Please note: spraying HP in nostrils is really irritating. But spraying it insides of the mouth/ under the tongue, can literally stop and allergy attack. ( It has at least in my case). With allergy symptoms under control, I feel I have more energy and need less sleep, get less tired. Apart from spraying, I am also taking like 2 drops of 35% HP in a glass of water in the morning. I really wanna kill all the bugs out there. I am really impressed... thankyou.
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Multiple Remedies
step 1. take hot water mixed with salt, baking soda, lemon juice gargle, clean, wash your toungue, throat, upper part of inside of your mouth, it will make you want to throw up almost, eyes will be so red, but you feel relieved so much, this is cleansing the mouth.
Step 2. put some oil inside your both nostrils almond oil or may be olive oil (we in Southern India use coconut oil) you have to use your fingers as much deep you can reach to do this, then take hot water in a plastic mug which is pointed on one side (or if you can find NETI POT wich is shaped like Alladin's lamp use it) put the hot water inside of one nostril after another tilting your head and drain it out, you will find all the dirt - mucus come out at once, (some water may come into your mouth or through another nose), this you can do two times a day, this is keeping your drainage clean. you will find great relief in your head, eyes, even in shoulders, if the allergy cold is so severe.
Step 3. Take hot boiling steaming water into a wide mouthed vessel, add Vicks or drops of eucalyptus oil (Nilgiri oil) into it, bend your face into it, cover your head surrounding the vessel with a thick towel, inhale the steam as much heat you can take, your forehead, eyes, ear start to feel so much better, this is steam therapy.
I had been to a doctor, who is not able to diagnose my allergy sinus cold properly, instead when he is asking me questions like 'are you feeling depressed' I felt he needs to be sent to a therapy session on how to treat his patients well and listen carefully what they say.
Oil Pulling
Oil Pulling
The Painkiller Link
Vitamin E