Olive Leaf
Does anyone have experience with taking olive leaf oil?
(Geelong, Victoria, Australia)
Olive Leaf
Regarding warts. My daughter had a couple when she was very young. We went to a couple of dermatologists who used the usual treatments that hurt her and did not work. I looked for a natural remedy on-line. I found an onion remedy that works everytime.
Take a small bit of onion (about the size of the wart)
crush it and place it on the wart
use tape or a bandaid to keep it on for about 24 hrs.
when you take it off, you will see that the onion actually eats through the wart and burns it off.
NOTE: only put enough onion on to cover wart or your healthy skin can get hurt.
Good luck to all
You will get a scab and when it heals the wart should be gone.
Orange Peel in White Vinegar
Oregano Oil
I used Oregano Oil dabbed on a cotton swab and they were killed and never returned after two weeks.
Warning....Oregano Oil is a hot oil to the skin and can burn the skin if too much is applied or rubbed on skin. Only use directly on the wart with a q-tip. It works! Use twice a day for a week or two. Hers went away after two weeks and did not return. It worked for us and she has been free of them for 2 years.
Good luck.
Remember Oregano Oil can be hot once on the skin or burn the skin. Do not rub on skin. Only use a Q-Tip!! The frozen method the doctor used actually was more painful our daughter mentioned and what we witnessed then the slight sting on the area from the oil. It must kill the fungus at the root of the wart. They just fell off about two weeks later and haven't returned.
Look it up as it has other uses as well. I believe it is an anti-fungal.
Oregano Oil
~Mama to Many~
Oregano Oil
After years of not wearing sandals and really wanting to, I decided to really look into what to use. I tried the "fast acting gel" for weeks, and it shrunk slightly, but not anything really drastic. I was looking on amazon at essential oils, and came across Oregano oil. several reviews said that it was the best thing to use for warts, it's an all natural antibiotic, and kills the virus quickly. I ordered some, and gave it a shot.
Now, several people will say that you need to dilute it because it will burn you. I never had this happen to me, so, I can't testify if that's correct or not. I took pieces of cotton balls, torn up into roughly about the same size as my warts, and put a generous amount of the oregano oil - straight, no dilution - on the cotton ball, placed it on my wart and covered it with a band-aid. this worked, but I thought, "why not try it with duct tape?" when I did use the Apple Cider Vinegar for the warts, I noticed the most effect when I had the duct tape on it, because it suffocated it, and made it to where the only contact it had was the vinegar, or ointment you were putting on it, and it makes it really soak in and generally makes it work faster and kill it. so, I did that, and it really sped up the process. within 1 week, the wart was already skin level. I was totally amazed, and even more so: it didn't hurt! I was sold.
What I Did:
Whenever I would get home for the night, I would take my shoes/socks off, and I would tear my cotton ball piece and get my oregano oil and put it on there and duct tape it to my foot overnight. the longer you can keep this stuff on there, the better. but you may need to change it every so often. I found that I didn't need to do that. I just left it on overnight. in the morning, i'd take it off, and shower. Now, when you've worn the oil on your foot overnight, it really soaks into the wart, but it doesn't make it swell up like vinegar does. if you take a shower right after you take it off, your wart will swell up with the water, and it will hurt. mine hurt quite a bit. to where I would take it off a few hours before I had to get into the shower, so it wouldn't hurt so much, but that's up to you. then I wouldn't wear anything throughout the day, just let it dry up a little. then, when I would get home for the night, I would get my foot file out and file it down as much as I could. I would file it until it hurt, or it seemed I was getting no where. then I would put my treatment on, and rerun the cycle.
I would stop treatment for a few weeks if I was really busy or if I was too tired to do my ritual before bed, and it didn't seem to grow back or anything, just kind of waited for me to start back up. I was worried how I was going to get the wart out of under the surface of my skin. I had read on here about how after your wart is gone it's nice pink skin underneath, and that sometimes you'd have a crater. maybe it was because the wart was on my heel where there wasn't much flesh or meat behind it, but when I used the treatment, it seemed to pull the wart out of the skin, like it just came to the surface, and when I would file it, it was filing it away for good. I was concerned it would try to spread under my skin or something, but it didn't. once I saw that the edges were shrinking, that it was getting smaller width wise as well and height, I really attacked it, and wore the treatment every single night without fail. soon after, it was gone. my skin was really red like a burn underneath the wart, but it didn't hurt.
I did have one wart on the inside of my foot that I had tried several treatments on first since it was easier for me to see how it was reacting, and it was also in a meatier place on my foot. it would get this hard covering and I could peel it up, but when I would start to peel it up, the whole wart wanted to come out, but instead of coming out cleanly, it wanted to rip away (sorry if it's too much information) from the healthy skin. nothing else was working and filing didn't really do anything, so I got brave one day and had a sterilized pair of nail clippers and just clipped it out. it bled a little bit, but since it's healed, it's all better.
I can wear sandals again, and it's wonderful.
The bottle that I got was 1/3 fl oz. and it was around $8 online, and it took a bottle and a little bit of the other. This was for the large wart, and the cluster on the outside of my foot. I still have 95% of the second bottle, so a little goes a long way! Try diluting it first and see if that helps, but for me, I used it undiluted. this stuff is a life saver!
Oregano Oil
Parasite Cleanse
Petty Spurge (Euphorbia Peplus)
Anyway, I did a little herbal research of my own. Now it's hard to convince a young woman (which she is) that the use of a weed from the garden will eradicate warts, when we had used so many rememdies and medical procedures that had failed. Anyway, the weed from the garden is called Petty spurge (or botanical name Euphorbia Peplus) It is quite widespread here in southern Australia in gardens. It likes damp cool conditions. It is a low growing weed. It is also called Radium weed and can be used similarly for little skin cancers and sun spots. Anyway, when you break the stem of the plant it oozes out a white milky sap, which contains a number of alkaloids.
BIG Warning do not use this plant near your eyes.... It can cause blindness. Likewise do not eat it... Otherwise you'll find out why it's called SSSS... Purge! Anyway rub the sap on the warts and cover them with a bandaid-so you don't touch it and then rub it in your eyes. Do this for a few days and you will see results in a short time. Try not to get it on the good skin around the warts if you can. If the good skin becomes red or sore, discontinue for a few days until the skin heals up again.
For my daughter, it took a couple of weeks to (finally!! ) remove the big warts. We are still doing mop up operations on a couple of little ones which we had ignored while doing the bigger ones, but they too are responding to the weed! There are pictures of the weed on the net, so that you can make sure you find the right one. You can also use a herb (weed in some places) called Greater Celandine, which also has a sap that can be put on the warts. Anyway, good luck to all.
Pickling Vinegar
Pin Prick Method
Last several times I got a plantar wart, I tried a new revolutionary method that just came to me. I know that getting rid of warts in large part is an immune system thing. I figured if I could get my immune system to recognize it it would take care of itself.
So I sterilized a pin and poked myself deep past the wart layer till I could feel some pain. This told me I had reached under the wart. I did this a few more times spaced out over a period of some days. Within a relatively short period of time my wart went away.
Plantar warts can be hard to see accounting for their location, but you can tell they are there as when they get bad enough they start to hurt your foot when you walk. I'm happy to report I'm now pain free. :0)
Potassium, Zinc, or Vitamin D
Based on those ratings it is interesting to note that both contain considerable amounts of potassium and lesser amounts of zinc. Both zinc and potassium have studies to show that they are both effective for topical application to warts. In fact On the EC list for warts, if you scroll toward the bottom of the list, you will see zinc listed as a remedy.
Another study proven effective wart destroyer is vitamin D, but it is not listed on EC's list of wart removers and I can understand why. Most people start taking vitamin D for healthful benefits, but understand that those benefits are not likely to be visible and few people take vitamin D for the sole purpose of destroying a wart and consequently if you start taking vitamin D for health benefits and weeks later you realize that a long term wart is just gone, you may not draw a connection between the two events. Vitamin D should also be on EC's list of wart destroyers and it should now be clear that vitamin D may be adjunctive to all of the other wart treatments like zinc and potassium.
One of the mentioned drawbacks to the number one recommended wart remedy on EC, ACV, is that it can burn and generally be irritating. Perhaps this can be avoided by taking vitamin D, Zinc and Potassium orally. In this way you are likely to get rid of the wart plus gain benefit internally from these three supplements as well as prevent the return of the wart or warts. Perhaps even add in the a topical zinc ointment directly to the wart to speed the process up. This method is likely to be very useful for people who tend to get warts frequently!
I did not include any study links to keep this a bit shorter, but there are many studies to confirm the above.
(New Hork)
Hi Art,
Warts. I had a fairly large plantar wart on foot. I soaked with ACV everyday, but also used Cimetidine also known as Tagamet everyday twice a day.
The Tagamet did help remove the wart but guess what, it's also an immune booster! When everyone else got the ful, I did not get while on the cimetidine.
I found out about the immune boosting benefits on Life Extension. Cimetidine does work if you feel like you're getting sick from cold or flu, but you need to take on onset.
Not recommended as a daily viral preventative.
Hi Missm,
Thank you for the tip on getting rid of warts!
You didn't say, but are you adding the Tagamet to the soak or taking it orally and how much are you using?
I agree with you, probably not good as a long term antiviral.