Blackstrap Molasses
Yes, Blackstrap molasses works on warts. When I was a young child my mother gave us 1 tablespoon a day. We would have it in milk. My mother got this idea because we would give our cows a molasses block to rid them of warts. It works!
EC: Some doctors might question the wisdom of soaking any part of the body in bleach, but soaking the toes in a dilution of bleach and water is a widely recommended remedy for nail fungus.
Blister Beetle Juice
1/2 cup powdered Blood Root (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
1/2 cup Zinc Chloride, crystals or liquid
1/2 cup common white flour
1 1/2 cup warm water
100ml Chaparral extract or 100gm of powdered Chaparral (Larrea mexicana)
Pre-mix all but the water, thoroughly, before adding to the water. Using a stainless steel double boiler. Put in water, then stir in the other ingredients. Stir in well using a wooden spoon. Cook for thirty minutes over boiling water, stirring constantly. Application is much the same as cansema. Apply a thin layer (2-3mm) of the paste over the affected area and cover for 24 hours. Then remove the covering but do not disturb the lesion at all, do not attempt to pull the cancer out at any time, it should fall out in 10 days or so. Some people with sensitive skin put Vaseline or antibiotic ointment around the cancer so that the paste does not irritate the skin.
(Jarrow, UK)
To Char from Jarow: Hello Char, thought I'd warn you that you could get a lot of people to debate the issue with you. I agree with you that warts are not cancer, but are caused by a virus. The old folks used to tell us kids that frogs cause the warts. Later the general concensus seemed to change to state that the warts were caused by a virus, but the frogs harbored the virus. But the reason you could get into a heated debate on this issue is, that many cancers today are thought to follow having a viral infection. That said, I also will state that I have no doubt that black salve (bloodroot salve) will remove warts since it did such a fine job of removing actinic kertatosis on my back which is currently thought to be caused by too much sun exposure and a precursor to skin cancer. However, should I get any more warts, I will try the inner lining of the banana peel that EC sharers say works so well. It is much cheaper than black salve. However if the FDA succeeds in passing their little sneaky law that they tried to push through without anyone knowing about it, the CODEX law which would make all vitamins, minerals, herbals and supplements drugs and under the control of FDA and AMA and doctors which would put them out of reach without a prescription and a trip to the doctor for that prescription and that would mean $5-$l00 dollars to the doctor and probably that much or more for the newly declared drug that you wanted. Go to Mike Adams site Natural News to read more about this - also to Natural Sources or Health Freedom sites. Dr. Laibow has some interesting comments about CODEX!! This is the 3rd attempt that I can recall for the AMA trying to gain control over these things, which tells me that if they didn't work so well and so much safer than big Pharm's dangerous, expensive drugs, they wouldn't be trying so hard. They don't like losing money because you now have a choice. That may change very shortly unless more users join the battle against the FDA's action.
Castor Oil
I had previously tried ACV which did the trick rather quickly but kept returning. The last few times it did very little, I suppose the wart was becoming immune to the ACV.
The wart is almost completely gone, it has been about two weeks since I first started rubbing castor oil.
Castor Oil
Needless to say, back on the subject of warts, here is a great web site I found for warts as well, rather surprising but castor oil is another good method.
Castor Oil
I agree, Castor oil removed a wart from my sisters neck... It was a stubborn one and she tried lots of things to get rid of it. Only the Castor oil worked, without leaving a scar behind.
Castor Oil
(Somewheresville, Ca)
This worked for me as well! Happy to say that too. I never saw a wart completley dry up and fall off, more like I saw it just slowly dissappear into nothing. I didn't hear about the castor oil and baking soda until after I had been doing my current regimen. But I would give that a try too. I used straight, cold-pressed, castor oil, rubbed it into the wart (I was pretty liberal with it because it is also good for the skin) then sealed it with a coat of clear nail polish. I did this morning and night (taking off old nail polish by gently filing before each application). I started to see a change within a week. Just had to share!
Castor Oil
(Ashtabula, Ohio, Usa)
Castor oil and baking soda worked on a wart I had had for 10 yrs!
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
I think I heard this cure here... Definitely works. I have now treated on different people in the family: one wart on nose, one between toes, one of the cheek (which may have been a skin tag) and one on the eyelid (which also may have been a skin tag). You have to be patient, though. Twice a day application for several weeks.
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
I keep a mixture which I keep in a pot with a little spoon for warts. It's a really simple mix of castor oil and baking soda made into a paste.
Every night for 3 weeks as you are going to bed cover the wart in the paste and tape over it. In the morning you take off the tape and do nothing.
You leave it to slowly die and fall off on it's own over a few weeks. If it's a nice big established wart and doesn't look like it's dying then repeat the 3 weeks of taping at night.
The mixture effectively suffocates the thing, like a plant without oxygen.
Sometimes I use corn plasters and fill the hole in the middle with the paste, this is for my kids who are a bit wriggly - it keeps the paste in place.
It has never failed me and it's the simplest thing to do. It doesn't hurt either. You just have to be patient. Usually you look one day and it's fallen off without you even realising, because it dies after the treatment has ended.