The other two wart were at my index finger and needed weeks to vanish completely. Finally it left no scar at all.
The bad thing is that I've used thuja for big moles for months and they it didn't succeed. Just withered a little.
(Thessaloniki, Greece)
(Thessaloniki, Greece)
Finally it was my mistake that I didn't succeed with thuja at moles. I didn't put cotton and tape over it so the essential oil of thuja just evaporated without cotton.
In about 10 days, my mole of about a big corn kernel, has withered completely.
Thuja for Warts.
Anchor Note: Thuja is a genus of coniferous tree or shrub in the Cupressaceae (cypress family). They are widely grown as ornamental trees. In the 19th century, Thuja was commonly used as an externally applied tincture or ointment for the treatment of warts, ringworm and thrush, and a local injection of the tincture was used for treating venereal warts.
The Spatula, Volume 23, p. 168. 1916
Make a strong tincture from the leaves and shoots of Thuja Occidentalis nat ord Coniferæ, using 90% alcohol as a menstrum, in the proportion of 1:10. The resulting tincture is painted on the wart frequently.
(Zug, Switzerland)
Interesting post Joseph. Here in Europe Thuja is often prescribed to patients with warts. It has never worked for me though but I am talking about homeopathy so I suppose there are no gases in it anymore! I think that there is also tincture but as I haven't used it for a number of years I don't know anymore! I do have cedar essential oil, would that work for my last very flat little wart on one of my little fingers? I had the others frozen by the dermatologist, I got fed up of trying all kinds of treatments that never seemed to work! I suppose that it is not the same oil as cedar oil is used in aromatherapy!
I did it and after about two weeks the warts disappeared completely. Thuja oil can be bought at a health food store or online. There were a few times that I applied the thuja oil directly without the paste. It killed the virus and the warts went away. This was six months ago and my feet are fine,fine, fine!
(Houston, Texas)
This was a waste of money for me! I tried everything, and finally read online how crushing an asprin and adding a little water to it making a paste would kill the wart I tried it and it worked!!! Cover it in the paste (300 mg of asprin) then cover with an bandaide for 12 hours, do this for a week or two and the wart will start to change! Good Luck!
Tomato Juice
I have had plantars warts on the bottom of my feet for close to 15 yrs now... 4 of those years they were nothing more than an irritating itch that i could put up with without much of a headache.. then i started to scuba dive and i found my feet burning inside my fins and progressivly got more irritating.. my guess is the salt water and depth combination had a hand in that. so after a year i moved off the island i was living on and moved back to the city... i think i should remark that i never had much knowledge about warts.. always had perfect skin even as a teen.. went to the doctor 5 times to remove 5 warts... using the usual freezing,burning,cutting and combinations of all of the above with the horrible result of the warts growing back much bigger after each operation.. the doctors said that the root wasnt cut out so the warts would just return... (should have told me before he took my money i think).. tried the duofilm and urine cream... just burned holes in my feet making me so sensitive that i walked on the left side of my foot... causing my bone on the outerside of my foot to change shape to the point of being able to bear my weight on the bone instead of using the ball of my a clear act of despiration after stopping the duofilm (used it a year without positve results) i contemplated drilling a hold into my foot.. filling it with super glue and yanking it out of my foot.. i know i know.. crazy... but pain 24/7 for so long made me alittle desperate to be free of it... i had looked on the internet numerous times but never came across ACV before.. this is about 2 weeks ago.. ive been using acv full strength everyday now for 7 days.. the first day i just stuck my whole foot into a plastic shoe box with my heal elevated by a small plastice box inside.. the burning came after the first 20 min. but desperate to remove this virus from my foot i left it in for 90 min.. then washed it off with clear water and applied a small piece of duct tape with a piece of cotten in the middle soaked in acv.the following morning the area looked like it had swollen 2 times the size.. so i used a razor blade to trip off what i thought to be dead skin.. finally trimmed across the vein or hole that the virus i guess is using to breath and bled for 30 min..i have been applying the tape,cotton and acv coninuously now for 7 days.. also drinking Ted's recipe for acv.. the reults have been excellent so far.. although the pain for the past 7 days has prevented me from much getting sleep. the wart is black/red now and i think dieing.. i hope. if it works.. ill be jogging often.. thanks very much for the information shared here by all... i think if this didnt work i would have tried the super glue.. OUCHHH.. ill post again when my feet are clear...
The one drawback to turmeric is take too much and it will dehydrate you. If you need to take more of it, drink more fluids.
I do offer the following cautions: NEVER take curcumin on an empty stomach. It is best taken with plenty of healthy fats, and BE CAREFUL TAKING CURCUMIN IF YOU TAKE PRESCRIPTION BLOOD THINNERS... But this works!!!
With the previous methods I tried, the wart would only get very small but not go away!
I think I first got this plantar wart on my foot during my travels in India. I never knew what it was because it was totally flat, less than 2 mm across and looked more like a divot or a flake of dry skin than what I usually think of as a wart.
It wasn't until my boyfriend asked me about it that I went and purchased an over the counter remedy. I bought a "wart stick" which is basically like a chapstick with salicylic acid in it. The wart came out from hiding and then I knew what it was! It got bigger and I felt it was no where near strong enough to remove a wart which had potentially been there 8 years without my knowing it.
Thats is when I found this website and tried several of the natural remedies. I didn't want to go to a doctor or have it freezed or cut off. I had read that sometimes these methods only cause more warts to come out!
I tried Banana Peel, and my foot really hurt! And it didn't seem to be getting any better. (Now I think it had similar effect as turmeric - but it was tough for me to keep fresh peel around). I tried ACV but it was too stinky and my boyfriend hated it). I also tried a few others but no luck. I tried to go to a clinic but they only recommended drugstore remedies.
Thats when I thought I would give the stronger over the counter medicine a try. I bought several brands of salicylic acid in a brush on jar, a bandaid with medication, the little stickers and the at home freezing kits! I used these for a year and a half! Always thinking somehow I was getting close. With extreme diligence its size would go down but the qualities of it would not change. It was always white. It would never scab or come to the surface.
I must have spent way over $200 on these meds, but they only prolonged my battle. In the mean time I couldn't get mani-pedis or feel great with my shoes off! I tried using exfoliating pumice stones and beach sand, toothpicks and razor blades to get the wart out! DO NOT DO THIS! It will spread little bits of the virus all over the shower or bathroom or whatever place you are working in!
All of my fussing with the wart on my foot ended up cause a new wart on my hand this time! I immediately tried the over the counter salicylic glue bottle but it got bigger and bigger - until I had it on my hand for one month! I was starting to feel very desperate and sought out a podiatrist. I got a price quote for a deep cryogenic treatment started saving the $150, but I felt conflicted because of the one on my hand!
I do NOT recommend any of the traditional western medical treatments! Plantar warts are deep and you cant go in to get the wart (it seems)! You have to make the wart come out and kill it from the root or internally. It will naturally die and be expelled by new layers of skin if you use what I eventually used!
FRESH TURMERIC ROOT was my savior! I found it at a local Asian Grocery. It looks exactly like a ginger root only a little smaller and very yellow/orange.
I sliced the root and used a bandaid to stick it to my foot and hand. I would push on the area to make the juices come out and to stimulate the area into sending my natural immune defences out.
I also made a daily tea drink of Grated Turmeric Root, Ginger, and Dried Hibiscus Flowers. These are all great for the immune system and the Hibiscus has a ton of Vitamin C!
I really think the tropical nature of these plants helped out with the tropical nature of my wart!
I think that Banana Peel might work the same way, but I felt like all the bananas with black chunks of peel missing were messy. Also Salicylic Acid may work somehow, but the over the counter dosages are very small. I consider Salicylic Acid to be a natural remedy because it comes from willow bark. Maybe if you went to a live willow tree and stripped a piece of bark it would be more potent.
I love the fresh Turmeric Root because it is a lot less messy then the powder and probably 20X more potent because you can keep it alive unwrapped in the refrigerator!
At first my warts got big and like little mushroom clouds at their maximum diameter about 5 or 6 mm. But NOW they were really at the surface and their size diminished as I gently scraped the dead skin off with a toothpick. Within the first week they were down to about 2 mm in size with the area around all being replaced by new pink skin!
They hurt for that first week, but now I am at the end of my second week and they look great. The skin is completely flat, the warts have scabbed up (red color- not white! ) and the scabs have fallen off. I see new skin underneath and it just seems a little dry and yellow - because of the root.
I feel extremely confident that this is my final cure! I am going to continue to treat for one more week just to be sure. But a 3 week treatment surely beats 2 years of constant applications and worry with the over the counter medications!
I am so RELIEVED! I hope you try this method. Fresh turmeric root is easy to find in Asian or Indian Groceries. Dry root can also be found - I would rehydrate it before using so that the turmeric can really seep into the skin. The power must be of some use as well and I have heard of making a paste. I'm sure it can be used if that is your last resort, but the whole root makes a nice little slice that will easily stay under a bandage!
GOOD LUCK! I hope to hear more success stories using FRESH TURMERIC ROOT! Whatever you do don't give up! Find a natural remedy that works or keep trying new ones till you find one that works for you! Cheers!
(Flowery Branch, Ga)
Hi Monika, I'm excited to read your post. I've had a wart on my foot for YEARS.. Been to 3 foot docs and now I'm going to a dermatologist. My last visit was Friday and I'm sure in some way this thing is laughing at me and saying 'are you serious' as today there is no sign of the 'freezing' the doc performed. I told her to freeze the hello out of it.. she did and today its like I never went.
So, yes, I'm quite interested about your treatment and this tea you are making. Would you mind posting your recipe for the tea?
Thanks a million and here's to hopefully happy feet here soon! Best wishes...Addy
(Canandaigua , Ny)
monica, can't private message you it looks like, on this forum. if you see this please post the tea recipe as a reply to this thread, tho I will google it tho. thanks
(Greater London, Uk)
Dear Reggina, I have the same problem as you had, that is warts around the neck and face. When did you start seeing change? Basically how long did you apply the urine for? Thanks a bunch, well and truly appreciated.
Vapor Rub