Sea Salt Health Benefits - Bladder Infections, Sore Throats, Sinuses

| Modified on Aug 21, 2023
Sole Water
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/10/2023

Have been drinking a glass each morning for 3 days and, despite not being sick or having any complaints, I have to say that I feel quite...something. Rested and awake and just generally physically good.

Sole water (pronounced solAY) is simply fully salt-saturated water made by filling a large jar about 1/4 the way with Himalayan pink or Redmond's Real Salt and filled to about an inch from the top so you can swirl it around to soak the salt and then allowed to sit so that as much of the salt and minerals as the water will hold dissolves into suspension and then separating, leaving a layer of clear salt-saturated water on top.

1 tsp of that water layer in a 10 or 12 oz glass of water in the morning, swished around, under the tongue and around the gums on an empty stomach followed by just hydrating with NOT salted water throughout the day. I had another glass on an empty stomach in the evening when I began running out of energy and next day did a little less than 5 ml (about 1 tsp) in the morning and then about half that amount in a glass of water at bed time. Slept extremely well and woke feeling rejuvenated after approximately 6.5 hours.

I didn't even notice how good I felt until I looked back on a long day of computer work and maintenance which would have ordinarily been accompanied by lots of frustration and swearing like a sailor but wasn't.

Some mistakenly think they're to take a teaspoon of salt, itself, in a glass of water but that's a whole lot of salt whereas the saturated solution of salt in water is completely different and barely even salty in 10 - 12 oz of water. I'm not sure why. Some suspect unprocessed salt (salt with the other minerals that accompany it in nature) and water combine into something other than merely salt and water but that will be an entirely different exploration! Can't wait!

Bad Breath, Body Odor, Chronic Fatigue
Posted by Maria (Canada) on 05/14/2022 9 posts

After morning long do you wait to eat? Do you take salt for other meals too?

Dosage Tips
Posted by Pacific Coast Lady (Crescent City, CA) on 03/24/2022

I appreciated seeing this today because I am trying to get the right amount of electrolytes, as well as vitamins. I believe the electrolytes are needed especially for the slight a-fib I'm having lately. What do you take, or do you have any good articles/videos I can watch to try and get Potassium, calcium, and I think it chloride? I have a Mag supplement, and I can get my sodium but not totally certain on the amounts with what I may be getting in my Ketogenic diet. Feedback super welcome if you have some for me, Carmel?

Posted by carmel (Essex) on 03/24/2022

Had similar problem for about a year, including a lot of thick stringy mucus in nose and throat making it hard to breath. Got a salt machine and put it on at night so it works while I sleep for hours. Far better than having to keep using asthma inhalers to try to shift it - with all of their side effects - and very easy. The trouble with these problems is doctors are clueless as to the cause of it or don't care and just give medicines for the symptoms, often ones that cause as many problems or more than they solve. You can buy this machine on the shopping site beginning with A. Not a salt pipe, a proper machine that works while you do whatever you want, sleeping, eating, watching tv or whatever. You must be thinking of staying in the room. Do not leave door open. Let it build up and work for as many hours a s possible daily. I put mine on at night as electricity is cheaper then and its the only time, when I am sleeping, that I am not going from room to room.

Dosage Tips
Posted by carmel (Essex) on 03/24/2022

Yes, there are a lot of minerals in sea salt but people conveniently forget that 94 minerals in a tiny pinch of salt amounts to very, very little of each mineral.

Unless you are taking a great deal more I doubt you are having enough of any of those minerals to be of any use.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Phuong (Ho Chi Minh) on 06/13/2021

Colon Cleansing Remedies

Don't use Himalayan salt (the pink stuff) for a saltwater flush. It has too high a calcium content, which can cause calcium stones if you retain the salt instead of passing it.

Stick with un-iodized sea salt.

Alkalizing Sea Salt Remedies
Posted by Arsham (Afghanistan) on 01/08/2021

I have a very important question, if anyone knows, please answer me What is the pH of sea salt? And is sea salt alkaline or acidic? And why. Thank you.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 09/06/2020

When the body is stressed by good or bad stress it goes into fight or flight mode and produces cortisol so you can run from the bear. While producing cortisol it has to rob peter to pay paul with water and nutrients and hormones. Then it stops all unnecessary operations like digestion. So your liver stops bile production and without bile you can't digest much, and it could cause gallbladder problems.

I take ox bile and it works wonderfully every time. No cramps. I also drink water, take minerals, eat good fats to help the liver produce bile and absorb fat soluble vitamins. ACDEF and K. I get my rest, say kind things to myself about how healthy I am and how well I sleep and how wonderful my life is . I get fresh air, sunbath and do yardwork and take walks. Love yourself, It will get better. Eric Berg helped me understand the most about my stomach issues. Free youtube videos.

Posted by Sylvie (La Ciotat) on 09/06/2020

Same problem, I have a megacolon because of lifelong constipation. At age 50 I finally found the trick for me; an enema pouch in silicon, with a long flexible tube, about 25€, reusable, easy to clean. Bought it on an internet site. So it's a "mechanical" solution, as drugs give me more of their side-effects than their official goal.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Geo (Canada) on 09/03/2020

What are the portions for the "concentrated solution of Epsom Salts" you mentioned in your post?

Also, the Lemon/Lime and baking soda remedy for candida?


Posted by Haydee (Anchorage, Alaska) on 09/03/2020

Leave three prunes in a glass of water overnight. In the morning eat the prunes and drink the liquid. Do it everyday first thing when you get up.

Bad Breath, Body Odor, Chronic Fatigue
Posted by Art (California) on 09/01/2020 2153 posts

Hi Alex!

Such a simple remedy after so long of trying many other things! I like it!

When you say a "pinch", do you mean the amount of sea salt that you can trap between the thumb and forefinger if you dip those two fingers into the sea salt?

Does this amount of salt give the glass of water a salty taste?

Did this amount of salt have any effect on your blood pressure?

Lastly, how long did it take you to see benefit?

Thank you!


Bad Breath, Body Odor, Chronic Fatigue
Posted by Alex (France) on 09/01/2020

After brutally suffering from terrible body odour, bad breath cfs and anxiety for 20 years. I learned that it stemmed from low stomach acid. Prior to that I tried everything, 50 liver flushes 200 coffeee enemas, parasite clesnses, enzymes.every diet. Every cure you can think off.

Anyway, all I needed was a pinch himalayan salt mixed in a glass water first thing in the morining.This encourages the stomach to make stomach acid.Doing this made me feel great and full off energy from day 1.

Stomach acid is made from healthy salt. and when you mix with water, it goes straight to the stomach where its absorbed and assimilated.
This is a permanent cure, no astrisks or I'm 80% cured.

I'm fully cured after suffering for so long. Low stomach acid may be a reason why so many suffer from health problems. Then they get on infinite pills and supplements thinking their healthier. Unfortunately those pills and supplements are ruining their bodys and shortening their lives.

Healthy diet, healthy salt in the morning.immortal combo.

(btw I can eat anything now, no health problems)!!! I'm so happy you guys!!!

Dosage Tips
Posted by Paul (Qld) on 08/27/2020

Under your remedies, it would be good to add taking sea salt sublingually. This way it goes straight to bloodstream and brain and is very effective certainly those with adrenal fatigue or insomnia and many other ailments. From the book "your bodies many cries for water "

Bladder Infection
Posted by Anne (Orange County, Ca) on 10/01/2018

I am amazed how well sea salt works on the pain from an Urinary tract infection. I was in pain for days and then 30 minutes after drinking a glass of water with one teaspoon of salt I feel almost back to myself. I am writing this the next day, I took it last night and I feel great today. I have an autoimmune disease and take prednisone so I am more susceptible to uti's. Thank you Ted for the salt remedy!!!

Alkalizing Sea Salt Remedies
Posted by Amelia (Texas) on 05/10/2017

Sea salt is amazing! It has a mineral content of 84 trace minerals and very alkalizing. Most people lack this minerals these days, because the soil is so deficient. A little pinch of salt in water early in the morning not only flushes your system of toxins, but also replenish your it.

Alkalizing Sea Salt Remedies
Posted by Steelerpsycho1 (Connecticut) on 10/28/2016

Hello Greg, the whole thing about alkalizing is to adjust the Ph level in your water. google baking soda for ph levels the baking soda should be aluminum free check the labels I get mine online much cheaper... you can read about the amounts for use online I also recommend using glass for a pitcher or container the b/s might take some chemicals out of the plastic. I mix a gallon at a time. good luck feel free to ask what you need. DW

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Cl Millsap (Texas) on 02/21/2016

Sometimes our body are toxic and anything that makes us sick may be from the body trying to cleanse out the toxins, so at first it is better to start slow and increase gradually this usually goes away in a short time.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Thisisthetruth (Find Me In America) on 01/12/2016


This is important. If you take half a teaspoon of Sea Salt or more in water, don't leave the house, and if you do, don't let out any air, it will not be just air. Sea salt gives very little warnings on the way out. Someone forgot to tell me that.

Sea Salt Feedback
Posted by Virginia (Stillwater, Oklahoma) on 01/02/2016

I would use glass of water if at all possible...thanks

Posted by Ali (Wales) on 11/20/2015

Because the abundant micro-elements that accompany the sodium and chloride in sea salt act as buffers and support. Sea salt contains 80+ other trace elements, many of which help to keep the salt within relatively neutral parameters. Processed salt is just sodium chloride and nothing else. There is nothing to buffer the salt within the body, or help the body be able to use it properly. The plethora of micro-elements are extremely necessary. They may only be a very small part size-wise, but are vital. If a bridge had 80 bolts missing, would you be happy to drive across it.....?

Arthritis in Dogs
Posted by Angie (Ohio, USa) on 05/07/2015

Have you tried Diatomaceous Earth for fleas? It's natural and can be dusted on your dog & also a teaspoon added to food. It gets rid of fleas, ticks and mites. It can be purchased at most feed store and at Tractor Supply.

Dosage Tips
Posted by Eugene (Buffalo, Ny) on 11/24/2014

Actually Himalayan Crystal Salt has 94 minerals and one of them is iodine as documented by Hendel and Peter Ferreira in their book "Water & Salt The Essence Of Life". I've been using Himalyan salt for over three years and have experienced numerous health benefits. From what I've read (correct me if I'm wrong) celtic sea salt has 82 minerals. With all the pollution in the waters of the world I'm sure it has an effect on the quality of the sea salt.

Lyme Disease
Posted by Laurie (Nanaimo) on 04/16/2014

Hi everyone with Lyme:) I also began the salt and Vitamin C cure. I had to start slowly. I made the mistake of starting the full dosage right off and experienced such a terrible headache and other ill feelings. I believe that it was die-off. Please start slow and increase as you go.

The remedy I read about on the internet said to calculate the dose this way. For every ten pounds of body weigh,t take one gram of salt and one gram of C. So, if you weigh 150 lbs. you take 15 grams of salt per day and 15 grams of C per day.

This is divided into 3 doses. That would be 5 grams of salt and C three times a day. I started with 1/4 tsp. salt and 1 gram of C. I am almost at full dose now. No discomfort, except the odd small headache.

Lyme can come from other sources than ticks. It can be transmitted from person to person. I researched this extensively. Lyme has co-infections. Other pathogens enter the body when we are bitten. These can be few or many. Babeosis; Erlichia; Rickettsia and more. Each of these cause varying symptoms. There is worse news: it is believed that Lyme (borrelia) causes all manner of neurological diseases...Alzheimer's; dementia; ALS; MS; Parkenson's and more. Anyone with those conditions should seek a treatment to eradicate Lyme and parasites. Lyme (borrelia) can hide in biofilm. In chronic Lyme cases the antibiotics will not kill the borrelia. That is where the salt comes in. It will break down the biofilm.

Also, enzymes on an empty stomach 3 times a day are very effective. Try serrapeptase. Research it. A wonderful supplement made from Cat's Claw is highly recommended. It is called samento or non-TOA Cat's Claw. Also, highly recommended to kill co-infections is artemisinin, a powerful supplement from artemisia. There are many ways to get at this. I think persistence is the key. I saw a great protocol by Dr. Cowden. I hope I can mention him. He is on Youtube. I would like to try it myself. I am experimenting with the things I mentioned..but awaiting the artemisinin and samento.

Research, research, research. That's the key. I hope everyone recovers! This is a terrible disease! I have been sick for 18 years, because the blood tests here in Canada are inadequate.

High Blood Pressure, Toenail Fungus
Posted by Lou (Summerville,, Sc) on 01/26/2014

I started the sea salt cure about 3 weeks ago and two noticeable things have happened...My Blood pressure has gone down to 120/88 from 142/90 and my toe fungis is gone .... I was so excited! I drink 32 oz twice a day with 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt...Who new?? :)

Posted by Donna (Allen, Tx) on 01/11/2013

I use sea salt and filtered water for pink eye/conjunctivitis all the time. I have 4 kids and for some reason they are susceptible to pink eye. (I've gotten it a few times from treating them... Very contagious)

I have little rubber 1/4 c dishes (from kitchen) and use them to mix 1/8 tsp sea salt with 1/4 c water. I make the child put eye up to cup and tip head back (kind of suctions to their eye), they open eye as much as they can, then dump out and rinse container.

Do same with other eye.

Don't cross contaminate or will spread to other eye.
Only takes about 3-4 days. I do it 3 or more times a day.

Dry with a clean, new cloth each time.

Do not rub eyes with same hand... Will spread. Might sting slightly, but usually their eyes feel better almost right away.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Charles (Perth, Western Australia) on 01/05/2013

Didn't Raynbogrl from Bend say that his grandmother's goiter disappeared after switching to iodized sea salt?

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy
Posted by Tiffany_ Bay Area (San Jose, Ca, Usa) on 07/02/2012

I wanted to bring awareness to a new, natural way to help respiratory ailments.

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy helps clients with respiratory and skin ailments like asthma, allergies, COPD, smokers cough, sinusitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, psoriasis, eczema, and much more. The salt's natural and soothing properties are also beneficial for anyone searching for immune system boosting, relaxing, cleansing, and de-stressing environment.

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy is 100% natural, safe and drug free. It provides effective relief from respiratory ailments and skin conditions without any side effect. Salt acts like an expectorant, accelerating mucus clearance and improving lung function while killing harmful bacteria and soothing the respiratory system.

A tremendous amount of scientific research has been conducted which proves how salt therapy can help relieve symptoms of respiratory illnesses and skin condition. In fact, a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that long-term treatment in a salt room had a positive impact on lung function and reduced pulmonary exacerbations.

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy brings you the microclimate found in salt caves and mines in a controlled "cave like" environment. The salt rooms are covered from floor to ceiling with multiple layers of sea salt. During each session Pharmaceutical Salts are crushed in the halogenerator and dispersed into the Salt Rooms. Salt releases high concentrations of negative ions, which increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, gives more energy and creates an environment virtually free of bacteria.

During a 45 min session adults and children can relax, enjoy music, watch TV, play or read in the salt covered rooms while breathing in microscopic salt particles.There are numerous Salt Rooms, Halotherapy Rooms available within the United States. (Orlando , Florida; Planto, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Los Angeles & Campbell, California)

I heard many wonderful recoveries from people who used Salt Therapy, it might be a good option for others to try.

Alkalizing Sea Salt Remedies
Posted by Twinkle (Bradenton, Fl, USA) on 05/24/2012

Thanks to: Tom from Regina, Sk for the sea salt education. well done, and very helpful.

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Curious (Albany, Ny) on 02/26/2012

It is half a teaspoon of salt to 2 quarts of water or one teaspoon per gallon of water?

Insomnia, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Thegoodwitch (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 02/24/2012

2/20: my mother takes first dose of sole and artesian water

2/22: reports 'slept like a hog'

2/24: awakes to sugar level of 109 (regularly 130 because she eats late at night); also reports heavy phlegm discharge each morning...

EC: Sole is himalyan salt dissolved in water that has sat for 12-24 hours and then a small amount of the concentrate is added to a glass of water.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Sarah (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/19/2012

I really want to thank this site for being so amazing! I had been suffering from what I believe is a bad uti, since about a couple weeks ago. I was so despirate and hurting a lot when urinating and wanting to go really frequently. I had gotten rid of a previous uti over two months ago - I had aquired it during a bad broncial infection -. Then I got sick again about two weeks ago with a sinus cold and bit of the flu. This caused the uti to come back and flare up stronger then ever! I was so despirate and couldn't do anything. I couldn't go out for long periods where having access to a washroom was very limited. I couldn't do much at all without wanting to practically live my life sitting on the toilet. There was no bleeding at least but I was up and down every 5 seconds sometimes, especially during the day. The only thing that supressed it a bit was drinking about 750ml of water minimum before 4pm in the day and then at least that much again before 8pm at night. I still felt like I had to go more then normal but it wasn't as bad and I wasn't going every 5 seconds and feeling intense pain. I only felt a small bit of pain.

Finally I decided to do some research on the net to see if there was anything I had at home to use as a natural remedy. I had done a few things already. Drinking Cranberry juice, calcium suppliments and upping my dietray fiber intake but they didn't do much at all. So despirately googling for some answers brought me to this site and immediately my eyes found the words sea salt. I then clicked it and read the posts.

So thank you for posting about the sea salt and water treatment. Definently the one dose overnight effectiveness and the fact that I already had some caused me to try it but it was so worth it! I'm barely going more then usual now - unless I'm drinking a lot of water - and I don't feel any pain, stinging or burning!

I am so happy to be free from all that suffering! :D

Posted by : ) (Dayton, Ohio) on 02/18/2012

Constipation is gone. I drink a teaspoonful of sea salt in a cup of purified drinking water.

Prevents Cardiac Arrest
Posted by Teriinttown (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 02/06/2012

Salt has been a terribly maligned nutrient for many years. As a result, many people are on no salt diets and it is dangerous. Avoiding salt completely eventually throws the electrolytes out of balance.

My parents live at a senior community that has no salt meals. My mother was admitted to the hospital in arrest. She had "almost no detectible sodium" that caused horrible swelling because of excess potassium. This symptom is always assumed to be caused by excess sodium!

The key is that we need a balance of minerals, and that is the beauty of sea salt. My parents now carry the Redmond shaker to their meals.

Sea Salt Feedback
Posted by Ingrid (Wilmette, Il.) on 02/04/2012

Actually salt corrodes aluminum. And all available plastics are petroleum based which have MANY toxic elements in them besides just BPA. Try drinking from a glass bottle. I know it's heavy, but so are the Burdens of ill health! God Bless! Ingrid

High Blood Presssure, Bloating
Posted by Ingrid (Wilmette, Il.) on 02/04/2012

I have been in the Alternative Health Industry for more than 25 yrs. I have worked with Many Natural Health Practitioners who've seen Wonderful results with treating sodium caused conditions like Hyper tension/HB, bloating, etc., with a prescription of 1-2 teaspoons of Natural unrefined sea salt a day. The whole concept is that, the human body must leach needed nutrient stores to compensate for the deficiencies caused by the metabolism of Refined table salt. Thereby causing dis-ease!

In my experience, The best, and least Expensive Sea salt is called 'Real Salt' by Redmond. It seems that being indigenous to your native soil is pretty important. A word to the WISE: Don't tell too many people about 'Real Salt', or else that company could get sold out (compromise), filter and process their sea salt just like all the rest (Morton etc) to grab a piece of the "HYPE" God Bless! Ingrid

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