Strep Throat
Health Benefits

Multiple Remedies for Strep Throat

| Modified on Jan 22, 2025
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Sometimes a multi-faceted approach is the best natural treatment for strep throat, especially if you have been suffering with this infection for a long time and anti-biotics have not been effective.

Many natural remedies lend themselves to work together to heal the body. For example:

  • Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system.
  • Cayenne pepper gargle to numb the inflamed and sore throat.
  • Garlic as a natural antibiotic.
  • Zinc to support immune function.
  • Hot tea to keep the body well hydrated.
  • Baking soda baths to improve the pH of the body.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

2 User Reviews

Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/09/2010

This is what I do when I or my kids get strep throat:
First, put the feet in very hot mustard water. Bathing at least to the knees, once or twice during the day. Put around the throat a flannel piece saturated in an equal combination of Mutton Suet, Spirits of Turpentine and Spirits of Camphor. Heat the oils on the stove, but not too hot - it might burn the body! About every two or three hours gargle the throat, one time with the Glyco-Thymoline and the next time with Listerine. Take an equal combination of Fletcher's Castoria and Syrup of Figs; about half a teaspoonful of each, every hour until there are full eliminations. Try this before going to a Dr. - it really works for me!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tara (Grenada, Ms/usa) on 10/06/2010

I had strep throat on Aug 30 & went to the Dr. He put me on amoxil & gave me a rocephin shot. I ended up with strep again, went to the Dr on Sept 11 & was put on Augmentin with another rocephin shot. Oct 2 I started feeling the symptoms & it was a Saturday afternoon so I couldn't run to the Dr for more antibiotics plus did not want to since they were obviously not working. Read Ted's remedy along with the others. 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide was not available so I just sipped on a combination of 1 TB baking soda with 1/4 glass water(approx. 1 cup) like Ted recommends. Sipped for at least an hour every 5 minutes about 1 tsp per sip. I started this on Sunday morning. I could tell the strep was not getting worse but I still felt weak & achy. Throat really wasn't hurting that bad but wanted to attack aggressively since I have 4 children & my husband was leaving to go out of town for work. I dumped 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper at the back of my throat. I also cooked a tomato tea/soup with tomato sauce(15oz), lots of cayenne(approx 1 to 1/2 TB), 4-5 shakes of Worcestershire & a TB honey. Ate all of it but not all at one time. Some around 1pm then later that afternoon. I was feeling tired & took a nap(3 hours) Dumped another 1/8 tsp of cayenne that night. Monday morning sipped on baking soda/water for an hour because I was still a little weak but throat not too bad. Starting slowly feeling better throughout remedies but did not feel 100% until Tuesday. Drove to the next town on Tuesday to buy organic ACV & bought some Olive Leaf complex. Mixed 1/4 cup of fresh squeezed OJ with 1 TB organic ACV 'with mother' & 1 TB olive leaf & drank it. Within an hour an a half I detoxed!! I did not realize at the time but that night read the side effects of olive leaf complex. It would detox different people in different ways to get rid of microbes & toxins.

It is Wednesday now & I feel so good. Actually better than before I had strep. I think I was carrying the strep & not getting rid of it completely due to the toxins. I'm no expert just a guess. I'm so... Amazed! I've had strep so many times since I was kid & have ALWAYS went to the Dr for antibiotics for strep. I was lead to believe I had to take antibiotics to get rid of it since it was a bacterial infection. I really think the baking soda/water was the key in my case. I LOVE earth clinic & try to read every chance I get. THANKS TED & EARTH CLINIC. I have been telling everyone about this wonderful site!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Boise, Idaho) on 02/19/2009

After reading the home remedies, I decided to try the Cayenne Pepper rinse. 1/8th of a tsp. Cayenne in a small half glass of warm water. It seemed to help and did not burn like I thought it would. I continued to read. Someone suggested pure Hydogen Peroxide. I thought, "Yeah, it will kill the germs!!" Gave that a whirl and although the pain is still there, swallowing is much more managable now. It doesnt feel like I'm swallowing a speed bump. I have had strep so often in my life, my doctor said that I am a "Carrier". I cannot give per say but if I come around with someone with Strep, I catch it like a magnet. That is great. I think next I'm going to try the Grapefruit Seed Extract. The person that wrote it said they have not been sick for 12 years... sounds good to me. Good luck all with the strep!!

Replied by Laura
(San Diego)


I'd like to mention, as I've noticed several people citing "pure hydrogen peroxide" being used, that in fact you all are referring to the common OTC 3% household Hydrogen peroxide commonly available at drug stores.

I would never ever advise one to take "Pure hydrogen peroxide" as that would pretty much burn and/or kill you if left taken in undiluted "pure" form. Pure hydrogen peroxide has been used as rocket fuel.