.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Adad (Colombo, Sri Lanka) on 12/01/2008

To Mona from Bangalore: Do not stop rinsing your mouth with sesame oil. I had rhumatoid arthritis three years ago in my fingers and wrists of both bands. Not only did my arthritis was completely cured in three months, but also my puffed up face which was due to allergic rhinitis (cattarrah). Further this practice also cured by wife's 20 year old bladder infection, the numbness on her thigh; my daughter's and niece's tooth ache; dark circles round another niece's eyes and some other cures about which I hope to post in details. Wish you good health and good luck. God bless you.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Debi (Riverside, CA) on 11/18/2008

I have been having gum problems, sinus problems, and enamel disappearing from my teeth. I occasionally look at EarthClinic,have some organic coconut oil, so since I was up early I decided to try it. I did it for a little over 10 minutes and had to spit, my mouth was full! As soon as I spit it out I had so much very thick mucus also that I was throwing up a little. I can't believe how thick the mucus was! After about 5 minutes I got the baking soda and brushed and rinsed and my morning headache is gone and I can breath clearly. I will do this every day and will report back later.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Barbara (KEY WEST, FL) on 11/02/2008

I found great relief from oil pulling for chronic sinus, nasal & ear blockage, mouth lesions and blood blisters. My ongoing symptoms have appeared when exposed to moldy housing conditions, not overlooking the molds on improperly washed foods. I tried oil pulling from oil in plastic bottles because I had very little money and could get plenty of extra virgin olive oil on sale buy one get one free.

It tasted so awful I almost threw up!!!! And my oil pulling results became adverse. I became ultra sensitive to smells in the air like exhaust fumes, molds from the rains and tropical Key West heat, chemical smells like burning tires- from some unknown source, etc. I stopped using the cheap oil.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Deborah (Denison, TX) on 10/24/2008

You need to keep doing it so that you will complete the detox. I started oil pulling a year ago and I also coughed up some ugly thick crud. But my thyroid is back to normal and I can swallow dry food again. My vision is clearer and I do not have dry skin anymore. You are just going through the healing process. Also change your oils frequently. I change mine monthly so that I get the best detox. I use sunflower oil and coconut oil from the pharmacy.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sue (Sarasota, FL) on 09/14/2008

Oil Pulling. I've been Oil Pulling since December 2007. I started because of dry eyes. I can't say that it helped my dry eyes but some of the benefits are truly amazing, in my case.

I've worn nail polish most of my adult life and, therefore, have yellow nails. After oil pulling for several months, the yellow disappeared. Now that's amazing. Additionally, without prompting, my dental hygienest asked if I was doing anything different. She said I know you drink red wine but you hardly have any stains whatsoever. I go every 6 months for cleanings. I also believe the dark circles under my eyes are much less noticeable. No one ever says... "you look tired." like they did before.

Lastly, to those of you who have asthma, I did too for about 15 years. Chiropractic fixed that. I had an x-ray which showed an old back fracture and my alignment was terrible. After about 9 months of treatment several times a week, I decided to stop my daily inhaler. Very nervous doing so. CURED. Chiropractic cured me. That's all I can say.

Hope this helps.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Knute (Sacramento, USA ) on 08/29/2008

I was fortunate to find out about Dr Karach's oil pulling therapy over 16 years ago, and my objective was to improve my immune system, as a preventative. And it certainly has done so, for example, the number of colds has gone down a lot. Plus, my digestion has improved very much. Also, I can go on for more hours without feeling the need to eat.

I mostly use sesame oil, peanut oil, and sunflower oil: Once per day, one table spoon in the morning, before breakfast, 5-7 days a week. I have found that it's very important to rinse the oral cavity and tonge with baking soda/salt in warm water, and brush all of the same area - including the tongue, after applying just a little baking soda and salt on the toothbrush.

Basically, my opinion is that oil pulling is one of the very best ways to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, and that includes detoxification. 15-20 minutes in the morning of oil pulling regularly, while taking a shower or shaving or ... - is one of the wisest things we could to, healthwise.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Knute (Sacramento, USA) on 08/29/2008

I was fortunate to find out about Dr Karach's oil pulling therapy over 16 years ago, and my objective was to improve my immune system, as a preventative. And it certainly has done so, for example, the number of colds has gone down a lot. Plus, my digestion has improved very much. Also, I can go on for more hours without feeling the need to eat.

I mostly use sesame oil, peanut oil, and sunflower oil: Once per day, one table spoon in the morning, before breakfast, 5-7 days a week. I have found that it's very important to rinse the oral cavity and tonge with baking soda/salt in warm water, and brush all of the same area - including the tongue, after applying just a little baking soda and salt on the toothbrush.

Basically, my opinion is that oil pulling is one of the very best ways to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, and that includes detoxification. 15-20 minutes in the morning of oil pulling regularly, while taking a shower or shaving or ... - is one of the wisest things we could to, healthwise.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lela (Sanford, N) on 08/14/2008

Just want to thank earthclinic for it's awesome website, you are the best. I first tried the oil pulling on 08/02/08 and it has done wonders for me. first thing it's done is corrected my digestive system and in only 13 days I'm loosing my bloated belly, my face is glowing, I'm sleeping much much better, I have energy to spare, over all, I haven't felt this good in over 20 years from a day to day period. just can't thank you enough.

There's just one question I have about how offten you should use this method. OK, today is the 13th day of my using it. I noticed that this morning after my 20 min usage when I spat it out it was still yellow, does this mean that I've cleared out all my toxins for now and would need to wait a few days then go back because I did a repeat later on this afternoon and got the same results. what ever your answer is, I will continue to do the oil pulling it's just too good not to continue using.
May God Bless all of you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jamie (Chico, CA) on 06/22/2008

This is a god send ... I stumbled onto your web page two weeks ago and just felt so blah.. I have been clean and sober 8 years and have a mulitude of heath issuse from being overweight and gout to PSO ... In two weeks of oil pulling, along with ACV and taking Gluten out of my diet, wild thing are going on in my body.. I have had a monthly flow first time in 2 years. my dark circles under my eyes gone .i have a case of Gout now but i think thats due to the rapid weight loss and huge energy change.. and best of all cravings for fast food and over eating has ceased ... my skin looks great and i think the toxins i put in my body are finally coming out. Thank the Goddess for this site.