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(Denver, Colorado)
Tina: A while back a lady complained of the same problem and got immediate relief douching with raw honey. Maybe the infection is in the digestive tract and keeps coming back. For that make home brewed water kefir. Drink some and douche with some. I take a gallon per day. Make green smoothies from organic baby leaves and watch raw food videos.
(Los Angeles Ca)
(Denver, Colorado)
Tina: She put raw honey up there at bedtime and left it there overnight. She got relief untill 4 a.m. The infection came back not as much as before. Get the water kefir grains and info on line. Watch how to make water kefir in two minutes or less video. There are two kinds, fully awake, and dormant. The dormant ones take 3 to 4 days to awaken. Taste the water periodically. The water changes from sour to tart. When tart they are fully awake. Use 4 oz. from previous batch to make next batch. You can see bubbles rising to the surface. Put 30g sprouted flour and 30g organic whole cane sugar in 1 quart spring water. Let brew at room temp away from direct sunlight. Do not use any metal. I let mine brew from 12 to 24 hours before it gets too tart. I make 1 gallon per day.
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Tina...You mustn't give up!! You definitely have options.
The mistake that many women make is to believe that they can get rid of their serious bacterial vaginosis(BV) or vaginitis issues using just topical meds. If you research bacterial vaginosis, as I have done, you will see that BV is almost always assciated with candida problems in women. Furthermore, your problem seems to confirm that your BV is a symptom of an internal systemic candida infection because, no matter what regular meds or remedies you have tried topically, you cannot get rid of it.
Your ongoing problems and attending confusion will also further be increased and compounded because doctors -- the so called experts -- are not really very good at diagnosing candida. So it is more than possible that your candida problem has gone entirely unrecognized. My simple advice to you is to go to a competent naturopath with a good rep and get a second opinion. Naturopaths and alternative healers are much more compassionate and adept at both diagnosing and treating serious BV/candida problems.
Dr Orian Truss was a candida expert who wrote the first definitive book on candida called The Missing Diagnosis in the 1980s, who also recognized that the majority of doctors were fairly incompetent at both diagnosing and treating candida. Here's a quote from his book:
“The most common manifestations [of candida], in addition to anxiety and inappropriate depression, may include: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, vaginitis (aggravated by antibiotics and birth control pills), urethritis, cystitis and other skin problems (acne, hives, diaper rash, oral thrush, athlete's foot, jock itch, nail infections), chronic fatigue, chemical intolerance to food and inhaled chemicals, headaches (migraine and sinus), nasal, sinus, and bronchial allergies, menstrual disorders, decreased libido and impotence, premenstrual tension, and impairment of short term memory and concentration as well."
Therefore it should now have become apparent to you that vaginitis or BV is often associated with serious candida issues, to the extent that BV should, in many cases, be regarded as a candida symptom.
So your greater, unrecognized but ongoing problem is probably systemic(not uterine) candida. What you should therefore do is make up your own mind about this, one way or another, and then act on your own decisions and instincts.
Here is a link to an anti-candida protocol on EC that I've been using with some success. The Anti-Candida Protocol.
Multiple Remedies
The treatment course that I have found works best for me, without having to go to the GYN & taking meds that have side effects is:
First: do not have sex-if you suspect BV and or while treating, it will only take longer to get it cleared up and you could be passing it to your partner-which means, he's just giving it back to you! Watch what you eat! Sugar is terrible for bringing this on, as well as breads & cheeses. Drink plenty of water, take vitamins, like acidodipilus, multi emzymines, vitamins A, B-100/150, C, D, E, COq10, eat yogurt with live cultures(greek) and get the proper amount of rest.
At first onset of the symptoms-ie> the dryish goo/brownish paste, possible no smell, very little smell or slight stinch to foul smell, for some a fish(especially after sex) or bready smell (mine comes after my period, so it seems like a continued period but its not) start the course of inserting "BORIC ACID" immediatly (yes thats "roach away" powder-can be purchased very cheap & goes along way-plus can be used in the household for pest) capsules (get the gelatin capsules from a vitamin store or a medical supply store or possibly from a pharmacy), do this twice a day for at least 5 to 7 days (if really bad up to 10 days). You will want to wear a pad and it is normal to wipe & it be gritty/thats the crystals in the boric coming out, thats what is breaking down the bateria & getting it out of there!
Optional: not neccessary everytime but I've also used the "medicated douche" once in that course (use it at the end of the course of treatment to flush out the rest of the bacteria) but don't over douche-can make things worse.
If you find itching included, you can also add in the course of treatment, insert a capsule of tea tree oil/vitamin E oil (note: put the tea tree oil in the small portion of the capsule & the vitamin E oil in the bigger part) you will want to insert it as far as you can & recline or lay flat for about 15 mins at least, so it don't just run out right away, it will relieve the itching, for some, it might burn/sting for a second, if you've been scratching and have broken the skin but for the most part it is a cooling/methol relieving sesation and both have skin healing properties and are antispetics, which help heal the skin irratations & kill bateria.
How I came about this treatment course: I have had BV off & on now since 2009, I was sexually assaulted and contracted this horrible afflection-I took the medications to only have it come back & it gets expensive having to see a GYN but with this method of treatment, it is getting better & less prominent each time I have it, its inexpensive & best of all-natural without side effects of harmful chemical drugs and the change in diet helps. I also have an unknown auto immune disorder, that makes me more subseptical to these type problems, make life changes & take natural approaches to allow your body to heal itself, take care & God Bless you all!
Multiple Remedies
In the morning I douched with half hydrogen peroxide half water. I take 14 billion acidophilus pills, a probiotic for womens health down there, B, 3000 IU of vitamin D3, 500 mg vitamin c and 800 mg folic acid.
At night, I douched with apple cider vinegar half and half, 14 billion more acidophilus( make sure they are the refrigerated kind) a multi vitamin with 2000 IU vitamin D3, 400 mg folic acid and another vitamin c. I also opened about 4 acidophilus capsules and added water to make a small ball and inserted in into my vajay. On day 4 I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend but he pulled out. Semen is the enemy! So far no symptoms and it has been a week. I plan on continuing the vitamins and probiotics. Ladies, google it vitamin D3 and folic acid deficient are linked to BV.
Multiple Remedies
Things you will need:
Probiotic plain yogurt, rubber exam gloves (powder free), a clove of garlic (peeled and with a string sewn through like a tampon), hydrogen peroxide (HP), 2 non-stick guaze pads (3"x3"), tea tree oil.
I've been itching and burning terribly to the point where it keeps me up at night. Today I took some plain yogurt with live cultures and filled the fingers of powder free disposable rubber exam gloves half way. I tied the fingers off and froze them. Once frozen, they resemble the Monistat "ovules" or eggs. Then I did the following:
Took non-stick guaze pads (the kind that are shiny) and soaked it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The mix depends on what you can stand, I did 1/3 HP and 2/3 water. I cleaned really well with this. Toss the guaze.
Next I took my frozen yogurt eggs I made and cut off the rubber. I stuck it up my vagina as far as it would go. I followed this with the clove of garlic. Depending on how severe your infection is you should pierce a few slits in the garlic with your finger nail. I just slice off the sides since the inside is what fights infection, it may burn some people to slice it but the cold yogurt will soothe it. Then I soaked another non-stick guaze with the HP solution and added about 5 drops of Tea Tree oil directly on the pad. I folded this pad within the folds of my skin directly over my crotch. Put on cotton panties.
The relief is INSTANT! The tea tree may sting a bit at first since your skin may be raw, I've never experienced this but some may. Anyway, this has worked for me before and seems to be working right now. Hope this helps.
P.S. You may be able to taste the garlic in your mouth. If this bothers you, then just keep the garlic for night time use. I repeat the treatment every 12 hours using the string to pull out the old clove.
(Golden , Co/usa)
Not sure if you have tried this yet , but I have had great success at first sign of the itchy misrable yeast beast. If you use cold processed coconut oil and Vit E capsule. Just insert both and repeat 2-3 times a day. You can not believe how well this works. Minus all the pain and burning of things like Apple Cider Vinegar or tea tree oil. Plus it doesnt seem to mess up the balance ;-). Hopefully this can help someone. I also read about adding a vit B-6 capsule I think but the coconut oil alone is usually all that is needed.
Multiple Remedies
(Harlingen, Texas)
(Sl, H, Kuwait)
(Cincinnati, Oh)
For BV, I have heard of good results with apple cider vinegar(AVC). Both drinking and douching. Look at the responses here
Drinking 1-2 tablespoons of AVC in a glass of water daily has helped me with a few different issues. Read about all of the different issues with which people have been helped by drinking AVC.
(Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Hi I'm 33 I started getting bv around 22 after my son was born. I remember my mom suffers from this I used to comment to her after I would use the restroom right that it smelt funny she would get upset and say that's how we are supposed to smell. Ugh no I don't believe so. So after my first experience of being able to smell myself I went to the doctor he said it's bv. I told my grandma. She immediately said I had Trich, a std. Wrong person to tell besides my mother she was raised in the (50's) this is an era where they used Lysol to douche. Anyway I use the antibotic given which last me about 6 months. But I'm sexually active with my boyfriend of 8 year's now he comments now and then but not in mean way just he doesn't prefer oral as much. Yeah thanks BV!! So I found you all in hopes of curing my horrible embarassing bv. So here goes.
(Georgetown, Texas)
I'm sorry for all your pain and suffering you've gone through. I agree with your last statement and I will pray and believe for God to heal and deliver you of all oppession related to this problem. Nothing is impossible with God. In Jeremiah 30:17 it says God restores health to your body and heals all your wounds. I've seen God perform many miracles in impossible situations, and I will pray in faith that he will heal you completely. You have a future and a hope.
Multiple Remedies
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Barbara... You are not alone in your frustrations concerning a cure for BV. I have read many similar posts like yours on other blogs. It's also well known that BV is just one of the diseases that is strongly linked to candida as a co-infection -- which is really the problem you have. So if you don't attempt to cure your internal candida problem -- you will have great difficulty curing your longstanding BV problem.
I'm writing a book on candida at the moment where I will try to empty my head -- put down all I know -- about candida. I've just completed a section in the book called "Nothing I do ever Cures My Candida!! ". The purpose of this section is to both dispel certain prevalent myths about candida and also to highlight necessary key points for a successful treatment strategy for this disease. Here is the short sectionv whch I hope will be enlightening for candida sufferers who are unable to cure there candida problem:
* Use of Antibiotics against candida or any disease will only ever tend to cause dysbiosis and aid the rapid spread of candida to make your problem much worse. See The Antibiotic Syndrome. Antibiotics use is one of the top causative reasons for candida infection, spread, persistence and virulence. Don't use antibiotics!!
*"Candida is just a yeast."Well, not strictly true -- it is a half truth at best. Candida is well known to be dimorphic -- it can exist in two different states as two different organisms with completely differing structural, locational, functional and behavioural characteristics. The yeast form is a saprophyte that only feeds off dead organic matter so, consequently, this form resides mainly in intestines of the host. The fungal or mycelial form is a true parasite that feeds more directly off the host itself, with completely differing feeding habits where it also can live and grow in any internal region of the body -- including the blood, tissues and organs(including the brain) of the body.
*"No matter what I try topically to cure my own localized uterine candida problem -- it always comes back again".I have read this so many times in health blogs!! This again is completely bad thinking and a bad cure strategy that completely forgets or ignores the fact that candida is a dimorphic organism. So if topical remedies for uterine candida or fungal skin problems or fungal sinus problems or localized ENMT candida problems dont work, thenisn't it reasonable to conclude that the localized candida problems(that keep returning) may more realistically be caused by the disseminated or fungal form inside your body and that these localized expressions of candida are merely direct symptoms of a deeper, internal and body-wide candida infection? So the topical, localized cure strategy will never work.
* "All I have to do is just cure my candida, right?". This is also a bad strategy and bad thinking . There are two entirely different dimorphic forms of candida -- the yeast and fungal form -- that happily coexist which have completely different locational, structural and behavioural characteristics. It's relatively easy to get rid of just the yeast form(for a while) in the intestines -- but very difficult indeed to get rid of the fungal or systemic form because this form infects everywhere in the body -- blood, organs and tissues.
* Relatively new research has also revealed that mixed-species pathogens -- including bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma etc -- also have the abilty to reside, share and hide in candida biofilms. This surprising but important fact therefore greatly increases the ability of both candida and the other involved pathogens to resist and survive anti-fungals and anti-microbials, which greatly inhibits their riddance and any eventual cure.
* A Long Term Bad Diet. Like it or not, when people ask the inevitable question on why or how they got candida in the first place -- and they can't get rid of it -- the answer and one of the greatest and most relevant reasons has to be because of the poor food and diet which that person has been eating for the last few decades.
Hopefully, the above will help candida sufferers to understand why topical remedies (using suppositories etc) for your BV aren't working -- the reason is because you probably have an internal fungal candida problem where the BV is perhaps just a systemic symptom of your internal candida problem. So to cure this problem you must therefore take steps to cure your candida as well as the BV (without antibiotics!! ). The anti-candida protocol shown here (lower down in the post stream) is designed to get rid of candida and many of the bacterial and viral associations of this disease.
To further check and confirm whether you have candida there are three things you can do:
* Candida Spit Test (Google it)
* Check If you have a white tongue -- this shows the presence of candida in your gut.
* Take William Crooks Candida Questionnaire on-line. This is fairly accurate at determining whether you have candida or not.
(Fairfax, Va/usa)
(New York, NY)
(Manila, Manila, Philippines)
Wow your story was very funny but very sad at the same time. You may be vitamin D dufficient . Have you also tried the Goldenseal root capsules. Insert 1 at night vaginally? Take High Potency Vitamin D3. Drink lots of Alkaline or PH Water with Lemon. Stay away from Sugar including sodas helps a lot as well
Multiple Remedies
My BV infection was mild, but I'll share what worked for me..
Empty and rinse a disposible douche. Add 1 drop of Tea Tree oil, 1/2 of the contents of a garlic capsule, and 1 TBSP. Of 3% hydrogen peroxide - found in the first aid section of the store. Fill with warm water and douche in the morning.
At night take the contents of 1 probiotic capsule and add 1-2 drops of water to make a paste. Instert the paste with your finger before bed. It is not necessary to get it all in there.
Repeat these steps for 5 -7 days depending on how severe the infection is.
The Tea Tree oil and garlic kill the bad bacteria, the hydrogen peroxide balances your ph levels, and the probiotic feeds the good bacteria.
The douche can be used as a maintenance measure and I do it once every 3 months when I change my femring. If you are still getting your periods you may want to do it after your cycle ends.
BV free for over a year! Good Luck to all.
Multiple Remedies
Take 400-800 mg of Folic Acid a day in two doses
Use orally for the active ingredients Fhamnosus GR-1 and Reuteri RC -14.
It also advises the usual things like getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress, eating whole foods and omega 3s, exercising, and taking vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. It says to avoid Iron supplements, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats. Good luck!!
Multiple Remedies
Then 4 months after my IUD removal I found out I had not only BV but also HSV-2 (genital herpes); my husband doesn't have it; I had contracted it from one of my past partners which I beat myself up about for some time. We are both faithful to each other and him seeing me like this made him start researching with me supplements and home remedies I could start using that would help me with outbreaks because the prescriptions were not working at all. He also started to wash himself with hypoallergenic soap before we would have sex and got a prescription of Tinidazole just in case he had BV and was re-infecting me.
Another of my solutions was holistic counseling; for me and my husband but it was more for me because my level of stress and it really helped me in taking back control over my life. I also workout more, at least 2 times a week but aim for 3.
As for supplements, which have been just as beneficial as counseling and exercise, I found on several forums for herpes that people were using Super Lysine for their outbreaks and it was working better than the prescription pills. I started taking Super Lysine, the ___ Women's Energy Multivitamin, and an extra 1000mg of B-12 every day and have not suffered from BV or another Herpes outbreak for the past 8 months. This has been a major improvement for me because I was having outbreaks sometimes twice a month and it would always be before my menstrual cycle. You can buy Super Lysine online or I have found it in Whole Foods and Wegmans, but if you can't find it buy 1000 mg L-Lysine separate with Echinacea-Golden Seal Complex; this mix works just the same as the Super Lysine. When I first started taking Super Lysine I would take the recommended dose of 1500mg (3pill/day) and add in another 2000mg of L-Lysine a day; the extra Lysine was for the herpes.
Recently my sister was suffering from an intense BV outbreak and I had her take 1000 mg of L-Lysine once that morning and then for lunch and by the afternoon she was feeling back to her normal self except for it making her go to the bathroom. She doesn't have more than one bowel movent a day if that, so she felt like the Lysine gave her the runs but it was really cleaning the toxins out of her body. Please go research Lysine for yourself you will be happy with what you find out about it!
I have tried almost every remedy on this website, food grade H2O2 with liquid Acidophilus works for a while but when I would run out my BV would come back immediately, so I now only drink liquid Acidophilus for helping me with digestion issues and when I have acid reflux. I had been trying so many different supplements and remedies for s few months that I ended up throwing away several products that I did not see results with after a month of using them. I also stopped eating meat; I consume fish and daily.
Lastly if my solutions do not help you or if you have found something else that provides you some relief, keep searching and trying to find what works the best for you. There is a solution to here just like with all our problems; and please stop stressing it will not only cause you to keep having BV but it will cause you to lose control of what's most important, and that is yourself!
(Memphis, Tn, Usa)
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Multiple Remedies
I am now on day 3 of the H202 and water douche combo, alongside taking Acidophilus, Folic Acid, Vitamins B6/12, and Vitamin D3. Things seem to be working. For the first time of not having to take the embarrassing prescription from my GP, the smell is gone. But I'm having one question...
Im currently on Nuvaring. I have not taken it out when doing the douches. Does anyone know if the Hydrogen Peroxide will damage the Nuvaring. And will it lesson the Pregnance protection (less effective)? Has anyone ever had this question or shares in the same experience with the Nuvaring?
Thank you for saving my sanity! Kate
Multiple Remedies
I have been w/o pantyliners and my underwear has remained dry from discharge (I still experience discharge as far as seeing it with my handheld mirror, but the feeling of it coming down I dont experience it at the momemt (knock on wood literally and figuratively speaking).
my first regime of just 2 probiotics 2 vitamins in the day and one/one at night and h202 vagina flushes didnt yield results like the above. I really hope that my take on things helps someone because this BV thing has plagued me since 13. The first antibotic treatment helped (early 2000s I was happy, but it came back) thought I was doomed. Next treatment feb 2011 (while pregnant nothing) last doctor I mentioned it to said it was in my head (I could have slapped her. Im just glad that I can read and was able to find Earthclinic and other little blogs that shared their insight
Multiple Remedies
1. PROBIOTIC ACIDOPHILUS (digestive health) 2 billion active cultures
2. PROBIOTIC MULTI-ENZYME DIGESTIVE FORMULA (containing active acidophilus cultures) 1 billion active Lactobacillus acidophilus organisms - bascially same as above, I don't know why I got 2, but right now I just want to get rid of it ASAP because its so emabarassing going to the restroom and people can smell you (I don't know if they can, but if I can smell myself, pretty sure someone next stall can also).
3. PRO-B by RepHresh (probiotic feminine supplement - balances yeast and bacteria to maintain feminine health) I don't know what this one was, I am just trying all for now.
4. LAST BUT NOT LEAST = HOMEOPATHIC BV TREATMENT AND CAPSULES by VH essentials. I got this one at Walmart, well I got all of them at Walmart. One of them is the treatment, you insert a tablet in your vagina, and the other one is a 60 day capsule that you take regularly to reduce recurring symptoms of BV.
Has anyone tried the HOMEOPATHIC BV TREATMENT?
I will update you girls on my HOMEOPATHIC BV TREATMENT - I think I like this one because of the title hehe :)
(Richmond, Va)
I think I have finally found it! It has been two weeks and I have never felt this relief from BV. I have had the toughest battle with BV for about 12- 13 years. I have been lurking on this cite and many others for different natural remedies since my attempts with prescriptions have failed.
I realized the "strain" of bacteria I was probably fighting probably was a staph or strep type because I also had bad boils on my face and my gentile area once a month. I think that its best to attack BV right after the vagina has been flushed out naturally and during the period where your vagina is at its most vulurable point. During that time of the month a Vaginia's ph can be as high as a 7.4. My aim was to bring it down before the bad bacteria can set in and thrive.
The day after my period :
I did a colon cleanse via hydrocolonic therapy and a liver and kidney cleanse via herbal tea.
Every day I drunk cranberry juice AND acai/berry juice ( 100% no sugar added) and water
Every day for 7 days I vaginally inserted ( at night) and also took orally ( in the morning) a probiotic with prebiotic fibers from Prob**lac ( a new probiotic I just picked up from Walmart for $20). It contains Bifidum, longum, acidophilus, bulgaricus, casei, rhamnosus and Streptococus thermphilus.
Even after doing a hydroperoxide or ACV rinse, I have never felt this healthy and fresh (not just smell, but overall appearance of discharge). There is not wetness and when I sweat, I don't have that famous onion smell from bacteria. I have a normal vagina if that makes since.
I will start tapering off this routine little by little and let you all know how things are going.
Multiple Remedies