Grover's Disease
Natural Remedies

Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gluten-Free Diet

4 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Ibhipru (St George, Utah) on 01/19/2013

This is in response to the post implicating wheat as the possible culprit to Grover's Disease. I had undiagnosed grover's sysmptoms for years when my wife and decided to go gluten free. The aggrivating itching and red bumps on my stomach, chest and back cleared up to a great degree. I was formally diagnosed with Grover's recently. I also recently fell off the wagon and consumed wheat at the direction of my Dr who was testing me for a skin problem related to Celiac Disease (Dermatitis Perfitaformis). Almost immediately my Grover's errupted. I have also recently veered from my diet and consumed wheat products with a corresponding flare in my Grovers. I really believe Grover's may be affected by wheat or even all gluten flours.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Sue (St. Louis, Mo) on 12/16/2012

I have had Grover's since I was a teenager, but never knew what it was. I am 56 now. My Dermatologist confirmed it a couple of years ago. She suggested using the cream AmLactin which helped, but it was always there. I noticed when I started having fruit smoothies 5 days a week, my skin improved. A couple of months ago I decided to go on a no wheat diet in hopes of helping with inflammation problems. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis and have a lot of pain and stiffness. Well, my pain and stiffness is 60 percent better and the grovers disease seems to be gone for the first time in my life! Oh, and I lost about 7 pounds and feel better than I have in a long time. If I cheat and eat wheat, I am in pain for a couple of days. It is definitely worth a try!

Grover's Disease Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Chris (Honolulu, US) on 09/27/2014

I have been a firefighter for 14 years and have had Grover's ever since. I have tried everything for Grover's Disease. To keep it at bay eat healthy natural foods, avoid excessive heat and stress, cut back on alcohol and caffeine. The underlying problem is within the skin, so foods and supplements good for your skin help fight Grover's. Consider a good hair, skin, and nail vitamin. If you have a flair up use a good mild cleansing soap. If the itch is really bad use ice packs, also rubbing alcohol kills the itch and cleans the area. Again, maintaining a healthy lifestyle works best. Sincerely, Chris

Replied by Barb

Your advice was helpful and made sense.


Thank you very much Chris, every little bit of information helps since we are in the very beginning stage of learning about Grover's Disease. I appreciate your help.


Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine

11 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Lisa (Illinois ) on 03/16/2022

I developed Grover's Disease late June 2021, within 1-2 weeks after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Still experiencing symptoms after close to 10 months.

Replied by M

The same thing happened to me! I've had Grover's since I was 23. I'm now 66. I keep it at bay by not eating Wheat, Eggs, and red meat. When I had the J&J shot, 7 days later my skin erupted with lumps and Grover's in a big way. 7 months later, I'm still fighting it. It wasn't like a regular break out as this time it went all over my body. I talked to 4 doctors, and am on a million supplements, which are helping. One doctor talked to me about going on Accutane. I found a Vitamin A supplement that is made by doctors that tries to mimic Accutane (which is a vitamin A based creation. Starting that tomorrow. Grover's is hell.

Replied by Angie
(Winnipeg, MB)

I have had GD since receiving the Pfizer vaccine in Dec 2022. I'm definitely going to try the cilantro remedy as the itchiness is really hard to handle. Hoping it helps!

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Audrey (NY) on 01/03/2022

OMG this is exactly what happened to me. About a month after the first Pfizer vaccine I got a rash under my breast line. Then it went away after I went to the dermatologist he gave me a cream and it went away. Then a month later I got rashes all over and the itching was unbearable, They took a skin sample and it turned out to be Grovers disease. I never had anything like this in my life. My doctor told me it was from the vaccine. I am like debilitated from the itching and nothing is helping. I am going to go on the antibiotic and if that doesn't work then prednisone. They say that this disease goes away after 12 months but I have it 9 months now and its getting worse. This is a nightmare.

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

Audrey, try soothing the itch with coconut oil.

Replied by JC


Your doctor can freeze the spots off by using CO2 in the doctor's office. It works.

Replied by Sp
(Wb, NJ)
30 posts

Hi Audrey,

Did the cream the dermatologist gave you have steroids in it? If this is the case, you may be having a reaction to the cortico steroids. Please do not use prednisone or anything with cortico steroids in it. Do a search for ITSAN or Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome. The itsan dot org website has info on this. Cortico steroids ruined my health, and life.

Replied by Julie

I was just diagnosed with Grover's per biopsies. Husband probably has it as well but not to the degree. Dermatologist gave us prednisone, triaminiclone, clobestal all no help. I wish they would figure out the cause and a treatment that works for this. I took some cilantro tonight because I just read it might help. We had a booster recently but the problem started the end of October. All I can say is good luck.

Replied by Marie-Louise
(Zürich- Switzerland)

Hi Audrey,

I came lately across an interesting combination to rise up the own Cannaboids and to bind down the silent inflammations and inflammations in general. I copy in the orginal combination: Since I have all products at home, but never used them together, it does not have the same effect. Instead Astaxanthin, I take my fish oil, PEA I take twice a day and Curcuma every 3-4 days, since I have a very strong one. This combination should help for Rheuma and Athritis, but I guess, it does not matter where you have pain or other problems, the own Cannaboids have to be supported.

DoloGon mit PEA (Palmitoylethanolamid), BCM-95 Forte® Vollspektrum-Curcumin und Astaxanthin,

Replied by june
(adelaide australia)

Hi Audrey,

I was stunned when I read about your Grovers, I too have been diagnosed and had it about 12 months ago, it went away and has now come back after seeing a dermatologist I am on prednisolone and doxycycline ect alone with mometasone cream, using cetaphil bacterial soap, and nothing is working really I am still spotted up, but I found putting the daktozin fungal cream for nappy rash, was better than the mometasone cream, now having said that I have been researching and it seems that zinc which is in the daktozin seems to be the way to go someone said on this site they put zinc oxide on and the spots went right down so I am going to try that, and I am also going to take some zinc supplement. I was stunned when I read about the vaccinations because that's when I got them after having my vaccs, well good luck let's hope we can beat it

(Va, USA)

I was reading your comment and I thought What was a nappy rash? Took me a second and realized you were on the other side of the ocean....We are all in this together..

Replied by Patricia
(victoria, BC, Canada)

Re: the Pfizer vaccine. The same thing happened to me and I've tried everything. Nothing works and it is hell. Does anyone have any good ideas?


I have personally done antifungals and it cleared after apprx 20 years of having it.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Ken (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ) on 10/26/2021

I too got Grovers disease after Pfizer Vaccine. 3-4weeks after 2nd shot. About 4months now I have endured this debilitating disease. I had a biopsy from my dermatologist which of course confirmed Grovers. Will not have the booster they want me to have. Had 19 treatments of light therapy with no improvement. Lack of sleep is a big thing for me and life has taken a big dip in the quality that I was used to. Taking Zinc Oxide, Tea Tree oil, many creams and Blexten Antihistamine. Slight improvement but still covered in rashes. Don't know where to go from here, but I was inspired to be able to share with others.

Replied by Magnolia

Eat some cilantro everyday. Many reports of this helping Grovers. Some people do not like it or for some reason cannot eat it, but if possible, try it - look for cases on this site for positive reports of it. Good luck!

Replied by Teena
233 posts

Cilantro removes the heavy metals in the body/va$$ines. Know this truth and get back to health. Add vitamin C, D3 and milk thistle to support your liver and immune system

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Patricia (FL) on 09/23/2021

I got Grovers Disease from the Shingles Vaccine.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Gi9gles (OR) on 06/14/2021 2 posts

This is going to be a long posting, but I want you to know my story too as it might help someone. What happened to Rita below also has happened to me. I am only 39 years old and a female (not the typical lucky person to get GD). I have been a vegetarian most of my life mostly plantbased. I watch what I eat, take great care of my skin. The only link has really been getting the Pfizer vaccine. This has been devastating to me and my family as it has affected what I can do. I can't get hot as this seems to cause it to flare. So no exercising, gardening, etc. And I live on 18 acres.

My story is very similar to yours and I am shocked to see that someone else also believes it was the Pfizer covid vaccine. I got the first dose of Pfizer in January, my 2nd dose on February 2 ( right after I only experienced tiredness, muscle aches, and a slight temperature, but not like some people got after) not until February 7th after using a heating pad on my back. I noticed a rash just below my bra line. Then a few days later it developed on my low back. I wasn't able to get into my dermatologist until March and since I was so young and not a typical patient of Grovers dieases and my GD didn't itch she never even mentioned GD. She diagnosed me with folliculitis right off just by looking at it.

She prescribed doxycycline. And also bleach baths. I hate taking antibiotics. I like to do things naturally. So I tried everything I could natural ( but nothing from this sight since at the time I didn't know I had Grovers) nothing seemed to work. Somedays it would seem it was getting better other days it was worse it was such a frustrating and depressing time. I end up taking an antifungal for 3 days after I was at my wits end to see if it would work before I took an antibiotic. My dermatologist still thinking my Grovers was folliculitis.

In short, the the antifungal only made it somewhat better, but not gone. I ended up taking the antibiotics, but that still wasn't helpful even though my dermatologist said it would clear it right up. It didn't. After being on the antibiotics for a while consulting with my gastro specialist ( to see if there was a link to my rash because of a gut problem which turned out it wasn't) but she suggested I stay on the antibiotics for a while longer to clear up any infection and to take a good probiotic supplement to keep my gut bacteria somewhat healthy while on the probiotic. I ended up going back to the dermatologist and she did a biopsy of my skin condition and it came back Grovers dieases. I was devastated. I thought How in the world did this happen to me especially knowing that there is no cure! And after all this time of trying to treat something else. My dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream which I didn't want to use as long term use on the skin can cause thinning. I continued my research. And found this sight. I have tried a number of things on this sight butt past ( didn't work), still trying supplements suggested here. I have had Grovers for a little over 6 months now. And it does seem to be getting better, but not completely gone. I do occasionally get a red dots here and there with no reason why. I have been using homemade aloe vera (which has seemed to be helping the most) on my skin several times a day and taking supplements because my vitamin D3, zinc, and vitamin A where on the low side as well as my WBC was also low ( probably because of my 27 days on an antibiotic). So I have been adding immune supporting herbals like garlic, probiotics, fermented foods, and oregano on a daily basis. I also started green smoothies again. And on I'm on a strict whole food plantbased diet. I don't eat anything that's not natural. I also purchased some moisture wicking clothes ( not that I sweat, but this has been advised to help). I can't say my Grovers is gone again, but it is better. I feel trapped by the fear it is going to come back even worse though. I check my skin every morning hoping its disappeared completely. I hate that it has held me back from life and I have done so much research and this is the first time anyone else has thought like myself it was due to the Pfizer vaccine!

I have told my dermatologist who waved that idea off real quick as well as the idea that the heating pad I used helped spring on my Grovers even though there is a heat connection. I have since seen another dermatologist who was a little better at hearing me about wanting to be more natural at helping my Grovers and suggested Calendula oil. Its acts as a antinflamatory and has been known to heal and prevent radiation burns for those going thru cancer treatments. I have just started using it and will tell you all if it helps.

But for now I am still testing it. My doctor does believe me that it was the Pfizer vaccine. She is on a nationwide board that hears about reactions to covid vaccine, but hasn't heard of anyone reporting Pfizer as a cause of Grovers. I have tried to report my symptoms to CDC with no luck! I am so frustrated. And there is nothing on the internet about the link. Like I said this is the first post I happened to find someone else that has experienced the same thing.

I feel so helpless at times but have felt better knowing I am not alone in this, with this sight and hearing people's stories has help along with prayer. I hope for our sake with the link of Pfizer vaccine that we have this one occurrence of Grovers disease outbreak and our body will somehow heal/recover and we wont have any reoccurring episodes. I can only hope! I hate that we are the unlucky ones to get Grovers from Pfizer. I wish somehow we could ban together to tell more people about this because I am sure there are more people like us out there, but just don't know what ot is dont have the means to go to a dermatologist, be diagnosed correctly and have someone take them seriously that their Grovers was sparked by the Pfizer vaccine. Please anyone that has received the Pfizer vaccine for covid and has experienced what we have posted your story here for others and hat has helped for you. I know everyone's journey with GD is different and what helps but sometimes what helps one person could help another. And with not much help in the medical world, we have to help out each other.

Thanks for hearing my story. Please post here if you find out any new information as I will too.

Replied by Gi9gles
2 posts

Update: I still have Grover's ( 7 months). But I am still working on healing my body to get rid of it. Also, I was able to find a place to report my symptoms to the CDC I believe. The website is thru the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The link is There is also information about filing a claim after you submit. I also read an article recently that stated that dermatologist know that the shingles vaccine can cause Grover's disease but they don't tell you that so if you are at that age to get the Shingles vaccine ask questions before you get it. The link to that article is

Replied by John
(Winter Haven Fla)

I have been dx with Grover's. I was told it is a rare genetic disease. Dermatologist has try multi treatments, antibiotics, vistaril, anti - histamines, triamcinolone, and Saran lotions. All these have worked for while, then stops working. We are picking up a Rx from our compound Pharmacy tomorrow for Naltrexone 3mg. Hopefully it will help. God bless you in this journey. Did not receive the vaccine. Did have covid.

Sherri A
(Manhattan, Ks)

I had a rash with Covid as well. I did research and there was a Covid rash, googled pics. It looks like Grover's. I had another round of the rash. Odd I thought. It just kept getting worse. Went to Urgent care. They thought allergic reaction or contact dermatitis since it came on so quick. I received an injection of steroids, and the intense itch went away for the most part. Three weeks later more rash and the same intense itch. Went to Dermatologist and she biopsied a couple of the pustules. Grover's was the outcome. So mine started with Covid as well. Lucky us... not.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Rita (California) on 06/03/2021


My Husband was given a "Pfizer Vaccine" on Feb. 20,2021. Fourteen days later, he went into a spa, and pool, at a Country Club, and shortly after, begin itching like crazy. His Dermatologist diagnosed him w/Grover's disease. He checked with his Dermatologist if he should get the second Pfizer Vaccine, and his doctor said, yes. So he did. Perhaps, the Pfizer Vaccine has altered my husband's immune system, and with the mixed chemicals of a public spa/pool, explains why the severe rash breakout.

He hasn't changed anything else in his lifestyle, has had excellent skin, no skin conditions, and his recent blood lab work came back excellent. He's never been on any long term prescriptions, and is very healthy. His diet is mostly Whole Food Plant Based, he golfs 3 days/wk., takes vitamins, drinks green kale smoothies daily, eats mostly organic food, low stress, retired, and is a very calm minded person. btw- he has used our spa at our home for past 20 years, and never a problem.

The dermatologist prescribed Fluocinonide, then replaced it w/Triamcinolon, both made everything worse, so he has stopped using it. He's now taking over-the-counter, Bendaryl @ night, and Claritin 24 hour, during the day. And he is now drinking cilantro smoothies, using Boudreaux's Butt Paste, Tumeric 3,000 mg./daily, and lightly spraying apple cider vinegar on some areas of the rash. The ACV does seem to be helpful.

How does someone so healthy, suddenly get GD??!! Go figure..... We are open to all suggestions and thank you to everyone for contributing what has and has not worked for your GD. We shall keep you posted.

Replied by Bill

Editor's Choice Hi Rita,

If it were me, I would stop all the meds that your husband's doc has advised. Both Fluocinonide and Triamcinolon contain fluorine which is a poison that can also cause severe skin problems and thyroid problems(low energy, heart problems, immune problems, digestion problems, intestinal problems etc). Both these drugs are corticosteroids that will also tend to excessively acidify the body. To normalize the bodily damage caused by these two meds, you should take Borax and lugol's iodine or potassium iodide (as SSKI drops) to help heal the thyroid quickly and you should also supplement Borax to help remove the fluorine from your husband's as well. See these EC links for how to use these two remedies:

Claritin is an anti-allergy medicine that contains chlorine(also a poison). So, little wonder to me that your husband's skin condition became worse when he took all those medicines -- since both chlorine and fluorine(and bromine) are well known poisons that can also cause different forms of dermatitis(because the liver has so much trouble getting rid of these halogens - so they are excreted through the skin, thus causing all the awful skin problems).

Cilantro should be able to remove heavy metals that are possibly used in the vaccine as adjuncts or additives but cilantro will not act to remove the chlorine or fluorine from the body.

Tumeric is also definitely worth using for many things such as improving/protecting the heart and arteries, as an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-viral, etc. But turmeric does not have the ability to remove chlorine or fluorine from the body.

The best remedy for removing chlorine from the body is Sodium Thiosulfate ( And the best remedy for removing fluorine from the body is to supplement Borax and lugol's iodine (or SSKI). See links above.

I would also advise your husband to regularly alkalize his blood using Ted's alkalizing remedies on a daily basis for at least a month or so to get the blood back to correct pH balance. Use the simple sodium bicarbonate + water remedy which helps to alkalize the blood. Shown here on EC

...And next time your doctor eagerly prescribes drug meds for you or your husband -- you should always do your own research and go to and look up their side-effects. Then use Wikipedia to see if the drug contains any dangerous or poisonous atoms like bromine, chlorine or fluorine(or heavy metal) in its molecule. Then just type " warning" in Google search to get some honest opinions and feedback (not biased FDA opinions or research) from other users on whether that drug is both safe and useful or not.


Great information here Bill, thank you so much. We are learning a lot, sadly with trial and error. Yes, have stopped both prescriptions, which he tried each just twice. And have him discontinue the Claritin (he's only been taking for few days), whew, thank goodness! Hopefully not too much damage has been done, w/the few doses. I imagine he should discontinue Benadryl (over-the-counter) as well?? We are so grateful for the info., and links you posted above (borax and iodine). We'll be looking into this immediately! THANK YOU SO, SO, MUCH!! 🙏 🙏🙏


Hi Bill,

Also, the antihistamines (Zyrtec and Benadryl), were recommended by his doctor to get rid of the tremendous "itch", and burning sensation of the skin, while awaiting results of a biopsy to come back. Any suggestions for the itching? As of yesterday, he's now applying Boudreaux's Butt Paste (diaper rash ointment), topically, which was recommended on EC- trying this for calming the rash/itching, and "open" to trying something better. Thank you very much, Rita

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

Our skin is our largest organ, coconut oil is anti fungal anti viral and anti bacterial anti microbial, molybdenum keeps the liver from causing pain when detoxing. The liver is the largest detox organ and ginger is very wonderful. Castor oil is the palm of Christ and you can put it in and on the body, really messy works amazingly. Comfrey heals rapidly bones and skin and muscle. Zinc is for viruses and copper is for parasites. One lowers the other.

One mineral imbalance or hydration issues will produce histamine. Histamine will cause all kinds of immune and skin issues. Borax removes calcium out of soft tissue and displaces certain toxic minerals like they use in vaccines.

The effects of some boron compounds against heavy metal toxicity in human blood - PubMed (

Use some chanca piedra with that. Dr Berg Gives Best Tip on Autoimmune Disorders & Conditions | Autoimmune Diseases - YouTube

Sunbathe for vitamin D and hormone reset.

and I go to the healers on youtube, just type healing prayers if you are interested. the real ones have testimonies below them about the miracles, as with anything you have to keep applying the cure. Blessings, Charity


Thank you very much Charity for your reply to our post, we appreciate all the information and wonderful recommendations. I thought it was important to share our post ~ just as a precaution to others that might be considering the covid vaccine. I am also curious, if others who have Grover's Dis-ease might not in fact be eating the healthiest diet, drinking plenty of good water, getting real vitamin D (sun), exercise, have a calm positive mind, and outlook on life. These are all components for a healthy lifestyle (mind & body). Thankfully, I know, because I self healed from Rheumatoid Arthritis 13 yrs ago. We'll be researching all that you suggested, and again, we are so grateful to you, and all the others for sharing.



I have RA really bad and want to know what you did to heal.


Hi Charity,

I'm so sorry to hear you have RA, it is a challenge to have this dis-ease.

I'm happy to share, though it was a quite a quest of a journey, because in back 2008, there was not much info. Or healing support like there is today.

Here are two very good people I would highly recommend that you contact.

1. Clint Paddison, at

2. Erika Bustos, @ Instagram, you can reach at healing_arthrutis_holistically or

Here is my list for healing from RA:

#1 most important: Eating a Whole Food Plant Based Diet, no processed foods, no dairy, no animal meat, no gluten, no soy except for organic sprouted tofu, very little salt, sugar, and oil (instead cook with vegetable or chicken broth)

#2 See, and follow these doctors: T. Colin Campbell, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Neil Benard (, Dr. Michael Gregor, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Klapper.

These guys are honest, true, and have dedicated their whole adult life helping people to heal from dis-ease in their life. They are the BEST.

Mind & Body work, is very important. Addressing unresolved life issues is key (self work). And body work to keep your body balanced.

Coach/Therapist for support is very helpful and to keep you on track. Erika Bustos or Clint Paddison

Exercise & Strength Training, even if you start slowly it's ok. Your body must move for oxygen and inner fluid movement. Strength Training is for building muscle, so joints have muscle support, which shall ease joint pain. Again start slowly, and build up.

I hike 3 days a week, in the am - and accomplish getting fresh air, sunshine and exercise. And 2 days a week, I do strength training, and yoga. Just move you body!

Practice Meditation, Pray, Yoga, or Qigong, or Tai Chi

Parasite cleanses /Dr.Richard Shultz (super important)

Infrared saunas

Ayurvedic Practioner/ medicine


Functional Medicine Doctor,

or Integrated Medicine Doctor

Practice breathing, calmness, and positivity.

This is most of it, but it was done over many years of learning and going through my own journey to discover all of this, and who I was.

I truly hope this is helpful, please reach out anytime. btw- I am a Whole Food Plant Based certified health coach.

Love & light to you!



(faithville, Us)

My mother in law died (heart issues from methotrexate)after suffering from RA for decades. I suspect it was the zinc in her denture adhesive throwing off her minerals producing histamine. Most of what we learn is from suffering through things . Expecting miracles in faithville,, Charity

Bill's comment below had iodine in it, I use it daily. Iodine, chloride and fluoride are halides (same shape of molecules) and all go into the iodine ports in the body and only iodine belongs there .Halide - Wikipedia The others cause autoimmune diseases, especially thyroid issues. selenium balances iodine and low selenium causes cancer to grow. You mentioned he was in the spa ....Just an add on.

Replied by Jeannette


Sometimes medications weaken the immune system and the chlorine may have filled your husband's bucket. Here are my suggestions:

Use Nigella Sativa oil organic 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp 3x per day, especially right before a meal. It has the properties of immune modulation, but it will also calm an agitated immune system. Nigella Sativa appeared in the bible and is said cure everything, but death itself.

2. If you are in a state that will allow you to buy CBD oil with a 1:1 ratio, you can use a drop twice a day(one before bed). This will also calm an agitated immune system. The steps mentioned above are just to calm the body, but your husband might need to look under draining pathways that might be clogged (kidneys, liver, colon), then use some binders as I bet his body is a toxic bucket filled with all sorts of toxins. The medications he received may have filled his body to his limits. You can read about Nigella Sativa online and a new book that came out last year talks about using this oil (Why Not Desserts? Available in Amazon, the oil is also available in Amazon. Have him avoid for now dairy, eggs, gluten they are hard to digest. The Nigella Sativa is sold at many health food stores and believe me when I say this will take care of his problems within few days. There is a reason that is reference in the bible!

Good luck, Health Coach


Hi Jeannette,

Thank you so much for kind your healing information, and recommendations. We are grateful for all of your help, and will be buying Nigella Oil today!

The thing that is so mind boggling about my husband's skin body rash is the fact that he his so “incredibly” healthy.

All blood work is, and always has been EXCELLENT. Same with thyroid, cholesterol, and prostate.

He takes zero (0) prescriptions, and never has, except on a “rare” occasion, and for only short term use.

He has always been an athlete, and presently a golfer. He gets plenty of sunshine (Vit D) by “WALKING” a 18 hole golf course 3 x week, yep, no golf cart. We live on 3 acres, so again, always outdoors, and moving his body.

He is well hydrated

A very positive person

A very Calm-minded person

He is very HAPPY

He eats a WFPB diet (I am a whole food plant based certified health coach). No processed foods, very low, sugar, salt, and oil intake. Minimal wine on occasion, but presently none.

His Dad will be 100 years old in a few months, he is also in excellent health, and has a very sharp mind still. His mom passed at 95 yrs., but extremely healthy til the end - Longevity and good health runs deep in his bloodline.

This awful, body rash just showed up on our doorstep one day, practically overnight. And it appeared AFTER he was given the Pfizer Vaccination. Even though it was a delayed reaction, there are reports of delayed reaction, after receiving the Pitzer Vaccine. And we are both trying really hard to not go there, and that it was possibly the Pfizer Vaccine that ignited this body rash. Especially not ever having, skin rash issues, never!

His stress level is low, and we are happily married (32 years). Both of us are so blessed, and grateful for all that we have, our life, and especially our family.

Again, I appreciate your recommendations, Nigella Oil/book, CBD oil, and I'll keep you posted. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for posting, and sharing your story, regarding your personal experience with Grover's Disease diagnosis, as well as the possibility that Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccine, may have caused your Full Body Rash.

Here is an update as of 6/15/21:

My husband has now seen a second dermatologist, and a very good one. She was quite taken aback by the FULL BODY RASH on my husband's body, that she immediately left the patient's room, to bring in a parade of other doctors for a second opinion. The other doctors confirmed it was "not" Grovers Disease, per their personal observation, and they were very matter of fact. She, and the other doctors suggested a second biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, since the first biopsy was sent to a local lab in our town. She preferred a biopsy test from UCSF Lab (California), one of the best in our state/country. The results came back, and it is "not" GD. However, it was very similar to the first biopsy, which is good, that both biopsy tests, were aligned. Just to be clear, the first dermatologist who diagnosed GD, was by observation only. But now, we have both both biopsy tests results, which have been confirmed otherwise.

At the end of our appt., w/the doctor, I asked if she has seen any other patients with a full body rash like this, after taking the Covid-19 Vaccine? She replied, she has seen several patients, since the Covid-19 Vaccine, but only with smaller arm rashes, and nothing like this.

My husband's biopsy report is as follows: Spongiotic dermatitis, and is not fungal. Spongiotic dermatitis, includes Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Drug Eruption, Arthropod, Bite Reaction, and Autoimmune Vesiculobullous Disease (such as Bullous Pemphigoid).

The only two possibilities on this list, is "Allergic Contact Dermatitis" and "Drug Eruption". We don't believe the others relate, due to the description of the rash. Although we haven't a clue what my husband may have come in contact with topically, that could have caused his full body rash per Contact dermatitis. As, he is pretty much, a "creature of habit". Just to be safe, we have changed laundry soap, body soap, shampoos, and even bought new quality sheets. And also washed all of his clothing. His body products are the same that he has always used, and has never had a reaction to any. Which he keeps very simple.

As far as the "Drug Eruption" diagnosis - it does seem to point to the Pfizer Vaccination. As my husband does not take any prescriptions, and only an occasional Aleve, with no side effect ever! Also, after doing my own research, it appears vaccines, and drugs can cause a "Severe Rash". I suggest checking the list of ingredients of Pfizer Vaccine, as we did, which is provided by CDC online.

Also, I want to add one other body contact w/heat, that I neglected to mention in a previous thread, which is an "Electric Blanket". The blanket is turned on, only to pre-heat the bed, prior to bedtime (approx., 20 min before), and is turned off, before actually getting into bed. However, the blanket is still electrically plugged in while sleeping.

Elizabeth, I see you used a heating pad, which triggered my memory of the electric blanket.

The two prescriptions given, to help with his body rash are both Topical Ointments; Clobetasol Propionate, and Triamcinolone.

Of course, my husband is using these meds, out of "pure desperation". As I mentioned before, he never takes prescriptions, so this was a difficult decision for him. The Clobetasol, was to be applied for 2-3 days only. (As it only comes in a small tube, and can not be prescribed again for 30 days, in order for insurance to cover). The 1st medication seemed to be clearing the rash, but when he ran out of it, and then begin using Triamcinolone (per doctors instruction), new bumps appeared, and the rash started spreading. One week later, after seeing this, she gave him a cortisone shot, and instructed continue use of the 2nd medication, until the next follow up appt., which is next week.

Elizabeth, I too wish there was a way to create a safe place for others who may be experiencing the same rash/side effect, and may suspect Covid-19 Vaccination. Earth Clinic is an excellent site for starters, and hopefully others will find this site helpful to share their own story.

Please, anyone experiencing a similar situation, or side effects of a Full Body Rash, after receiving the Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccination, we hope you'll share your story here.

Thank you,


FYI: Here's a website per our doctor- Assistance, for anyone having side effects from Vaccine, contact, VSafe.

Also, after reporting our health situation/side effects to the CDC, here is their response to my letter, and link for assistance, Please see other links below.

Dear Ms F-----,

Thank you for contacting CDC. We are sorry about the symptoms you experienced after the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Hypersensitivity reactions such as rash have been reported following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine outside of clinical trials (see Commonly reported side effects after COVID vaccine include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, nausea, and injection site pain, redness, and swelling (see

We recommend that you follow-up with your healthcare provider. As policy, CDC does not offer clinical guidance for a specific patient, and recommends questions and decisions regarding the clinical care and management of a patient be discussed with the patient's healthcare provider. Such patient management requires familiarity with a patient's medical history, the ability to physically examine the patient, as well as clinical laboratory testing to obtain a fuller picture of the patient's clinical situation. These factors are beyond CDC's ability to provide, and for those reasons, we recommend you discuss your concerns with your son's healthcare provider.

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to report your symptoms after vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) or ask your healthcare provider to report it. Reports to VAERS are important to help CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) detect new or unusual adverse events or patterns that could indicate a problem with vaccines. Instructions for reporting are available at


CDC Immunization Safety Office staff

Atlanta, GA

Replied by Rita

Hi everyone,

Here is an update on my husband's health after receiving a misdiagnosis for Grovers Disease.

As it turns out, the diagnosis is Bullous Pemphigoid, which was triggered by the Pfizer Covid Vaccine, which put his immune system into an over reactive state. This has been 100% confirmed by a rare disease doctor at UCSF. I appreciate all the support from everyone who contributed help. We are now onto a new chapter. But in the meanwhile, antibiotics and the many supplements have been helping tremendously. My husband's reports are showing only 25% is left in his body, of this awful bacteria that got into his system per Pfizer vaccine. It has been a tough 9 months, getting NO help from CDC, and having to figure this out ourselves. Thankfully, we have come across some very well advised practitioners, and my husband is now on his way to healing. Thank you all SO much,

Grover's Disease Triggers

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mmcmkj (Roseville, Ca) on 03/19/2018

I've had a Grover's Disease on and off for 3 years - it was always really mild and went away after a week or two. I've had a horrible outbreak since October 2017 - Its been 5+ months of the most horrible itching from my feet to my neck. I can't sleep and I have bruises all over my body from itching. My dermatologist put me on topical steroids combined with Sarna, both did very little to provide relief. I know from reading lots of posts that many of you have had to endure this disease for years and I am so sorry for you.

This weekend I noticed that I got worse after drinking red wine; I started searching to see if anyone else had the same problem and I found this site. I can't tell you how happy I am that it validated my findings! Wine and anything else with sulfites are now banished from my diet. I also love the advice on eating Cilantro to help/cure the symptoms. Luckily I LOVE Cilantro so I can't wait to go to the store tonight and buy bunches of Cilantro!

I'm very hopeful and I'll report back in a few day on if this remedy works for me or not ......fingers crossed!

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Gary (Danville, Kentucky) on 12/13/2017

Not sure if any are reading these posts now its' Dec 2017. I was diagnosed with Grovers in the late 1990's. I'm a single male in my now late 40's. Seems hard to pin point what the cause is. I didnt have the issue until after going on a cruise to the Bahamas in the 90's not sure if that had anything to do with it., the Sun, intense heat, being fair skinned getting burnt etc.. but regardless went to my family doc, went through the ringer of things including at one point they thought it was Aids... that freaked me out and I'm like How is that possible...? but all test came back negative. and was eventually told I had Grovers. I went to a dermo for years.. never got any long term cure.

for me.. mine seems to pop up the worse in Nov to Dec in the cold months so through winter I have a major issue with it. it seems to always be there, but in the cold months it's much worse and I break out on my upper and lower back and same for chest stomach area. Try being single with this going on and trying to date.. ugh... Rare that I go without a shirt, in the spring an summer my symptoms are not as I am trying to figure it out.. cold months, heat in the house drying out skin? I was told by the dermo to use lotion after getting out of the shower. pat dry and lotion up.. I have done that for years.

Skip to now.. I can't afford to see a dermo, haven't been since 2008. I don't have health insurance, cant afford it and my job doesn't offer any. So I go to the health dept. they can only do so much but for the past 4 or 5 years. I have been prescribed and using a topical cream (Trimcinolone Acetonide cream 0.1%) and also they will do about a 3 month prescription of Doxycycline Mono 100mg twice daily. neither have made the Grovers go away but make life somewhat tolerable.

Unfortunately the Antibiotic (Doxy) if taken for long periods have caused yeast infections which in turn make you have to take something for that and yes men can get yeast infections just like women its just not as common and its not pleasant either. So I don't take the Doxy as prescribed but the health dept cant do anymore then they have other than refer me to a Dermatologist which would be an out of pocket expense.. having to pay for prescriptions out of pocket is bad enough with no insurance. I'm just tired of the condition.

My diet is the same all year long so I can't see why in the cold months if flares up in the worse way. I don't smoke, I don't drink... if I do its just very rare on a special occasion... like New Years or something.. but I dont drink Wine at all... I have made notes on all the posts and may try some of the things you all have tried to see if I can get some more permanent relief.. just to have the rash to be gone and less itching / irritation (i do my best not to scratch) would be a life changer... last person I dated said it looked like I had Chicken Pox... Major Ego Boost.... lol.. Not...

The one thing that helps is knowing I'm not alone and there are more people out there than I thought that was dealing with this. Most seem to not know about nor never heard of Grovers but I suppose if you don't have it you would. Best of luck to you all in your quest for a cure or relief. I have wondered if you can be treated for Chicken Pox would the same medicine used for that work for Grovers??

Replied by Wayne

Hey Gary,

I have had GD since I turned 42... so for 27 years. I tried a lot of creams recommended by the skin specialists, but they were largely ineffective. Last winter I tried UV treatment at the local hospital. After a few weeks it really helped and right through summer I sat in the sun with just shorts on. The rash almost disappeared and at the end of summer 2017, I could not see it. Then in December I caught the flu and immediately the rash reappeared on my stomach and chest and a bit on my lower back. I always use a cream after showering after my workouts (5 days a week) and the rash has become less visible again. I am thinking of buying a UV lamp to use at home rather than go to the hospital and stand in the UV rays for 5 minutes, 3 times a week. The UV must be UVB Narrow Band TL01. I think it might be better than creams. I also agree with the people on this site, it could be food related - so it is better to find the cause rather than treat the symptoms. It is worth a try.

Replied by Jim
(Champaign, Ilinois)

Gary, I read your post and could not have described life better than you just did. I am an orthopedic surgeon and have wonderful access to any and all aspects of our medical care system and that has not helped me at all. The dermatologists, God bless them, have not been helpful. This problem leaves now single guy like me feeling hopeless when it comes to dating. I continue to read and try to learn about it and try new remedies. That is where I'm at.

Replied by Ben

PLEASE see BEN's post. I have tried MANY prescriptions with medical directions, non helped. My Cilantro smoothie WORKS. Please TRY.

(Vero Beach, Florida)

Hello Ben!

Dealing with Grovers, also. Going to dermatologist three times a week for the blu light treatment....not sure how effective it is, as I still itch and have the nasty lesions on back, chest and arms.

Could you please provide the recipe for your Cilantro Smoothie? I would very much appreciate!

Many thanks!


(Kitchener On)

Hi jteriod

Sorry to hear of your issue. Dr.Lenerd Coldwell is the #1 natural Dr. he has many videos on Youtube. He says to rub Hemp Oil on any skin issues and they will die and never re-appear.

God Bless


Grover's Disease Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jeannette (Colorado) on 02/25/2022

Beyond Cilantro - Other Remedies Not Previously Mentioned for Grover's

I'm a 75 year old female diagnosed with Grovers by a dermatologist (primary care physician misdiagnosed Prickly heat) who prescribed topical steroids (which I won't use because of my hypersensitivity to all meds. I have a 3 year history of heart disease and docs made me their guinea pig for meds with horrendous side effects ranging from chronic diarrhea to anaphylactic shock).

Have suffered from Grovers for 1 month now...was keeping me awake with needle-like prickles from 8 pm to 3 am. The night prickles stopped 2 weeks ago when I went on a strict candida-free diet (absolutely no bread and no sugar). Rash is milder now but still evident mostly on chest and belly and some on back. Just started the cilantro smoothie routine, but also made a cilantro pesto (1/4 bunch cilantro and olive oil) poultice for my chest and belly area.

Research on other sites indicates a connection between Grovers and:

1. using electric blanket or heating pad which I have been doing for 3 months (stopped immediately upon reading about the connection) as my feet get ICE cold on Colorado nights (which could be adrenal fatigue?); and

2. Grovers can be activated by strong meds for other conditions (certainly a consideration in my case) and

3. excessive sweat (which I notice between and under my breasts at night) which indicates an imbalance in one's internal thermometer.

I think the presence of heavy metals are also worth examining. Looks like cilantro may play a big role in a cure. Thanks to all of you for your willingness to share what's working! Anxious to try your recipes!

Grover's Disease Remedies
Posted by Lynn Ann (New York Ny) on 06/05/2013

My Grover's disease is so bad it is unbearable. I am a 55 year old woman and this started a couple of years ago - about at the onset of menopause. The disease was diagnosed by biopsy. I am considering undergoing light therapy treatment. Is there any wholistic treatment for this? I have used steroid creams & Atarax but it just will not go away. I really need help. I am itching like crazy and the rash is all over my chest, stomach and my upper & lower back. I can hardly bear it.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Hi Lynn Ann, That sounds miserable! I have not experienced this, but have a few thoughts about what I would try if I were in your shoes. I noticed on earth clinic's Grover's Disease page that some have found relief with iodoral. Since iodine deficiency can cause all sorts of problems, it would be something to look into. Since it seems menopause related, possibly, Evening Primrose Oil, internally, might be helpful. 1300mg gel caps daily. They help many with menopause symptoms. Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap molasses help so many people with so many things, adding those to you diet wouldn't hurt and might help. 1-2 T. Of each daily. Lots of water and less sugar are also helpful to many ailments.

To help your immediate problem with itching, you could try oatmeal baths or epsom salt baths. You could also put Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) in a spray bottle and spray it on. It might sting. Try a small spot first. Or dilute 1:1 with water.

I recently made a lotion that is for anti-itch. It works really well for some tick bites that are not being helped by anything else. Here is the recipe:

Natural Anti-Itch Cream:
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons bentonite clay
1 tablespoon (approx. ) witch hazel

How to Make:

Mix sea salt, baking soda, and bentonite clay in a small bowl or jar (nothing metal with the bentonite clay). Slowly add witch hazel. Stirring constantly, until it reaches a creamy consistency. Add essential oils if using.

I added a few drops each of: peppermint, lavender, frankincense, tea tree and patchouli essential oils.

Hope you find some relief soon! Let us know what works for you!



Itching is helped with large doses of Vitamin C. I have taken up to 20 grams of Vitamin C to cure it and it works really well. Since Vitamin C is also one of the best anti-allergics, so I think it treats the itching by removing allergies.

Replied by Trudyg
(Waynesboro, Va, Usa)

16 eggs? Per day? Wow. Maybe you can answer my question about eggs: If I eat a raw egg, laid by my hen, it's very fresh and I'm not concerned about bacteria--I know it was clean before I cracked it because I'm the one doing the cleaning. But, how long can I hold an egg before being concerned about contamination? I know that hens can lay eggs over a week and then sit on them to hatch, so they don't automatically go bad without refrigeration. So, at what point do I say it's better not to eat it raw?

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Hi again... after I posted, I thought of a few more things that might be worth a try...

Turmeric - this is great for inflammation. It is also anti-tumor. 1 t. 2-3 x a day. You could take 4 00 capsules to make 1 t. Or you could mix the powder with milk. (Some people like it that way... I don't! I mixed it with honey to get my 4 year old to take it.

Vitamin C - another thing that helps many diseases. Doctoryourself. com has lots of stories and talks about how to dose it.

Coconut Oil- read about how many things this helps here on earthclinic. You could do oil pulling or just take it internally. (1-3 T. A day... Start with 1 or 2 t. a day and work your way up.)

Let us know what helps you! ~ Mama to Many

Replied by Trudyg
(Waynesboro, Va, Usa)

So what's the easiest way--just toss them back? I only have a couple of hens, so don't get 6 eggs/day. May need more chickens. Will this help my insomnia? I'm the terrible insomniac on this forum for whom nothing works. Thanks so much for your input.

Replied by Sandy

My suggestion is to take D-Lenolate (olive leaf extract) and bathe the areas with Olive Leaf soap.

Replied by Tinabobeena
(New York, Ny)

I don't think there is a cure per se - though I am not a doctor. I was told it just has to run its course (this of course after I got it checked out and the doctor told me it was Grover's Disease). Best remedy for the itching: Sarna lotion. It helped tremendously!! Be prepared - Grover's Disease can last for months, but does eventually go away on its own.

Replied by Shae
(Los Angeles, California)

I've had Grover's Disease for many years, and was FINALLY diagnosed a couple of years ago. I had a second biopsy just to make sure and confirm. The ONLY thing that has worked (medication-wise) has been Accutane. I'm not thrilled about having to take it again, (this will be the second time), but, I'm miserable. I'm interested in finding a doctor that specializes in Grover's. Anyone know of one in the US??? Thanks.

Replied by Michelle
(Los Angeles, US)

I have to disagree.... In SOME cases grover's can go away on its own. I have suffered for 25 years. Almost always in some sort of break out somewhere on my body. The only relief for me has been acutane. Don't love going on it but it stopped it completely while taking it. After two months off it erupted in full force. I would like to try a natural remedy and I have in the past, but nothing really worked. I'm still searching.

Replied by Melanie
(Minnesota, Usa)

I have had success with hydrogen peroxide. At the sign of an outbreak I use towelettes soaked in hp. I have spray bottles too. It will usually knock it down after a week or so. That way I can avoid a course of antibiotics. I also take lukewarm showers twice a day.

Replied by Maggie
(Plattsburgh, Ny)

Turmeric is worth a try but in order for turmeric to do its job it needs to be accompanied with black pepper (piperade).

I have Grovers too and I've been taking turmeric in its raw form as well as organic ground for 3 years (only just had it diagnosed) but it hasn't helped my Grover's. I have only just started with coconut oil with neem oil mixed in with it. I'm trying to see if that will help as I don't want to put that cream on anymore.

Grover's Disease Triggers

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Kevin J (CO) on 07/23/2024

I just was told I had GD. I starting taking Whey Protein (Allmax Isoflex) about 4 months ago. Never had GD before and I'm 74 years young now. Does anybody think the protein caused it? I do not have itching with this so far.

Any thoughts?

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Kevin J,

Whey protein allergy is known to cause itchy rashes in people and if you were predisposed to Grover's disease, it seems very possible that it could have acted as a triggering agent, assuming that the diagnosis is correct. Whey protein allergic reactions are discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote from the article link :

' The symptoms of whey protein allergies can vary from person to person, and their severity can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include:

  • Skin reactions (rashes, hives, itching)

  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat

  • Digestive issues (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea)

  • Respiratory problems (wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath)

  • Anaphylaxis (a severe, potentially life-threatening reaction) '

Whey protein also contains dairy and dairy products are one of the food types that are not recommended in cases of Grover's disease as discussed here :

Given the above, it seems reasonable to take a significant break from whey protein to see if doing so has a mitigating effect on the Grover's disease.


Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by John (Florida) on 02/18/2023

I developed Grovers Disease when I had Covid 19, which was confirmed with a biopsy. I had it over my front and back trunk locations. I tried several remedies, and dermatologist prescribed prescriptions, but nothing worked. I finally went to see Dr. William Cole, DO, Sarasota, Florida. He treated me with a proprietary infusion, and medication, and within several weeks, the itching stopped, and the rash began to fade. It continues to fade each week and I would say that it is 90% gone. I believe that my rash was related to my Covid 19 infection, since it occurred at the same time. Dr. Cole believed that my condition was a continuing immune response. It has been seven (7) months since I had Covid and developed the rash. I have read that a lot of cases resolve themselves between 6 to 12 months without any treatment. However, I am truly thankful that I went to see Dr. Cole as I believe his method worked in my particular Covid related disease.

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