Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Adnama (Urbana, Il) on 08/07/2013

I first heard of oil pulling about a year ago when I was trying to find remedies for dark circles. I gave it a shot for about a month, ran out of coconut oil, and didn't pick it back up until about 3 weeks ago. Since then I've been doing it twice a day for 20 minutes, with maybe one or two days I just didn't have the time for it. I started it up again because of a mouth sore caused by a decaying tooth. Oil pulling + peroxide + gargling with salt water made the pain go away within the night.

I am 21 years old, 5' 3", and 203 pounds according to my scale today. Since oil pulling, my keratosis pilaris has cleared up considerably. I still have a few bumps but my skin all over has a nice glow and I no longer have the red bumps that gave my skin the 'chicken skin' look. But I did recently have a visit to the beach, and I've always known that salt water + sun calms down my keratosis pilaris too. When I first started oil pulling I had the same effects but it took longer, but with the combined 'treatments' my skin is very smooth.

I've always had a glow to my face since I use the Oil Cleansing Method, but the added effect of Oil Pulling certainly helps too. My stretchmarks have faded, but I've been using organic unrefined virgin coconut oil (used for pulling as well, I got a pound of it off Amazon for fourty bucks, it's lasted me over six months and I still have 1/4 of it left) everytime I get out of the shower for over a year. I'm not sure if it has helped my dark circles. They're hereditary and have always been dark, like I got punched in both my eyes. I suppose I have been using less concealer lately...

My teeth are cleaner, whiter, and stronger. I have a tooth that is beyond being fixed, but I don't have the money to get it extracted. Oil pulling definitely keeps the pain away and helps keep food particles out. My tongue is always pink, my breath never smells bad. But I also use baking soda and peroxide to brush my teeth and tongue. I have a slightly crooked jaw caused by me chewing mostly on my left side do to my decaying tooth on the right side. It doesn't hurt anymore and I'm pretty sure my jaw line has gotten more defined. My left side is also the side that has fillings and the pulling doesn't effect them at all.

I have more energy. I'm really not a morning person but with a new job I started I have to get up around 6:30 am. Without oil pulling I don't think I'd be able to drag myself out of bed.

And since oil pulling, I haven't wanted to smoke marijuana. I actually stopped completely a week and a half ago. I'm not sure if it's because I'm oil pulling or because I stopped smoking weed or both, but I eat less and people have told me my over all appearance looks tighter like I've been working out. I have been walking a lot more, that's for sure. Probably because my energy is up. Yay!

Also, my dreams are a lot more vivid and I can remember them when I wake up. Also might be a side effect of not smoking anymore, but I have oil pulled longer than I haven't been smoking and know for a fact that my dreams started when I began oil pulling. I've probably had more energy because I have been getting a deeper sleep, and I only need 8 hours as opposed to the 10 hours I've been used to!

All in all, I've had a positive outcome to oil pulling and I don't plan to stop. Even if it's just a placebo effect, I definitely feel better and healthier. :)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Marylynn (Goldman, Oregon) on 06/12/2013

I began OP 7 days ago and have 200 minutes to my credit. I don't mind the experience at all. The longest period was 25 minutes! I am a big tea drinker and my dentist cannor get the inside of my front teeth white, but OP has done wonders! White is working its way down from the top of each tooth! I wonder what my dentist will say?

I use Sesame Organic Oil and am happy with my choice. I rinse well with salt water about three times and then brush my entire mouth, not just my teeth. I do all my spitting in a zip lock bag.

I have been ill for four long months from a six and a half hour gallbladder surgery. The first day that I felt like myself was the day I began to OP. I had more energy and did chores I've not been able to do at all! I was not sitting the day away and it felt so good!

I OP in the morning after waking up and then about 9:15PM if I feel like it. I'm not binging at night on the nights that I do OP. I do have a snack and seem satisfied which is more than a small wonder!

So far so good with me! My jaw dropped when I found this site about OP! If my good health continues I will be doing this forever!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeffrey (Hartly, Delaware) on 06/12/2013

I started oil pulling several months ago, using sesame oil for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. Before I started I had severe flaking of facial skin and dandruff. Since then, the facial skin flaking and dandruff has almost disappeared. Also, before oil pulling, I used a saline solution to clear my nostrils, since oil pulling my nostrils are clear, and there is no need for the saline solution. I recommend oil pulling to everyone. Great stuff!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tbs (London) on 03/19/2013


Hello all! I started oil pulling about 1 month ago after reading this site - thank you for such an information rich source to read about OP. On to my story with OP.

I am not one to shy away from a challenge so the 'healing crisis' haven't detered me, but I must say they have been intense!

Initially I started to work on my mouth, I have had braces and plates and noticed that my teeth were moving very quickly, I also had receeding gums which my dentist told me was from pressure of my bite. I immediately noticed an improvement in my oral health, teeth which felt loose tightened up and gums are growing back and teeth do look lighter. I don't need to wear my plate at night like I used to!

Secondly, I had cystic acne when I was younger and went onto roaccutane for it (evil medicine) which worked but I would still have the occasional breakout appear. The oil pulling went straight to this next and I found myself breaking out severely, I knew this was part of the healing crisis so continued, that cleared up.

Next I broke out in rashes which looked like ring worm or dermatitis which I have never had when younger but now came in full force. I have been persisting with it and now doubled up oil pulling to morning and night - I now do 20 minutes each time, and brush with aryuvedic toothpaste as well - which I recommend.

The latest and by far most severe is a red scalp irritation - so my skin is hyper sensitive at this time - even though I was using aryuvedic shampoo. This has all been about the past week or so.

I would love to hear from other people who have encountered this, how long your healing crisis go for, etc. I know and can FEEL that this is all healing and working its way out so I am not giving up. I can also attest for the notable difference in overall emotions and mindset, the regular removal of toxins you aren't even aware of lightens the mood ridiculously well!

Good luck.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Samara (Manchester, Yorkshire, England) on 02/26/2013

Recently I wrote in about my experience with oil pulling and making my own home made toothpaste. I began using organic, unrefined cold pressed sesame oil for pulling, and baking soda with a minimal amount of fine sea salt and peppermint essential oil for brushing my teeth and still am.. My progress report.

It's been two months now in total and almost a month since my original post.

Initially I experienced some bad breath where I hadnt had a problem with bad breath before .. Or halitosis being the posh term :) My bad breath has disappeared.. My teeth are noticeably less stained.. Very noticeably I have to say.. My oral health, my teeth and gums are definately healthier.. not dramatically so I have noticed but definately an improvement.

The other thing I have noticed tho is that I do not ever get any plaque on my teeth .. Never.. prior to and during my menses I get very ill and sick which brings about any number of issues.. Mouth ulcers being one of them.. Oil pulling has virtually eradicated this for me. If I get one it is gone in a few hours. Other thing I have noticed is that my energy level has increased. I generally have a greater energy level than most ppl I kno anyways, and I dont kno if it is down to the oil pulling but I certainly have MORE energy than I usually do.

Also, last week I received my bottle of organic, cold pressed unrefined sunflower oil to try too, along with a tub of organic cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil to alternate and see what happens. I have been swishing with all three and eating minute pieces of the coconut oil

That's my update for the moment. I will keep you posted on any other changes. Many thanks for the site EarthClinic xx

Broad Benefits
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 02/07/2013

Hey All! Been awhile. Here's a suggestion! As far as getting rid of the oil, make a point of keeping the plastic bags from the grocery store to spit the residue into after oil pulling. I knot the bag closed and toss into a trash container. This keeps the oil out of the pipes and the bagged oil avoids smelling up your container as it would if spat directly into it.

As far as oil-pulling goes, it is fantastic. I had stopped for a while and restarted. I must say, what a differance only 5 days has made! The grayish palor and lines on my face, forehead, and under-eyes are disappearing again. My face and body feel smoother and look less tired. Also, my bones don't crick when I roll out of bed each moring. My tongue is turning a beautiful shade of pink. Also, the oil-pulling's natural jaw exercise is refining and prominating my Indian cheekbones. The oil-pulling soothes my tummy and I'm also happier, calmer, and sleeping well after 2 months of insomnia. At the same time as oil pulling, I've up my water intake and I believe that is helping a lot, as well. As water drinking is hard for me for some reason, I went and purchased an extra large, tall beer mug from Walmt which I fill to the brim with filtered water and 1 TBLsp of ACV. I drink this 3 times a day, sipping with a straw. The jug is so large, that I barely taste the ACV. But, it is doing wonders for regulating my bowels and moistening my skin which usually stays on the dry side (DUH!).

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jane (Red Deer, Alberta, Canada) on 12/23/2012

Been OP [oil pulling] since mid-November about twice a day with VCO. My first day, noticed a lot of mucus on my tongue after the second pull. I brushed my teeth & tongue after and rinsed with water as well. Most days I just have to blow my nose after & maybe spit mucus once or twice. A couple days back, I felt a scratchy feeling near the back of my mouth towards the throat when I was done. I took out a flashlight & saw a small round bump. Then I noticed what looked like mucus coming out of the throat area around the tonsils, coming through the flesh. Then, the next half hour I started coughing & spitting up phlegm continuously. Then it stopped, the bump & mucus was gone, and I had the best night's sleep I've had in awhile. The changes I've noticed so far include clear skin, I just don't seem to get acne now & I've had bouts of acne for over 25 years. My hair doesn't seem to split as bad as it used to. My teeth are whiter, tartar that has built up on the inside front of two of my lower teeth seems to be reducing, my gums are a lighter pink. I started breaking out in hives a few months back. I would feel like my heart was racing even though my pulse was normal or even slightly low. I would feel a burning inside that sometimes made me physically ill to my stomach. It looked like someone was drawing the world map on my back & legs from the hives. Numerous sleepless nights as a result. It took me awhile to figure out that the triggers were all grains & sulfites. I have had a couple of accidental exposures since the oil pulling & the hives symptoms are significantly reduced. In fact, there was only a slight feeling of racing and a couple small areas of hives. I have also noticed the fibrocystic lumps in my breasts seem to be shrinking and this has been the most pain free period in the last couple weeks than I've had for more than a year (although I should add that for the last few months I have also gone off all caffeine & no bra). Finally, there is no arthritis in my hands so far this year. By this time, last year, my hands were always either stiff or sore. Oil pulling is quite literally changing my life. I have always tried to live healthy, my weight is reasonable, in fact I've only had two periods of time my entire life where I was overweight. Once from childbirth and once from an injury that limited my movement for six months. However, despite all the healthy eating & use of natural medicine, nothing has created as noticeable a difference as oil pulling has. I want to thank you; because it was while I was trying to search for remedies for hives that I came across oil pulling on this site. Thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by T (Oshawa, Ontario Canada) on 10/23/2012

Love this website. Very grateful for all the drug-free tips.

I've tried oil pulling for the last 3 months and I have only seen benefits. I have noticed my energy has soared and my breath is better, teeth are whiter and no more bleeding gums. I don't feel the need to smoke as much nowadays. Suppressed appetite, and I'm able sleep better and much deeper. I will now and forever keep oil pulling.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Summer (Hong Kong) on 10/19/2012


Hello all, I have been oil pulling for a week, once in every morning with EVOO first then switched to cold pressed sesame oil. My skin glows after my first trial, however I'm unable to sleep since day one of oil pulling, thoughts keep flashing through while lying on bed, even if I finally fell asleep, I'll have dreams non-stop.

While using EVOO, I can still feel quite calm and happier mood during the day even I have trouble sleeping. But after switching to sesame oil, I started to feel anxious during daytime.

Is it a sign of detoxification? or the oil I've used does not suit me? Shall I switch of cold-pressed Sunflower oil for a mild detoxification?

Many thanks. Summer

Broad Benefits
Posted by Funmilicious (Lagos, Nigeria) on 08/10/2012

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for over 6 months now and I have had amazing results in two areas: my sinuses and my breath, I guess the two were related.

I have had terrible sinuses since I was a kid, hereditary, my father was always pulling mucous and spitting out (gross) several times every single day. Mine sinuses were not that bad, but was bad enough.

First I tried nasal rinsing with neti pots and then the sinus wash bottle. It worked great by getting rid of my tonsil stones and I still do sinus rinse occasionally.

Oil pulling does a great job of pulling out excess mucous from the sinuses a d cleaning out the nasal passages.

I have not had a cold in several months, my sinuses are clear and I have great breath. Thank you earth clinic.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Liz (Co Springs, Co) on 07/29/2012

I started pulling oil with cold pressed olive oil. It was about 3.00 for a container of it making it fairly inexpensive. I have asthma and anemia. My teeth are also super sensitive. I also constantly have green yellow crap coming out of the lower half of my lungs alot. Sorry to be graphic. Only when my lungs are open can I get the stuff out. It has been 3 days already. The first day I only felt nauseated. But my teeth were so clean. The second day I had clean teeth and I fell asleep. I just got done doing this and my gums are super pink my teeth the whitest they have been in years. The hard plaque is slowly removing. I feel alot calmer and relaxed. My muscles dont hurt as much (I have chronic pain from both a horse and car accident) and I feel like I can finally sleep. So far I have been doing this in the evening. I am hoping with the enzyme stimulation it increases my metabolism so maybe I will even burn fat while sleeping? I will post another update in a week or so and let you all know how it is going. But so far its great. I have no reason to lie or any company I run to support with this testomony. I really want my respiratory problems gone!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Rusty (Kaneohe, Hawaii) on 06/22/2012

I have been oil pulling for the past 2 years and the first thing that I have noticed is that I have not had a bad cold since then, and using olive oil at first was harsh but, I have become used to it. Losing weight I am way over weight and since I have been oil pulling I have lost 50 lbs and feel much better. I oil pull every morning before I have breakfast for about 20 minutes. When I come home from work I oil pull again this time longer over one hour while on my computer. Oil pulling is a part of my daily life. My over all condition has improved a lot. No more asthma atacks or wheezing and with the loss of the weight I find myself getting around much more instead of watching TV all the time. I am not as tired as how I used to be after losing the toxins that plays a major roll in my life. At the beginning my body was purging out all the impurities and this does happen. Depending on your condition. Everyones condition is different.

Also check on MMS by Dr. James V Humble and the cures that MMS can do for you like cancer. How the drug companies want to get rid of this Dr. Humble, because for pennies a day you can live much longer. Check him out. aloha, Rusty

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jenn (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 03/28/2012


Editor's Choice Thanks to all who contribute to this wonderful site and for giving me the gift of oil pulling. I originally started oil pulling to rid myself of a sinus infection. I am a bit wary of antibiotic overuse and big pharma in general (my family thinks I am a conspiracy theorist, LOL! ). After reading testimonials and instructions I decided to use one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with two drops of tea tree oil for about 5-10 minutes. I was ill and didn't have cocunut oil in the house and didn't feel like going out to source it. Within two treatments I noticed teeth whitening and what seemed to be what I can only describe as pinkening and tightening of the gums. I had been diagnosed with gingivitis for many years by my dentist. My sinus condition seemed to worsen with more and more discharge and swelling. I smoked cigarettes for about 30 years, and I suddenly had an aversion to smoking. I then developed a terrible cough with lots of mucous, difficulty breathing, terrible headaches, fatigue, body aches, sticky eyes, pimples and a gum infection from heck! The gum infection was raging and I tried all the home remedies on Earth Clinic and only seemed to worsen it. I became very scared and my friends convinced me to stop oil pulling go to the hospital. I got two kinds of antibiotics and used multiple pain killers for one week. They seemed to suppress the symptoms but after I finished the doses the gum infection came back even worse than before with swelling on my cheek and lip. A lot of people told me to go an get a root canal or tooth extraction, neither of which seemed to fit with my idea that gums and teeth can heal like broken bones. There were sores and pimple like outbreaks on both my gums and cheeks. I realized that I was going through some type of cleansing/healing crisis and I needed to let it run its course, although others around me thought I would eventually expire from a septic type infection. Interestingly, the site of the gum infection was a previously identified weaker spot.

I didn't restart oil pulling immediately, as I now know that EVOO and Tea Tree Oil mixes (probably the same for other oil and oregano etc mixes) are very potent at drawing out infection and impurities. I used salt/alum poultice, baking soda/salt poultices (use with cotton balls for about 20 minutes, more and your skin will get raw) and rinses, I also got rid of regular toothpaste and started using hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/salt paste. I alternated this with raw garlic clove rubbings and garlic clove/water rinses.

Don't kid yourselves, these remedies hurt worse than childbirth but I felt that this was a bad infection that needed a multi prong approach. If you can, use aspirin rather than ibuprofen or tylenol, I tried all three but something in the aspirin seems to help the healing process. I also used tea bags between the cheek and gum to absorb any pus and blood that came out of the sore area. Use the black bags, they are more effective than other types, I tried peppermint, chai, green tea but found the old fashioned black to be best. As soon as I felt some improvement in the level of swelling, it took about one week, I resumed oil pulling with EVOO and tea tree and took epsom salt baths (rinse afterward).

One more week later, I can say that my gum infection is almost completely gone, my teeth are whiter, stronger and my gums seem to have regenerated. My sinuses and chest are clear and I feel that my energy is greater than before all of this happened. I have taken the tea tree out of my oil pulling regime (twice a day) as I feel it's probably more like an antibiotic. I also think that Ted's simple alkalizing formula (baking soda, lemon juice) will help me avoid many infections in the future so I started that process as well. I also haven't had any cigarettes since I started oil pulling one month ago. OP has the potential for unleashing the remnants of all of your previous ailments and big pharma treatments so if I had to do it again I would not start with EVOO and no Tea Tree, I would get the coconut, and backing off the pulling when the body becomes a bit overwhelmed is perfectly fine. Sorry for the long post, just wanted everyone to know that sometimes the healing crisis is very terrible and you will feel sick and lonely, but it is well worth it to go through to the other side. Thanks Again.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennifer (Chicago, Il ) on 03/06/2012

1st my boyfriend tried OP he started almost 2 wks ago we noticed 1st the fresher breath then he noticed the dark pigmentation on his face clearing, his nails looking healthier, and his feet on the heels softer which before the callus was bad so I started on 04mar12 the immediate result that I experienced was a spurt of energy which usually in the am I am so restless and exhausted then I noticed the fresh breath and healthier looking nails only after 3 days of OP ~Wonderful~

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mrc (Louisville, Kentucky, Usa) on 02/28/2012


My holistic practitioner suggested I learn about and do some oil pulling to help with my fibromyalgia pain. I read everything I could find and figured what the heck - how could it hurt? I began 9 days ago. The first morning seemed odd simply having the stuff in my mouth for so long. It definitely got foamy and white. (The coconut oil simply melts in your mouth in a matter of moments). I op for 15 minutes each morning, for 5 days in a row. My hair got so soft it felt like silk. My skin was also incredibly soft and beginning to glow. My teeth were whiter, my mouth felt clean and silky.

Then the 6th morning I spit out a couple of metal fillings from my teeth along with the foamy white stuff. I was so surprized! I have stopped oil pulling until I get to the dentist and get my teeth fixed. And my aches and pains do feel better. Although after I stopped I woke up two days later with a very painful sore throat and stuffy head. But it only lasted a day. On to the dentist and I will give this more thought as to if I will proceed.

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