Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

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Hydrogen Peroxide

11 User Reviews
5 star (11) 

Posted by Ben (Portland, OR) on 01/25/2007

Great site here. It reminded me of the "accidental" cure I gave myself using H202. I had warts on the bottom of my right foot for months. The doctor would freeze them off and I was given cream. They would always come back. One day in the bathroom I was looking at them and said, "what the heck!". I poured H202 (the 3% drug store variety) over my foot. I didnt wash the peroxide off - I left it dry on. The next morning they were gone and never returned. That was 6 years ago

Replied by Janelle
(Pierre, South Dakota)

I went to the dr. for a lump on the top of my head. It started out as a pimple and ended up about the size of a quarter and was continuing to grow. The dr. told me to come back and she was going to cut it off. I didn't want this to happen so I had a week to work something out. I went to this site and found the Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda paste method and thought I would try it. I put it on my head morning, noon and night. After about three days it started to burn so I would just put it on at night. I went back to the dr. a week later and she told me to keep doing what I was doing and about a week later the thing is totally gone. I also have some skin tags and they work great for them also.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Apple Cider Vinegar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cliff (Houston, Texas) on 12/14/2008

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide H2O2 , placed directly on the wart and covered with apple cider vinegar(ACV), after the wart falls off. This will prevent the wart from ever coming back again. The only side effect is a little stinging sensation immediately after applying the peroxide directly on the wart. The sting last for about 60 second or so. The wart dies after 24 hours. Remember to apply apple cider vinegar after the sting subsides.

Replied by Greg
(Buffalo, Ny, Usa)

Hi all! My first post, what a blessing Earth Clinic is to all of us! Thank you very much E.C.!!

Anyway, I'm guessing that due to pumping out excess toxins using methods on this website, a bunch of warts have been poppin out. I've been applying A.C.V, and 3% F.G. H202 with great sucess! My method might seem crude, but I normally pick at the affected area for a little bit, then after the skins opens, I take a cue tip with ACV and H202 and apply vigerously. It stings some, but I then cover it up with a band-aid or duct tape, whatever to cut off the oxygen supply to the wart. My uncle who I lived with was using a much harsher method given the doctors and it took his twice as long with really scarey looking hole from the chemicals he was given. He sees I'm kinda crazy with all this stuff, but hey, I feel great and know that I'm doing what is nessisary in this toxic world we live in. God bless, Now go get em!

Replied by Kingq

A big YEA for this remedy. Worked great on a persistent wart on my thumb. During the day I would soak a small piece of cotton with ACV and tape it to the wart with duct tape. At night I would do the same with a diluted 35% H2O2 solution (diluted down to 7.5%). There was some stinging and pain at times but nothing that was unbearable. After 7 days the wart was completely gone.

Immune System Response

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Andrew (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 01/02/2012

I contracted three irritating warts on one hand which thwarted my various attempts to deal with them. After a discussion with a doctor who mentioned sometimes the immune system recognizes them and they simply disappear, I began to consider how to achieve this if possible. I was very blessed in that in my first attempt I was completely successful. I decided to leave two of the warts completely alone and concentrate my efforts on one wart to better discover if my immune system was responding. My goal was to draw the attention of my immune system to the area surrounding the wart.

My method was to simply pinch the skin firmly on either side of the wart and hold for four minutes. Then perpendicular to the first pinch to repeat again. The goal was to cut off the blood supply to the affected tissue without damaging the surface of the skin, avoiding a potential point of infection. I expected the tissue around the wart to be recognized as unhealthy tissue by my system and to be repaired as normal tissue is. I hoped the wart virus would be considerably weakened or killed in the process and be recognized by my immune system.

Amazingly, it was and the results were apparent within just a few days as I witnessed a significant reduction in the size of the wart, I was astonished when the other two warts began on their own to respond as well though I had never touched them. All warts were completely reabsorbed within a short period and there was no scarring. Now almost 11 years later I can report I have never had another wart. It was simple, virtually painless and effective and took 8 minutes in total. I expect most healthy people would respond in the same way.


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/05/2016

Yay for iodine for warts. The bump I had on my hand that looked like the other one that turned into a wart is nearly gone. Instead of making the mistake of scratching it, which is what caused the other bump to become a wart, I instead put a drop of Lugol's 2% on it and let it soak in. There was a dark spot from the iodine for a few days. After a week or so I put another drop on. The bump scabbed over and is gradually flattening out. It's nearly gone, it's been about two weeks. Thanks, God! And EarthClinic :)

Replied by Anonymous

I concur on the Lugol's Iodine. I have 5% and used it on multiple warts on my daughter's foot. After a couple of treatments (7-10 days apart), they are sloughing off and disappearing. The trick for us was to scrape the skin on the top and hold the foot in a position where the drop could be allowed to "sit" on top of the wart surface to absorb into the skin as much as possible. I used this on my thumb as well. Very happy with this!

Posted by Myway (Wilmington, DE) on 11/30/2014

I had a wart on my arm that was pretty persistent. It would go away with a couple of months of ACV but would come back in another month. I decided to dab iodine tincture on it 2-3 times a week for about 2 months. That tiny dab did the trick. It's been about 6 months and it hasn't come back. The skin is clear and healed over.

Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 10/21/2014

To get rid of a wart without too much hassle, simply purchase iodine tincture from a pharmacy and dab the wart with a drop of iodine daily. In no time, the wart will be flat and gone permanently. I do feel this is more effective then most other methods because Iodine "kills" the virus so, it does not come back. This method works great on skin tags too.

Posted by Sheila (Cork, Ireland) on 10/05/2011

I suffered from a large plantar wart beneath my heel when I was in Brazil. I dabbed iodine on every night. After a couple of weeks, I pulled out the whole thing, roots too!

Posted by Janice (Red Hook, NY) on 12/13/2007

Just a note after reading send in other cures re iodine. When I was a teenager I developed warts; I never consulted anyone but started putting just a drop of iodine on the warts every day. After about 3 months (maybe less - that was 40 years ago) they turned black and fell off. I've never had another wart. (I've never had a boil either, and hope I never do, but my partner has been bothered by them for several weeks. We're trying several of the remedies on your website. Thanks! It's a great site.

Jade Plant

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Karen (Santa Barbara) on 12/03/2007

My 8 year old daughter had a total of 17 warts of varying sizes covering her hands. Our family physician told us about a retired dermatologist acquaintance who swore by this method to remove warts. Slice the leaf from a jade plant so that the juicy succulent part is exposed. Tape or bandage it to the wart (we put it on the first wart that appeared, which was now the biggest, and had combined with one or two more warts to create this huge wart along the side of one thumb, which we called the "mother wart"). We taped the leaf on that wart only, at bedtime, for about 3 nights, and then kind of got busy, forgot, and stopped doing it. During the next week, while washing her hands, ALL of her warts had simply died and started falling off - with no sign whatsoever that any of the warts had ever existed. I've told several friends who tried it with the same results. The strange thing is that we treated only the "mother wart" - and all of them fell off at the same time. Amazing!


Posted by Maskeen (Dubai, Uae) on 01/02/2011

My son had what we thought to be a callus on the sole of his foot. The doctor said it was a plantar wart and that there was no definite cure apart from expensive laser treatment. The internet recommended putting duct tape over it or salicylic acid. Nothing worked. An african friend said to try jaggery. Warm the jaggery in a spoon over heat and apply while warm to the wart when going to bed. Cover with gauze held in place with micropore tape. Remove in the morning. Do this for about 4 months, sometimes more sometimes less. My son's fell of after 4 months and left an impression which disappeared after a week.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Judy (Denver, CO) on 06/13/2009

Seed warts on hands...

Just read about banana peels getting rid of warts. I have a cleaner remedy for seed warts on the hands. I started getting these seed (tiny) warts when I was 15. I tried a few OTC remedies that didn't work. By the time I was 45 all the first three (largest)knuckles on both hands were covered by one big wart. One bled sometimes. I finallly talked to my doctor about them and he said to wait until he got his lazer because they were too deep. In the meantime, I attended a seminar put on by a master herbalist and someone in the audience asked what to do about seed warts. She said to take the inside of a lemon rind and rub them each night and in less than a week they'd be gone. I tried it on my left hand first and to my amazement, they started to fade with the first application. After five nights they were gone and and skin was as normal as if I'd never hand them. Then, because I've read that sometimes they go away on their own, I tried the right hand, one finger at a time and the same thing happened. One by one, the warts went away as I did each finger, and they've never returned. And I lived with those ugly things for 30 years and lemon rind got rid of them in no time. I don't know if it works on any other type of wart.

Replied by Rebecca
(Fresno, Ca)

What exactly do you mean by the "inside of the lemon rind"? How long was it in contact with the warts? Did the warts stay gone? Thanks.

Posted by Juanita (massena, USA) on 07/29/2008

Lemon oil worked wonders for plantar warts!

Lugol's Iodine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Teena (Australia) on 03/06/2019 233 posts

Editor's Choice

Lugols iodine for wart:

My son over a long period slowly developed a wart. At first it was a hard bump, but skin colored, and not really bothersome, so I didn't know what it was. Eventually it turned very hard and brown, so diagnosis. Read through all warts postings, gave two zinc from food capsules, pinched the flesh from either side of the wart, these actions both boost immune system and show where the fight is needed. On two occasions about a day apart I had him sit awkwardly so I could put drops of iodine to saturate and allow them to soak in before moving. About 10 mins then dry enough to move.

Wart fell out cleanly a couple days after second treatment.


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Lewis (Australia) on 06/04/2018

Matches, or a heated nail is a great treatment for warts. About as painful as freezing but works better! 10 seconds of sharp pain and the wart is gone, better than three times daily application of acids or other treatments that may or not work. Causes a localised blister that seperates the wart and surrounding flesh from the lower layers. 100% success rate if you can stop it from returning! I've used it several of mine and works great! Only struggles on the soles of my feet where the skin seems to be too thick. Might need more heat but candles with nails and matches might not get all the way through!

Posted by Sara (Texas, US) on 06/11/2014

Hi, Just wanted to say matches worked for my son who had warts on his hand which were spreading all over his hand. We had applied the prescription the Doctor had prescribed which was salicylic acid 80% paste at night and then in the morning used razor blade to take the top of them off. They were like seed warts. Well it wasn't getting rid of them. Just really made the skin soft so that we could razor the top layer off. One area had like a whole bunch of warts with like seeds under skin that was razored off. Well, what happened was, it would not stop bleeding in that area after taking of the top layer of warts off. We used the stick matches and lit them and blew them out and then put them on the bleeding area which stopped the bleeding. We had to use several of them. We did this just one time, but were very surprised because in about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks they were gone. What happened was amazing. The other warts on his hand which we DID NOT put the match tip on disappeared too. It was almost like, the area that was the worst that had like a cluster of warts was the mother wart area and when it was killed, the others disappeared too. The big area we did this to was on the palm of his hand (the area between his thumb and finger.) He also was taking Vitamin C , 1000mg daily for immune system. But I know it was the stick matches that made them disappear.
