Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by V.srikanth (Bangalore, Karnataka-india) on 04/19/2010


I started oil pulling almost two months back.The following advantages are seen.

1)No bad or sour from the mouth
2)Sleeping habits has improved
3)Frequent urination stopped during night times

Following disadvantage is seen
My eye sight has become dull
We use multiple oils for oil pulling

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maria (Clarkesville, Georgia, Usa) on 02/27/2010

Hi there,

I used to use triple refined sunflower oil to oil pull with outstanding results for about 2 years. I recently moved to the US and couldn't find sunflower oil at the grocery store so I tried triple refined Peanut oil instead. I read one of the posts that said that peanut oil was dangerous since mold often grows on the peanuts that are used to make the oil. Is this true? I must say the quality of the peanut oil is really good and it has a clean, neutral taste.

Also, I quit oil pulling for about 3 months last year and all the symptoms of my ailments like stiff joints, yellow stained teets etc, returned 10 times more intense than before. So, just remember, once you start oil pulling, there is no turning back!

Kind regards,

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paige (New York, United States) on 12/25/2009

I was using organic toasted sesame oil unrefined and I've stopped having lower back pain, I was suffering from a chronic muscle spasm that has stopped and I dont recall ever having headaches since I started oil pulling or having trouble with my vision, when I would read I see the words do this weird thing, I dont know how to explain but when I concentrate the words seem to do this 3d'ish thing its weird its like the words pop out of the background and it would happen more when im tired out but no more.

Thank You So Much For Your Time. Paige

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jagadeesh (Bangalore, India, Karnataka, India) on 12/23/2009

I have been doing oil pulling for 3 days now and I feel freshness. It seems to be helping in my general conditions too.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mickayla (Blue Springs, Missouri) on 10/21/2009

I pretty new to the whole oil pulling. I started about 2 weeks ago. I've seen such great feed back on sesame oil and decided to try it. and WOW im impressed. not 100% sure on what it's doing exactly inside, but the things I can see are amazing. I typically take about 1 tblsp in the morning (not consitently) but before I consume anything. so far my results have been, My Breast are fuller and perkier, better sleep, wake refresh, amazing energy, discharge decreased but not gone, so far I have lost 3 1/2 pounds, appitite totally supressed! and a major thing, my depression systoms are pretty much gone ( im Happy). My only question is, is it safe for my little brother to use it? he is 13 and he notices the change with me and is eager to try some!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Peanut (Sebring, Fl) on 08/14/2009


I started oil pulling about a month ago. I've noticed my sinuses are a whole lot better and I sleep better at night. The changes I noticed were fever blisters on my lips and my eyes are having that crusting over thing going. Something's definitely happening.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michael (Grand Bay, AL) on 06/05/2009

I recently have started oil pulling with coconut oil(6th day) listed below are my problems and the effects so far. I would like to mention that for me oil pulling is relaxing so I do it several times a day while I am going about

1.obese(400lbs) cravings for continual eating gone. Appetite suppressed, eating much lighter meals, energy levels up
2. pinched nerve in neck. pain reduced by half
3. knees pain in knees reduced while walking reduced
4. lungs (have three inorganic spots in lungs,asthma symptons)
5. breathing easier while laying down less snoring

will keep informed on progress

Broad Benefits
Posted by Steveplc (London, UK) on 05/28/2009


I have been oil pulling once a day for 4 months now. I feel on the one hand it is doing marvels. I am a smoker and drink a bottle of wine most evenings, but i feel oil pulling is really giving my lungs a clearout. The first thing as i spit out, is a really good loose cough 9sorry disgusting i know). I never used to cough and i had a tight chest (part anxiety), i think the cough is good as better out than in. As with most on here the teeth are whiter, skin etc. but as i've been doing so long now i am noticing it reaches other part. I have felt a sensation where i used to get stomach ulcers when i am pulling, not pain, just a sensation that tells me its kinf of "massaging, curing" that bit.

On the down side, my thyroids (well i think they are thyroids, just below jaw)and other throat glands are swollen and i have a permanent sore throat and almost feel i've had a cold for 3 months. I realise OP is mucous related so its natural all this mucous areas are sore or swollen. And i've noticed my thyroids during and after pulling are rock hard. They soften a bit after but remain swollen. No pain though, the only pain is sore throat which developed 4 weeks ago and comes and goes. Also getting very gunky eyes everytime i wake up. I thought i may have hay fever, the pollen this year is enormous, i've never had problem with hay fever but they say many this year are getting it who didnt before.

I am going to stop for a few days now just to see what happens. In some cases i've read, if you get a problem with OP, pull through it, keep going. But i just feel a few days off for observation will be good.

You are welcome to email me direct re your comments. Thanks

Broad Benefits
Posted by K (Sacramento, CA) on 05/20/2009


I have been oil pulling for a few months - alternating olive and sesame oils. Gums have tightened up and sinus drainage (heavy at first) has decreased. Energy is good.

However - since doing this my face breaks out, around my chin, cheeks and hairline. I am also using ACV, starting in the same time period..

Could the breakouts be caused by the oil? or by the vinegar?

Are there remedies to fade the dark scars left by the healed broken out spots?

Broad Benefits
Posted by ECM (Concord, NH, USA) on 05/07/2009

Oil Pulling (w/ coconut oil)

Honest to God, this stuff would be considered a miracle cure if I believed in miracles!

I started taking a TBSP of this about 10 days ago just to experiment with it because I'd read so many good things about it. At first, the only thing I noticed was that, after each 20 minute pulling session, I'd be coughing up stunning amounts of phlegm (mainly coming from the back of my throat where the nasal cavity empties into your throat. I also noticed, immediately, that I was having an easier time breathing all day long.

Anyway, that was a nice benefit: clearing out the pipes and easier to breathe, can't complain but hardly shocking stuff.

Then, about 5 days ago, I was checking out my teeth after brushing one morning. (During the last few years I've had some trouble with gum recession and nothing really seemed to work and I had resigned myself to, at some point, having some serious dental work done.) However, looking at the upper right side of my mouth I noticed something shocking: a gap between two teeth that had widened substantially for the past several years was CLOSING. In fact, I started probing the gap with my tongue and was shocked to discover I couldn't get my tongue very far up into the gap where, not too long ago, I could pretty much touch the gum tissue between the teeth. At first I didn't believe it: I mean, I'd only been doing this for five days and I started to question whether I was remembering correctly, so I just sort of made a note of it and then went about my day.

Now, over the last five days, the gap has grown so small that the two teeth in question are virtually touching one another again--I can't get my tongue into the gap at all anymore and, at this rate, it'll be gone by tomorrow morning! In all seriousness, each subsequent day it has improved, almost in real-time! I am now dying to go to my next dental appointment and see what the good dentist has to say about the state of my teeth now!

I also want to note again that I went into this not expecting some of the amazing things I've read on here and on the internet but, really, this stuff is the real deal and I can only imagine if it's having this much of an effect on my gums (and this quickly!) what it's doing internally. Talk about a 'miracle'!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Frances (Tasmania, Australia) on 04/24/2009

My husband and I have begun the oil pulling regime. Both have experienced immediate noticeable effects. My sinus's have been heaps clearer, more regular with bowel movements and a general feeling of wellness. My husband has had the same effect re bowels and his blood pressure has gone down quite dramatically and he also has a general feeling of greater wellness. We are both approx. 60 years old and pretty fit and well, but as we age it seems the balance becomes more critical. Thanks for the tip, I think we will be doing this for life, we have always scrapped our tongues each morning another Arevedayic (?) practice. Great Site.!!

PS we have used sesame oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil, coconut a bit heavy but still OK.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Audrey (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 04/20/2009

Olive Oil Pulling Remedy improves my tooth and jaw discomfort within hours.

I discovered this site a few hours ago seeking a remedy for my white coated tongue. As today is a public holiday in Cyprus I could not rush out and get some coconut oil which is what I wanted to do after reading the recommendations. So I opened the cupboard and took a shot of olive oil instead. (No mediterranean kitchen is ever without olive oil!). I managed to swish for about 12 minutes before I felt as if I was going to choke. I spat it out and rinsed thoroughly.

That was about 3 hours ago. I am so excited that I had to come back to the site to share my results. The sensitive tooth and jaw pain I have had for months, has almost completely disappeared. I coughed up a lot of phlegm and now feel so much clearer in my ears and throat.

I am stunned! I thought I was familiar with most of the well-known natural remedies but this is a new (and extremely effective) one on me. Thanks so much Earth Clinic and all it's users. I'm converted!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Trish (Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada) on 04/19/2009

I have been oil pulling for seven days now (first 3 days with EVOO, and the last 4 days with cold pressed sesame oil). Today, after oil pulling, washing my mouth out the with baking soad, sea salt, and warm water combintion, I immediately brushed my teeth with olive oil soap and flossed. In addition, I scraped my tongue (with a metal scrapper) which I don't do too often. Well, after I had done all that I blew my nose and was shocked to see blood coming out of my left nostril! I have never experienced a nose bleed in my entire life (40 years old). Do you think I just blew too hard or is this a cleansing reaction from the oil pulling?

I too have experienced some positive results ever since oil pulling: my chronic bad breath is much improved; my arm pits don't stink anymore; and an old injury in my left arm resurfaced (with pain for 2 days) only to be now healed hopefully for good. I know I have a long way to go to cleanse my entire body. I always thought that the only true way to remove toxins quickly was by fasting, but I am so happy to have now found another way of doing it (while still enjoying food)! Thank you so much Earth Clinic and a big thank you to all of the people who have posted their feedbacks, as I found their comments enlightening. Best wishes to everyone on this site.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennie (Fort Wayne, IN) on 04/05/2009

For several weeks now i have been oil pulling in the evening with a teaspoonful of organic coconut oil followed with a tooth brushing of sea salt and baking soda. Immediately, my teeth were several shades lighter, and my tongue is now pink instead of white - and much hairier than it used to be. As a result, I found that my taste sensation is heightened: sweets now taste *really* sweet to me, and any kind of processed food tastes even worse than before - canned soups, boxed mixes, and especially awful are artificial sweeteners. I have lost 7 or 8 pounds over the last month or so as a result of refining my eating habits.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Amy (Austin, TX) on 03/07/2009

Fantastic Oil Pulling Results in Just One Week!

I have been oil pulling with both organic cold pressed sesame oil and organic cold pressed coconut oil.

First thing I noticed was how white my teeth became after about the 3rd or 4th pull. Yesterday I became extremely tired and took a 3 hour nap. I slept extremely hard and woke up very refreshed. I felt like I could breath better. Like there was more room in my chest to breathe. I also noticed last night that my nasal passages shrunk. They opened up, like they had been swollen all along and I hadn't noticed.

But what is really weird is what happened when I went running today. I sweat profusely. I mean I sweat like I did when I was a kid. I was dripping. Even my legs where sweating. Another thing I noticed was that my hair was greasy by the end of the day yesterday and my skin is softer. When I was a kid (am 36 now) my hair would be kind of greasy by the end of the day. But as an adult I have had very dry hair and skin. Also my heels have been cracked and nasty for a long time. Today I noticed that there is a completely different texture to my heels. They are getting soft! It's incredible! I feel like oil pulling unlocked something. Maybe some glands or lymph nodes have been blocked or something. Who knows, but I feel great! Am going to keep doing this!

Oh, and I notice that the coconut oil makes me salivate much more than the sesame. Can't imagine why though. For some reason I am drawn to the coconut more.