Autoimmune Link to Joint Issues

| Modified on Jul 16, 2024
Autoimmune Issues
Posted by Lee (Australia) on 07/14/2013

To all those people who suffer from continuous joint and muscle pain. Have you been tested for autoimmune disease?

I suffererd for years, the doctor told me it was old age, I was 45 at the time, I thought to myself if I feel like this now what am I going to be like in 10, 15 or more years. A few years later another doctor tested me for autoimmune disease which showed my Antinuclear antibodies was high which looked towards lupis. my vit d was also low.

i now had something to work with instead of guessing and trying hundreds of dollars worth of health products which did absolutely nothing because I was not treating the right symptom.

Now I see a chinese doctor who specializes in auto immune disease and is treating me naturally.

Something to think about.