Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joy (Harrisburg, Pa) on 02/03/2012

Have been OP with sesame for about a week now. It was tough at first, as I have a strong reflex to swallow. If I couldnt make it the full 15 minutes, I did it for 10 minutes twice that day spaced out. So far I have noticed good and bad properties. The good ones are that I don't seem to be getting the regular corner of the mouth cold sores I used to get on a very regular basis. I notice the stains on my teeth seem to be lessening. The bad is minor and is also attributed to being severely anemic and struggling with depression and unhealthy habits in general, however I am finding myself very tired A LOT.

Another thing to mention is that since the birth of my daughter 11 months ago I have had severe painful acne (and I have always been blessed with beautiful skin). I have started proactive recently, so it may be a combination of things (however I am more consistant with the oil pulling than I am with the proactive system), and I have noticed less large painful deep cystic type blemishes and an overall less red appearance to my face and neck.

I struggle with an addiction to cigarettes right now so I'm not sure how much the oil pulling will have a chance to work with such an addiction but I'm already noticing differences. Also reading about "health crisis" situations I don't feel really uneasy about that... I have been sick most of my life with any number of respiratory and throat issues so I rather welcome a full body purge!

I find that with OP if you just decide you are going to do it and stick with it, it gets easier. I try to distract myself with chores or email checking or read a good article about something that intrigues you... It starts to go faster than you realize!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sara (Newport Beach, Ca) on 01/24/2012

Oil Pulling Completely Removed Plaque and Decay From Teeth

I'm SHOCKED at my results from oil pulling using coconut oil. I have veneers, 5 on top they were VERY expensive purchased at a time when I had much more money than I do now, they were in dire need of replacing due top unsightly grey decay at the top. I started oil pulling about 3 months ago the GREY discoloration that was decay is GONE, my veneers & all my teeth look brand new. I thought I may be imagining it but went to the dentist today & he said my veneers don't need replacing anymore. He said I had very clean teeth & no plaque.

I have however NOT noticed the oil pulling fixing my psoriasis or my acne, but oh well it fixed my plaque, teeth issues & saved me over $10,000. :) I also don't notice any increase in energy. However it also COMPLETLY FIXED any and all sinus/allergies issues I had.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Shannon (Desoto, Tx, Usa) on 01/12/2012

I've been oil pulling for about two weeks and am really pleased with the results. I began with coconut oil but found the texture and flavor to be off-putting. Once I switched to untoasted sesame oil, I found the process completely tolerable. I OP first thing in the morning for 20 minutes and have found the following results: My joints feel better (I have chronic knee and shoulder pain from degeneration), my teeth and gums feel like I've just been to the dentist for a cleaning, my skin is less dry and my muscles hurt less after re-starting to work out.

The best result is the healing of dermatitis. I have severe dermatitis in my ears. They continually itch from the outside all the way down into my ear canal. Not only is it uncomfortable, it's embarassing because of the constant flaking. After two weeks, I have minor itching externally with no flaking and no deep itch. It's as if my ears are healing from the inside out. I'm so thankful for this site and friends with great suggestions!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Rosemary (White Rock, B.c., Canada) on 12/31/2011

I am a 55 y.o. female, blood type B-, and have only done oil pulling with sesame oil for about 2 weeks now and I am very pleased with the results. My teeth are cleaner, my skin looks youthful and my pores are smaller in the t- zone and am no longer struggling diverticulitis. I am also sleeping somewhat better. I experienced a small rash on my tongue from days 3 to 8 but it disappearred overnight. I love the information this site provides!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Convinced (New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 09/21/2011

I have been OPing for almost two weeks and am just amazed. I guess for me it was worth it just to finally, finally have a lymph node that is normal, not swollen or infected. It went down in a matter of three days. My teeth are whiter, my skin is smooth, I am feeling calm and relaxed and sleeping better. The first couple of days, yes, I had bad headaches and some fatigue but you soldier on, it's only temporary. The benefits are worth it in the end!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lonelobo (Midwest, Usa) on 09/09/2011

Just started oil pulling last week and have already seen improvements in my health. Sinuses are clearing up, neck, shoulder and knee pain gone, and arthritic hip significantly better. I started with coconut oil since that's what I had on hand but have since switched to sunflower oil. Both are light and very easy to pull with.

I have noticed my skin has become a bit oily since I started pulling. Does this get better or does anyone have tips on treating the oily skin?

I've also been wondering if there is any problem with adding some garlic oil to the sunflower oil? I have garlic oil gel caps for my dogs. On a whim I cut one open and added it to my sunflower oil. It gave it a little kick and really cleared my sinuses. But I've heard conflicting things about getting garlic oil in the bloodstream. Think it would be a problem to add garlic oil to my OP routine once a week?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Renee (Bronx, New York) on 08/28/2011

I have read from many references that it is best to use cold pressed sesame oil or sunflower oil. Though we haven't tried sunflower oil (possibly due to most in my family are genetically not comfortable with the smell) we have also tried virgin coconut oil and they both do the job - without side effects. Hope this helps!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Shorty (Virginia Beach, Va) on 08/24/2011

I am very thankful for this site and the people who share their experiences on natural healing cures. I recently started oil pulling with seseme oil (toasted was what I could find at the grocery store) for the last three weeks. I wanted to get started right away! I am loving the results I am getting. My gums are healing, looking more pink, my teeth have begun to whiten up(they were yellow), my breath doesn't smell any more.

What I would like to know has anyone experienced waking up in the morning with a mouth full of thick mucus that has a yellow tinge to it. I also noticed the tarter buildup on my teeth wearing down? Is that possible with oil pulling? I'll take it!!! I would appreciate any helpful responses. Thanks

Broad Benefits
Posted by Diamond (Cleveland, England) on 05/25/2011

hi, ive been oil pulling now for 5 days with pure coconut oil, finding this quite hard to do, I only last 5 minutes, when I spit it out, it is white but runny, when I do spit the oil out, straight away I start coughing, and bring up loads of rubbish of my chest, but have noticed my chest clear, and my face brighter and smoother, I just hope it is healing my gums, every day I check my gums, just to see if there is a little improvement, as the gaps from my gum to my teeth look terrible, nothing up to now, not sure when I will see any improvement, but I will let u know. ill keep oil pulling.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Marissa (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/27/2011

low energy: I've been oil pulling with extra virgin Coconut Oil for about 4 days now. I am sleeping through the night, I have an easier time getting out of bed in the morning. My skin is glowing so much and the little fine lines are disappearing. I still have dark circles under my eyes though. Also, I am having more bowel movements.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tee Tee (Kingston, Jamaica) on 03/10/2011

I did some oil pulling today with coconut oil. Though I could only do it for 2-3 minutes I still felt the effect. I feel lighter, freeer, more energized, definitely more healthy. I have been fighting a cold/infection for a while and after OP, alot of phlegm has been coming up and each time I feel better and better. My chest is completely clear now, all congestion is gone. My sinses are clear too, no more congestion. My mind too feels more at peace.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Naturallyme (Potlatch, Idaho) on 03/10/2011

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for the past week and it has helped me a lot, I usually have a horrible hack from COPD and it seems to really help that, today, I am starting to pull with Extra virgin Olive oil for a change just to try it out. The coconut oil has made my face more radiant, I still have bags under my eyes but they are improving I think.. I will let everyone know how the Olive oil does for me. Also, the coconut oil has made my mouth so fresh, and I take prescription pain releivers for back problems, so having a fresher mouth is a plus!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Letitia (Halifax, Nova Scotia) on 03/07/2011


Hey! I have some feedback and a question. I've been Oil pulling with EVOO and Pure Sunflower Oil for 5 days now. I know it's suppose to be Cold-pressed, I'm working on it. I read a blog entry on oil pulling, and how it helped with whitening teeth and over all oral health. I thought BINGO! My prayers have been answered. I have soft teeth, and get cavities pretty easy. I started to do my research before trying it and found this site. I am happy to say that in just 5 days of oil pulling my skin is softer, my teeth are whiter, my mouth feels clean longer, my breath smells good, and I feel more alive!

I did get some detox side effects, like headaches and nausea, but that's about it. The only other problem I'm having while oil pulling is pain in my teeth. I took this to reduce the pain not increase it. Also weird discomfort in the back of my throat. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing? does anyone know what I should do, whether I should stop the oil pulling, is it making my teeth worse? I don't know.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Glynell (Kilgore Texas, Usa) on 02/27/2011

I Ihave been op for about 7 days, I have definite flu like symptoms, however I have coughed up, blown more junk out my nose, and cleared more junk out my respritory system, than ever, my teeth feel very clean, the aches in my arm, and knees are gone, I am expecting my skin to respond also, my toilet habits are improving daily. I am also drinking 8 0z. water first thing in morning with 7 drops food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide. and I believe this is definitely making me feel so much better...


Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeanna (San Jose, Ca) on 02/26/2011

I began oil pulling (cold pressed sesame oil) about four weeks ago. I have to say that I feel much better all around. My reflux has all but disappeared, although my stomach still feels turbulent and like its burning at times. Now my tongue is becoming more pink (was white and dry for 20 years and caused a foul taste), my skin is soft and supple and I have more energy. My appetite has also become more regulated. It feels as though toxins are being removed from my body. I have also modified my diet, cutting out refined sugar where possible and reducing my starch intake. All these years, I think I have had a candida problem. It has not completely gone away, but I feel as though I am making progress. The doctors were not able to help me with my white tongue, fatigue, and intestinal problems (primarily relux). I am glad to have found this site. Kudos to the old-time remedies!

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