Sea Salt
Health Benefits

Sea Salt Health Benefits - Bladder Infections, Sore Throats, Sinuses

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

High Blood Pressure

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Posted by Margaret (Jacksonville, FL) on 01/07/2007

Sea Salt lowers High BP. I went on the water cure 2 website.. I saw on there that water and real sea salt could lower my bp. I tried it. wow it is awesome my bp went to normal after 2 days I stayed on it and oh boy all sorts of things happened. I have not had a cold flu or been sick since. I am so happy.

Replied by Drupca
(Yorktown, Va)

I have high blood pressure and I would like to find a more natural method of lowering my pressure than taking lisniprol and HCTZ. Can you tell me ratio of sea salt to water used to lower your pressure per this blog.

Replied by Suzanne
(Port Orchard, Washington)

In the book: "You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty" the ratio of himalayan salt to water is 1 quart of water to 1/4 teaspoon of salt - drink slowly throughout the day.

High Blood Pressure, Anxiety

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Posted by Joan (Wildwood, Florida) on 07/20/2007

I am suffering from many things at once. such as lower tract infections and thrush and shingles all at once/ Part of which is due to the many antibiotics I was prescribed for the bladder and lower GI track.

One of the effects of shingles is it produces much anxiety because your muscles start to spasm and the spasms and pain mimic some very serious conditions. This is the third bout with shingles.

The panic attacks were so serious the paramedics had to come out twice and one time to the hospital in the ambulance because my blood pressure soared up to dangerous levels. Well to get to the point...

Out of desperation today because now I developed a sore in throat that feel like something is stuck in there and it is swollen red and yucky.. It was too sore to gargle. I had to pace the house for an hour to prevent a panic attack because I felt like my throat was closing up (this is side effect of thrush), When I calmed down an intuitive sense told me to just sip on water and salt

. I only had sea salt at home put a very small amount about 1/16 tsp to 8 oz size purified water and sipped it over an hour. Then I got worried (no anxiety attack) I hurt myself because my mouth felt like it was drying up (my mouth might be responding to the thrush). Went got another glass of water and drink that plain. Gradually the puckered dry feeling went away.

But the amazing thing is that the salt must have been absorbed through my mouth because I could taste salt water coming from my nose trickling down my throat. It felt very good and soothing. I went to the computer to research what damage sea salt can do to you and I got a confirmation rather than an antidote for toxins. I am waiting to see what improves next. Next time I am going to reach for the S A L T rather than 911 or visits to the doctors. Thanks Joan

High Blood Pressure, Toenail Fungus

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Posted by Lou (Summerville,, Sc) on 01/26/2014

Editor's Choice

I started the sea salt cure about 3 weeks ago and two noticeable things have happened...My Blood pressure has gone down to 120/88 from 142/90 and my toe fungis is gone .... I was so excited! I drink 32 oz twice a day with 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt...Who new?? :)

High Lead in Celtic Sea Salt

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Posted by Katherine (California ) on 10/30/2024

I read a post on Instagram recently about the high lead count in Celtic Sea Salt. It is recommended by most of the Practitioners that I have used. I still use it. It was laboratory tested at 626 ppb and 5 ppb lead in food is unsafe for children. The full lab report for the salt can be found It was tested June 2024. I was hoping someone else had access to a lab and could confirm this report. This is certainly something to look into if you use Celtic Sea Salt!

Himalayan Salt

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Posted by Phuong (Ho Chi Minh) on 06/13/2021

Colon Cleansing Remedies

Don't use Himalayan salt (the pink stuff) for a saltwater flush. It has too high a calcium content, which can cause calcium stones if you retain the salt instead of passing it.

Stick with un-iodized sea salt.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Raynbogrl (Bend, Oregon, Usa) on 03/04/2010


I'm new to this site, I started the fibromyalgia borax treatment and the baking soda/lemon juice for restless leg, Blackstrap molasses for my monthly periods and ACV for everything else, I'm on day four and when I woke up this morning it was the first time in years i was able to just simply get up and get going, I'm not 100% yet but much much better! (Thank you all so much!)

I have a question about Himalayan crystal salt , it sounds very benificial but I havn't been able to find any place that tells if it has Iodine in it.. My Grandmother suffered from a goiter for years before being told to use Iodized salt, after she switched the goiter went away so I would like to keep that in my diet but I dont want to over do it by buying supplements if its already in the Himalayan salt.

if any one knows much about it I would love to know more. It seems most online sites are just fancy ads trying to sell it with out much detail about it. Thanks for your time!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Raynbogri...Iodine is not generally found in either Himalayan Salt or natural Sea Salt.

Here are the 84 constituents of Himalayan Salt:

hydrogen, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluoride, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chloride, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, cesium, barium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold, mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth, polonium, astatine, francium, radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, and plutonium.

I live in the Philippines and use their naturally-made sea salt -- sold in the local markets, which tends to clear up mucous problems well and is a mild antibiotic in itself.

I also take Ted's alakaline remedies, and his Lemon/Lime and baking soda remedy is what cured my candida. I still take it regularly.

Regarding your restless leg syndrome, magnesium supplementation or taking magnesium transdermally would certainly help cure this problem. I used to get sudden leg cramps for no reason while sleeping at night(another sign of magnesium deficiency) and started to take magnesium gluconate, but it wasn't until I started to spray my body with a concentrated solution of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate) after my shower, using just a simple garden flower srayer, that my cramps rapidly disappeared. I also found that it helped me to sleep much better than before. You can also just take a hot bath and add 3-4 cups of Epsom salts(or Magnesium Chloride crystals) to the bathwater, and just soak in it for 1/2 hour. This is the fastest way to raise your Magnesium levels.

Magnesium is also involved in over 300 enzyme processes in your body and is very beneficial to the bones and heart. Another side-effect of my taking magnesium transdermlly was that my own episodes of sudden racing heart also just disappeared.

I also use iodine foot painting, this seems the easiest way to take iodine -- just paint the soles of your feet and heels everyday with either iodine tincture, lugol's or Betadine and the iodine will be absorbed into your body transdermally. And if you paint your feet everyday over a period of time -- when your nose suddenly becomes runny and liquid -- then you will have enough iodine in your body, so stop the foot painting for a while. You will have to find your own frequency of painting your feet to maintain your own body's iodine level. I now paint the soles and heels of my feet once every 4 or 5 days, which is my frequency. This is also a great way to avoid athlete's foot and verukas...


What are the portions for the "concentrated solution of Epsom Salts" you mentioned in your post?

Also, the Lemon/Lime and baking soda remedy for candida?


Replied by Donna
(Boston, Ma, Usa)

To Raynbogrl: I have a 2.2lb jar of Himalayan Crystal Salt and checked everywhere on the jar. It does not say anywhere that there is iodine in it. The only ingredient listed is sodium. It also says that it is pure 100% natural. I thought that salt naturally does not have iodine in it. It has to be added. Hope this helps

Replied by Marissa
(San Diego, Ca)

Iodine is highly contraindicated in Hashimotos hypothyroid as it can exacerbate the autoimmunity. This is likely what was happening with your grandmother if she found relief once taking the iodized salt out of her diet. Loads of literature out there showing the science stating NO iodine with autoimmune hypothyroid.

Replied by Charles
(Perth, Western Australia)

Didn't Raynbogrl from Bend say that his grandmother's goiter disappeared after switching to iodized sea salt?

Insomnia, High Blood Pressure

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Posted by Thegoodwitch (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 02/24/2012

2/20: my mother takes first dose of sole and artesian water

2/22: reports 'slept like a hog'

2/24: awakes to sugar level of 109 (regularly 130 because she eats late at night); also reports heavy phlegm discharge each morning...

EC: Sole is himalyan salt dissolved in water that has sat for 12-24 hours and then a small amount of the concentrate is added to a glass of water.

Intestinal Cleansing

10 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Thisisthetruth (Find Me In America) on 01/12/2016


This is important. If you take half a teaspoon of Sea Salt or more in water, don't leave the house, and if you do, don't let out any air, it will not be just air. Sea salt gives very little warnings on the way out. Someone forgot to tell me that.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Debbie (Jacksonville, Florida) on 01/29/2012

Hi, I tried to do a salt flush today & was only able to drink 2 cups of the salt water before I became nauseated. (1Tbsp pink salt & 1 qt warm water). Each morning I drink 1 tsp salt water. I'm not sure what caused the illness. It passed after a few minutes. Does anyone have any ideas why I would feel sick? thanks for your help. D from Fl.

Replied by Curious
(Albany, Ny)

It is half a teaspoon of salt to 2 quarts of water or one teaspoon per gallon of water?

Replied by Cl Millsap

Sometimes our body are toxic and anything that makes us sick may be from the body trying to cleanse out the toxins, so at first it is better to start slow and increase gradually this usually goes away in a short time.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Dot (Sydney, Australia) on 09/12/2010

I have tried the sea salt flush for long-standing constipation and it has always worked as long as I take 2 teaspoons of salt with 4 glasses tepid water. I have tried adding a large glass of probiotic mixture grown overnight from capsules and a little xylitol and filtered water. I take this about 10 minutes after the salt water. It seems to be resetting my bowels so they are working so far, but it has only been a week. I tried it again today. I just figured the probiotic could flush through too and be more thorough if it didn't need to go through the digestive process. I have raynauds and autoimmune Sjogrens, so I would like to clean up the bowel to see if that works.

Replied by Tarah
(Orem, Utah)

When you do not have a bowel movement, this means that you will need to adjust the salt content, less or more. Also if you have chronic constipation you may want to try just drinking as much water as possible, to flush the system. Parasites or Candida could be the cause of constipation, in either case the salt water flush is needed, along with any other process to eliminate.

Replied by Lewis
(Circleville, Ohio)

Use 2 tsp. of epsom salt for fast.....but only for emergancies. Only do it about twice a month.

Replied by Shaun
(Pasadena, Ca)

After reading about your problem and the responses. It seems your point of attck may be the problem. If someones blocking the front gotta go to the back door! You can either go to the local RXall and purchase a bottle of saline solution with the long nozzle and apply up the rectum, or you can pour out the solution and make your own. A mixture of Garlic, coffee & warm water jet streamed into the rectum will do the trick. If not! you need a colonic for parasite evacuation.

Replied by John
(Greenport, New York, Usa)

If you're still constipated after the sea salt flush, then your diet is too acidic. You need a macrobiotic diet that is free of acidic processed foods. Stay away from sugar and white flour, corn syrups, artificial sweeteners, processed oils, soybean products, synthetic vitamins, and margarine, to name a few of the bad foods. Try to eat organic as much as possible: meat, fish, eggs, butter, dairy, salads, and plenty of raw plant foods (use a blender to make smoothies out of fruits and raw veggies, etc. ), with the missing ingredient: enzymes. Basically, your body is suffering with enzyme and mineral depletion from eating mostly cooked and processed foods. You need mineral and enzyme supplements at each meal, and a lot of omega 3 oils (cod liver oil). Also, a good probiotic is very important as well.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Katherine (London, Uk) on 08/20/2009

Sea salt intestinal cleanse

I used 1 quart filtered water. I boiled it for 10 minutes with 5 teaspoons of pure unrefined sea salt. An hour or two later I headed to the washroom this flushed me out completely and I highly recommend it for clearer skin, mind, clean bowels and more energy.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Susan (Dublin, Ireland) on 08/13/2009

Sea Salt for Intestinal Cleansing

Hi, I have recently tried a sea salt flush. the first time I took it was in the evening, after I had eaten a light supper. I had a bowel movement, but nothing serious. Then I repeated it in the morning on an empty stomach with te same results. Both times I used 1 tablespoon of sea salt and a litre of water.

The next morning upon rising, I mixed two tablespoons of sea salt in warm water and added the juice of half a lemon. App. 60 - 90 minutes later it was working like a charm.

I read that if it doesn't work, you may need to use more sea salt. Make sure you drink plently of plain water as well, to keep yourself hydrated. I was extremely thirsty after drinking 2 tablespoons in the warm water.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Lynn (York, PA) on 01/01/2008

I tried the sea salt flush, 32 ounces warm water, two teaspoons uniodized sea salt (I added a dash of lime juice and baking soda) this morning and it is very effective. It's challenging to drink that much water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, but it is worth the effort. Will take acidophilus later today with garlic to keep digestive track healthy. Took the day off from work (you probably won't want to go anywhere else, either). Wondering if anyone has tried colon hydrotherapy and the side effects they experienced -- it's pretty expensive and not covered by insurance. Will most likely keep using this remedy as a mini detox about 2-3 times a month on the weekends. Other remedies make work well, but can cause problems when working full time and can't go to the bathroom several times a day.

Replied by Suzanne
(Port Orchard, Washington)

I have had colonics and they are wonderful.... Except you need to find the right person to do it.... The one I had in California had me lie on my left side with my one leg up and it was very effective... The others before that one just had me lie on my back.... Not nearly as effective!

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Wayne (Longmont, Colorado) on 09/19/2007

Resounding YA, Finishing my 4th day of a water fast and became a little worried not having a single BM since the fast began. Cruising the web and came across Sea Salt as a laxative and descided to give it a try. I can tell you it worked for me ! It took about an hour as predicted - awesome! I didn't measure properly and pretty sure I added too much salt - i felt the need and drank another liter of water soon after. Next time I will get the spoon out - and I WILL use this cleanse again. I can continue with the fast now with a clearer mind (and bowel). Hopefully I'll make it the full 10 days, feel good so far. DO stay close to the bathroom.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Jaja (Dayton, Ohio) on 03/24/2007

i discovered sea salt while trying to do the master cleanse. i could only do the cleanse for 2 days because of bad headache. So i decided to just do the sea salt. i seen a reduction in my stomach. i like the sea salt because because it works quickly, unlike a laxative. i informed several people about it and they love it. they also quit taking the fiber colon cleansers. Because the sea salt removes good bacteria, it is a good idea to eat yogurt afterwards to replace the good bacteria.

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