Sea Salt
Health Benefits

Sea Salt - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Sea Salt. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Bad Breath, Body Odor, Chronic Fatigue

Posted by Alex (France) on 09/01/2020

Editor's Choice

After brutally suffering from terrible body odour, bad breath cfs and anxiety for 20 years. I learned that it stemmed from low stomach acid. Prior to that I tried everything, 50 liver flushes 200 coffeee enemas, parasite clesnses, enzymes.every diet. Every cure you can think off.

Anyway, all I needed was a pinch himalayan salt mixed in a glass water first thing in the morining.This encourages the stomach to make stomach acid.Doing this made me feel great and full off energy from day 1.

Stomach acid is made from healthy salt. and when you mix with water, it goes straight to the stomach where its absorbed and assimilated.
This is a permanent cure, no astrisks or I'm 80% cured.

I'm fully cured after suffering for so long. Low stomach acid may be a reason why so many suffer from health problems. Then they get on infinite pills and supplements thinking their healthier. Unfortunately those pills and supplements are ruining their bodys and shortening their lives.

Healthy diet, healthy salt in the morning.immortal combo.

(btw I can eat anything now, no health problems)!!! I'm so happy you guys!!!

Dosage Tips

Posted by Paul (Qld) on 08/27/2020

Editor's Choice

Under your remedies, it would be good to add taking sea salt sublingually. This way it goes straight to bloodstream and brain and is very effective certainly those with adrenal fatigue or insomnia and many other ailments. From the book "your bodies many cries for water "

High Blood Pressure, Toenail Fungus

Posted by Lou (Summerville,, Sc) on 01/26/2014

Editor's Choice

I started the sea salt cure about 3 weeks ago and two noticeable things have happened...My Blood pressure has gone down to 120/88 from 142/90 and my toe fungis is gone .... I was so excited! I drink 32 oz twice a day with 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt...Who new?? :)

Lyme Disease

Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/22/2009

Editor's Choice

Sea Salt CURED my Lyme Disease in DAYS!

I had suffered for six months with Lyme Disease before I was diagnosed. It was absolutely horrible. I was going completly insane. I was at the point where I just wanted to die. After the blood work showed I was Lyme positive, I went on doxycycline for one month. That did nothing but make me sick to my stomach, and led me to developing a bad case of candidiasis (which was cured by raw garlic and restriction of sugar, another story for another time). Through this site, I found out about the miracle of sea salt. I bought unrefined sea salt from a local health food store, and when I got home, took a teaspoon (about 5 grams) of it with a glass of water. Within a few hours of ingesting the sea salt, I felt better than I had felt in months - it was incredible! The next few days, I took a teaspoon three times a day every day, and I'd say that within three or four DAYS, my now seven month episode of crippling Lyme Disease was GONE. GONE!!! For a few weeks after, I continued to take a teaspoon once a day, just to make sure that it wouldn't come back.

EVERYONE should be made aware that pure, unrefined Sea Salt, CAN cure Lyme Disease very quickly. Many people are infected with Lyme and don't even know it.

There are a few things you should know about using high doses of sea salt....

-Make sure you drink PLENTY of water.
-It WILL cause diarrhea, so I highly suggest using probiotics to replace the flora that are lost.
-Make sure you get enough potassium to balance out the salt (potatoes, orange juice, bananas..)
-Make sure it is unrefined, raw sea salt (healthy for you, as opposed to refined sodium chloride)
-Stay away from MSG! Ted said that when he took sea salt with MSG, his blood pressure went skyrocketing. I had the same result when I took a spoonful of salt before eating a prepared dinner (lots of MSG).

I'm very positive that this is possibly the best treatment for Lyme.

To sum up everything, taking about 15 grams (about 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons) of sea salt throughout the day, for several days, cured my Lyme. It should also be noted that a SINGLE dose of salt (about 5 grams) did more for me than an entire month of doxycycline.

Ted's Tips

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/15/2007 392 posts

Editor's Choice

When the bowels clears itself up from the sea salt, it actually has the tendency to reduce blood pressure, but only AFTER the bowels are cleared.

You can confirm this observation before and after:

Once the sea salt is taken with the baking soda (it helps make it more effective, really), it will flush out the system. Baking soda added to the mix will definitely help from the increased alkalinity.

If you want to know whether your sea salt works or not, a good natural sea salt pH is actually between 7.5 - 8.5. Bad quality sea salt will be below 7, and are of doubtful quality, in my opinion. It is the alkalizing effect of sea salt that helps. Just to be sure, add some baking soda to raise the pH of the sea salt solution.

The pH of the resultant solution will often be about 8.0-8.5, which is the standard pH I am looking for. It is better than an enema, which I call it the push method. The sea salt drink is the pull method. Pull method detox better than some water pushing against your bowels and therefore detoxify the body better.