Sea Salt
Health Benefits

Sea Salt Health Benefits - Bladder Infections, Sore Throats, Sinuses

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Intestinal Cleansing

10 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Krystal (Memphis, TN) on 01/11/2007

I have been going through a healthy lifestyle change for sometimes now. I've eliminated some things from my diet and added healthier things. While on this transition I decided I wanted an, and tried to find a simpler more cost effective way to do it. I came across a website for a salt water flush. I add 2 teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt to 1 quart of warm water (you can add a little lemon juice to mask the taste) and immediately drank the whole quart. Not to much longer after I finished the quart of water, I was headed to the bathroom. It cleansed me out thoroughly. I don't want to get graphic, but it did the job so good, it was scary. So if you need a good cleanse try it. I would like to advise you that If you have high blood pressure and cannot use salt, talk with your doctor before doing it, but It worked GREAT!

Intestinal Cleansing
Posted by Angel (Sinking spring, PA)

Hi, I have been suffering from constipation even though I drink over 8 glasses of water and take fiber. I decided to try the sea salt flush I read about. It says 2 teaspoons of sea salt and 1 quart warm water and no sooner then you drink it you will be going. Well nothing happened. I just felt even more bloated. Any cures that work fast? I would like to do a cleanse that works fast. Thank you Angel

Replied by Nadine
(QC, Illinois)

try baking soda and vinegar, I took this and for some reason it runs right through me cleaning as it goes, try 2-3tbl spoons vinegar, to 1 tablespoon baking soda in half cup water.

Lyme Disease

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Laurie (Nanaimo) on 04/16/2014

Hi everyone with Lyme:) I also began the salt and Vitamin C cure. I had to start slowly. I made the mistake of starting the full dosage right off and experienced such a terrible headache and other ill feelings. I believe that it was die-off. Please start slow and increase as you go.

The remedy I read about on the internet said to calculate the dose this way. For every ten pounds of body weigh,t take one gram of salt and one gram of C. So, if you weigh 150 lbs. you take 15 grams of salt per day and 15 grams of C per day.

This is divided into 3 doses. That would be 5 grams of salt and C three times a day. I started with 1/4 tsp. salt and 1 gram of C. I am almost at full dose now. No discomfort, except the odd small headache.

Lyme can come from other sources than ticks. It can be transmitted from person to person. I researched this extensively. Lyme has co-infections. Other pathogens enter the body when we are bitten. These can be few or many. Babeosis; Erlichia; Rickettsia and more. Each of these cause varying symptoms. There is worse news: it is believed that Lyme (borrelia) causes all manner of neurological diseases...Alzheimer's; dementia; ALS; MS; Parkenson's and more. Anyone with those conditions should seek a treatment to eradicate Lyme and parasites. Lyme (borrelia) can hide in biofilm. In chronic Lyme cases the antibiotics will not kill the borrelia. That is where the salt comes in. It will break down the biofilm.

Also, enzymes on an empty stomach 3 times a day are very effective. Try serrapeptase. Research it. A wonderful supplement made from Cat's Claw is highly recommended. It is called samento or non-TOA Cat's Claw. Also, highly recommended to kill co-infections is artemisinin, a powerful supplement from artemisia. There are many ways to get at this. I think persistence is the key. I saw a great protocol by Dr. Cowden. I hope I can mention him. He is on Youtube. I would like to try it myself. I am experimenting with the things I mentioned..but awaiting the artemisinin and samento.

Research, research, research. That's the key. I hope everyone recovers! This is a terrible disease! I have been sick for 18 years, because the blood tests here in Canada are inadequate.

Replied by Denise


I am checking in w people that have been fighting lyme, researching to help my daughter. I hope you see this and are doing well. Can you tell me if the Salt C worked or what did? Thank you

Lyme Disease
Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/22/2009

Editor's Choice

Sea Salt CURED my Lyme Disease in DAYS!

I had suffered for six months with Lyme Disease before I was diagnosed. It was absolutely horrible. I was going completly insane. I was at the point where I just wanted to die. After the blood work showed I was Lyme positive, I went on doxycycline for one month. That did nothing but make me sick to my stomach, and led me to developing a bad case of candidiasis (which was cured by raw garlic and restriction of sugar, another story for another time). Through this site, I found out about the miracle of sea salt. I bought unrefined sea salt from a local health food store, and when I got home, took a teaspoon (about 5 grams) of it with a glass of water. Within a few hours of ingesting the sea salt, I felt better than I had felt in months - it was incredible! The next few days, I took a teaspoon three times a day every day, and I'd say that within three or four DAYS, my now seven month episode of crippling Lyme Disease was GONE. GONE!!! For a few weeks after, I continued to take a teaspoon once a day, just to make sure that it wouldn't come back.

EVERYONE should be made aware that pure, unrefined Sea Salt, CAN cure Lyme Disease very quickly. Many people are infected with Lyme and don't even know it.

There are a few things you should know about using high doses of sea salt....

-Make sure you drink PLENTY of water.
-It WILL cause diarrhea, so I highly suggest using probiotics to replace the flora that are lost.
-Make sure you get enough potassium to balance out the salt (potatoes, orange juice, bananas..)
-Make sure it is unrefined, raw sea salt (healthy for you, as opposed to refined sodium chloride)
-Stay away from MSG! Ted said that when he took sea salt with MSG, his blood pressure went skyrocketing. I had the same result when I took a spoonful of salt before eating a prepared dinner (lots of MSG).

I'm very positive that this is possibly the best treatment for Lyme.

To sum up everything, taking about 15 grams (about 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons) of sea salt throughout the day, for several days, cured my Lyme. It should also be noted that a SINGLE dose of salt (about 5 grams) did more for me than an entire month of doxycycline.

Replied by Eegirl
(Charlotte, Nc)

Thank you for sharing! I have Lyme disease, and I believe very much in the sea salt, but I have NEVER thought about it being helpful against Lyme! I will be trying this remedy right away. Thank you again! Oh, and here is a quick note for those who think salt should be avoided: I have been using sea salt for at least 3 years in all my cooking and my blood pressure is always right around 100/60. I salt everything generously, and the unprocessed sea salt has never affected my blood pressure.

Molluscum Contagiosum

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ley (Birmingham, Alabama, Usa) on 08/18/2009

Three weeks ago my daughter came to me with what we thought might be insect bites on the upper part of her leg (bottom of her bottom). They hurt. Visually they didn't look like much more than a mosquito bite. Three days later she came to me again. The "bites" had escalated frighteningly!! They had turned black on the inside and were whelped in red. Before we jumped into the car for the hospital (Sunday), I sat her in a soaking tub of Sea Salt - like half the container of it. After 20 minutes there was an incredibly noticable difference!! The red and the whelps had both gone down. I ran to the store and bought 5 containers of sea salt and had her sit in it twice a day. I had to go out of town shortly thereafter for a week.

During this time she let the salt soaks lax and was not interested at all in showing her father the problem (LOL), When I got home the lesions were on BOTH of her upper legs!! Back to the store for more salt. I've had her sit in it three times a day. It's been three days and they are almost completely GONE!! It's unbelievable!!

EC: Staph Infection? Here are photos of what staph can look like:


Posted by Shaun (Olde York, North Yorkshire) on 10/10/2011

Could Ted, Bill (... Or indeed someone else) please try to explain how refined/ common table salt loses its pH (from 7.5 to 5) when seemingly refined. I am a firm believer in the all-round benefits of pure sea salt, but it seems such a HUGE difference/ loss in pH. Also, who gets the benefit in actually refining table salt? Thanks.

Replied by Ali

Because the abundant micro-elements that accompany the sodium and chloride in sea salt act as buffers and support. Sea salt contains 80+ other trace elements, many of which help to keep the salt within relatively neutral parameters. Processed salt is just sodium chloride and nothing else. There is nothing to buffer the salt within the body, or help the body be able to use it properly. The plethora of micro-elements are extremely necessary. They may only be a very small part size-wise, but are vital. If a bridge had 80 bolts missing, would you be happy to drive across it.....?

Pneumonia, COPD

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Posted by Rv (Huntington Beach, Ca, USA) on 12/14/2009

Sea Salt for Pneumonia

I have (usually) mild asthma. I visited a dusty wildflower area and contracted fungal pneumonia. The doctor did not apply effective antibiotics, because the infection was fungal, and he initially misdiagnosed it. The infection continued for weeks, and hardened into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Over the next year I tried many remedies. Then I found an interesting fact. The ocean has millions of antibacterial virions per liter. This is why there are so few bacteria there: predation. I live in an oceanside city, and have no problem getting clean, fresh seawater. I spat some infected sputum into a bottle of seawater and diluted it to invisibility. The idea was that any virus would rapidly multiply by killing and eating the bacteria of my infection. Then over a week, I sprayed the water and inhaled it. My coughing got worse, but then air began to penetrate past the blockages and I began to cough them up; some looked like french fries. I'm now healthy.

I think a similar effort might work with artificial seawater made from organic sea salt. The idea is that it must be organic so that the antibacterial virions would need to be preserved in the salt.

Prevents Cardiac Arrest

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Posted by Teriinttown (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 02/06/2012

Salt has been a terribly maligned nutrient for many years. As a result, many people are on no salt diets and it is dangerous. Avoiding salt completely eventually throws the electrolytes out of balance.

My parents live at a senior community that has no salt meals. My mother was admitted to the hospital in arrest. She had "almost no detectible sodium" that caused horrible swelling because of excess potassium. This symptom is always assumed to be caused by excess sodium!

The key is that we need a balance of minerals, and that is the beauty of sea salt. My parents now carry the Redmond shaker to their meals.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Robert (North Port, Fl) on 01/09/2012

Good results, here, too, in FL with sea salt for ringworm. Lawn work will usually get "ringworm" on your feet or legs.

Pick an area where it's salt water, not brackish, on the flats in the Intercoastal waterway or a bay that doesn't get much run-off. Protect your feet (from oysters / shells), explore the coast and/or find a deeper spot to swim or soak in (away from boat traffic). Probably the more stuff that gets stirred up the better. It may be ewwy gooey, but it works.

I've had the sea fix it in 3 hours, consistently. The other alternatives are the over-the-counter remedies that take 6 weeks (and often fail), or the doctor prescribed systemics (2 weeks), had that fail too.

Stay OUT of low salt brackish areas, especially in the rainy season. Run-off gets in there, and it's not the sea you're swimming with, anymore.

Take care, and good luck.

Posted by Roxanne (Tallahassee, Florida) on 08/30/2007

I have had a ringworm for awhile now and I ha1e tried a cream, doctor recommended, and it didn't work. I had read before from another site about using sea salt. So I tried it. I bandaged the salt onto the ailment and left it so for about an hour and a half and already there is some results. This remedy does burn, but if you can withstand it for as long as possible, you will be rewarded.

Replied by Rudy
(Houston, Texas)

How long did it take for the ringworm to go away?

Salt Deficiency

Posted by Cindy (Kansas, Us) on 11/19/2009

Hello again! I've been noticing something lately, regarding minerals in general and salt in particular. I read in the June 2, 2009 newsletter on the website about a woman who emailed a story from when she was a girl. She wrote of problems they had with cattle in. Apparently, the cattle became very sick. The woman writes, "The cow's developed large ankles and were dying from water retention due to heart problems.".

Investigation showed that the only thing that had changed was the salt licks they had put out for the cattle. The new licks were made with processed salt. they returned to the natural salt licks and the problems went away.

I have long felt that taking substances out of their natural context and using them as medicine is very dangerous. In their natural state, as with herbs, specific natural remedies are used for specific problems and parts of the body. Many herbs contain the same or similar substances but react on different parts of the body. As if the herbs contain the proper balance of nutrients with which to tell the body where to apply the herbs properties, in what combinations, how much to use and how to get rid of excess nutrients and resulting toxins.

I also suspect that the combination of elements in their natural state allow the body to get more benefit from very small amounts of nutrients than we can get by taking supplements in large amounts that have been taken out of their natural context.

I've written several times about the watercure and am now wondering if it is the unprocessed sea salt that is working all of the miracles. Granted, we need water, but using unprocessed sea salt after years of bad salt followed by no salt - as directed by physicians when symptoms such as those shown by the cattle present - can and often has worked miracles, often instantaneously.

Just a thought. You can file this under theories. I wrote it after reading:

"[QUESTION] 10/28/2009: Dennis from Seattle, Wa writes: "I'm trying magnesium chloride/distilled water for stiffness and lack of flexibility in legs/hips. Pitting edema is present. Salt is a problem with edema. Do you think the transdermal method with magnesium chloride would not be harmful to aggravation of the edema and still ease the muscle tissue stiffness and tension?"

I suspect Dennis is suffering from salt (and the accompanying minerals in natural salt) deficiency.

Thanks again for your site. It's a miracle in itself! God bless you!

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tiffany_ Bay Area (San Jose, Ca, Usa) on 07/02/2012

I wanted to bring awareness to a new, natural way to help respiratory ailments.

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy helps clients with respiratory and skin ailments like asthma, allergies, COPD, smokers cough, sinusitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, psoriasis, eczema, and much more. The salt's natural and soothing properties are also beneficial for anyone searching for immune system boosting, relaxing, cleansing, and de-stressing environment.

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy is 100% natural, safe and drug free. It provides effective relief from respiratory ailments and skin conditions without any side effect. Salt acts like an expectorant, accelerating mucus clearance and improving lung function while killing harmful bacteria and soothing the respiratory system.

A tremendous amount of scientific research has been conducted which proves how salt therapy can help relieve symptoms of respiratory illnesses and skin condition. In fact, a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that long-term treatment in a salt room had a positive impact on lung function and reduced pulmonary exacerbations.

Salt Therapy/ Halotherapy brings you the microclimate found in salt caves and mines in a controlled "cave like" environment. The salt rooms are covered from floor to ceiling with multiple layers of sea salt. During each session Pharmaceutical Salts are crushed in the halogenerator and dispersed into the Salt Rooms. Salt releases high concentrations of negative ions, which increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, gives more energy and creates an environment virtually free of bacteria.

During a 45 min session adults and children can relax, enjoy music, watch TV, play or read in the salt covered rooms while breathing in microscopic salt particles.There are numerous Salt Rooms, Halotherapy Rooms available within the United States. (Orlando , Florida; Planto, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Los Angeles & Campbell, California)

I heard many wonderful recoveries from people who used Salt Therapy, it might be a good option for others to try.

Sea Salt Feedback

Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand ) on 05/31/2011

Is the sea salt taken in water or do you take it dry on a spoon? I doubt I could get it down if I had to take it "straight"

Replied by Lisa
(Rabat, Morocco)

I put my salt in a liter bottle with water and sip on it throughout the day. I use an aluminum water bottle-I think it is best to avoid plastic. Of course, you can always just sprinkle more on your food, too.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne , Australia)

Catherine I add it to my food. I make almond milk and add some to that as well. I even brush my teeth with it.

Replied by Joylie
(Solana Beach, Ca)

I wouldn't use an aluminum water bottle... Get one of those (inexpensive) BP-free plastic bottles.

Replied by Ingrid
(Wilmette, Il.)

Actually salt corrodes aluminum. And all available plastics are petroleum based which have MANY toxic elements in them besides just BPA. Try drinking from a glass bottle. I know it's heavy, but so are the Burdens of ill health! God Bless! Ingrid

Replied by Virginia
(Stillwater, Oklahoma)

I would use glass of water if at all possible...thanks

Sole Water

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/10/2023

Have been drinking a glass each morning for 3 days and, despite not being sick or having any complaints, I have to say that I feel quite...something. Rested and awake and just generally physically good.

Sole water (pronounced solAY) is simply fully salt-saturated water made by filling a large jar about 1/4 the way with Himalayan pink or Redmond's Real Salt and filled to about an inch from the top so you can swirl it around to soak the salt and then allowed to sit so that as much of the salt and minerals as the water will hold dissolves into suspension and then separating, leaving a layer of clear salt-saturated water on top.

1 tsp of that water layer in a 10 or 12 oz glass of water in the morning, swished around, under the tongue and around the gums on an empty stomach followed by just hydrating with NOT salted water throughout the day. I had another glass on an empty stomach in the evening when I began running out of energy and next day did a little less than 5 ml (about 1 tsp) in the morning and then about half that amount in a glass of water at bed time. Slept extremely well and woke feeling rejuvenated after approximately 6.5 hours.

I didn't even notice how good I felt until I looked back on a long day of computer work and maintenance which would have ordinarily been accompanied by lots of frustration and swearing like a sailor but wasn't.

Some mistakenly think they're to take a teaspoon of salt, itself, in a glass of water but that's a whole lot of salt whereas the saturated solution of salt in water is completely different and barely even salty in 10 - 12 oz of water. I'm not sure why. Some suspect unprocessed salt (salt with the other minerals that accompany it in nature) and water combine into something other than merely salt and water but that will be an entirely different exploration! Can't wait!

Swollen Lymph Glands

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Damaris (Kissimmee, Florida) on 09/18/2007

My daughter woke in the morning with her neck swollen on one side. I took her to the dr/ to see what it was. I was told she had a lymph node infection. He prescribed antibiotics for it. I don't agree with antibiotics so I went to this website and search for the cure.

I did the 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon sea salt and 1 tspoon of baking soda.

I made her drink as much as she could of that. She's 5 yr old and its difficult to make her drink anything she don't like.

I also gave her a few yogurts to eat. And bathed her in a bath of water with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 cup of epsom salts and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. I made sure to continuously pour the water over her throat area. well, I was amazed to see that it was no longer swollen that night and the next morning she was just fine like nothing ever happened. I love this website!

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