Diabetes Type II
Health Benefits

Vanadium (Vanadyl Sulfate) for Diabetes

on Dec 18, 2018| Modified on Dec 16, 2024
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It’s always exciting to be able to tell you about a new discovery – or at least one that’s new to many of us. Some time ago, our long-time contributor and author Bill Thompson mentioned that vanadium was a natural remedy for diabetes. That piqued our interest because we’d never heard about it and decided to learn more.

Vanadium – An Otherworldly Metal Named for a Goddess

Vanadium is a metal (#23 on the Periodic Table of Elements) first discovered in 1801 and named after Vanadis or Freyja, the goddess of love, war, beauty, death, and almost everything important to seafaring Norsemen.

Vanadium is typically found with certain other minerals. However, sometimes this vital trace element arrives from outer space in meteorites.

Vanadium is a solid material, both shock, and corrosion-resistant. A small amount of vanadium mixed with steel, aluminum, or titanium creates a superior alloy used in jet engines, cutting tools, and much more.

Vanadium – A Natural Remedy for Type II Diabetes

There’s still debate over exactly how vanadium works, but one prevailing theory is that vanadium mimics insulin by moving glucose from the blood to cells where the sugar is used for energy.

Vanadium also helps to prevent the gut from absorbing as much sugar, reducing harmful blood glucose and insulin spikes. Vanadium is said to increase the effectiveness of insulin, making careful monitoring of blood sugar levels very important.

Vanadium is also said to be helpful in treating hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). In other words, it’s believed vanadium can help regulate blood sugar so that it’s not too high or too low.

The Technical Explanation of How Vanadium Works

In 2016, The National Institutes of Health published a paper from Current Medicinal Chemistry titled Why Antidiabetic Vanadium Complexes are Not in the Pipeline of “Big Pharma” Drug Research? A Critical Review. The paper extensively details how vanadium works and includes a list of over 150 studies and papers related to vanadium and diabetes. 

The paper’s conclusion as to why Big Pharma chose not to pursue vanadium as a treatment for diabetes many years ago and continues to ignore vanadium’s potential was two-fold. Big Pharma believes:  

  • Vanadium would never replace insulin as a drug so wasn’t worth studying 
  • Vanadium had too many potential side effects 

Many of us might add that Big Pharma seems very disinclined to spend money studying a material that is inexpensive to purchase anywhere in the world. 

Common Objections to Vanadium – Diabetes Studies 

The first study of vanadium as a possible treatment for diabetes was in 1899. Insulin was discovered in 1922 and became the treatment of choice. Vanadium was relegated to the back burner where it has remained ever since. Official approval of vanadium as a treatment for diabetes is no closer now than it was in 1899.

Although vanadium has been studied for over 100 years, the objection most often raised is that the study had too few participants (usually less than 100) and was for a reasonably short time (a few weeks or months).

Another common objection is those study participants were given too high a dose of vanadium to take long-term. Study dosages vary widely, and many different vanadium compounds were used, making it difficult for a layman to compare a study dosage to a supplement dosage.

Unfortunately, large-scale studies of vanadium seem unlikely at this time. Small drug companies or independent researchers don’t have the resources to conduct a study of many thousands of people over 25 years.

Vanadium Trace Mineral Supplementation Dosage

As you may know, many trace minerals such as iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, and manganese, are very important to the proper functioning of the body.

Trace minerals are only needed in very tiny amounts. For vanadium, the generally recommended amount needed by the body is 1.8 milligrams or less daily.

There are many dietary sources of vanadium, including:

  • Shellfish
  • Parsley and Dill
  • Black Pepper
  • Buckwheat and Oats
  • Olive, Safflower, Sunflower and Peanut Oil
  • Corn, Carrots, Garlic, Onions, Green Beans, Radishes, Cabbage and Tomatoes
  • Beer and Wine

Where To Buy Vanadium Supplements

Vanadium supplements are readily available online. The label may refer to Vanadyl Sulphate, Sodium Orthovanadate, Vanadium Chelate, or another vanadium compound.

Some vanadium supplements include chromium as some studies indicate that Type II diabetics have lower chromium levels in their blood than non-diabetics, possibly linking a chromium deficiency to diabetes.

Vanadium Dosages

When evaluating dosage, check for “mg” for milligram and “mcg” for microgram on the label so you’re sure of the strength of the supplement.

There are 1,000 micrograms (mcg) in 1 milligram (mg).

No official RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) or EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) for vanadium has been established.

Likely Safe Dosage

The National Institute of Medicine has established the highest dose of vanadium considered Likely Safe; the amount an adult can take without unwanted side effects, is:

  • 1.8 milligrams (mg) = 1800 micrograms (mcg)

Diabetic Treatment Dosage

Diabetic treatment doses can be considerably higher, such as:

  • 500 micrograms (mcg) three times daily but not exceeding a total of 10 milligrams (mg)  per day.


Taking high doses of vanadium for an extended period may result in unpleasant side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. Dangerous long-term side effects include kidney damage, increased blood pressure and mental issues including depression and bipolar disorder.

Vanadyl sulfate was often used in studies as it’s a much less toxic form of vanadium, with only traces accumulating in bone and organs rather than much higher amounts, significantly reducing – but not eliminating – long-term effects from vanadium accumulation.

However, other diabetes medications, including insulin, can also have drawbacks.

Vanadium Interactions With Other Medications

Vanadium as generally used has mild to no interaction with most medications, but there are exceptions:

Other diabetes medications: If you take vanadium in addition to prescribed diabetes medications, your blood sugar could drop too low. It’s important to monitor your glucose level carefully.

Blood clotting medications: Vanadium can slow blood clotting. If taken with medications that also slow clotting such as aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin, heparin and others, there’s an increased risk of bleeding and bruising.

Whether or not vanadium supplements would be helpful to you is a personal choice best made in conjunction with your physician. Other medications or dosages might need to be changed when taking vanadium.

Vanadium – A Natural Remedy for Other Ailments

  1. Cancer: There has been some study of vanadium as a possible cancer treatment. It’s believed that vanadium could disrupt the functioning of the cancer cell.
  2. Cholesterol: Vanadium could be useful in regulating cholesterol and supporting artery health.
  3. Heart Disease: There’s a strong link between diabetes, cholesterol and heart health, increasing vanadium’s usefulness as a natural remedy since it works to regulate blood glucose and stabilize metabolic processes.
  4. Metabolism Booster: Some athletes use vanadium supplements to boost their metabolisms and strengthen muscles by accelerating glucose absorption in muscle tissues.


There’s no question that the ability to help manage diabetes with a low cost, readily available supplement would help millions of people. In India, China and many other nations, vanadium is frequently used as a successful, low cost natural remedy for diabetes and other conditions.

However, vanadium isn’t problem-free. If you decide to try it, buy vanadium from a reputable source, don’t overdose, and consult your physician about conflicts with any other medications. Monitor your blood glucose levels and stick with your diet and exercise program.

If you have used vanadium for diabetes or another ailment, please let us know how it worked for you, how long you’ve used it and the dosage you take. We’d love to hear from you!


  1. Dietary Reference Intakes
  2. Vanadium in Biology and Medicine
  3. A scientific review: the role of chromium in insulin resistance.
  4. RX List: Vanadium
  5. Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke
  6. Vanadium: Possible Use in Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapy
  7. Vanadium as Cancer Treatment
  8. Inverse association of plasma vanadium levels with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population. 
  9. Alternative therapies useful in the management of diabetes: A systematic review

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

3 User Reviews

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/30/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, my Actos Rx has never given good control over my glucose. About 4 months ago a poster said they took Vanadyl Sulfate and they got off their Rx for diabetes. I am a yarn spinner as all know, but this person topped me........ so I thought. This morning I got my AIC after taking Vanadyl Sulfate for 3 months and it was 5.7. My doc thought that was great only she did not know I had stopped my Actos. I did some other things, but don't think they were in this play. I wish I remembered the person who wrote about this because they have my gratitude.


Replied by Earth Clinic


It was a post on a page in the supplements section called "Vanadium for Diabetes". Since people probably miss this great article by Mary Post from 2018 plus the posts, we just recreated it on a new sub-page in the diabetes type ii section.

Arn from WA is the post you are referring to. It is just below your post.

Posted by Arn (Kenmore, Wa) on 04/21/2021 20 posts

Editor's Choice

I have 6 friends who were diabetic, and recovered with Vanadyl Sulfate. One of them, went from injections to no meds in just a week. All recovered within 3 months.

They all took 10mg or more per day. They also changed their diets to lots of raw foods, no refined carbs.

Caution: Vanadium can directly affect your insulin need. Start with small doses and monitor your blood sugar closely at first.

Replied by Surfer

In the info above, it says the RDA is 1.8mg per day yet when I look on Amazon they have the one that is "Amazon's Choice" at 20mg per capsule. Is that the horse dosage? LOL. Seriously, you say they took 10mg or more per day but is that safe?

And then I see Canadaguy below and he says he takes 1mg per day..... I don't see one that has that low of a dosage on Amazon. (but have been looking a while and eyes are crossing,,, :) ) I would like to try this but the conflicting dosages from these two posts are a bit confusing. Maybe we'll get some more replies that may help clarify.

Replied by Madelyn

The RDAs are usually very low... enough to keep someone from getting a serious depletion but not high enough for optimal health. You could always take 1 dose every other day... and after the bottle is gone, take a reassessment of your condition. Proceed with 1 dose 1-2x weekly (for example) to keep levels optimal.

Replied by Oriana
(Ashland, OR)

Life Extension's 'Vanadyl Sulfate' supplement has 7.5 mg of that ingredient and says that supplies only 1.5 mg of vanadium. It also has calcium in it, which I don't want. Can you please name a brand your friends used?

Replied by Gracie

Has anyone had any success with using Vanadium for Type ii Diabetes? Despite following a low carb diet and after not feeling well for three months my blood glucose levels have risen. Reading contributors' postings on Vanadium, several recommend taking as much as 10 mgs per day, however on the bottle of tablets I've just received it advises one tablet a day (7.5mgs Vanadyl Sulfate: 1.5mgs vanadium). But is this enough for it to be successful?

Replied by Amy

Hello Arn, I have just purchased 10mg tablets of Vanadyl Sulfate. Can you tell me if your friends took more than 10 mg a day? After reading many posts here it claims to be careful and use small dosages as not to do damage to the body. Could you elaborate on their experiences and dosages? Thank you!

Posted by Canadaguy (Victoria) on 12/06/2018 15 posts

Vanadium and MMS drops really drops my blood sugar.

Ok I'm in Canada so we have different blood sugar measurements, but my doctor says my blood sugar levels of 14 were 'an absolute disaster' . When I started taking vanadium, they went down to 6.0, whick is ok, but 5.9 is the cutoff for the blood test to come back as 'normal' (but probably too high). So I really wanted that extra point!

I got it a few days ago with vanadium and MMS, which I began taking for a tumor. I take 1 mg/day of bis-glycinato-oxo-vanadium that comes with 200mcg of chromium GTF. I have been taking that for years now, and it keeps working! I have taken a level of 2mg/day for a while, but I'm not sure which is better. The blood test I just had after about 1 1/2 months of taking MMS finally got it to a more normal 5.6.

I hope it handles the tumor too.

Replied by Christina Dale
(West Alexandria)

Will this work on type 1 Diabetics?