Sea Salt Health Benefits - Bladder Infections, Sore Throats, Sinuses

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mia (London, England) on 11/11/2011

I have been drinking a glass of water with a well leveled tsp of sea salt every night, and I usually do this at least 1 hr after my last meal... It just feels better that way. I drink plenty of fluid during the day. I have been on this diet for a long time now. This remedy completely cleared my acne, I'm hardly ever sick, and in general, I seem to feel better. My digestion is also ever better which I used to have problems with.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Eddie (Nyc, Ny) on 12/10/2009

I had to post my results to sea salt in the hopes that it will help others. First, I had planned to cleanse my colon using sea salt, however, I was concerned due to un-medicated high-blood pressure. Thus, I used two-tea spoons the first day in 6 ounces of water. Next day I used a normal spoon size and the third day I used almost two spoon size in the same amount of water. An hour later, i was in the bathroom numerous times and thereafter I was urinating non stop. Also, after inspecting the bowl, I found 5 sandy-crystal like bulbs with green particles floating
in the water. I later realized that legs and hands were not swollen and my blood pressure went radically down. no more pressure. It was amazing. I did more research and spoke to a medical person who said that the sea salt dryed my colon and forced the water in my legs, hand, hearth, and blood to the colon where I eventually let out. Also the green powder glassy was bile and gall stones that the sea salt forced out.

I was not aware of the blotted feeling that I have had for the past year and the blood presssure.

It has been 15 days and I feel great. I am 45 and did not think of the water problem was causing the blood increase due to the extra weight in body. I also reviewed other sites that state liver clense which use salt to flush gall stones.

Thank you EC for your site and all who participate. Please forward any related information to my situation.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Andreina (Roma, Italy) on 12/27/2007

In the morning, I mix 1Tbl ACV with a pint of water, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. I put it in a bottle and drink it throughout the day. I repeat the prosedure in the afternooon, so I drink 2 pints a day. It cures everything (my acne, sore throat, stomach ache, dry skin, sore joints...etc) I've been doing this for 3 months, and have dropped 7.5 kilograms! I <3 water! Be sure to mix it with salt and vinegar, so you don't lose vital nutrients, and sodium!