Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dave (East Aurora, Ny) on 10/11/2014

Molasses capsules work almost immediately to reduce and get rid of hemorrhoids. One capsule twice a day to start and then one a day once you are back to normal.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Michael (North Carolina, US) on 10/03/2014

Hydrogen Peroxide for hemorrhoids:

After 5 days my hemmorhoid was gone. Simple as that.

P.S. First, after my brother told me his hemmorhoid was cured in 2 or 3 days with ACV, I tried ACV directly on the 'roid and left it on overnight multiple times, and it stung so bad so I stopped using it.

So that's when I tried H202 (peroxide) and it worked!

Posted by Isabel (Tampa, FL) on 09/02/2014

Last week my hemorrhoids were very bad, spend more than $30.00 on pH and did nothing for me. Somebody told me to use vick vaporub, the pain and the swelling were gone within 1 hour.

Posted by Reina (Miami) on 10/21/2016

Less than one hour, pain, itching, swelling, uncomfortability from runner's hemorrhoids gone! YES!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lori (Georgia, US) on 08/14/2014

I stopped coke products about eight weeks ago and hemorrhoids are now gone plus my fingernails are strong and healthy .

Dietary Changes
Posted by Em (San Francisco, Ca) on 05/27/2013

After months of experimenting, and having tried castor oil and ACV, the both gave me temporary relief, reducing the itching and swelling, but not a cure. My most important discovery has been the effect of eliminating coffee. The itching was reduced by 95%. What I ingest definitely affects my hemorrhoids. My thought is that any foods that causes gas or bloating does not agree with my body and therefore I'll try to eliminate it out of my diet as a first step and later I'll see if I can tolerate small amounts.

I have also been using baking soda with a little soap when showering to eliminate any yeast condition that may be aggravating my condition. I'm also eliminating alcohol and other foods to determine whether specific foods are triggers.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by April (Seattle, Wa) on 04/25/2013

The posts of other peoples successes have helped me remedy the internal/external hemorroids and fissures I have been plagued with for the last 10 months. So I thought I would pass on the things that worked in my trials and errors. I went to the doctor and a surgeon who each prescribed things that helped, but only temporarily. Surgery is not a viable option for me at this time, not to mention scarey. I've tried a couple of different products my boyfriend found online without noticeable improvement. It's been a long arduous process, I hope my experiences can offer assistance as I wouldn't wish this problem on anyone!

The following are things that worked for me:

Pure Psyllium powder once a day for regularity.

Coconut oil healed the fissures within a few days (used as a suppository) and has a wonderfully cooling sensation. It was an immediate relief! It soothes irritated skin surrounding the area as well. I find it wise to use a tiny bit externally since that area needs to stay dry. No problems with fissures since!

Bending over while on the stool. This is wonderful and highly recommended. Thank you person who posted that. This is the way to go! :) Makes so much sense. I still insert vaseline with a q-tip prior to going for good measure.

Using witch hazel to clean the area. Witch hazel wipes. Corn starch powder to stay dry.

My naturalpath gave me a food allergy test. Relatively inexpensive. By cutting the foods out of my diet that I'm allergic to my body seems to process foods better. A good digestive enzyme to help with the things it doesn't.

The surgeon prescribed a stool softener (I just saw it as an over the counter product in the drug store). I use this if my normal bowel movement doesn't happen to prevent tears. This has eased my mind when I'm worried about something I ate tearing me up. Like the other day when I had a burger that was like a brick in my stomach.

Cayenne Pepper with honey and lemon for swelling have had immediate impact on the stubborn external hemorroids that seemed like they would never go away despite everything I did. I love this drink and just wish I wasn't so afraid to try it before. I thought the cayenne pepper would burn, but only my throat if I add too much. About 1/8th of a teaspoon in a large mug of warm water. It is wonderful! I take it morning and night.

I have used an incredible amount of Ibuprofen over the last several months for the pain and to ease the discomfort. Recently I found that Antihistamine used for allergies makes the itching go away! Common over the counter allergy product. Oh my goodness what a wonderful thing!

Kegels helped get the external ones back where they belong. Sitz baths when I needed them. Glycerin suppositories when things get stuck and over the counter ointments.

It's been a long arduous process to completely remedy my problem. I sit all day at work (on a rolled up towel) and am just now starting to feel normal with the Benadryl and cayenne tea for those stubborn external ones. I'd like to be able to wear jeans without setbacks which hopefully will happen soon. All the best!

Proper Positioning
Posted by Gaetano (St. Louis, Missouri, Us) on 02/04/2013

The 6" step to allow squatting on the toilet is what seems to work best for me. I'm 19 and my first hemorrhoid appeared two months ago: small protrusion from the anus that retracted within days. The itchiness and minor swelling persisted though. Sitting was uncomfortable and pretty much throughout the whole day my bum was itchy or irritated. I never saw a proper doctor, but from talking to my dad (an ob/gyn) determined it was probably a small internal one. I tried the garlic suppositories (5 days), Candida Cleanse diet (5 days only eating vegetables; didn't do the detox drinks or other supplements), Apple Cider Vinegar, Witch Hazel Wipes, and generic hemorrhoid cream, but nothing seamed to work effectively (though the garlic suppositories did make bowel movements much easier with no straining).

I started using the 6 inch step (two shoeboxes for my tall toilet) and the irritation and itching have declined significantly. Now only a few times per day do I even take notice of any irritation and it is minor and goes away if I don't think about it.

It is more natural for us to squat when defecating. It loosens the muscle in the colon that controls continence and allows an open path for stool with less straining. Non-western countries where squatting is the norm have very low rates of hemorrhoids (compared to America where more than half the population will have them at some point).

Of course a healthy diet and exercise have been shown (more empirically than squatting) to increase ease of bowel movements and prevention of hemorrhoids, but the 6" step is probably the most efficient way of alleviating hemorrhoids.

Google 'squatty potty' or 'slate don't just sit there' for some informational videos/articles on the subject.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cured (Baltimore, Maryland) on 01/21/2013

Miracle Cure for Hemorroids: Brown Rice Bowl w/ Fajita Chicken, Tomatoes, Red Chili, Guacalmole and Lettuce.This fiber and protein conconction packs only 625 Calories. Delicious also. Cured me year long ailment in 3 days. I eat it four times a week and so far so good.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Crew Chief (Silsbee, Texas) on 09/25/2012

Thought I had stomach ulcer. Knawing terrible pain. First I stopped drinking coffee and any caffeine for about a week which was difficult but helped a lot. At the same time I took aloe vera gel caps, garlic caps, fish oil caps, gse, and occasionally very small pieces of fresh garlic clove swallowed whole with meals morning and evening. I ate Campbells chicken noodle, and vegetable soups, rasin bran with very little milk, eggs, and plenty of power aide and water. Followed this for about two weeks and now feel normal. Started feeling some relief within a few days. Now I can drink a cup of coffee(not too strong and with milk added) with my wife in the morning. I was dealing with hemroids at the same time and they have cleared up also. One thing I found to really help hemroids is 100% aloe vera clear jel from Wal Mart and applied to toilet paper for a final clense after b movements. Have a good day!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Josey (Tulsa, Ok) on 09/08/2012

I finally got relief by taking 2 T. Of whole bran fiber a day in water. Not bran flakes, just the fiber. I am amazed.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Spiridione (Valletta, Malta) on 04/05/2012

I've had piles that come and go and usually are more present after drinking beer. They give me no pain. I found that after using a probiotic capsule as a suppository, the swelling is reduced and even gone. I also, keep myself hydrated during the day and drink green tea.

Posted by Scaiken (Aiken, Sc) on 04/02/2012

I have had very painful hemorrhoids for four months and have tried a lot of the home remedies mentioned on this site. ACV, Molasses, garlic, witch hazel, Rutin, Vitamin B6, suppositories, etc. To no avail.

Nothing worked until I tried 200 mg. Horse Chestnut Leaf, 800 mg. of Witch Hazel Leaf, and 100mg. Ginger Root. After three weeks of this mixture I am 90% cured and hope to be 100% soon. You can either get this mixtured from Hem-Relief or buy your own individually a lot cheaper.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Libyan (Tripoli, Libya) on 01/01/2012


hello everyone, alot of very intresting comments and remedies, however, the way I understans it is, we have to live a perfectly good life style, good balanced diet full of fiber and plenty of liquids, and that is a remedy not only to hemorhoids but to a long ilness free life...... We have an old saying "stomach is the house of disease" not sure how else to put that.... By having a clean healthy stomach you have a clean healthy body... adding on, things I found great to have daily or at least several times a week that will help you have clean stomach, vegies like garlic, onions and high fibre content foods such as dried figs, dates... etc, and last Camel Milk "best of all", it is a great laxative, but it also have ingredients that help prevent cancer and tastes good aswell.....

wish everyone good luck and good health

Dietary Changes
Posted by Moe (Puerta Vallarta, Mexico) on 09/24/2011

Avoid garlic, eggplant. Never use toilet paper again to wipe yourself, only wash your self with warm water, toilet paper will irritate your anus and can provoke inflamation of the tissue. watermelon must be consumed as much as possible.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Spiro (Wellington, New Zealand) on 07/27/2011

Hey guys,

I am of Indian origin and have inherited hemorrhoids from both my mom's and dad's side of the family. I should be so lucky - not!

But fortunately enough, my Grandmother - who always seems to have home remedies for minor ailments - let me into the secret of living a hemorrhoid-free-life.

She always said the worst offenders are chicken, chicken egg and beef, which turn out to be spot on for me! You could still eat the other types of meat such as - pork, lamb, duck, turkey, etc. In an instance that you have a bout of hemorrhoids as you were unable to steer away from chicken, chicken egg or beef, try to eat duck eggs with whole mustards in them. It works true wonders!

I have to say at times I am just too gluttonous to be able to completely eliminate the hemorrhoid offenders and subsequently I end up losing blood when I empty my bowels. In such instances I make a duck egg omelet for a couple of days and viola! I am completely free of hemorrhoids. This method is tried and tested on my mom, dad, uncles, aunties and a whole lot of family friends. Give it a try!

Duck egg omelet recipe:

Beat the egg and a pinch of salt in a glass.

Pour a teaspoon of oil (any oil will do) into a hot pan.

When the oil is hot, add a teaspoon full of mustard - be warned that mustard will pop and splutter like pop corn. So once you add the mustard to the oil just close the pan with a lid.

Wait for the popping to subside and pour in the omelet and cook the egg thoroughly.

And you are well on your way to clearing those nasty hemorrhoids. Remember: keep away from chicken, chicken egg and beef and eat loads of vegetables and green leaves to enable easier bowel movement.

Good luck guys!

Posted by Ken B (Scotland) on 05/18/2017

Ricardo, I would be very careful about putting Vaseline, which is a Petrol based product on any area of sensitive absorbing skin, or internally. Have a look on Youtube on how to make homemade "vaseline" from Olive Oil and beeswax. This is much safer and the Vitamin E in the Olive Oil will help the skin heal.

Just my thoughts amigo.
