Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

Yerba Mate Tea
Posted by Josey (Las Vegas, Nv) on 10/23/2009

I'm 47 years old and for the first time in my life, I'm suffering from seasonal allergies. I use apple cidar vinegar on a semi-regular basis. Maybe that's why I've never really had a problem with it before. I've been on vacation and hadn't used ACV for a few weeks. Today my allergies were so bad, I could not stop sneezing. I got on earthclinic ( my favorite site!) and saw the sisters that tried Yerba Mate tea. I had some in the house so I made a cup. After just drinking one cup, my eyes stopped watering and the sneezing and runny nose are gone! What a difference! I feel completely fine now. Thank you earthclinic. You are SO appreciated!

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Bonnie (Ravenna, Ohio) on 07/04/2009

I have used the ACV for my asthma---it worked OK--but it's set off by my allergies-I researched the black seed oil--bought the oil----oh my gosh, it did the trick--I put a tsp. in my juice before bed and slept like a baby--put a tsp in my morning coffee-and found my nose not stuffy--enjoying the day--now I'm even putting a little with shea butter and using it as a face cream---my face looks to smooth-and it's helping my allergies at the same time. Bonnie

EC: Proper plant name is Nigella sativa. More information here:

Vitamin C
Posted by Quartz (Los Angeles, CA) on 05/18/2009



I have had what I think is a sinus infection or allergies for 6 days now. Overall I am doing better, but the stuffy nose that switches from one side to the other, along with the pressure is driving me crazy.

I had successfully been treating this condition with high doses of Vitamin C. I would take 1 GRAM capsules, 2 at a time every 2 hours until my stomach said "enough". With this method, all my symptoms would reduce to nothing. I would be aware of some inflamation in the sinuses, but no stuffy nose or pain or anything. But whenever I would stop taking the VitC the symptoms would come back. I am up to 20 GRAMS a day. Normally a person could only tollerate one gram to three grams a day when healthy.

So the reason I say all this is I wanted this condition to leave, not just be almost gone, so I read what others here had done and took 2 tablespoons ACV in 24oz water. I experience what others did in the way of a rapid draining of mucus. Unfortunately it was temporary and not complete. I did this a few times during the day.

I am back to taking the VitC as described above. Hopefully this will take care of it within the next few days as I have always had great sucess when I took VitC for colds in the past. I have always been able to eliminate symptoms, and reduce the time the cold hung around to just a few days - plus still go to work and do the other things I had to do. The trick is taking enough, stay away from sugar, and be faithfull in taking it every hour or two hours or what the schedule may be.

Good luck to you others that are searching for non-medical treatments.

Posted by Toni (Graham, NC) on 05/04/2009

I suffered from allergies for 27 years. One day I heard that Raspberries were good for allergies so I gave them a try. I will eat about four in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. I usually suffer from runny and itching nose, sneezing, watery eyes. It all disappeared, but you do have to eat them daily. Oh by the way I buy the frozen kind.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Selena (Chula, GA) on 04/29/2009

A lot of people are allergic to dairy. Because the milk has been pasteurized, all or most of the enzymes have been destroyed. This causes incomplete digestion of the milk protein. The body reacts to this when it enters the bloodstream. This is what causes the allergic response. Either avoid dairy or find an unpasteurized dairy source. Most food allergies are caused by this incomplete digestion problem, sometimes referred to as "leaky gut syndrome." Taking food enzymes with meals and incresing your intake of raw "enzyme rich" foods should help with your other allergies. I have found that locally produced honey helps tremendously with my pollen allergies. I buy mine from a person who lives within 30 miles of me.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Al (Pompano, FL) on 04/29/2009

Why is CALCIUM or MILK (DAIRY) bad for you?? I have allergies and I notice that every time i eat or drink DAIRY, my allergies start up.

Vaseline Coated Inside the Nose
Posted by Bob (Memphis, TN) on 03/21/2009

I heard about using vaseline to coat the inside of your nose many years ago and have been doing this for a really long time. I have never encountered any problems from it being a petroleum product. Although, in response to the original post, it has never made my allergies any better and I always get a cold or two per year. What it does for me is it keeps my nose from getting dried out and scabby which always really drove me crazy. Since I've been doing this I have never had any more problems. If on occasion I run out of the house and forget to use the vaseline my nose really bothers me the entire day. If you live in a dry climate it would probably work wonders. I live in the south where we have a lot of humidity but it works here as well. Hope this helps someone.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joshua (Lakeland, Fl) on 02/17/2009

I've had allergies since i was fairly young and at 25 had a sinus surgery which was an incredible relief (clearing polyps etc.) I could breath like a kid again. One year later pressure and symptoms returned to approximately the same level as before the surgery.. So I went on a vegan diet. i cute out all meat and dairy. And this has helped alot. I dont take any meds or shots any longer. I can breath clearly through my nose almost every day excepting the few days which i am getting a cold/allergy. After six months of this diet I havent had a cold that's lasted more than 2 days.

Posted by Stephanie (Charlotte, NC) on 02/05/2009

Probiotics works for allergies. I am a lot better now. This is what I do. I take 3 cloves of garlic a day- diced up and eaten on sprouted wheat toast with cream cheese. Yummy! Really! I take 1 Kyodophilus probiotic and 2 fish oil pills and drink a small glass of strawberry kefir. I drink a lot of water throughout the day with a little of the kefir mixed in to give it flavor and get more good bacteria because kefir is full of beneficial bacteria. This works for me and also my teenage son takes 2 kyodophilus + 2 fish oils + a little kefir everyday and he is doing great!!! YEAH! p.s. we really try to stay away from sugary starchy foods. Also, we have tried many kinds of probiotics, but this is the best we've ever tried.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Max (San Jose, Costa Rica) on 12/20/2008

I have faced chronic allergic rinitis since more than 50 years now. Nothing worked (including 3 operations and plenty money wasted on all kind of especialized doctors, until I gave up and learned to live with the problem. In yr site I found out abt H2O2. Curious enough decided to try my own drugstore formula reduced at 1% (2:1) in clear water. I started spraying twice every nostril, four times a day. At day #5 I started to shrow a mix o blood and yelloish mucus from my nose at morning time only (once). Quite an amount every day I must add. I was at first scared, yet decided to continue. It was the same cleaning routine (expelling out)for 7 days straight, then my nose came up with clean, clear mucus. No more yellowish or bloody outputs. I infer I have cleaed my sinuses completely from a fungus or bacteria that have been infecting me for decades. I have kept doing the spraying, but in leeseer frequency. I do carry my sprayer with me all day now and I think I will not stop from using it from here on. I beleive it will keep me from getting sick again, no more flu, virus, rinitis, etc. I wake up now breathing freely, something I never thought possible. My snoring have been reduced or eliminated, and the only mucus I have know is clear like water. Still must keep claning my nostrils several times a day, but not as before and its clear. I thing if doctors are keeping this simple solution from us, they are all crooks. And I know how much money I have expent on all kind of expensive treatments, Xrays, poisons, etc. If I am doing something that may harm me, please let me know, but so far so good. I will keep going.

PS/ You may edit my poor English if you want to publish my experience.
Max from Costa Rica

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Bridget (White Springs, FL) on 11/07/2008

Pure Black Seed Oil: I have suffered with allergies and asthma for years. It developed in my adult years. Have taken just about everything for both. They just seem to get worse and the meds work less and less. I tried this out of desperation. Guess what.... I don't take any meds for allergies or asthma anymore. Haven't had to in over 6 months. It is good for several things. It's an ancient remedy from Egypt. The liquid taste horrible. Get the black seed oil soft gels so you don't have to put up with the taste.

Posted by Amanda Rene (Anderson, California, USA) on 10/17/2008

Try using local honey to alleviate allergy symptoms. Look for it at health food stores or your local Farmers' Market. This saved me from terrible eye pain caused by my allergies. From what I understand, using the honey is kind of like having a vaccination. Local honey works for allergy symptoms because it is made using the same plants you are having an allergic reaction to. Include a tablespoon of local honey in a cup of hot tea two or three times a day to begin with. When your symptoms are alleviated, maintain with one dose daily.

Bee Pollen
Posted by Randyl (Richmond, VA) on 10/14/2008

Local bee pollen for allergy symptoms

I am extremely lucky to know a bee keeper who suffers as I do from allergies. It comes loose, rather than in capsules, and is from bees about 45 minutes from my home. Local pollen is very important to me.

While symptomatic, I use 1/2 tsp. in oatmeal or in an all-fruit smoothie daily. Otherwise, take 1/2 - 1 tsp every 2-3 days. Once I began two years ago, I have not had a single sinus headache or post nasal drip. The first time I tried it, I used a little more because I'd been ill for almost a month. The wad of phlegm that sat in my throat was gone overnight after taking my first 1 Tbl dose in a smoothie. After 3 days of taking 1 tsp daily, all symptoms were gone.

Neti Pot
Posted by Marty (Nashville, Tennessee) on 10/11/2008

I have had seasonal outdoor allergies for most of my life due to living in Tennessee, which is known for high pollen counts. I have been able to manage this with over-the-counter medication until this past spring. I got deathly sick after painting a few rooms, pulling up old carpet, sanding some hardwood floors, and then trimming shrubs when the pollen count was high here. I've never had to seek medical attention until this event. I had all of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but was coughing my head off to the point of urinating on myself. The mucus was so bad that I was throwing up. With no health insurance or physician, I opted to go to a clinic inside Walgreens. I was placed on a Prednisone Dosepak and an Albuterol inhaler, and was told I had asthma due to allergies. After I took the prescription, I had one good month and then the symptoms returned. I went back to the clinic, and was given the same medication, but was also told to go to the emergency room because I was wheezing in all lobes of my lungs. With no insurance, I opted not to do this. I took the steroids again, but the symptoms came back. I was told I couldn't return to the clinic because asthma was out of their realm. I've been sick for over 5 months. The coughing has been so bad that my ribs feel broken.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. I purchased a Neti Pot (Sinu Cleanse) after seeing it demonstrated on Oprah. I highly recommend this to all! After a few days, it helped with breathing and sinus headache. I'm still doing this 3 times per day. I also found this website, and began the organic apple cider vinegar "cocktail." I use _____'s, and have decided two tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 tsp. baking soda, and one tablespoon of raw honey in 6 ounces of water (3 times daily) works best for me. I heat this in the microwave for 40 seconds to melt the honey. I do this for 6 days on and one day off. I also eat a cracker with no salt on it while drinking this to help offset the taste. I'm on my 3rd week with the ACV, and I feel so much better. For someone who felt on the brink of death and that an ER hospital visit was next, I'm amazed at the results. I'm slowly weaning myself off of the inhaler, but still need it. I'm also taking Mucinex and Zyrtec with the hope of getting rid of it too. I highly validate this ACV remedy to allergy and asthma folks! I will keep it up as a maintenance regimen with hopes I don't get this bad again!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Michael (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/19/2008

Oil-Pulling (remedy) for allergies (ailment):

I started oil-pulling with Sesame oil about 3 months ago. It took a little while to get used to 1 whole Tablespoon of oil for 15-20 minutes, but I just did my normal morning routine while oil-pulling. I have not had to take any prescription allergy medications that I usually took at least a few times per month or when pollen counts were very high in my area. I oil-pull every morning when I wake up without fail and find that I have increased energy and no allergies.

Posted by Angela (Tonasket, WA.) on 08/13/2008

NAET (allergy elimination technique):

My family has been treated of one food intolerance disease, EE, by this treatement called NAET. It is the only known permenant treatment for allergies or intolerances. . .which is just a really severe allergy. My chiropractor does the treatment, and some acupuncturists and acupressurists also do it. I am not yet aware of any celiacs that have been cured, but my chiropractor tells me there is no reason why they couldn't be. It's a simple and painless proceedure that they can do to even a baby. (They did it to my 6 mo. old.) It's usually under $50.00 and can be done in only one session, but you may find them so helpful for that, you go back for other allergies you were only slightly troubled with. I feel our daughters' life was saved by this treatment, and I've talked to others who've said the same. Look up a practitioner in your area if you can, but it is still relatively new, so you may have to travel a bit to find one.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jason H. (Phoenix, AZ) on 07/10/2008

About 2 weeks ago, I came down with some nasty allergies where my eyes were itching, watering, swelling, and just driving my crazy. My nose was also very runny. I take Oil of Oregano and Apple Cider Vinegar every day, but read about taking the Oil of Oregano sublingually. I started doing that twice day putting 3 drops under my tongue and holding it there for 60 seconds, then swallow with juice or water. Big difference! The allergies decreased by 80% within a couple hours. This stuff is awesome!

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