Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Bioflavonoids, B Complex
Posted by Bob (California) on 04/01/2018

For hemorrhoids, take 1000 mgs of bioflavonoids 2 a day. If capsules, open them up and pour contents down the throat. (much better results) Wash down with juice.

Take activated B complex.

Avoid Arginine, which is high in some nuts like walnuts and pecans, and chocolate.

Posted by R (India) on 06/07/2017

Cumin powder for hemorrhoid, piles

Hi, This one gave the best miraculous results for external hemorrhoid & pain, fissures, piles...

just apply paste for cumin in water to area... But I had used aloe vera gel + "arjun" powder (ayurvedic herb) + "jyeshthamadh" powder (ayurvedic herb)

all healing .... also helping in reducing pain, swelling, wounds

wishing all a great health.

Posted by David (San Diego, CA) on 03/06/2015

To get relief from Hemorrhoids you need to reduce the straining and the easiest way to do that is to shoot some water up the pipes to get things lose and moving and the best way to do that is with a Hand Bidet Sprayer. Primarily used for superior hygiene it can also be used to spray inside like a mini-power enema and get clean inside and out. Fast, convenient and efficient.

Posted by Rosalie (Huntingdon Valley, Pa) on 03/04/2015

The best treatment for hemorrhoids I have ever used is a homeopathic ointment called avenoc: it contains aesculus hippoastanium; collinsonia Canadensis and hamamellis virginiana. Buy it at health food store. It's a homeopathic remedy. Cured my problem..no surgery!

Magnet Therapy
Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/18/2015 2063 posts

Hemorrhoids: This is an occasional problem for me and I have one remedy that works every time usually in 2 or 3 days and it is Magnet Therapy. For starters I would recommend sleeping atop a Magnet Bed Pad and sitting on it while watching TV on the sofa or recliner. You may need to graduate to a stronger part-time M therapy in a severe case like you reporting while continue using the pad as much as possible. This removes all the bad energy and inflammation so the body can do it's natural healing actions.

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)
Posted by Psoas Major (North Port, Florida) on 11/13/2014

Try manual lymph drainage to reduce size of external and internal hemorrhoids. I could believe how well it worked for me when every other home remedy did not.

Coconut Oil, Cumin
Posted by Dibro828 (Mississippi) on 11/01/2013

Healed the worst case of Hemorroids imagined by Coconut oil and Ground Cumin!

Fast relief. No faith required.

Latex glove with a nice dob of Coconut oil at finger tips..."cover" and I mean cover the Coconut oil with Ground Cumin

(Mccormicks from the grocery store works just fine thank you)

squat and apply the ointment inside and outside of rectum...may be warm a few seconds..but the trade off is NO MORE Itching no more burning.

As the coconut oil instantly sooths the rawness of affected area (all around inside and out) the Ground Cumin gets to work reducing the size of the "Roid" or "Roids" by getting the circulation flowing from the blocked up rectum tissue causing the pain n swelling in the first place.

Repeat this AM and PM or 3x day if possible.

Optional: Try

Magic Milk "Tonic"...

Warning (Do not drink Magic Milk if taking blood thinning medications)

Magic Milk "Tonic"

1-8oz cup of milk (warm is mighty good)

1/4 tsp of Ground Curry ...

1/4 tsp Ground Tumeric

1/4 tsp Ground Ginger Root...

For two and three alarm Hemorroids add

1/4 tsp Ground Cumin to this mix.

Sip and enjoy the healing magic!

Posted by Nonni (Usa) on 11/01/2013

After trying several different home remedies for an external hemorrhoid, I decided to try the homeopathic remedy, Calc. Fluor. in the 6 x potency. I read that you should take 4 doses a day as well as apply it topically. I dissolved about 3 or 4 of the tablets in water and put some on a cotton ball. I squeezed out any excess water and placed the cotton ball on the hemorrhoid. I did this every night leaving the cotton ball on until morning. I never did take the Calc. Fluor. internally, but after 12 nights of applying it topically the hemorrhoid had shrunk and was healed. I kept the mixture in the refrigerator and made a fresh batch every 4 or 5 days.

Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 09/01/2013

Clear soluble fiber.

I had hemorrhoids after childbirth and while witch hazel helped with some of the pain and itching, it didn't really cure them.

For a different health concern, I started taking a product that is advertised as "clear soluble fiber" or "non-thickening fiber". Insoluble fiber can dry out your stool, which can irritate hemorrhoids; soluble fiber makes the stool easier to pass, which (I believe) allows the hemorrhoids to heal.

This even worked for one of my cats! I gave him 1/2 a teaspoon in his water bowl every 3-4 days, and he never noticed because it doesn't have any flavor or texture when dissolved in water. In a few days he was better, and I continued to add it to his water for prevention.

Posted by Mary (Austin, Tx) on 09/15/2012

I feel so grateful for this site!!! I had a strange bad hemmorhoid issue that came on during a very stressful time at age 44. Never before had I ever had such a problem, and it was scary when I found that conventional medicine is all about nasty surgery.

Reading here, I learned about ACV applications, and started doing them and received immediate comfort and a small reduction in swelling. But after 2 weeks of not much change, I chatted with a friend and she raved about a Chinese herbal pill formula with a western name of "Fargolin". I went to a chinese pharmacy in my town and they had several brands - all for only $4-$5 a bottle.

Well, amazingly, after just a couple of doses, the hemorrhoid responded beautifully. My friend said, "yeah, that's normal - just a few days is all it takes. " I asked if I should finish the bottle anyway and she said no, just save it in case you ever need it again. 2 years on, and still hemorrhoid-free!

Posted by Kitty (Seattle, Wash) on 08/08/2012

I had just finished a course of antibiotics which I really hate taking, and I had taken probiotics 2-3 a day but I was told you should triple it. Anyhow I had the worse case of hemorrhoid afterwards, first time for me. I put some cayenne mixed with virgin coconut oil and put it on it are of the hemorrhoids it really burned for awhile then felt fine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jane (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 05/23/2012

I have never experienced a case of hemorroids till the day I turn 40 ( happy Birthday to me! ). I was at work and all of the sudden I started feeling this excruciating pain you know where and could barely stand, walk or even sit. I could not wait to go to the store to buy some Preparation H ( the most common remedy I knew of as I had seen my mom and my grand parents use it). Obviously hemorroids should not be a surprise to me as I have read they are hereditary. So when they showed up I thought, I was doomed and I will probably have to deal with them for the rest of my life. I was not considering going to see a doc or get surgery, I was determined to find a remedy and especially a natural one. Today thanks to all those who shared their remedies against hemorroids on this site, I am more confident that hems can be kept under control with a better diet and common ingredients that most of the time we have laying around the house, like garlic, ACV and coconut oil.

I am not sure what triggered them, probably a light case of constipation due to poor diet and a bit of stress. However, even if in the past I had a bit of itching or pain here and there after using the bathroom, I had never had such a bad case of inflammed external hems. Luckily enough though my hems were never bleeding, not once over this past week, just very swollen and painful. The first two days were the worst as I was at work and standing all day was not helping at all. I had not slept in two days and I was in so much pain that people starting asking what was wrong with me. Talking about your hems is not an option, especially at work, as it is such a embarassing subject but so common apprently and so painful that it is a serious ailment. I didn't know how to cope with them. Prep H was not working, and I had not had time to search much on the internet to find a different remedy. Finally I stumbled on this site and it was like a miracle for me. I was going to be off for the following two days so I was hopeful that by using some of these remedies by the time I had to go back to work, I would be ok. Not exactly the case but at least I knew what to do and I knew I had to be patient.

I read all the posts and the remedies I chose for me were: garlic/coconut oil suppositories, ACV, hot baths, ice packs, witch hazel, vitamin E and horse chestnut tablets. Among those I think the ones that really made a difference were the horsechesnut tablets and the garlic. The rest was just to alleviate the pain and discomfort for the first 4-5 days especially after using the toilet. I found that grating the garlic and mix it with the coconut oil and freeze them in the shape of suppositories works the best, stings less than just inserting the garlic and less uncomfortable. Plus the suppositories are kept frozen so they give an instant relief once inserted.

I also bought Rutin and I will start taking it daily in order to prevent hems to come back. I hope that works. I have added more fiber to my diet as I think that was the part I was really missing, so oats, granola, quinoa for breakfast, have been really helpful.

Dead Sea Mineral Mud
Posted by Sjtx (Utopia, Tx) on 04/23/2012

I developed roids after my second child. Mine are not brought on by constipation but from standing all day without rest or working out in a. M. Then doing cardio class in p. M. several days in a row.

Ice used to work if I caught it on day one. This time it didin't faze it & another appeared. I came to this site & tried the ACV which I love for occasional reflux. Nothing, another popped up. I tried the coconut oil as suppository(frozen & molded) as well externally.... Another popped up overnight. I did the peppercorns for 2 days..... Nothing but no adverse reaction. Bought witch hazel & witch hazel wipes.... No relief. Soaked in epsom salt, soaked in ACV... Now have 5 roids. Losing my mind with frustration at this point. Last night husband suggested putting some hydrocortisone 1% cream. Don't like to use pharma products but was desperate. Got 50% relief from the burning but did nothing for the swelling.

Remembered I had a 5 gallon bucket of Dead Sea Mineral Mud. Tightens my face & body & shrinks my pores so thought "why not, nothing else has helped". Well for me, this is working!!!!!! They have begun to shrink within the first hour & my mood has elevated dramatically!!!!! I have on a sanitary pad so my panties aren't muddied, but this is truly amazing.

Hope this helps someone else when you have tried all else.

Got my Dead Sea Mineral Mud 2 years ago on ebay.

Posted by Graham (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/14/2011

I have had problems with sore and bleeding hemaroids for many years and I have almost instant relief using Swedish Bitters everytime they flare up..

I halve a cotton wool ball soak it in swedish bitters make into a bullet shape and wipe the affected area, then insert just slightly.. It really stings though but well worth it as within a minute or so all pain has gone.. I hope this helps someone..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rose (Ontario) on 05/28/2021

It is the skin of the aloe leaf, containing latex which is toxic to liver and kidney, not the inner gel. Some liquid and powdered aloe supplements contain the skin, advertised as 'whole leaf'. It is the 'filet', just the gel that is essentially non toxic, but all things in moderation and one should research for contraindications to any supplement which could apply to an individual's health profile.

Posted by Ricardo (Portland, , Oregon) on 06/28/2011

I just wanted to add to the post of a home remedy that was given to me recently. Golden seal and Vaseline. Last week I had the worst case of "roids" I have ever encountered. It was so painful to just sit down, and I sit down at work all day long. I told a friend, and he suggested that I take Goldenseal Powder and mix it with Vaseline, and apply it to my infected area. I took it a step further and put the mixture in the freezer to make it nice and cold so it would help reduce the inflammation. Within 2 minutes I notice a dynamic decrease in pain. I have also goldenseal with over the counter Hemorrhoid cream, which I put in the freezer. It works wonders compared to hemorrhoid cream by itself.

I will try the AVC remedies I have read over this post to see how they work.

I just wanted to say, "Thank you, " to all the people who post on this webpage for all their input on holistic and natural home remedies.

In the last 15 years I have lost faith in modern medicine and have found it true in my personal experiences', that common sense and knowledge of TCM can go a long way for maintaining one's personal health. Good luck you all of you and thank you for all of your insights.
