Duct Tape
My doctor froze the four I showed him, now I have around a dozen! Commercial solvents don't work either.
I'm off to try Apple Cider Vinegar (I have lots, I make it from my own apples), banana skin and voodoo potato treatment (which my family used, decades ago - it can also be done with a slug, if I remember correctly!). Maybe tea-tree oil and vitamin E if I can find them.
I had lots of warts, for years, in my teens but they just went away eventually, so maybe it is about an immune response.
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
I have tried Thuja quite a few times for longer periods of time and it has never helped me at all. Glad it helps other people..... A long time ago me and a friend tried some tea and a cream. He had a lot more than I had, really awful, his disappeared completely, mine didn't change at all!
Duct Tape
Duct Tape
Duct Tape
Duct Tape
Duct Tape
Duct Tape
(Perth, Western Australia, Australia)
Glad it worked for you. You should know that warts are caused by various strains of HPV (human papilloma virus), not a fungus :-)
I'm from Calgary too though! Go Flames!
Duct Tape
Egg Whites
Emu Oil
I recommended Emu Oil Soap and natural Emu Oil for his KP. After a few weeks, he told me that the plantars warts he had between his toes were gone (this is after several cryo (freezing) appointments with his MD. This was from using the soap which washes down the drain and doesn't really stay on the skin in any substantial concentration.
To test his theory, I had my sister-in-law use some Emu Oil on my niece who has suffered from Plantars Warts for several years - gone in two weeks!
Now - I recommend it to everyone with warts.
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt
(Hamilton, Ontario)
electrical tape > duct tape
How to be wart free in less than a week without the need to spend money!
1. Cover the wart with electrical tape
2. If you feel the need, use duct tape over top to secure everything a little bit better.
3. Every 24 hours or so remove the tape and check to see if there is any change. Your goal is to have it to start to turn black.
4. Soak your foot in hot water for about a half hour. This will cause your skin to retain water and become softer.
5. Using a nail clipper or tweasers cut off as much to the wart and the skin surrounding it as possible. You should be able to scrape off enough to make the wart flush with the rest of you skin at this point. This will not hurt other than the slight pain from the wart itself that you would feel regardless.
6. Re-apply the tape
7. Continue the process until your start to notice the wart to turn black. (even if its slightly black in one spot of the wart.) Smaller warts will turn black almost instantly.
8. Once you notice some black discoluration on the wart its time to show that thing whats up. Take your nail clippers or weapon of choice and start cutting away. You will notice that you are able to cut the black portion out with ease. This will allow you enough depth in the skin to cut the rest of the wart away even if it has not discolored yet. Once again this will not hurt at all as it is not healthy skin. (unless you cut too deep where you start to clip healthy tissue but dont let that scare you. You'll be fine)
9. Cover with tape one last time to ensure everything dies.
10. When you are satisfed remove the tape and allow the area to heal.
NOTE: The tape should stay on the wart at all times night and day. The only time the tape comes off is for your periodic checks every 24 hours.
I just did this with my wart which was about the size of a nickle. I just finished cutting it out (Step 8) Just waiting for it to heal now. Hope that helps.
Essential Oils
European Slug Slime
Unfortunately we don't live in Europe anymore but every time I go and visit I rub one all over my hands and fingers.
It works, somehow.
(Sidney, Canada)
I had fasted for a week, two years ago, and found that my health and energy improved significantly. Recently I had to give up work because my eczema flared up after coming off long term steroid treatment. I came off the treatment because my doctor told me to take a bone scan due to the prolonged steroid treatment. The scan revealed I had osteoporosis, worst in my spine at -3.9, which is quite serious. Since coming off the steroids I have been prescribed other medications to help relieve my asthma and eczema but they were very expensive and not as effective as the 'many for pennies' steroids. I remembered my fast of 2 years ago and decided to give it another go. My health improved to the point where my asthma and eczema were virtually gone by day 6 of the fast. But, what I also realised that my three year old verrucas had gone! I had developed at least a dozen on my left foot and 3 on my right foot, possibly from walking barefoot at the swimming-pool. Three visits to the doctor to get them 'frozen' and limping home with blisters, and a couple of weeks of topical applications had failed. They were so bad that I had pain when walking, and they even wore out my woolen slippers and socks prematurely. My fast was: no food for 7 days, and I only drank tap-water and diluted apple juice. I have an appointment to see an allergist but there is a 3 month waiting list. Please, before fasting check with your doctor to see that it would be safe for you, and learn how to fast, and break your fast properly. Good luck. Martin (Sidney, BC, Canada).