How Aloe Vera Can Ease Joint Pain

| Modified on Jul 16, 2024
Aloe Vera
Posted by Rose (Kampala)

I suffered from joint pain for a period of over two months. I took antibiotics continously to no avail. However one day I was told by a friend that aloe vera could work. I started by boiling aloe vera juice extacted from the sap. In addition I would also rub the gel on my joints and experience healing.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Talia (Jerusalem, Israel) on 05/20/2012

Re the response by Bob from Elmhust regarding the need to drink more water - what a great reminder. For some reason I tend to forget the importance of water and as a result of reading this response, realize that the pain in my joints in the past number of days could actually be the result of dehydration, since I was telling a friend the other day that I think I'm dehydrated and need to drink more water. Dehydration can also be a reason for tiredness, and sometimes for us women we can minimize some of our facial wrinkles by staying hydrated since dehydration also affects our skin.