2 User Reviews
Cayenne, Garlic
I gave my daughter 4 oz. of water with 1/4 t. cayenne pepper and 1/4 t. clove powder (for its numbing ability) in a mug. She gargled this 4x a day the first day or two and then once or twice a day for a day or two. (We cut back only because she was so much better. I would continue 4x a day for much longer if needed.) The 4 oz. mug lasted for a couple of garglings. She hated it by the way, but knew it beat going to a doctor and getting an antibiotic.
- 4x a day I gave her 1 clove of crushed garlic in honey. I did that for several days then just one dose a day for a day or two.
- She asked to take 1 t. of apple cider vinegar several times a day because she knows it helps a lot. (Hot vinegar tea - 1 T. Vinegar, 1 T. honey and hot water has helped my children with sickness so much and she knows it, but she doesn't like it.)
- I gave her herbal tea to drink. No soda pop or anything. Sugar is not good for getting better. A couple of times she drank echinachea and peppermint tea with honey in it.
- For her fever, I would rub peppermint essential oil and/or lemongrass essential oil on the bottoms of her feet. I also put a cool cloth on her head!
- A wise friend recommended washing toothbrushes as strep can harbor there and reinfect!
Praise the Lord, she showed improvement in 24 hours with this treatment and was about normal after 3 days. I am sure it helped that we caught it early as we had a heads up to expect it.
So grateful for this site and all the good advice. The cure for strep throat cost us less that $2! That is amazing!
Have a great day!
~Mama to Many~
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)