Diabetes Type II
Health Benefits

Aloe Vera for Diabetes Type II Treatment

| Modified on Dec 16, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

2 User Reviews

Posted by Jessica D (Orlando, Fl) on 04/14/2016

I've been drinking Aloe Vera juice the past 2 months and my diabetes is starting to show small signs of improvement. I make my own instead of the store bought juices. I use the gel straight from the aloe plant which I buy at my local whole foods store.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cocoandrico (Kingston, Ny, Usa) on 08/08/2011

A number of promising studies have suggested that Aloe Vera gel may be useful in managing diabetes naturally. As a dietary supplement compounds in Aloe are thought to stimulate the production of insulin and enable the body to more process glucose more efficiently. One to three teaspoons of fresh Aloe gel may be taken daily to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Replied by Gavin

Just to update, at present I am showing no signs of diabetes. I think the main culprit was triglycerides. As I was eating to much Dairy. As it coats the pancreas, and the circulatory system. Causing the blood sugar and Blood pressure to rise.The moment that I cut it out., and continued the ACV. the weight came down. If you continue with dairy and take the ACV. The blood sugar will come down, and you wont put weight on. But weight loss will be slower as the dose just stops the fat from going on.

I have been researching, the bovine growth hormone, which is the same that humans produce, but it shuts down in humans once they reach maturity, since Cows milk and cheese, now contain vast amounts of it, and oestrogen, due to the fact that they are milked all year now days. It is not only telling the fat cells to divide faster its telling all the cells to divide faster, which might be the leading cause in hormone related cancers. Along with dramatic weight gain as seen in the general population.

This is of concern and an interest to any one, as I personally am sure it is the main cause of Syndrome x which many diabetics have. When you are younger it doesn't matter, But as the veins and arteries along with the pancreas start to clog up. the Blood pressure rises the heart has to work harder, the weight goes on, and hence heart attack and strokes become a worry, along with high blood sugar. Needed to carry the extra weigh. Every 2 points it goes up the immune system is compromised by 25%.

Since I stopped the Dairy, my blood pressure has gone down along with my waist measurement. Personally I think a food that causes a calf to become a two ton Cow in eighteen months should ring alarms, as its the same hormone, that makes humans grow. which would no longer be required, in a normal adult, but is being ingested in daily quantities in these modern times.

Sorry for the long rant but I think here we have a major heath problem, which will be ignored due to the multi billion dollar nature of the industry.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Gavin: There is another big problem w/ dairy that I believe can be particularly harmful to the pancreas ---radiation. Suffering from a chronic case of osteomyelitis, I recently got to the point that diary, particularly cheese, had to be totally eliminated from my diet.

The events of nuclear testing in the 1940's & 50's primarily by the USA but also Russia was the first "fallout". Next was the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986, and recently the Fukashima meltdown in 2011. Radioactive elements like Strontium 90, Iodide, and Cesium are the most common. Even small amounts from our food and water can cause mineral and sodium bicarbonate depletion which in turn causes pancreatic insufficiency, infection, and cancer. The common or widespread thyroid disorders, many of which are caused by insufficient Iodine/ide from displacement by the radioactive isotopes.

Replied by Gavin

Your absolutely right. All of the contaminants, end up in the milk fats. Which are transferred into the human consumer. No amount of pasteurisation removes the contaminant. Remembering that it takes ten kilos of milk to make one kilo of cheese, we have a problem when, asking, can the smallest amount be considered a safe dose?, in a population with high blood sugars, and therefore damaged immune systems. As Westerners its generally accepted that we are lactose tolerant, but we might just not have the bloating and the sick feeling, that Asians get when consuming it. Instead it may well be causing general inflammation, and a host of other disease, that seems to be gaining exponentially in the western world.

Replied by Gavin

Just to keep the ball rolling with regards to Dairy, I found it strange that so many scientific reports into dairy reached no conclusion or that the trial was withdrawn. but finally came across this. Which seems to be worth reading. http://nutritionmd.org/nutrition_tips/nutrition_ _tips_understand_foods/dairy.html

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)


I have a question about the milk issue. I drink very little cow's milk because of the lactose. Too much cow's milk and it starts making me cough. However, I CAN eat cheese and it does not have such an effect. I notice in your last post you mention cheese as problematic relative to the lactose and impurity accumulation assertion. Do you have any theory as to why the milk would bother me but cheeses do not.



Replied by Gavin
(Northland, NZ)

There is very little lactose in the curds which is from what the cheese is made of. The cream cheeses contain more. But the amount of Oestrogen and Bovine growth hormone, is still there in a far more concentrated form. That's why If you have lactose intolerance you can usually eat cheese. But it still is in milk in a very concentrated form.

The organic oestrogen, is far more potent than the plant based forms. Add that to the general pre diabetic nature of the present modern diet, and you have compromised immune systems trying to cope with an overload. Cows milk is liquid meat, meant to get a calf, up to a couple of tons in eighteen months. It's a shame we as humans use the same hormones.

People with high amounts of the growth hormone in their blood tests have four more times the rate of getting ovarian and prostate cancers, I'm sure the same applies to breast cancer.

Replied by Ali

I wonder how homogenisation affects moderm milk products, too. Homogenisation breaks the fat globules down into far smaller particles that could cross barriers they were not designed to cross.

Some types of cheese are made from raw, or at least pasteurised but non-homogenised milk, so may be less problematic for some people, than milk is.

Replied by Dawei

You are absolutely correct. In 1975 the livestock in the US went to slaughter weighing approximately 30% less than they do today. With the introduction of growth hormones, livestock now grows much faster and increases profits. The SAME hormones that instruct the livestock's bodies to grow 50% faster are assimilated into our bodies when we eat the meat and then instruct our bodies to grow 50% faster. Yes, the average American is now 50% larger than they were in 1975. Take a look at photos from the 1969 music festival Woodstock. Hardy an overweight or obese person in the crowd of 250,000 people. Compare their body condition to Americans of today. We are all plus sized (67% of us anyway). They ate REAL FOOD back then. Food that came in its own wrappers (peelings) like apples, oranges, bananas...that were not sprayed from seed through harvest with pesticides and chemicals, meat that was fed grass instead of GMO corn, hormones and antibiotics galore (the livestock inductry is the LARGEST consumer of antibiotics in the US - all of which are passed into the bodies of the unwary consumer contributing to antibiotic impervious bugs).

Eat organic and/or pesticide free. Eat healthy fats. Avoid white starches like rice, wheat, flour that are immediately converted into sugar in our bodies. Eat complex carbs - vegetables and fruits with lots of fiber. <3

Replied by Sandy
(Chicago, Usa)

Thanks for detailing. Do you think organic milk can be taken?