Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

Posted by Tim (Berkeley, CA) on 07/07/2008

I have had seasonal allergies for the past 6-7 years. Earlier this year I read about how MSM can alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, so I decided to give it a try. The allergy season was just starting and I could feel my eyes getting a bit itchy. I started taking 1000 mg of MSM and within 1 hour I was feeling better. It works as well as any OTC allergy medicine with out the negative health effects. As a matter of fact it is supposed to have beneficial health effects. I now take 1000 mg of MSM twice per day and have not had any more symptoms of allergies. I love this stuff.

Baking Soda
Posted by Olkeriil (Portland, Maine, U.S.A.) on 06/12/2008

Allergy, I have a worst allergy problem than most people. But about 3 weeks ago I started to use baking soda to rinse my sinuses. I have no problem now and that is why I share this with your readers. Thanks, Olkeriil

Bee Pollen
Posted by Linds (Columbus, Ohio) on 06/11/2008

Bee pollen works by desensitizing your body to the pollen that travels through the air and causes your body to react. With small daily doses, your body builds up its defenses to fight off the allergens and avoid reaction in the future. Buy local if possible so it helps you build resistance against daily allergens.

Vitamin C
Posted by WT (Spartanburg, SC) on 05/29/2008

Vitamin C for Insect Bites and Allergies: I had a spider bite once that swelled on my forearm like a half-egg under the skin. I took 3-4G of ascorbic acid, the cheap Vitamin C from Sams club, about once every hour and a half or so. By dark the swelling was down to maybe 10%. I continued overnight and all day the next day. During that time, while in the yard working, I felt something on my arm. I looked down to see a "fireant" biting feverishly the back of my hand. I assumed there must be something wrong with him as I didn't feel any burning. Another one bit me later with the same results. I only noticed a feeling like something was crawling on me. The wounds never swelled, turned red or itched! It must have been the massive doses of C circulating in my blood.

I estimated I consumed about 40 grams of C over a 24hr period. Normally that much C will give you severe diarrhea and gas! I had neither.

I also take it for severe allergy flareups with great and quick relief, though only last for 2-4 hours, depending on the intensity of the allergen.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne
Posted by Jodie (Oak Park, IL) on 05/23/2008

My allergies were the worst ever this spring so after reading about cures on your website I decided to try ACV and cayenne. Not only did it eliminate my allergy symptoms, but the unexpected side benefits are great! My chronically runny nose -gone, constant throat clearing -gone, red rimmed eyes -gone, HOT FLASHES - GONE!My complexion is clearer and I have more energy. This is unbelievable. I use generic ACV and don't feel the need to switch to unfiltered.

Posted by Heather (Ashville, NC) on 02/22/2007

It was recently suggested to me that I try the "Honey Therapy" for my severe allergies. Honey therapy being- RAW honey that is made locally with local bees. That being bees that take pollen from the same sources that I am apprently allergic too. I started this and two days later noticed a difference. While getting a SEVERE allergy attack, the same person suggested adding ACV apple cider vinegar to the honey. I mixed 3 oz. acv and 3 oz raw honey. Hard to drink, but then realized adding a bit of spring water helped the taste. I instaly got relief from my allergy symptoms, it lasts aobut 12 hours and then I repeat. Only drinking about 3 oz of the mix at a time. I am going to continue with this therapy and try some of the ACV/Honey/Baking soda mixtures for my acne and see how they work. I will repost to let everybody know how that and the acv/honey taken internally is working. Good luck to everybody. Am now a FIRM believer that God gave us what we need to cure what ailes us.

Vaseline Coated Inside the Nose
Posted by Nytrini (Austin, TX)

I have been having seasonal allergies ever since during spring and fall. I would get runny nose, itchy & watery and swollen eyes. Sometimes I would have to blow my nose a dozen times in 1/2 hr after i wakes up. After researching for a long time i concluded you must pevent the allergens from eaching your bloodstream. You cannot cover your nose but i had another idea. You can coat the inside of the nose with Vaseline. I have been doing this for about a month, morning and night and haven't had to blow my nose not more than twice since then. No itchy, watery or swollen eyes. I was surprised it works. It even prevents sneezing and the common cold. I used to take Claritin but haven't taken any since then.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
Posted by Margie (Upper Marlboro, Maryland) on 04/03/2007

I have had allergies for years. I developed allergies at the age of 28 and had suffered with them for a long time. Two years ago I brought a book called alterna-tive cures that I have been using for two years now to solve a few of my ailments. In reading the book for allergies NAC (n-acetylcysteine) was suggested for allergies. And it works, because right now the trees are blossoming and flowers as well and this is generally the worst time of year for me, because I suffer with allergies something awful. I have not had a problem with itchy eyes, sneezing, sore scratchy throat and tickling of the throat. I use the recommended dosage that is suggested in the book, but I can't remember what it is. Again, I have been using NAC two years and it has worked well for me.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Vil (Wheaton MD) on 07/02/2006

Thanks for your website. I had suffered from a stuffed up nose and frequent sinus infections for the last 15 yrs. Tried all kinds of meds, but one of them actually caused liver problems. A friend gave me the phone # of a doctor who treats patients naturally and I visited him. It's amazing what cutting out dairy has meant for my life: no chronic headaches or stomach aches any more, and most of my allergies have cleared up (mold is still a problem). For those people who aren't completely helped by dairy elimination, try identifying other foods; for me, avoiding yeast was the final piece in the puzzle. But when I give in to temptation, the ACV really helps, esp. the vapors!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Frank (Brooklyn, NY) on 09/01/2005

I found that cutting down on sugar and soda intake can eliminate allergies. I used to be unable to open my eyes at pollen season. Now that I'm not a soda addict for years I've been allergy free. I recently started to drink soda again and the allergies came storming back. Why is this relation so?

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Ricardo (Palm Coast)

I started to suffer from allergies about 7 years ago. I took over the counter medication to help me with the allergies. Chlorotabs was the only medication to help throughout allergy season. Last year in November I did a colon cleansing using physillum husk for 3 months. I did not know or was it mention in the books I read that the colon cleansing would get rid of my allergies. This was the first year that I did not use any allergy pills because I no longer suffer from allergies.

Posted by Racheal (Irvine, CA) on 07/02/2007

Honey has healing properties. Using local honey from where you live should relieve your allergies. I live in a polluted place and recently tried the local farm honey. To my surprise, I have stopped coughing and my sinus has been healed. I can breathe better. In addition, dates and walnuts are a better source of fiber and iron.

Posted by Sheilagh (Austin, TX) on 09/06/2007

I take issue with the requirement for using local honey. My mom found the Dr. Jarvis folk medicine suggestion of taking honey to alleviate sniffles. Works great! To test this, mom & dad brought me honey from Spain. *SAME* wonderful effect. It isn't the local part of the honey that works, it's the *honey* part, irrespective of origin!

Yerba Mate Tea
Posted by Kathy (Frederick, Maryland) on 08/01/2007

I have had chronic seasonal allergies all of my life. I've tried everything from weekly shots to popular prescription medications. Granted, shots work over time but were costly, painful and inconvenient.

I started drinking two cups of yerba mate tea sweetened with stevia twice a day during the spring when my allergies are near their worst. After three days, my allergies were all but gone. Prior to this, I was practically bed-ridden with swollen itchy eyes, fatigue and congestion.

I was able to decrease the dosage to just one cup a day after a month. I drink it every morning, even during the winter months. I am able to go outside and mow the lawn now without getting sick for two days! If I do get a huge dose of allergens for whatever reason, I just simply drink an extra cup and the symptoms dissipate within fifteen mins or so.

I got my sister to try and she is also pleasantly surprised. She can't even sit in grass without breaking out in hives so I can only imagine how her lungs reacte to allergens. She is 90% off of her prescription meds. She still takes one if her breathing becomes too labored from her reactions.

I highly recommend this tea to anyone who has suffered from seasonal allergies. I almost forget that it's allergy season when it comes around, that is until I see people suffering all around me and realize that I'm finally not one of them!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Sandhi (USA) on 09/19/2007

To Ted: My Ragweed Allergy can get pretty ugly. completely stuffed up nose at night, post nasal drip, scratchy throat, uncontrolled sneezing and general feeling of being run down. H2O2 was giving me bloating, when drinking it in water. This time I bought a nasal pump. Put 3% HP (h2o2) in it, and pumped it in my mouth. To my surprise, the post nasal drip stopped almost immediately and the sneezing stopped. I carried my nasal pump to work, and did the same, as soon as I found, a big sneeze is on its way. And it worked almost every time. So the oxidative therapy of HP is working far better than all the Vitamin C, Vitamin E, NAC, Zinc, b-complex I was taking in hopes of combating the allergies. I am really thankful to you, cause had you not written posiitve things abt HP, I would have had no courage to try HP. You motivated me. Although I tried Bill Munro's method and I am also going to thank him personally.

Please note: spraying HP in nostrils is really irritating. But spraying it insides of the mouth/ under the tongue, can literally stop and allergy attack. ( It has at least in my case). With allergy symptoms under control, I feel I have more energy and need less sleep, get less tired. Apart from spraying, I am also taking like 2 drops of 35% HP in a glass of water in the morning. I really wanna kill all the bugs out there. I am really impressed... thankyou.

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