Multiple Remedies
There is a dosage recommendation via a midwife farther down in this boric acid thread that is consistent with recommendations I have read by 'BV specialists' - Ask the pharmacist at a drug store for boric acid powder and self-fill veggie or gelatin capsules. Only fill the larger side of the capsule for 600 mg & cap with small side. Google for specifics, it's easy.
We are all different so it may take some time to figure out which products you need to use and realizing not all products are equal or that not all probiotics have the same strains. It can get expensive but I tried a few probiotics until I could tell/feel it was working. Find what works for you.
I felt like my BV was close to stable for the last month by using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, FOLIC ACID, ACIDOPHILUS until I added Boric Acid to my mix because of an itchy yeast infection. Adding in the BA was like an ahhhh FINALLY! A DIFFERENCE!!! It sounds weird but it's like I feel differently throughout my body. I actually feel HAPPY and not depressed. I feel like my whole vagina region is clean, fresh and will remain so because I have the right defenses.
Multiple Remedies
At the beginning of the year I got serious about beating this BV, I was super depressed AND I felt miserable with itching, burning and internal PAIN. I started a 10 day treatment & added a multivitamin with folic acid and a good probiotic with acidophilus both orally and vaginally, daily. I had to try different versions until I found the right ones for me. Orally I take Probiotic CD caplets (not good for inserting): it also contains strains: L. Plantarum, L. Rhamnosus, L. Salivarius, L casei & S. Thermophilus which were found to help correct BV in a study with Tori Hudson, ND. Her version femecology has some of these strains which I now use vaginally b/c the caplets form I take orally causes a messy discharge hours after inserting.
I have been monitoring my hooch and odor constantly for months. Hormones, blood and another's DNA/skin each change the pH of my vagina. I thought I had cleared my BV after 1 month of treatment but it came back ever so slightly after my period. That is when I read initial treatment should last 4 months & that menses wrecks pH if you are weak. I also felt like from time to time the probiotics were causing slight but unpleasant yeast imbalances. After my last period ended I did 2 nights H2O2 vag-washes followed by pro-b in the V. I could smell the slightest hint of BV at the tip of my finger. 4 days after switching off femdolphilus any faint smell of BV seemed to clear but my outer area started itching like MAD = yeast!!! When this imbalance occurred I was going insane after 5 minutes. I decided to give the boric acid method a whirl.
NEW ADDITION: Boric Acid capsules. Boric acid has been known to correct both BV and yeast infections. I am dealing with both. Read up about medicinal uses of boric acid and what boric acid is before you freak out about the word acid. Lemon juice and vinegar are both citric acids. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.
In the afternoon I went to a local pharmacy and asked for boric acid powder and also purchased 00 empty capsules. My case is currently mild and on the mend IMO. As soon as I walked in the door I filled two capsules and popped em' in my hooch with a little bit of coconut oil & an all cotton organic tampon. I felt better almost immediately but for sure almost amazing in 1 hour. I then mixed grapeseed oil as my base and then added a few drops of calendula, tea tree, clove and oregano oils. I then added in boric acid to make a paste, then filled 3 capsules. I removed the tampon (the stuff leaks at this dose) & took a shower then unexpectedly had sex. No smell at all, no pain. There was a teeny amt. Grit on his willy but he didn't seem to notice (hopefully this will help him too!!! ????)) After sex I popped 1 of my oil & BA mix capsules & a femecology pro-b into my V. Within minutes I instantly felt FRESH. Like the freshest I have felt in 5 months. For the next hour I felt clean and normal for the first time in MONTHS and the feeling lasted until I fell asleep. I felt amazed. I wore a pad to bed, some discharge, this morning, no smell, no itches. I inserted another cap and again I feel so fresh and normal again it is amazing.
I finally feel like I have the upper hand. I finally feel clean. I finally feel normal. I finally feel like I have a way to reestablish balance.
My intention is 3 nights of my mixed caps in the V for the yeast itches & then stop. You are not suppose to use it continually for long periods and I want to use it during menses in a week. I make fresh caps with my oil mixture and will do one at night during my period for the next 4 cycles. I will more than likely also insert my new mix caps with a pro-b after sex. I may make a mix of all three.
The way boric acid kills roaches and other soft skeleton bugs is it ultimately dehydrates them which causes death - that is different than death by poisoning, however do not ingest BA with the hopes of better results. Keep out of reach for children and pets.
Some women complained that the straight homemade BA caps caused burning after 3 days. This was my reasoning for cutting my dose by adding good medicinal oils that may also help fight the fight and prevent this inflammation. I also feel my case is very mild now after 2 months of working on correcting the situation. I must say though, the BA feels like my biggest breakthrough with BV yet.
(Grants Pass, Oregon)
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Multiple Remedies
A few weeks ago I was at work and I noticed a putrid smell. After sniffing around my desk, I was mortified to discover it was coming from my crotch. I haven't been sexually active in months and I hadn't changed laundry detergents or soaps. I also haven't been sick or changed my diet. I don't even take pain relievers when I have headaches. The only changes I experienced in the prior two months was excessive watery discharge, but my body does things like that from time to time (excessive discharge, occasional spotting) and I just wear pantyliners - no big deal. It usually goes away after a couple of cycles. I figured my body is just doing it's thing since I am in my mid-thirities and I've read that in midlife hormone levels change as a natural process of aging.
Anyway, I noticed the odor would penetrate everything - it was absolutely disgusting. I decided to go onto the internet and self-diagnose. I don't normally recommend this, but I've always been an information hound and I research EVERYTHING and the earliest I could see my gynecologist was a few weeks out.
Based on the symptoms and what I've read, I'm pretty sure I have a mild form of BV.
I researched the postive/negative effects of Acidophilus, Folic Acid, vitamin B-Complex, effects of excess sugar (I realized my soda consumption had increased significantly the last two months due to free drinks offered at work, etc. ). I read up on whether or not too much is good or bad for you, etc. Do your research and I'm sure you will come to some of my same conclusions.
From everything I read, I decided my diet was the first place to start. The first day I took 1 multivitamin that I had onhand. It's the brand that starts with C and I took it because it had 400mg of Folic Acid in it. Within an hour or two I noticed the smell had significantly gone away. I was super excited to see these results, so the next day I decided to go out and purchase Acidophilus and a bottle of just 400mg Folic Acid. I started a regimen and I am happy to say there is no smell and no excessive discharge.
This is what worked for me:
Day 1: 1 multivitamin that has 400mg Folic Acid plus B-vitamins (taken at noon)
Day 2: 1 multivitamin, 1 400mg tablet of Folic Acid 1 Acidophilus 25 Billion CFUs inserted vaginally (taken/inserted right before bed). I wore a pantyliner since some people had posted there might be discharge from the capsule. Also, be sure your Acidophilus has multiple strains in it. I read somewhere that not all Acidophilus products are the same.
Day 3: 1 multivitamin 400 mg tablet of Folic Acid 1 Acidiophilus tablet taken orally (I took these at noon on an empty stomach and waited about 20 minutes before eating lunch. My research concluded it was better to take the probiotic on an empty stomach since food can affect the absorption and potency). I also had no discharge or smell this day.
Day 4: 1 multivitamin 1 400 mg Folic Acid. I skipped the Acidophilus altogether. Today my vagina discharged what was left of the capsule I had inserted. It was no big deal - just some granules (the mucous was kind of gritty), but it was noticeable when I wiped after going to the bathroom.
During this time I also cut back on soda and drank more water and soy milk. I can't exactly go cold turkey with the diet, you know? Baby steps and small changes!
I'm not sure if I will continue taking all of these pills daily, but I'm certainly paying more attention to my diet and what it's doing to my vagina. I'll probably continue with the multivitamin every few days and maybe throw in the additional Folic Acid from time to time and take an Acidophilus occasionally too, for maintenance purposes.
Thank you all for posting your stories. I'm a firm believer in natural remedies and that knowledge is power.
Good luck!
(Tampa, Fl)
Thank you to all the wonderful women on here that share the same nightmare! So after months of wondering what the hell was going on, finally I google searched and found it was BV. The only way I could hide the smell at work was tampons, which sucked wearing all the time. So I got the BV Vh essentials from CVS, which does work. But only for a day, then you must use again. At $28 a box of 6 is crazy!!! Plus by the last day it ended up giving me a yeast infection. :( so then I tried the acidophilus, orally and inserting. Just basic stuff, I think it does make a difference of the strain of bacteria. Anyway, The inserting was so weird! You end up having gritty stuff come out all day. Gross! And it didn't seem to work either.
Next!!! Then I got some Kefir plain unsweetened cultured milk. Took a turkey baster, laid down and inserted. I ended up putting a tampon in. Low and behold! It's gone! I'm not sure for how long since I just did this yesterday. I'm going to try again and see. I'm still going to keep up the pills, and folic acid. But I will always keep the $4 bottle of kefir!! I'll update in a few hopefully with good results. Thank you so much for everyone sharing!!
(Haughton, La)
Three years ago I found this site while researching Vulvodynia. Which spawned from a huge yeast infection and a sever reaction to OTC. The Dr's I saw at that time perscribed everything they could which only made the Vulvodynia come to light. Since I have been dealing with (on and off) BV, Yeast and Vulvodynia. The Dr's are never sure what I have. one said BV but Flaygl didnt work after two rounds and quickly to passed me off to another dr who says its yeast but treats me for the Vulvodynia. I was given three packs of diflucan and told to take Vitamin C which will clear up hidden yeast and C will keep the Vulvodynia at bay ( but the DR said it was in my head) *SIGH*
This last time, ( after taking BV for Flagyl ) I have tried multiple things keeping in mind that all of these seem to happen sorta about the same time. I found the yogurt pills that are made with the 5 billion lacto rhamnosus gr1 and lacto reuteri rc14 ( made for vaginal flora)in the fridge section in a local vitamin shop. Picked some organic garlic bulbs, gauze and natrual yogurt to eat. After reading this site for more then three years I had a lot of other things on hand. I have garlic pills, olive oil leaf pills, goldenseal root and echinacea, calcium citrate plus vitamin D and magnesium. Oh and a nice bottle of ACV with the mother and tea tree oil. Ok so after a week on flagyl I had more itching and discharge that got "stuck" which is what made the irritaion worse. I had a heat like sting and dryness. Which feels like Vulvodynia as well. No smell. In fact I never have a odor! ? First night I used the garlic wrapped in gauze, I cut the string off a tampon made tied the guaze off and inserted. Took it out after a few hours. Let her air hour for a bit them put in another. I felt relief while it was in but.... I though that with the second clove in I would take a warm sitz bath and put two cups of ACV in the water. Sat for about 10 min got out. Really it felt better. The itch wasnt as intense. Used it for another day, so four cloves total. My garlic went bad quickly lol so I tried the garlic capsule. That I didn't like so much the gel outter shell irritated and I had to "get" it out. So I gave my body a rest. Kept taking double doses of garlic and the yogurt pill. Along with the goldenseal root/echinacea, vitamin C. I was eating Garlic even more so too. After looking through a home remedy book, it said to take some vitamins, the few I did have on hand (said above) and insert one yogurt pill in to the vagina every morning for two weeks. I made it about a week when I thought maybe I needed to let "her" breath because she started to itch again and the discharge came back. Almost called the Dr but I stopped myself. I added the calcium with Vitamin D (helps with Vulvodynia symptoms along with a diet change, low Oxalate diet) a multi vitamin and cut down on my double doses of all others. I took a Q-tip and put Apple Cider Vinegar on it. I sort of swabbed my inside and outside area. No burning but while I was waitng a few mins though I should also do a sitz bath with the acv. So I sat for about 15 to 20 min. Whoa! She was extremy warm feeling and a little on the dry side but much better. I had some back and belly pains not to long after the swap. I was a bit scared and that I did something bad!! I waited and it became more of a constipated feeling took a pill for that and the next day it was gone.
Since I have done that I have rinsed the outer part with tea tree oil (one drop)from a peri bottle. This helps cool any minor itch I have as well getting the discharge out. I feel tons better and it been two weeks. I still have a slight itch here and there. I may do another ACV soak since my period is coming. My main Dr kept telling me ph was extremely high. So I have like I said been watching myself with the foods since I have three separate things kinda going on ( thats what I think anyways)I have noticed that taking all into account has helped me.
I know my body can heal itself if I feed it properly! I hope this helps some what. I found the people and the information they share on this site to be priceless. It was hard to Wait it out and not call the Dr when things got bad again but I am going to stick with my instincts on this. If I need to go then it will be because I can no longer do it alone. Good luck!!
(San Mateo, Ca)
Here's an update...
It's been a few weeks now and my BV/odor/discharge is pretty much gone. I haven't been on any regular regimen since my post in December. My only actions at this point are to take a multi-vitamin once every few days, and an occasional probiotic orally. I think I've taken only two probiotics in the last three weeks.
I've been adjusting my diet a bit by cutting down on sodas, which is my main source of sugars. The rest is common sense - more water, more veggies, more fruit.
Thanks, everyone!
Multiple Remedies
I was prescribed: 600 mg of Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories, one inserted at bedtime for 7-14 days; a vaginal-only Lactobacillus capsule, to be taken orally for 30 days; an external antifungal and steroid combination ointment to be used twice a day for 14 days. I am vastly improved after one week.
This regimen was prescribed by my doctor based on the following:
The antibiotic, oral or vaginal will cause a yeast infection in most women, setting up a vicious cycle. The cure rate of the antibiotic is not 100%, therefore, what returns not a new infection, it's the same one, usually plus yeast.
This is generally caused by an overall imbalance in the ph of the vaginal vault. The only clinically proven, and studied way to correct that is via 600mg of boric acid administered once per day, vaginally for 7-14 days. Many women need to administer one capsule monthly as well just before or after their period ends. This creates the ideal acidic environment and serves as an antiseptic for the bacterial overgrowth. Initial treatment does not work in only three days, unfortunately, and must be continued for 7-14 days--and should be administered at night right before laying down or it will pop out! No more than one capsule is required. Overkill is bad. Douching with an acidic solution may "seem" like a good alternative, but it also washes out the fluids that are trying to regrow and ahere to the walls. Boric acid does not do that, but it does take a while. I admit that.
Because with both BV and yeast, the vagina is in an alkaline state and there is an undergrowth of Lactobacillus, the beneficial flora that migrates from the intestinal tract (yes, that is how it gets there) to the vagina. It is not just any Lactobacilli however--the majority of the supplements, yogurts, kefirs, etc. Are designed to adhere to the gut. Therefore they do not ever migrate to the vagina. Inserting capsules or yogurt directly into the vagina has been studied and shown no effect as the bacteria do not adhere to the vagina. Neither does soaking a tampon in yogurt, although the coolness of the yogurt may provide some temporary comfort. They are foreign bacteria to the vagina and will cause inflammation. In fact, there is actually another vaginosis caused by an overgrowth of Lactobacillus, which mimics many of the symptoms described here. I just wanted to point that out.
There are two strains that have been clinically isolated as naturally occuring in the vagina, and should be taken orally. Within 7 days, these strains will be present in your vagina and doing their job: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri, RC-14. The are available under a brand name, mentioned in the BV forum quite frequently and are available internationally.
Douching: I occasionally douched with a mild vinegar and water douche (not scent of May or anything like that) and seriously got yelled at by my gyn. I am talking about 4 times a year at most. Anyway, I did my research on the hydrogen peroxide and the apple cider and the baking soda, etc. Since it was recommended here. What I found was that: baking soda neutralizes acid--think about it! You can drink it as an antiacid so imagine what it does if you are trying to build an acidic environment? It neutralizes it--it's actually used in the case of an overgrowth of Lactobacillus!!! Hydrogen Perioxide is a natural byproduct of Lactobacillus, so why tamper with that? I have seen a quite a bit on the Internet though that both it and Apple Cider Vinegar are successful--I personally don't plan to try them myself since the Boric Acid and vaginal-specific Lactobacillus worked, but if they are not harming you and work for you, I didn't see anything wrong with them, provided they aren't overused. I do know that too much Hydrogen Peroxide can be damaging to skin, and if you have bleeding or fissures in your vagina, I would skip that myself.
Feminine hygiene: I was lectured on this too! I use tampons during my mentrual period and was told that was preferred (I used a VERY common cotton brand). What I was told to immediately stop using was another VERY common brand of super absorbant pads and panty liners or any pad or panty liner that use anything such as dry-weave technology. Apparently those are breeding grounds for bacteria. Who knew? So I switched to an all natural brand, made with cotton, ph balanced, not as thin and comfy--but goodness, it was hard to find anything that was not scented, doused with baking soda, or made from some dry weave type fabric.
Washing: This was crazy. I have always used a special feminine wash, unscented, thinking that it was better than shower gel or soap. I don't shave (I wax) and I keep myself very clean. My doctor actually said to me, "It's you clean ones I have the most problems with. " I have now been instructed to wash my labia with only water and my clean fingertips in the shower. I've been doing that, but really, I don't feel clean. I'm so scared of this coming back though that I am following her instructions to the T.
Vitamins: I was not given any special diet rules. I eat healthy and am fit anyway. I do normally take folic acid, biotin, vitamin c, vitamin d, but added B12 based on what I read here. We'll see if that helps my immune system rebuild.
Anyway, thank you all so much for sharing your stories. It was so helpful to not feel alone in this, and I hope that some or any of what I shared is helpful to you. I feel so badly that so many are suffering, that I just wanted to put out some of what I found, was told, and researched. Best wishes for us all to have happy, healthy vaginas!!!
Multiple Remedies
I hope that anyone suffering with BV will research the many posts on this site and give some of these remedies a try. I would also say that it was really helpful for me to make a list of what I wanted to try, then enlist someone knowledgeable at the health food/natural store to help me score the right products. Don't be shy... Tell them what you're trying to treat. The woman I spoke with was a treasure trove of knowledge. Along with all of the posters on this site, I found her advice really valuable.
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P.S. The Fem-dophilus might not have worked as well as I have hoped probably because my BF has been ejaculating in me which messes up the PH... We have stopped doing that about a week ago so hopefully that helps too!!!!
(Atlanta, Georgia)
I have been suffering with B.V. for about 5 years now. I have been to OBGYN's and speacialist, but no one can cure my problem. I have tried all the remedies out there, peroxide, apple vinegar cider, antibotcs, probiotics.......... Nothing works, it will take the smell and discharge away for a couple of days and then it's back. It's a very emotional touchy topic and I don't know what to do..... Can anyone help?
Channel: If you have such poor response to treatments as you posted, this suggest an "underlying issue". Ultimately your body detox & immune systems are heavily taxed.
Try improving the quality of your diet; purify your air & water. Maybe do a gallbladder cleanse fallowed by a colon cleanse, fallowed by a parasite cleanse. Milk Thistle Seed and NAC will greatly improve your liver/detox. Zinc & vit-A will improve your immune. Sweat room or sauna will detox the skin as well as most of the body.
(Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Channel,
I am sorry you have dealt with this for so long with no permanent cure!
I would try what Timh suggests for dealing with underlying causes.
One thing I have not seen mentioned yet on the BV page is activated charcoal. I know it has been used successfully for uterine infection. You could get some charcoal tablets and insert a couple at bedtime daily (which may end up being messy by morning--you would want to use pantyliners until the charcoal has all passed.) Alternately, you could soak a tampon in a charcoal water solution. Maybe 1 teaspoon of charcoal in a couple of ounces of water and use this over night. Either thing you try, I would try for at least a week.
Perhaps it will take multiple remedies for your cure, and perhaps it will be necessary to continue treatment long after symptoms improve.
I hope you find a permanent solution. Let us know what you find out!
~Mama to Many~
Multiple Remedies
After years of trying Flagyl, acidophilus, douches, potions, and spells.. I tried Gy-Na-Tren( You can get it at Whole Foods, GNC, or the Vitamin Shoppe if you're in NYC). It took away the smell right away, however, I still had discharge and violent itching when it was finished ( I think it might have been thrush). I decided to try Gy-Na-Tren again and also take 1 Acidopilus (PR8 brand), 1 Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse (Also at the same places I found the Gy-Na-Tren), 1 Multivitamin, and Sublingual b12 which contains folic acid. I take these every morning. I have been BV free for a long time with no discharge or smell!
(Brooklyn, Ny)
I hate this damn Bv why dont the doctors know enough about this? I got this 8 years ago, a dumbass gave me a std and I douched so much not to feel dirty and I did not know, I was making my situation worst, this is my fault, I smell like fish, fish, ewww, I know ppl smell me I have to work and go to school, this is awful, I smell it a hour after leaving my house, sex? I have not have sex since last year, when I did I took a shower before, 4 years ago when I had sex with my then BF then whole room smelled like fish he left me:(this is so depressing, I tried eveything here, been to doctors they look at you like u are from space. I went to whole foods monday bought Keifer yogurt 10 differents strains Of L. Acidhilous and I bought Fem dophilis it was in cold section, this is just today, I smelled nothing
I do not want to get my hopes high, I have to post tomorrow night, But if for 1 day I smell like me and not a fish I will take it. PPl want to judge we r clean women it is just that our bodies are in whack and men need to shut up, they need to smell like a damn fish, they have it to easy. The Kefir smoothie with 10 million live cultures taste so good, Im willing to try anything, Boric acid? no, down there? all I need to do is burn my VJ off then I will be in trouble, they say it is safe, but it is to kill rodents, r there 2 different kinds? anyway just today I know bumble tuna was not with me GOOD:)) I will post tomorrow.
Multiple Remedies
I have been battling "BV" for a few years now. In the beginning I would say that I was ignorant about the infection itself. I went to the doctors not knowing what this terrrible odor could be. I began getting BV after I became sexually active. I am not proned to getting yeast infections and do not know what it feels like to have one, but for some strange reason my body is inclined to getting Bacterial Vaginosis.
I have done extensive research on this bacterial infection and I have tryed every cure in the book, well almost. Very clean people can get BV, and I'm assuming that of course people with poor hygiene can get it as well. After being treated with anti-biotics, I came to the realization that the root of this problem was deeper than I thought. The anti-biotics would only cure me for about 7 months and then I'd be back to the clinic for more. Pity. I got depresed and I've even cryed a few times but I wouldn't give up on a natural cure.
Unfortunately, BV will most-likely continue to come back because I took anti-biotics for this infection at least 5 times. I think that the bacteria develop an immunity to the anti-biotics or a sort of resistance. My theory is that if we continue to cure our infections using natural remedies, not only will we kill the BV, but we'll also make our bodies stronger keeping BV away for longer periods of time and then eventually getting rid of this disgusting infection for good. Also, we must try to keep BV away on our own. My BV comes when I am on my menstrual cycle (sometimes) and when I have sex (if I don't use a condom). Both sperm and blood create alkaline envirornments. This is very harmful for our vaginas because our vaginas are meant to stay acidic. An Acidic envirornment is what kills harmful bacteria in the vagina. My tips for keeping the vagina acidic and aiding the vagina in keeping out alkaline fluids are:
- After sex, (if not using a condom) sit on the toilet and allow all sperm to flow out
- Shower after sex being cautious not get soap into the vagina
- Using a soap that is either acidic (cranberry or lemon) (can purchase at whole foods) or that is non scented
- Keeping non scented wipes to use while on menstrual cycle for frequent wiping
- Changing pads or tampons regularly (every 3 1/2 to 4 hours)
- Purchasing a syringe to rinse out the vagina
(Shreveport, La)
Thanks so much for posting this comment. I have had some success with the Hydro douche. But over time it just did not work, and actually just made the situation worse. I came to this site everyday for about 6 months trying to get a cure. I cry almost every other day about my Bv making me a outcast, a joke at my job. Strangers in public looking at you like you are disgusting, like I can change whats wrong with me. Went to multiple doctors, raked up lots of medical bills, and of course, no one had a cure. I have a little daughter that is 3 years old. She has told me at times when she gets close to me to read a book, or even to give me a hug, she backs away and says "ewww Mommy! You stink down there! " Wow, I laughed first, then cried later on like crazy. I tried the lemon and apple cider not only because you said it worked for you, but you have reasons why it would work. That was very helpful. For the first time in a long time(since I tried the Hydro) The smell was drasticly gone. It has only been a few days, but the reason I am posting this so early is because my daugter gave me a hug coming home from work, she smelled me and smelled me again and said, "Mommy, you dont smell! " I Laughed, but of course cried again, but this time a good cry. I will try to post again soon to give a update. Also I am taking A very well know probiotic for women. I also believe you need to try multiple remedy's to attack this problem. Thanks to all the wonderful ladies that post there stories. Helps me get thru the day to know there are alot of us constantly searching for a true cure for this horrible issue.
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi, try taking MSM as a supplement. It's great for many things but balancing the PH in the body is one of them. I also just read about Silica gel. It works for vaginal discharge. The folic acid and Vitamin D work for the smell. Hope this helps.
Multiple Remedies
I've been dealing with a lot of minor health issues over the past couple of years. Most of the time, you just kind of deal with things as they come. However, my immunity (due to a great deal of environmental/life stress) was compromised. I'm 33, female, and consider myself healthy. Once I found this site, I was ADDICTED to it. I started doing the research and found what I think is a perfect solution for BV. I developed BV as (I think) as reaction to a recent diagnosis of HPV. Everything was out of whack and I thought my sex life had ended. After some experimentation, here's what I ended up with and has worked for me for 3 months now. No creeping smell, no discharge, no anything BV related. At first, I took care of things on an immediate level by doing the Hydrogen Peroxide douche. Literally just a tad bit with a great deal of warm water. Then, I did the acidphilus both orally and vaginally. Once you do this, the rest is kind of body maintenance. I do this on a daily basis:
ACV - read about it if you don't know anything about it. It just improves so much of your overall health - not to mention helps restore your pH.
Acidophilus - I started with "millions" and wound up with a refrigerated version of the "3 billion" capsules.
B-12 complex - just overall metabolism support. however, it can be harmful on your kidneys so don't use in excess.
Multivitamin - just because, well, duh.
Folic Acid - I figured it couldn't hurt and it helps overall immunity.
I also take lysine daily because I'm prone to fever blisters in the sun or under stress. This keeps it under control and when I do have a flare-up, it remedies it very quickly.
Just get to know your body. It's hard dealing with these things but I truly believe that starting in the root of the cause (e.g., the gut) is the best way to have a long lasting effect.
Multiple Remedies
In the morning before breakfast, I have:
2 folic acid tablets
1 heaped teaspoon green barley grass powder
1 cap of Tahitian Noni Juice
1 cap of Kefir yogurt
(Sometimes B5 tablet, or olive leaf, vitamin C powder and acidophilis on other days).
Then I repeat the above morning routine around 4pm before a snack and dinner. I try not to eat sugar but I can still get away with eating chocolate as well as wine if I stick to the barley grass powder and Noni juice. (And I like to eat organic and more natural foods now anyway).
I have a hunch that the Barley Grass powder is working better than the Noni Juice (as Noni is $45/bottle). And before I tried the Barley Grass powder, the BV was coming back anyway. With the Barley Grass powder I ate chocolate over Easter (and 3 glasses of wine - which would aggravate BV like crazy) and I STILL smell clean and fresh. Never thought it would go away. (Please note I'm not a sales agent for the powder either - I just know how depressing it is to have BV).
So overall I think Barley Grass Powder, Folic Acid and kefir yogurt is the key. When I was shopping, I felt intuitively to get the bottle of chrolyphyll (but it's watered down too much) so now I take the green powder in water). Works wonders.
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Multiple Remedies
Thank you so much. Yolanda